Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1521: Bu Tian Li Lei, the king of assassins, chooses the Lord on behalf of the sky, and furi

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When Li Bai sparked all the way with lightning to block the way, the little fairy suddenly grinned, and the action came to an abrupt end, and he and Hersby were thrown to the side of the road to the greatest extent, freed from the interference, and laughed without guilt.

"People just want to give it a try, can you help bring this thing out? The result, it really is not enough. Even you can't hide, let alone the monk. Li Gongzi, you still think of a way, I Come and break for you. "

Said, Wei Lao took out the demon double cut, the expression was innocent and pure, as if there was no malicious in his heart, it was purely a curiosity attempt out of good intentions, and he couldn't help but skinned. Even when facing Li Bai's questioning eyes, he still bought a malicious and unspoken mane, and even spit out his little tongue to pretend to be innocent, which made Bai Qinger, who was just after him, catch up with a slap: a bitch!

"That's really a thank you girl."

Li Bai didn't believe the devil's gossip, and blew a loud whistle against the sky. Soon a big bird fell from the sky and swooped down on the ground.

"Wow, that's amazing!" Wu Wei exclaimed, but his mind changed drastically, and the secret passage was miscalculated.

At this time, Bai Qinger, who turned his elbow out, also reminded him to betray him: "Xiang Gong, don't believe her. Sister just quietly sent a signal to notify the master."

The big demon suddenly wept, and looked at Li Bai aggrievedly, then turned to look at the little demon, with a bit of fierceness and intimidation in her eyes, and then said with her eyes: Shimei, you really betrayed Shimen! It's good for you.

Li Bai ignored the fight between the two. He had long known that 'He's Bi' would be exposed. Therefore, while constantly changing the old nest, he also made a plan of 'the nest was destroyed and the stolen goods were transferred'. It is still a safe and fast 'Sky Express' Too.

However ... the same move is not possible for the Holy Light Fighter of Buddhism!

The last time Ning Daoqi was dragged, he missed the opportunity and watched the big bird flying over the head and could not intercept it. This time the Emperor Heart Venerable was completely liberated, showing the complete body of the 'Grandmaster' and striving for the three supernovas. There is still power to beat. This is also related to the fact that a new batch of ‘supernovas’ have not yet been upgraded and strengthened in the Temple of War.

The wonder of the Temple of War has long been recognized as a secret in rivers and lakes.

It is included in the final item of "Twelve Panic", because all the people who enter it will inevitably increase their strength by a large level after coming out. In the history, the powerful "broken void" has entered the Temple of War without exception. So the rumors contained a shocking insider!

It is said to be a ‘secret’ because all the people who come out lose the relevant memories without exception. Regardless of the realm, the memory stays before entering the temple, and there is a lot of knowledge in the brain that I did not have. The strength is also exaggerated and expanded, but I can't say why.

Therefore, Venerable Emperor Xin knew very well that once these newcomers entered the ‘Temple of War’ after half a year, he would never be suppressed as easily as he is now. On the contrary, he might be beaten and beaten. (Before entering the Temple of War, it is the level of the first half of the great channel; once it comes out, it is the strong man who enters the new world!)

After thinking about the last appearance of the Temple of War, the evil king's strength exploded instantly, and even the four of them could not suppress it. At the same time that the mind and the mind were flying, the Divine Soul of the Emperor's Heart covered the square. Although he did not show the ability to fly in the air, he mobilized the power of the celestial phenomena and condensed a 'withering big hand' in the air.

I saw that the big hand that appeared out of thin air was gripped fiercely, and at one fell swoop the big bird that was preparing for the eagle to hit the sky, and only heard a cry of screaming blood, which suddenly turned into a cloud of blood mist and countless falling feathers.

"Amitabha, sin, sin!"

The master intercepted the heartfelt but lacked avatar, and could only mobilize the power of the sky. And this kind of mana that dominates the rules of heaven and earth is already at the level of land gods. How can the flat furry be able to resist? Therefore, the spiral ascension exploded in place, and He's Bi also fell straight, sinking deep into the soil and smashing a big pit.

"Li Gongzi, your bird has been squeezed!" After watching the scene, Wei Lao said 0A0 and covered her mouth. But how can the taste of misfortune be concealed.

