Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1415: Blood cut off, single kill congenital

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

After using a wealth of nine-year compulsory education knowledge to easily defeat Li Xiuning who plots against him, Li Bai began planning tonight's course of action. He will once again join forces with Li Er to reciprocate and attack Zhai's house for their own needs.

The goal of Li Shimin's team was to kill Zhai Rang and marry Li Mi; Li Bai attacked Zhai Jiao, dragged down Tu Tufang's strongest fighting power, and shared pressure for Li Er. In the same way, Li Er's team also attracted a lot of troops for him, which is easier than going alone in Zhaifu.

At night, sitting in the room with the eyes closed and uncle Tu Tufang, suddenly opened his eyes and couldn't help sighing: "It's finally time to come!"

After Li Bai complemented the "Culture Escape Technique", the "Breath of Breath" has become fascinating, shielding his own vitality in an all-round way, eliminating the sense of existence, and even isolating mental fluctuations. Unless he sees it with his own eyes, even if he passes by, the master master will be difficult to detect. , Gave him the courage to touch fish, fish, and fish.

But at the moment, Tu Shufang was feeling a long distance away. This is not the failure of Li Bai's "hidden", but the unique traction between Nandou and Beidou. The two major schools attract each other and kill each other. This is a fatal duel.

Uncle Tu has profound skills, and he was born more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, the mental method is usually combined with a persistent disease, and the master has been stuck in a half step, but the spiritual cultivation is becoming deeper. Li Bai only stepped into the Zhai House and he felt it in an instant. There was a killing.

On the other side, Li Bai fell silently into the hospital, and then looked up sharply, looking in the direction of the prey.

"Huh? Found by someone? Actually attracted to each other, the Beidou pulse is really what I am missing."

Since practicing ‘Magic Wisdom Seal’, his spiritual cultivation has grown steadily, full of spirit, keen perception and quick thinking. At the same moment, at the same time, grasping the attraction of the soul level, no longer cover up the journey.

At the same time, there was a scream and clamor on the other side of Zhai's house, and then the atmosphere was blazing, and there was a rhythm of the sailing army: "Let's go! Let's go!", "Assassin!" Everyone copied the guy and rushed! "

He knew clearly that they had acted.

call out!

A sound of breaking the sky suddenly sounded, Li Bai stepped forward, cleverly bypassed, and then an iron bullet hit the ground, hitting a deep hole with thick fingers.

"Bu Tian Ge? Bone Assassin!"

Tu Shufang appeared on the eaves at this moment. Looking through the moonlight, it was Li Bai who was wearing a skull mask and stabbing customer service.

Ming Ming is clearly visible in the dark moonlight, but lifeless like smoke and mist ghost. If he didn't keep a special sense in his heart at all times, and he saw it with his own eyes, he even thought he had an illusion, and he should ignore it directly.

"Old guy, hand over the cheats and spare you!" Li Bai opened the door and saw no nonsense.

"Oh, Nan Dou has already fallen, do you need to join the Demon Gate to maintain the heritage? What a disappointment!"

"Oh? I'm so lazy. I'm also a freelancer. Who do you want to kill? Can't you pick it up? I have the final say. It's glorious for you, a Beidou successor, to the anti-thief janitor?

Li Bai raised his hand to urge the "Qinglian Swordsmanship", a spirit of congenital sword air separation to lock the target, straight out.

Immediately, Nandou Vacuum Wave was burst into space by the angry and unhappy Tu Shufang, screaming and saying, "Neither!"

Then, his eagle spread its wings and fluttered down, and said, "Let me tell you what a real assassination punch is! Beidou Bai cracking pulse cutting hand."

As soon as the middle-aged man shot, he immediately moved around the world. His hands seemed to have magical power, and gathered all his energy in his fingers, forming a real momentum of suppression, as if the mountains and rivers swept over the sea, without giving Li Bai any chance to resist.

The thin fingers are infinitely powerful, the speed of the hand changes strangely, and the stormy attack is launched. It seems that hundreds of thousands of layers are stacked one after another, and they are pressed down by the sky, leaving countless afterimages.

The opponent's "Bei Dou Liu" has been transformed into a unique "point blood cut pulse" fingering. Every finger dropped, precisely points to Li Bai's body, this is an intuitive instinct developed by decades of constant point-killing. Just like Ping Ding Jie Niu, there is no need to think too much, each finger is drawn just right, pointing to the point of death.

