Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1480: My unicorn arm is full of power

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Half an hour later, Li Bai and the three rushed to a manor in the suburbs, and soon found that the signals left by the demon An's couple quickly merged along the traces.

He knew the layout of the manor early, and what is really worth noting is that there is only a congenital butler, as well as the prey itself, Anlong ’s brother-in-law, a low-level guru.

"Innate little miscellaneous fish is left to the two girls to solve, how?" Li Bai did not want to over-express the Yingui demon girls, so it is still risky for them to face the 'Guru' directly. If the two beautiful beauties are eroded by the "True Sha" sputtering, it will not be beautiful to destroy a scar.

"Isn't it too difficult?" Talking with the enchantress An. In her mind, she has refined Xiao skills, dance skills, bed skills, no practical combat experience, not even the acquired product, it is a bit embarrassing to directly play innate.

Although the white demon girl is fearless, but also feels too challenging. If she is as beautiful as a flower, if you infuse a congenital spare tire at the banquet, it would be tenable.

"Sister, it's up to you to do it innately. Is it a problem for them to be helpers?" Li Bai no longer ignored the two women and turned to look at her sister.

"Guarantee the completion of the mission!" Just defeated a congenital girl, at the moment is on the rise. Nodding again and again, can't wait to cut another one.

"Other people follow me and start acting!"

There is no assassin class in the "Fu Fu Alliance", so the raid is justified.

The "Blood Edge Star" of "Kirin Blood Fierce Iron Shirt" came first, and his palms were bombarded on the heavy bronze lion head gate, as if being bombarded by a shell, the wooden door was directly blown into countless sharp wood chips, blasted out, and thunder The bang, the shocked manor suddenly jumped.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Jieshi kept up with his shield and guarded him aside. This was followed by one hero after another in the "Fu Fu Alliance".

Li Bai followed his hands slowly behind his back and was not in a hurry to do so. The Zhuge stewards around him secretly mobilized ‘Shrimp Gu Zijiansha’ to be on the sidelines.

It didn't take long for the manor's guard to rush out. They are all disciples of the Tianlian Sect, and they have great internal skills. Because of his outstanding qualifications, he was selected as a guard in Zhuangzhong, and he was able to get the master's call on weekdays.

However, this group of 'Sky Lotus Stars' encountered the bandits. Bloodside Star is a tyranny of dominance, not hiding or flashing like a tank rushing into the crowd, after rushing into the crowd, hard to resist the other party's attack, it is still, a set of hard bridges and hard horses dragging the palms of the wind The splash ink did not invade, and the guards were defeated.

The other team members also showed their abilities and used the edge of the shield to kill and the catapult to hurt people. Although Li Bai didn't do anything, he kept sending sounds to raise points, the group also consciously cooperated with each other, constantly adjusted the rhythm, and cooperated to resist the attack, the efficiency became higher and higher ...

On the other side, the innate master has already shot, but was defeated by Xiao Tongtong, who is the main output of the "Poison Element-Probability Sword". Bai Qing'er also pulled out a pair of ribbons woven into the silver thread and pinned them from the side.

This pair of white ribbons is very magical and can be transformed into any form. Once infused with real gas, it will temporarily solidify and become stronger and stronger. And the enchantress took out the secret weapon that her sister gave away to hit the soy sauce, and constantly twisted the organ to spray a poison needle like a rainstorm. Because of brainless + mass killing, the innate has been shot a dozen, and gradually feels wrong.

"Where did the rats, dare ..."


The owner of the manor jumped into the sky and flew from the sky into the front yard. He was a middle-aged man with a goatee. But when he landed in the sky, he was hit in the chest by a large and fast stone.

This boulder the size of a shoe box is as fast as a cannonball, blinking like lightning. Although the other party consciously defended with "shaqi" body protection, the shock of kinetic energy was still transmitted through the energy layer and transmitted into the body.


The middle-aged guru turned red and bleeds blood, and then flew back like a rewind, hit by stones. The rest of the siege team members who were sprinting also fell into a standstill at this instant, and looked at this scene with some dementia.

And Zhuge Shrimp, who stood beside him, looked at Li Bai with a shocked expression, and roared wildly in his heart: I rely! Have you made a mistake? ! So a big stone, even hit Master Wulin? !

Li Bai, who stood at the end of the team, shook his hand, his face showing a thoughtful expression, as if to say: This is the real power of my body? I was as powerful as I thought!

"Cough, sorry to disturb you, please continue, don't care about me. I just itch my hand." After he finished, he slowly retracted his left arm behind his back, an expression that would never interfere. I feel in my heart:

I am right-handed, and the strength of my left arm is inherently weak. Now, with the initial refinement of the 'Zixue Demon Skill', I have reached the level of 'flesh into a cannon'. If you throw it, you have the artillery power. How can true qi or shaqi act as an 'armed color domineering'?

And your right arm cannot be calculated with the same level of "Purple Blood Demon Skill", but on this basis, the multiple bonuses of the "Mithril Vein" are superimposed, and the enhancement of the transformation of the "Kirin Arm" must continue to be superimposed. The rate of increase ... is totally unpredictable! It has long been beyond the scope of quantitative change. Do you want to stop trying a stone?

