Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1509: How can being an assassin be shameless to this point? !

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

On the third floor of the restaurant, until the end of the meal, Li Bai did not eat well, because the atmosphere on the scene was suppressed throughout the time, and people gradually lost their appetite.

He looked up and looked at the couple by the window. At the moment, when they saw the old wine, they confided with each other and confessed to each other. The whole floor was shrouded in inexplicable sadness. That was the taste of forgiveness.

Song Shidao ’s “Magic Species” came into being and could not be perfectly controlled. Inadvertently leaking spiritual radiation, it was like a humanoid self-propelled “WiFi + hotspot”, spreading the light of the green soul, infecting Hou Xibai who caught the same disease The two quickly cited themselves as confidants.

Coincidentally, Li Bai was also surrounded by this horrible ‘spiritual WiFi’, the powerful mind radar was instantly rendered, unguardedly accepting the ‘forgiveness fluctuation’ irrigation, and there was a kind of uneasy green panic.

But he did not take the initiative to block it. Instead, he took the opportunity to figure out the mystery of the ‘genuine demons’. He did n’t panic until he was about to hold it, and he quickly settled his bills with unbearable discomfort and planned to leave.

When he was about to step on the stairs, under the strong urging of a certain sense of curiosity in his heart, he opened a "spiritual perspective" and looked at Song Dao. Looking back, Li Bai's back disappeared from the third floor, and he found nothing.

Master Song said in his eyes, Hou Xibai saw him strangely, he could not help asking, "What's wrong? Song Gongzi."

Song Er looked back suspiciously, then smiled and said: "It's nothing, but I just felt like someone was secretly peeping."

"It's normal! Brother Song, you are the son of Grand Master. It is recognized by people. It's just what you should secretly spy on." Before falling into love, the "passionate son" who is often observed and tracked by beautiful women secretly, very much Experienced, quickly comforted.

Master Song said nothing, but nodded with a smile. Subsequently, the two fell into each other's wounds again and continued to grieve.

But in Song Er's mind, the portable grandfather warned him to be extremely vigilant. The "one glance scan" just now is not a secret peep of any warrior, but a temptation between spiritual masters. And it is likely to be a master of Buddhism. I am afraid that he has already seen through the roots of his devil. Be careful to block the intersection with the bald donkey to demolish the demon and devise a conspiracy by using him as a hostage.

‘Thank you, Senior, for knowing. Master Song said that he was good at it, and he was very grateful for it and secretly thanked him.

Walking out of the first floor, Li Bai deliberately avoided the direction of Song Er's window. His brow furrowed into contemplation, and his heart quickly became clear. A long-term problem that had been entrenched in his heart was finally uncovered.

When he attacked Song Shidao once, he was forced to retreat by the opponent's suddenly "Magic One Finger", and then the "Magic Qi" was captured by the Mithril Vein, and it was merged with the "Seal of Wisdom" under the chance to develop. The spirit is true. Even when he practiced "Jade Jade Techniques", this magical effect had a multiplier effect.

Now looking at it again, the ray of ‘magic energy’ that he had stolen was the ‘spiritual magic energy’ derived from Dao Xin Zhong Mo. In his scans, Shi Dao not only had a ‘genuine monster’ hidden in his chest, but his brain was covered with a ‘black mist’.

Others may not see the clues, but with a special blood line, he naturally senses and manipulates the ghost, and he can see at a glance that it is a `` residual soul '' or simply a `` ghost ''! And the devil qi is sensational, like the celestial demon that is very rumored by the magic gate.

After martial arts enters the guru realm, he has to practice forging the spirits and souls in the body repeatedly, and finally create the yin gods and yang gods, and the world and the world merge into the devil. This ghost is the devil of the Devil Dao Yang, the residue of the celestial devil after scrapping.

"No wonder Song Er was able to explode in desperation at the beginning, and now he has been enchanted smoothly. It turned out that the old grandfather was hung, and it is the" Devil possessed version "!

Li Bai's thoughts became active immediately, and his "Heart Demon's Seal" was in the grass-roots stage, and he was trying to cheat the follow-up reference materials from Mrs. Dong Ming, but did not expect to find a living dictionary by accident. Not to mention capturing Song Shidao, it is possible to force a full set of "Jade Jade Techniques"; but the grandfather who has always been a ghost family can help him glimpse the realm above the master.

So he made up his mind to find an opportunity to tie Song Shidao! Take it back and study it.

Just when he was thinking all the way, thinking about how to turn the son Song, and temporarily decided to bypass, secretly infiltrated the Dugu valve to visit Ce Shao, so that he felt relieved when he was recuperating. illusion!

How powerful is Li Bai's spirit? In addition, as a professional assassin, he has already carved assassinations, anti-assassinations, back-backs, back-tracking, and tracking-back tracking into his bones. At this moment, this feeling, even if it is subtle and easy to ignore, is immediately reflected and he is stared at!

At the same time, a shadow suddenly flashed in the empty alley, and the speed was very fast, as if emerging from the shadow on the side of the road, a straight sword silently stabbed at his neck with silent lightning, and he was about to kill him.