Li Bai's mouth twitched: "Shut up, I saw it."

He knew that the Grand Master was very strong, and he could do nothing but even interfere with the forces of heaven and earth. The Grand Master went to the extreme, involving half a step of breaking, and even the river diversion, and one person into an army and one person to destroy the city, comparable to the human devil. But where did he think of the imperial heart that had no time to live, and even the eagle flying in the sky could be detonated, this is clearly the realm of ‘flesh into RPG’!

(The Emperor ’s heart smiled: Yes, the old monk has already certified the Buddha ’s ‘RPG Anti-Tan Arhat Hanguo’ certificate! Taking one step further is to obtain the ‘Nanwu M61A1 Air Cannon Bodhisattva’ qualification certificate!)

"What now?" Bai Qinger worried.

"What else can I do?" Li Bai sneered. "Buddha came prepared, and keeping He's Bi has become an extravagant hope. Retreating from the whole body is the greatest victory. Since he wants to prolong his time, then the longer he stays, the more dangerous he is. Will he? "

A quick analysis in Li Bai's mind, the key to breaking the game lies in the 'He Shibi'. This is the primary goal of Buddhism. Simply throwing it away from the disaster can greatly reduce the pressure. In addition, it has been exposed here, and the automatic Annunciation function of Hersbit will inevitably attract the army of Buddhism, which is by no means a long stay.

With the idea, the force fluctuation of Hoshibi just passed, and at least the time to stabilize a tea. So he flew out immediately, dug out the jade seal stained with mud, and shouted at Bai Qing'er: "Separate action!"

"What about the little girl?" Bai Qing'er automatically took over the position of Li's wife and attached great importance to the young aunt. Because she knows better than anyone else, Xiao Tongtong's status in Li Bai's heart has completely exploded, and she must ask this question.

"Don't worry, let them drag you first. Only when I run away is it really the pressure that is shared for them." After saying that, Li Baitou ran without turning back, and ran towards the busiest direction of Chang'an City tonight.

"Son son, wait, the maid will help you." Where can Ma Bai let Li Bai slip away? She used a special method to send a signal to the back of the Yin, but the tracking involves a special smell, only the secret insects raised by the Yin and Gui School track. Once Li Bai's breath was cut off, it really turned into a thin film to wrap the whole body. This kind of smell that the human body could not smell was cut off, and she could only try her best not to leave behind.

Li Bai slipped, breath cut off + punishment escape secret method, comparable to the famous autumn mountain AE86, even the rear lights disappeared between breathing.

Emperor Xinxin felt this scene and became restless, thinking about how he still did not dare to deal with these three women, but locked up the 婠 圠 with spiritual strength, and waved to defeat the attack of the three women, wanting to chase Go up.

The three women in the battlefield, one game and one clever, are all well-informed. Understand that leaving the emperor's heart to leave will soon be able to catch up with Li Bai, who is difficult to support. On the contrary, the longer they dragged at the moment, the more room for his operation.

"Tian Dao-seventh! Tian Shi left Hengyang to die."

This knife is the limit of Song Yuzhi. Strictly speaking, he hasn't completely mastered it. At the moment, he goes all out and can't control it after the knife moves.

The Du Gufeng beside her also calmly calmed down, slammed a sword of the **** god soldier, and stabbed her strongest form at this stage: "Sword-Seventeen!"

In order to buy time for Big Brother, Xiao Tongtong's anxiety also broke out at the peak, and he broke through the previous level of the situation: "Eat me" Sugar Corpse Three Hundred Hands "! The organic matter of sugar substance-blood heaven!"

Of course, this palm of her hand can't reach the "modification of genetic information", which is comparable to the realm of Xiao Nuwa's creation out of thin air. Instead, she has greatly interfered with the operation of blood sugar to achieve the effect of destroying the opponent's blood.

The three of them shot together and dragged the emperor's heart for a moment, and then it jumped up. They stepped on the ground and stepped on the lotus. They flew to the sky and ran wildly. This is the Buddha door "Shenzu Tong", not only shrunk into Inch can also be emptiness.

Xiao Tongtong attacked behind his back indignantly, shooting a sword qi, but was bounced away by the flashing body protection Zhen Gang.