On the occasion of Li Bai's imagination, the guru roared madly, and patted the big stone on his chest again, only to see that his chest was slightly sunken, but it was not a big deal. Immediately, there was a violent rush in his body, and the bones made a clicking sound, recalibrated and restored, and then growled angrily.

Li Bai's boulder missile did indeed hurt him, but it was not as serious as it seemed. On the contrary, the humiliation in dignity was even more excessive, making him almost crazy.

After Xiuwei entered the realm of masters, he has gradually divorced from humanity. Jianghu recognized that "only masters can kill masters" is very particular.

Ordinary innate ingenuity, it is already difficult to break through the qi defense, resulting in threats. On the contrary, the master of ‘Liansha’ raised his hand and thrown it in his feet, which would crush and weaken the innate Qi. The move is not only true damage, but also a series of extra bonuses. This is the gap where mercury attacks water.

In addition, after the vitality merges with the vitality of heaven, earth, and spirit, a high-level lineage will condense. Even if it is not specialized in body training, the body will continue to be strengthened passively under the nourishment of the "Budao Bloodline", which will bring its own innate divine power, physical improvement, and blood bar extension.

The vitality of the guru is equally tenacious and terrifying. If the ‘life tenacity index’ of ordinary humans is 1, then the innate strong can reach about 3-5. The guru's vitality started at 7, which is a miracle of life. You may injure the guru seriously, but it is difficult to kill completely.

Of course, the guru is not without shortcomings. When they encounter an enemy who also holds the ‘Sha Qi’, the strongest cards immediately lose their ‘superiority’ and are no longer so scary. It is like a gangster with a gun. In the face of ordinary people who also pick up the gun, they still have an advantage, but it is definitely not as good as ‘holding a gun vs. unarmed’.

Not only ‘Sha Qi’, but also the practice of divine martial arts, mastering of magical soldiers, secret remedies, possessing special poisons ... and other weird means can pose a lethal threat to the master.

After Master Tianlian shot the flying lithotripsy, he lifted the gas in his body and directly suppressed the injury, still maintaining more than 90% of his strength. He took a deep look at Li Bai, and then ran wildly, avoiding the scourge that might fly at any time with unpredictable body, and went straight to the ‘Blood Edge Stars’ several people, preparing to break each one.

Others also reacted, screaming and rushing up at the opportunity to hurt the enemy. At this time, Li Bai, who was standing at the end of the team, suddenly lifted his foot and stomped the ground to shatter the earthquake, and then stooped silently with his right hand to pick up a handy stone. Immediately afterwards, his right arm began to deform slowly. Despite the sleeves as a cover, the five fingers were mysterious silver and animal claws, and it was still difficult for the master Yu Guang to retain his attention at all times.

Nima is coming again? !

Li Bai has just picked up the stone, and has not yet made a series of postures such as aiming, charging, throwing, etc., and has deeply stimulated the other party. That arm looks so scary, so worrying!

And the shrimp aunt around Li Bai couldn't help but narrowed her eyes, daring to look at it again, fearing that she could not help but suddenly roar.

Li Bai's inadvertent move immediately became the focus of the audience and touched everyone's heart. However, he talked and said that if he didn't throw stones, he didn't throw stones. Just standing there smiling at the enemy made the guru chaotic and distracted.

At this moment, everyone in the Qiufu Alliance hit stones with pebbles and rushed to siege to provoke provocations. Of course, it was not ineffective. The 'Blood Edge Iron Cloth' promoted by pulling seedlings contains a weakened version of the Qilin Blood Fierce. When facing the attack of the opponent's lotus finger, it even canceled out 70% to 80% of the damage. Although the blood was still boiling and the pain continued to vomit blood, Starr persevered, delaying many opportunities and flaws. And Luo Dadun's shield, combined with special medicine gold and black iron, can also greatly offset the attack of the master.

Zhuge Shrimp also took the opportunity to launch attacks one after another, firing 'Shrimp Sister Free Sword Sha' across the air, continuously hitting each other's non-essential points, and constantly killing each other's blood bars.

Just before the enemy could not stand the harassment of the flies, he took a blow with a blow and grabbed the flaw with a heavy hammer on the shield surface, making a gong noise, flying Luo Jieshi with the shield and flying up, then blood red 'S eyes stared fiercely at Starr.

Another egg-sized stone, with a sharp whistling sound, shot the other party. This time, the "Mithril Unicorn Arm" exploded with all its strength, and it was so fast that it simply failed to respond. Even when the stone was flying, the outer layer was still collapsing and decomposing.

The master's spiritual consciousness was very powerful. When Li Bai raised his hand, he shifted his body instinctively with the sense of crisis in the heart, and finally luckily avoided the vital point. A cry screamed, leaving behind a transparent blood hole.

Immediately, the hot burning sensation, accompanied by burnt odor spreading around the wound ... ‘Poloxi Qilin muscle shells! 'Learn about.

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