Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1500: Fairy Anxian chooses the Lord of God, bitter-roasted spare-bonded monkey

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Seven days later, Li Bai and his party rushed to Chang'an City before the opening of the ‘Chuanxi Yuxi Cup-The Second Cihang Jingzhai Dai Tianchou Conference’.

"Unfortunately, Sister An has entered the deep palace. I saw the style of 'Luoyang Shuangyan' in Luoyang before, but now I don't have a chance in Chang'an City. I can't wait for a masterpiece of 'Changan Xishi'." In Chang'an City, Li Bai regretted.

He is actually an art-loving person. Although he does not understand the spectrum and has incomplete five-tone notes, he has a very high quest for high-quality music. However, he was very familiar with the demon Ann, but he had never heard each other play.

"Sister An'an, I'm afraid I'm playing for Yang Guang, playing with her best Xiao Yi." The white demon girl swimming side-by-side with her arms said meaningfully.

"→ _ → ...... Qing'er, do you have anything in your nonsense?"

"Have it?"

"I'm afraid it wasn't the one you showed me last night, your peerless Xiaoji descended from the Yin Gui School?"

"← _ ← Hey? Look over there, it's the Hu people in the west! The blonde, like a dog!"

"Don't change the subject, let's talk about art again, how about you playing solo for me tonight?"

Although it has not reached the peak of Zhen Guan's prosperous age, and even will soon usher in a wave of men and women, it will not affect the prosperity of Chang'an (Daxing) at all, and it can be called the contemporary economic and cultural center of the earth. Between the square cities, not only the Arabs of the Middle East, but also the white ghosts in Europe and even the Kunlun slaves of the Egyptian generation in North Africa, also appeared in Chang'an City, a well-deserved international metropolis.

Even the Great Qin Roman City in the same period could not be compared. Gain was the birthplace of the Earth's "Gaowu Eruption" in the late Eastern Han Dynasty in the Central Plains! Countless human deities broken the void, martial arts Dachang.

The martial arts practiced in the West gradually spread along the Silk Road. The closer to the mysterious East, the more prosperous the martial arts. The closer it is to the barren western world, the less scarce the martial arts species it is exposed to, the lower the gold content, and most of it is hard work.

After hundreds of years of development, the Persian Manicheism relied on the centuries of luck belief, and the personality broke out to create "The Imperial Examination of the Roots of the Roots" and other martial arts, which made Shi Zhixuan the blue eye.

And the martial arts around Daqin? No one knows. In the eyes of the arrogant Central Plains people, the martial arts of Goryeo, Turkic, Xiangxiong, and Western Regions also had a look. As for Daqin and more west? There is no concept, the barren land is completely desert of martial arts!

However, Li Bai did not know that a wave of Bai Luosha crisis from the wild West was rapidly moving closer to the mysterious East.


While Li Bai and Bai Qing'er were traveling together, Xiao Tongtong also took a silver ticket in Chang'an, and Du Gucai hurried back to his family's old house in Chang'an to report.

In addition to Li Bai's gang, wave after wave of longing is ... Zi, cough! Wang Li ’s new generation of geniuses; and the exhausted qualifications that make no progress, the old people who are seeking for breakthroughs, gathered in Chang’an City, preparing to participate in the ‘He Sibi Hegemony Conference’.

In a restaurant of the highest standard in the downtown area, the No. 1 seed contestant in the Buddhist temple, the handsome and handsome Li Shimin, is talking and laughing with Jing Zhai's contemporary "walking in the world" An Xianzi.

This deity whose IP was misappropriated by a demon girl is beautiful, fresh and refined, and she is dressed in plain clothes like hibiscus. Qiao Xiaoqianxi, beautiful eyes looking forward, always thought to be gorgeous, a smile seduce Li Er's soul, let him show the obsessive (guy) expression.

However, this fairy, An, who talked with him very much, like a confidant with a heart, but also kept the distance from the casual, not too intimate, just responded to the sentence ‘Only far away, not obscene. ’The charm of a white lotus flower is spread to the fullest.