"Let's chase!" Yimei said unwillingly to the two friends.

"I'm not interested. I don't want to be an enemy of the Buddha for the sake of the Harmony. What's more, what can you do to catch up, can you still defeat a Grand Master?" Du Gufeng shook his head and refused. The three of them were intact and fully supported The other party is a monk, so it ’s easy not to make a killing blessing. What's more, he has also tapped the potential of He's Bi, and it's a pity that food is tasteless and abandoned.

"I only saw the hunt for my heart before I intervened to help you. Your brother deliberately led away the other party, obviously has his own ideas. If you chase the past, not only will not help, but also will make him exhausted." Song Yuzhi and Xiao Tongtong After making a good deal, I also persuaded a few words.


Li Bai Dun did not go far, but the breath was cut off, and the prosperous buildings in the city of Chang'an succeeded in getting rid of the majesty, such as the yellow eel entering the river, and the left and right drills disappeared.

Emperor's heart was empty, unable to accurately sense Li Bai, but he used the sixth sense of divine awareness to determine the general direction of He's Bi. Then he simply found a tallest restaurant and fell on the roof to wait for the rabbit.

Not long afterwards, Master Kongkong also held the staff and flew all the way to him. First salute the Emperor's heart, then ask with eyes, get a nod from the other side.

Li Bai was squeezed into a big bird and fled in a hurry. There was absolutely no tool to cover up the fluctuations of He Shibi in time. As long as it again broke out of power fluctuations, it would even be able to capture stolen goods.

After confirming his eyes, he finally locked the suspect! It's empty.

Li Bai, who is sloppy, naturally knows that he has no possibility of continuing to hold.

But he has been tired of this thing for a long time, and he has made enough money. At the moment, he went all the way to Seongnam. After the second outbreak, he attracted more masters to compete together, and it was his real purpose to stir up the pool water to create conditions for himself to escape.

At the same time, the diarrhea with Li Bai increased the concentration of the smell, and soon attracted the shadow after hearing the news.

The ribbon danced behind the shadows, falling from the sky like a fairy and descending to the little fairy.

The maid looked awkward, kneeling down respectfully on one knee: "See the Master!"

"What did you encounter? Actually let you use the most urgent method of communication."

Afterwards, he looked at his disciples with curiosity, knowing that the maid was not a decent person. This is the critical moment of Yang Gong's treasure house. Countless hidden gangsters in the city are watching in secret, ready to seize the opportunity and come down to seize the Holy Relic.

"He's Bi appeared, right on the 'Bu Tian Li Lei' who seduced Qinger's teachers and sisters. Now he is being tracked by the emperor's heart of one of the four great monks, and He's Bi will show off his power in just a moment. Come out, everything will be determined by the Master! "Wei Xu Jianlianhui reports.

"Oh? You have been wandering for the past two days, you are investigating this?" His eyes narrowed and looked at his favorite apprentice, with a tone of blame.

"Good! The disciples saw that Qinger's teacher and sister were not keeping their homes, they secretly followed, and finally joined Li Lei's conspiracy, and tried to find out the information with the snake. Yesterday, he really saw He's Bi, and confirmed the authenticity." Du Wei replied bitterly. Toss the cauldron to the sister first, and then whisper.

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday?"

"Then Li Lei is despicable and shameless, using the evil emperor Mo Yiming's remnant soul as a bait, colluding with Song Dynasty and Dugu valve and other forces, the masters around him are like the cloud and the strong are like rain, and the Xiaotiandao and Dugu Jiansheng are all in it. Opportunity. Weier knows that Master wants to seize the 'Evil Emperor's relics', distracted him, and does not dare to disturb your mind. He hastily suspected that the snipe clams are fighting. Now that the time is ripe, the disciples only dare to tell each other, and hope Master to forgive the sin of madness and paradox. "

"Well, you get up. How kind of misunderstanding is Ma'er, how can you misunderstand the teacher?"

Of course, after the yin, I can see that the lovers have eaten a lot of oil and water in the past two days. If Li Lei, who was in the Tiange Pavilion, overturned the car halfway and was stolen by the Buddhist thief, I am afraid to hide her for a few days and continue to eat single food. But well, seeing is not broken, she adopted the maid as a daughter and gave the highest level of tolerance.

