Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1456: Qilin Polaxa Decay Knife

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Li Bai waved his claws and drew the new energy of Kirin's "Lava Power", "Vu Jin Jinsha" and "Innate Yuan Magnet" into a knife net to cover the old man.

This new force is the first finished product of the "Heavy Metal Yuan Ji Periodic Sutra" project. Taking Song valve 'Yuan magnetic rotation' as the root, it absorbs the energy of Kirin's 'lava' to make flesh, and successfully activates the hidden 'decay' property hidden by the sub-group Sha Qi 'Polo', becoming Li Bai's first 'fire-active radioactive metal Sha Qi'. .

In terms of quality, this ‘innate radiation golden sha’ is enough for him to establish a sect and create a master-level ‘Taoist martial art’ out of thin air, which is well-known in martial arts. It is comparable to any of the five "Bulls' Gold Medals" and is no less than the ancestral "Zi Blood".

Of course, the complete "Bull Blunt Gold Chapter" has five kinds of evil spirits, and the "Blood Blood Dafa" he inherited also has four kinds of Yinsha corresponding to different functions. The freshly released "Radioactive Metal Cycle Mantra" is only the first step and is far from enough.

In Li Bai's plan, the perfect "Radiation Cycle Danjing" should also collect 12 kinds of "radioactive metal shaqi" with different attributes, different functions and self-contained days; The "Twelve-type radioactive big decay hand" APP martial art application of "Six-type anti-gravity push coffin hand" is only decent!

Of course, only 1/12 of "The Great Decay of the Kirin Hand" is far from what the iron ancestors can match.


Between the masters, they will be graded according to the quality of the refined "Sha Qi". This is exactly the same as ordinary martial arts judging the level of exercises based on internal force quality.

In the ordinary congenital eyes, any kind of "shaqi" can crush and explode the "congenital qi". All the masters who have mastered ‘Liansha Technology’ are the same bunker. In fact, the Guru circle divided the "refining sha" into three categories: the artificial department, the natural department, and the super department.

"Sha Qi" is just a general term. Any energy that exists between heaven and earth, or the energy extracted from special substances, can be called "Sha". Integrating any kind of supernatural power into true energy is ‘refining evil’. No matter how fierce the fiery Qi is, it is only a characteristic imitation; but if the "Kirin Blood Evil" is truly refined, then the true Qi is already "lava" to some extent.

Refining the ‘special powers’ collected by nature into true qi is ‘natural shaki’. The quality of wild powers varies from high to low, so ‘natural shakiness’ is quite complicated. Direct refining of ‘fire unicorn blood’ is obviously superior to refining ‘ground lung fire poison’, as well as refining other common ‘ground fire’.

However, some warriors who have no qualifications, no magic skills, no chance, but perseverance and resources, have spent half their lives to climb to the innate peak, but they have no way to go, and they have no ability to refine supernatural ‘heterotic forces’. Therefore, he took the second place by diluting and weakening ‘Sha Qi’ through some means, or using artificial means to induce ‘inferior quality power’ to meet the needs of cultivating Sha, thereby stepping into the ranks of ‘inferior masters’.

In addition, there are a group of animals that practice top-level divine skills and are powerful and do not meet the traditional 'natural qi'. Even if the extremely rare qi is refined, it can't open the gap with other animals. So they pursued more and rarer evil spirits, and then merged them through special means to synthesize "super evil spirits", easily achieving the same level of invincible leapfrog killing.

Although Li Baisha was inadequate in quantity, the quality was high enough. His 'Radioactive Sha Qi' is obviously a super product after multiple refinements and fusions according to the highest standards; and the Jian Sha of the Iron Sword Master, he has been clarified through the 'Mithril Vein'.

The opponent couldn't see the road after birth, so he made a "false **** soldier" with rare metals. For decades, it was a day of worship, which raised it to the peak of the "second **** soldier", and the artificial technique was used to create a synthetic one. 'Jiansha'.

This 'Jiansha' will not be hurt by his blood and blood, but will be successfully refined. Humans and swords live together, promote each other's common progress, and finally complete the advancement of 'inferior guru'. In addition, the practice is long enough, and it is full of enthusiasm, and the quality of ‘Jiansha’ is piled up to ‘natural level’.

From the perspective of ordinary warriors, it is quite talented. But for him, it is still scum!

Li Bai seriously doubted that the five factions teamed up to explore Lingyun Cave this time to collect ‘Kylin blood’ or ‘lava fire’ for the inferior masters of these factions to carry out higher-end enhancements.