This wonderful sword is perfectly natural, but Li Bai's spiritual thoughts spread and are in a state of unity between man and nature. He was vigilant at the first moment when he felt bad, and he followed the action when the assassin shot.

The legs exploded in power, and the snake skin was reversed around the back. The movement was like an antelope hanging angle without a trace of smoke and fire. The slightest elbow bends to death. Then it goes around to the side. The cold light appears in the hand. The dagger appears, **** Kidney blow! Then kick the Valkyrie!

The shadow assassin is attentive, the spirit and spirit are at the peak, Li Bai ’s anti-killing is timely and cruel, but he also avoided it, and his hands quickly turned into a dark color, which is the combination of the "Bu Tian Pavilion" and the "Da Ming Zun Jiao" secret method. 'Black Hand Magic Skill'.

The assassination was unsuccessful. After the "Black Hand" struck out the counterattack, he took a hard-legged approach and eventually lost half of the game. He was kicked by Li Bai's strange power, and he repeatedly withdrew his energy and his face was a bit ugly.

Yang Xuyan secretly said: Scolding is indeed a liar, not only did not hurt at all, but also hidden the strength!

The last time the two met, he was strong and weak. Li Bai struggled to escape with a serious injury. Now that the enemy is secret, the confident attack is not only unsuccessful, but also suffers a small loss.

"Brother Yang? I met again, thank you!" Li Bai also recognized the person, who was almost ambushed in this world, and only Yang Xuyan was alone. Hmm ... you can be proud.

During the speech, Li Bai also warmed up the ‘Purple Blood’ in the body and operated the ‘Mithril Vein’, and quickly adjusted to the top state, intending to take advantage of this opportunity to try the depth of Yang Xuyan. If possible, kill them directly, accumulate their own invincible martial beliefs, and smash the master pass in one fell swoop.

Yang Xuyan also did not answer, readjusted his breath, and raised the knife again.

This time he did not hide his breath, nor did he bother to intercept it. Instead, he directly broke out the strongest body method and used Shi Zhixuan's personal biography to make up the Tiange Pavilion. Li Bai spread like an illusion, and then opposed the enemy with the original "Hassan Noisy Stream-Assassin's Nine Styles".

Kidney strike, back stab, deboning, broken tendon, broken ridge, cut throat ...

Each of Li Bai ’s moves is an infinitely variable ‘formula set’. By fighting fast and quickly, Yang Xuyan ’s variable parameters are constantly entered, and the more fierce the war, the more fierce the war and the other party ’s verbal mental and physical pressure.

In Yang Xuyan's eyes, each of the opponent's shots seemed to have met each other, and it was obviously the martial arts in the Tiantian Pavilion, but it was like the deep sea, and there were often unexpected new changes.

From the battle to the present moment, the two sides have made more than 30 moves. Li Bai's similar routines have not repeated a move, and they are becoming more and more delicate and unrestrained at an undetectable speed.

Obviously, he still has many secret tricks that are not used, and can be regarded as the bottom card for changing the battle situation, but the kind of ‘the other party is already familiar with your style’, as if he can gain insight into the ‘weights’ that suppress his own in advance, and he becomes heavier and heavier invisible. Before he shot, he would be half a point.

Can't delay any longer!

Yang Xuyan did not think that Li Bai was a stealth gangster who far exceeded his own. He apparently stood up a lot, but first put water, and then continued to unlock the seal, increasing psychological pressure a little bit. On the contrary, the other party must have some ‘secret’, which can eventually overwhelm oneself by continuously fighting and continuously adding advantages.

With this consciousness in his heart, he immediately broke out completely, abandoning the "sword technique" restrained by the opponent's "sword move" and replacing the strongest "black hand magic skill". And Li Bai also saw poorly, the right hand "Mithril Kirin Arm" broke out, flesh and blood mitrilized, flakes and scales appeared, five fingers burst out sharp claws, and the "black hands" claws together.


With a grunt, Yang Xuyan's "Black Devil Sha" flowing between her fingers was broken by the sharper "Kirin Polsha". The black magic claw that was hard like iron was also severely torn by the claws after encountering the Mithril Unicorn claws superimposed by multiple plug-ins.

Waiting for Li Bai to kill him, the familiar scene changes again. Yang Xuyan was just like herself yesterday, and she ran away decisively and decisively. She didn't have any hard ideas again. She directly burned the essence in her body, and ran away with the secret punishment method that Li Bai was most proud of.

Just listening to ‘咻’, Yang Xuyan instantly turned into the famous mountain AE86 and disappeared at the end of this stone road.

"I ... fuck!" Li Bai was stunned, and finally experienced the feelings of those strong enemies when facing his own when he debuted, "How can you be as shameless as I am? "

Li Bai is angry, he has never seen such a brazen person! Didn't you just practice "Cut Escape"? Didn't you practice the highest secret technique? Can you run faster than anyone else? How can a person be shameless? Have you considered other enemies? Why are you coming back to die!

How disgusting the enemy was in the past, Li Bai, how disgusting Li Bai is at this moment Yang Xuyan. The four holy monks have the same degree of disgusting stone. This group is a mouse, and this is the least faceless!

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