Every time Tu Shufang fell his finger, it seemed that he was playing the pipa, but Li Bai's heart was full of horror, avoiding it like a viper. After the **** of the other party drops, the innate innate energy in the body is even more strangely spiraling, just like entering the body leech, once it breaks the defense, it will crazy into the acupuncture point, turning into a violent and irregular air mass, looting the in vivo true gas brewing and growing, eventually It burst like a 'pocket spiral pill' exploding in the body.

The ordinary warrior faced Tu Shufang, as long as he was in a trance, he was touched by any key point of his body, and then unknowingly and unknowingly seemed to have nothing happened. Until a certain delay was over, he suddenly blasted and died without corpses. It was killed more than ten seconds ago.

Compared to Nandou ’s **** and cruel 'broken body cutting stream', Beidou Laoyin B's 'delayed implosion stream' is more unpredictable, full of mystery and topicality, and should be overwhelmed by the word of mouth in the assassination world. 'One piece. As for ‘Butian Pavilion’, the label in the assassination world is ‘Silent and Silent + One Strike Fatal + Run Fast’.

Facing the endless offensive attacks, Li Baifen did not give up. After the completion of "Cun Dun Shu", the biggest changes in his body were the two aspects of "Dun Shu Shen Fa" and "Aura Mask". And the comprehensive improvement brought by these two.

At this moment, the shadow steps under Li Bai's feet flickered again and again, seemingly dangerous and evading fatal attacks again and again, but in fact, he was calm. At the same moment, three or four afterimages of different movement trajectories on his body were often misleading, but he was not hit once!

At the same time, the long and short dagger ‘Mother of Disintegration’ with both hands, urged by the ‘Qinglian sword chapter’, exploded with a three-inch blade, sharp to the extreme, tearing the air and whistling, and breaking the iron and gold.

Li Bai's knife is dangerous and deadly, and ordinary sharp weapons will only be cut with two cuts. Since it is a short weapon, the attack speed is also exaggerated and rapid, and it is not only inferior to that of the ripstop. Combined with the strange and unpredictable footwork, like the tarsal maggot, it not only dodges against common sense, but also launches the same dead attack from the most difficult angle.

Faced with this awkward and ill-fated play, Tu Shufang was unwell.

His vein-cutting hand is certainly dangerous, but Li Bai did not shy away. Instead, he cut his hand with a wound instead of a knife. If the two sides beat the son once, Li Bai was seriously injured by the meridian of "Spotting Blood and Cutting Blood Vessel", but Uncle Tu Fang's right hand could not be kept, completely lost his offensive power, and suffered even more.

Where is the flesh and blood body's opponent of the Second Divine Soldier? Does he have an indestructible body of diamonds? Uncle Tu had to be forced to make moves one after another, which further encouraged Li Bai's arrogance.

After seizing the opportunity, Li Bai broke into the Nandou assassination with all his strength, flying with two daggers. Footsteps were ghostly, and his body flickered, raising his hands to join the bones, breaking the tendons, and cutting the throat. In the face of Tu Jiefang's Jedi counterattack that condensed the world's vitality, he had no fancy to resist the parry. The other party's finger.

At the next moment, Li Bai suddenly urged the ‘Spiritual Demon Wisdom Seal’ and sighed in his mouth: “Doo!”

Tu Shufang's eyes were in a trance, and he saw four black shadows on the other body. At this juncture, he could not distinguish between truth and falseness, his hands were madly connected in all directions, and his Qi was quickly consumed in his body. Li Baizhen flashed behind him, and then took advantage of the other person's breathing opportunities to add back stabs, kidney blows, and broken tendons!

Every time Li Bai makes his sword, he not only continuously refines, enhances, and strengthens the sub-prime soldiers with the "Qinglian sword chapter", but also randomly adds a "heavy metal element magnetic true energy", just like the enchantment of the fantasy world. Superimposed on the "heavy metal toxicity", while contaminating the sharp breath of gold.

In an instant mad fight, Li Bai defended with an offensive and made more than thirty knives in his breath. He was defended by the skillful Tu Shufang with ten fingers, and either flicked or clicked or dialed or turned, and all were eliminated.

But as a price, his ten fingers have all cracked, bloody, and they are all wounds caused by the spattering and cutting of the knife gas. What's more terrible is that more than a dozen different kinds of 'heavy metal toxins' are spreading through the wound through the blood vessel.

The different kinds of true qi can be forced out, but the ‘heavy gold element’ integrated into the blood is helpless. With his blood-cutting method, he became more and more powerful. He only felt heavy limbs, shortness of breath, and his strength declined greatly.

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