Although the quality of the sword sword of Master Tiejianmen is not enough, it is full of reserves, and it is worthy of the gold signboard of "Guru". He counterattacked several times at all costs. Jianguang flickered continuously, successfully breaking Li Bai's first claw, but could not completely destroy it. The dissipating ‘innate radiation golden sha’ is not easy to bear.

In addition to its own "lava, sharp, metamagnetic" characteristics, this trick also implies "radioactive metal poisonous". At this moment, the blood claw attack was broken up, but the "radiation golden sha" was sucked into the body through breathing, and the respiratory tract suddenly burned.

Li Bai has just finished one move after another, and he knows that he has just inherited the ancestral heritage. Although there is boundless future, it is currently 0.9 congenital.

Although Radiation Polsha is sharp, it is not its own hard-core system, but a product of Mithril Xiaozhoutian, and its reserves are not high. His energy has been spent on a ‘purple blood’, and he is concentrating on replacing the blood with his heart. However, ‘Polo’ is only a trial product for daily research and has not been put into production as a combat resource, so the number is pitiful.

There is only one trick left to sense the reserves of the Mithril Vein, so you must decide the difference between life and death within one trick.

Coincidentally, his configuration is now fully upgraded, no matter the hardware and software are beyond before entering Shu.

"Qinglian sword chapter" locks the enemy, Li's rectangular coordinate knife array is on offer. The superimposed mental upgrade after the crazy upgrade makes up for the lack of ‘blade array formula’, fills the gaps in metaphysics, and performs fuzzy calculations. Lianyin's message flashed away and instantly penetrated the enemy's death sign!

Immediately, backhand four "half-life congenital unicorn polo swords", angled to shoot at four points, killing countless possibilities with one knife. No matter how he responds? These four knives are locked to the necessary path of falling.

See that guru still want to struggle? Li Bai was distracted for two purposes, and used another unknown bloodline to urge the “Magic Wisdom Seal” after it was completely contaminated with ‘Purple Blood’, followed by the ‘Spiritual Imprint’ to capture the opponent ’s ‘spirit’.

The powerful and unique spiritual attacking force has reached the level of professional 'spiritual skills'. Despite the two big gaps between the enemy and the enemy, to tear apart the guru's tenacious spiritual defense line, and hit the other party's soul. For a time, Grandmaster Tiejianmen was surrounded by fantasies and gradually lost his consciousness.

"Why don't you save me? Say! Why don't you come to save me? I want you to come down and accompany me ..."

"Oh no!"

Immediately after the spiritual shock, there were more than a dozen grievances on the soul stage. Let him be completely trapped in his own spiritual world, and use his "Hui Jian" to kill all the spooky ghosts in his hands. They are all disciples in the "Iron Sword Gate", including his own son.

In reality, there are three "polonium sword qi" pierced through the body, and the hot unicorn fire is mixed with the decay of gold and the meridian is cut, and then the internal explosion explodes, discarding one hand and one leg, and waking up the other side.

When Master Tiejian struggled out of the spiritual world and opened his **** eyes full of madness, Li Bai had come to him with a “breath of breath”, without raising a trace of precautions, so that he would tear his chest with one claw, and the Mithril Kirin hand penetrated the heart , The five claws grasped and returned to Yuan Maha, and began to ravage Jing Yuan Qi.

The old master still wanted to resist, but it was too late, and the meridians tore and hurt. And Li Bai is also the first time to get such a high-end goods as "Guru". The energy poured back is also far beyond expectations. Jingyuan is quickly sealed, but the strange "Jiansha" is difficult to digest, and even interferes with the impact of Mithril For the operation of the veins, it takes time to spend time.

However, there are no other enemies, no need to fight, and the Mithril Vein is occupied.

Soon, the younger sister and No.3 Salted Fish also came to his side, protecting him firmly in the center. So Li Bai completely put down his estimate, opened the Mithril Vein to drain this old guru, and the right arm Xiao Zhoutian was flooded with fierce Jiansha, then slowly digested.

The second-rate ‘Earth God Soldier’ with his sword spirit dropped, Li Bai threw it to No.3 Salted Fish: “This action performed well, protecting my righteous girl has merit, this sword will be given to you!”

Seeing this scene, Duan Lang felt only blood boiling, and his mind was full of his own master Zwei Wei's figure. Wu Yi was strong, generous and generous, and he was a demeanor of the master ... completely became a fan of Li Bai.

However, I don't know that from the beginning to the end, his master has divided at least 1/4 of his spirit, and has been brainwashing him subconsciously, implanting suggestive commands in the subconscious mind, creating a **** B image.

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