In fact, after the shade, he did not care much about it. The apprentice is not a puppet. Of course, she can have thoughts, have privacy, and even encourage her to cultivate her autonomy. As long as you do n’t make mistakes in principle, do n’t betray your teachers, and feel like you.

Before Ma Wei surpassed her, she was still after Yin, Yin Yin Gui was the strongest, what's so worried about? When the maid surpassed her, isn't it the purpose of her hard work to train the successor?

"Do you know in which direction Li Lei escaped?"

"Chengnan! Where the situation is the most chaotic, the most masters, and the easiest to take advantage of the situation." Wei Lao and his brother-in-law mixed for a while, can also guess his thoughts.

"Follow me."

A silk thread was shot from the cuff behind the shadows, entwining the maid's body, and then reaching out to hug her waist, walking together with the wind and flying towards the south of the city.

Unsurprisingly, without waiting for too long, He's Bi once again appeared in the world, bursting out a unique force radiation, which alarmed countless sloppy gangsters.

At the same time, Li Bai, who decided to stir the muddy water, was fearless, and then a sudden whimsy! Anyway, I'm barefoot, why should I be afraid to wear shoes? My dabutiange escape technology is the first in the world! After he got out, he had a certain degree of grasp, and a sudden impulse of extreme Sao operation came into being!

Clearly speaking again: Go live! Hold on! Low-key is kingly development. But another instinct stemming from ‘arrogant original sin’ confuses yourself: get things done! Sao operation! Make a big news! Extra points for the exam!

Do n’t tell me, who does n’t know the king after tonight? After tonight, why did Yang Xuyan's weak chicken compete with him for the throne of the Lord of Heaven? After tonight, my Li Bai is the brightest supernova in the sky! Living a life is nothing more than the words of fame and fortune. I, Li Bai, who is practicing dragon slaughter, do I just want to know the world with a blockbuster? What is the difference between salted fish and people alive, not doing things, not living or dying for their country? Isn't the core idea of ​​my make-up pavilion the "make up the sky"? !

Immediately, he came down hard and screamed with full energy, suddenly resounded through Chang'an City, and alarmed countless warriors in the south of the city.

"He's Bi is here. If he wants to win the horse, win the king, rebel, break, and train his men, they will get out for Lao Tzu! Tonight, I will make up the Heaven Pavilion-Brotherhood-Radiation Hassan Li Lei, will 'make up the sky The lack of, the way for the sky, the choice of the Lord for the heaven! 'Choose a generation of Ming Lord, unify the world! "

"I have heard it for Lao Tzu, and He's Bi is born! Bu Tian Ge is acting for God, all sober and sober, don't sleep, get out and go out! Hey, don't miss it when you pass by. The public treasure house, the He's jade bi, get two in one, and get the world! Those who have no strength will come to hold a personal field! He's bi! Give the He's bi!

No need to bother to search, Li Bai weeping ghosts and ghosts howl, completely alarmed the secret warriors, such as a deep-water bomb was detonated, turned into an uproar.

Regardless of the shadow, the emperor's heart, or the air, I never thought that "Bu Tian Li Lei", who should have been panicked and frightened, not only fled, but made such a big movement like crazy, it shocked the "婠 婠"!

I can't guess you! I thought that 'sharing evil emperors, sharing Hebibi' was already your bottom line, but I didn't expect you to break through the new lower limit. Actually ... Is it true that I have to choose God on my behalf? !

At this moment, Ma Wei's cheeks were reddish, and there was a little worship and admiration for Li Bai strangely in his heart. Real men, pure men, so domineering! Is this the true masculinity in the legend? The evil king of the year may not be so elegant. No, Nima is a lunatic!

Hearing such a loud roar afterwards was also shocked, and then he laughed: "Interesting, really interesting!"

At the same time, the evil king Shizhixuan, Taoist Ning Daoqi, and the other three monks opened their eyes. The Ssangyong who planned Yang Gong's treasure trove, the mixed-world demon who investigated the anti-thief, Li Jianmin who searched for the whereabouts of the jade seal, and Li Er and others also rushed in the direction of Li Bai.

Yang Xuyan groaned in the bottom of her heart and secretly scolded: "I am Olympic!" You are driving me to the dead end!

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