In contrast, the Yingui faction is inferior in treating men. The enchantresses are enthusiastic and bold. At first, they were more delicious than "white lotus", but after a long time, they became more unavailable.

The demon girls tearful review: they all ate too warmly! But deliberately **** up, but **** but this group of **** into the bone of real green tea! Those who have to lick dogs have won the world. Green tea has always been king since ancient times. Our group of people who are actively pursuing happiness cannot sell for a good price.

Just as Li Erpei opened the screen, when he was crazy to show his magnificent talents to the quiet An Xianzi, in a corner away from the two, he was once surrounded by many girls at the Magic Gate Conference in Shuzhong, but among the flowers After passing through the leaves of the "passionate son" little boy, now incarnation of the "spare child", showing face of sorrow and sorrow, with deep love and inferiority hidden in his eyes, painful infatuation looked at An Xianzi's slender Back view, breathing in the aromatic breath of the other party after more than ten meters, I feel really satisfied!

He secretly said: "As long as she is happy! No matter how she chooses, I will silently bless you. If she can look at me again, I will be more satisfied ..."

Some time before the bidding meeting of Hersbit, the genuine Anxian traveled all over Shenzhou, and under the support of the new Buddhist master "Dao Ting" Ning Daoqi, he came into contact with one martial art genius and a family of well-known names. The disciples, instead of discussing the situation in the world, want to choose the sage who best meets Jingzhai's values ​​and interests.

During this time, she encountered Shu's "passionate son", and the other party saw her beautiful and temperament shocked by heaven and earth. After a conversation, she fell completely and degenerated into a "unbelievable" spare tire son. She has been stinking and shameless.

However, Fairy Ann is truly uncontested, never disgusted with his actions, and has never discriminated against him. On the contrary, after seeing him inadvertently occasionally, he nodded slightly and could make Xiao Houzi dark all day.

In this way, An Xianzi who inadvertently demons inadvertently by charm without having to feed the devil in her body, has been fishing for the 'spare child' in this way in order to eliminate the demon disciples to protect all beings, so that he will not continue to harm the ignorant girls , I feel that I have done a good deed.

The latter's will quickly disappeared, and no longer had the ambition to compete with the brothers for "Undead Seal", but instead indulged in spare tires.

In addition to the ‘spare child’, An Xianzi also visited the ‘bitter barbecued pork’ Song Shidao.

Hmmm ... He is a good man, a moral model, a peerless warm man, a benchmark of character, a handsome man, a wealthy family, and a good martial art. It is a pity that his character is too soft, too kind, and lacks the "empirical character" of hegemony. In addition, the second son of Song was hurt by the love, and the love was not long.

What made Fairy Ann even more shocked was that she felt a very subtle wave of magic energy from the body of "Bitter Love Pork"! If it were n’t for the “immortal fetus” she had built that had a close relationship with the mysterious magic of the Demon Gate, and it could be called two sides in one, she would also be concealed by the “Pork Charm”!

Yes, Master Shidao's mentality burst when he learned that Master Yijian had assigned the big disciple Xu to his friend Xu Ziling! That night, he borrowed wine to sorrow and sorrow, he was half drunk and half awake, and did not know what had happened.

It was n’t until after waking up the next day that I learned that “the grandfather with him”, under his subjective will, assisted him to cultivate the most profound “Dao Xin Zhong Mo Da | Dafa” in centuries. Orthodox takes itself as the tripod.

Song Shidao dissipated the true energy in his body, condensed a 'forgiving color spare tire magic species', and by virtue of the self-torture of 'unsatisfactory', and the assistance of 'portable grandfather', quickly activated the 'magic species', and then rebuilt the original True Qi is a cover-up.

In addition to the barbecued dumplings and spare tires, she also visited Yuwen valve, Dugu valve, Li valve, and the anti-kings of the world. In the end, he felt that he had the highest foresight. It turned out that Li Jiancheng, but the other party was already deeply enchanted, and the demon and the Buddha were not mutually independent. They could only retreat to the second place, and chose Li Shimin who was slightly inferior but had a relationship with the Buddha.

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