Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1348: Amnesia and Suilong

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Inside the reincarnation hall system, there is a reincarnation space different from the "Li Mo team".

On the ground in the center of the hall, there are three bodies of different sizes lying neatly. Li Mo did not sit at this time, leaning against a post, rubbing his temples in pain, breathing heavily. The head seemed to be put into a crowbar, and it stirred a lot, which was very uncomfortable.

He tilted his head and looked forward. Tongen, Ruth, and Antini lay flat and breathed smoothly. Thirty seconds ago, he was one of them. At this moment, he has just succeeded in defrauding.

Recalling what happened before, there is a temporary vacancy in the memory.

Li Mo looked back attentively, at first Vivian received the signal and opened the entrance to the reincarnation hall with a sword light. Then the four of them entered, and then lost consciousness. Regaining consciousness and regaining consciousness from a deep sleep, this is the moment here and now.

Recalling Momo's own health monitoring records, there is no external environment record, it seems to be blocked by human interference, but fortunately, the "mechanical seal" still works normally.

No matter how the outside ‘timeline’ changes? Mechanical printing has its own set of "absolutely ideal time flow rate" with platinum apartment as reference. When he frequently travels between the main world, the heterosexual universe, and the superimposed belts and other speed zones, his personal timeline conversion is extremely complicated. Therefore, he always uses the "ideal speed" in the apartment as the standard.

Records show that from the loss of will to the awakening, ten minutes of ‘ego time’ have passed, but synchronization with the outside world is not guaranteed. Your ‘ten minutes’ may be stretched to one day, one week, or one month by Samsara Temple.

Further self-examination, he found that his soul is missing a part!

The original material of the original spirit that originally intended to cut out the "incarnation of killing intention" is gone! Even part of the core source that belongs to "Li Mo Ben Zun" has also eeriely disappeared! Although it is not clear what happened? But he can be sure that this is not the result of forced intervention by the outside world, but out of his own will.

Vivian repeatedly assured that the trial was safe and rare. Since she dare to let Tong En participate, there is no risk. There is no danger, then I must have voluntarily severed the deity and killing incarnation of the deity, invested in this trial, and then actively deleted the memory.

Afterwards, he focused on examining the three pupils, Hitun and Ruth, and also went into deep dormancy, using this samsara space to protect the body, and put the real spirit into a samsara world in the form of a projection?

This craft is like the "Dream Testimony" of the Lich of the Underworld, projecting the soul of the soul, and experiencing a real "reincarnation" in another world. The cost of this practice is extremely high, but there is no risk in itself.

Trial reincarnation failed, but a nightmare bubble, once successful, you can choose to devour and absorb all the accumulation of I practice.

This most popular place for ‘cultivation’ is to shield everything, truly reincarnate, make up for the lack of roots, appreciate the ‘Xiandao Civilization’, distort the soul form from the roots, turn away from the old crystal wall will, and turn to the crystal wall heavenly arms.

After such a reincarnation, the practitioner is no longer a fantasy native under the ‘Wall of the Crystal Wall’ but a genuine creature of ‘Xiandao civilization’.

Li Mo concluded the analysis of the cause and consequence: "This reincarnation trial is really a reincarnation! The confidentiality is so strict, obviously for the fairness of the trial."

He checked and filled in the vacancies to guess the truth, and at the same time did not forget to contact his other real spirits through the unfamiliar samsara space. In this space, his permission to signposts was restricted, his body could not leave, he could not contact the outside world, but he could browse the forum of samsara. (Forbidden state)

He clearly sensed that the "Flame Demon Body" was in motion; kept a weak signal with the other four avatars; and finally, with the help of the reincarnation platform, he blurred the signal to the Marvel Earth, two small and lumpy balls. The only way to get rid of "incarnation of killing intentions" is to block them.

After several attempts, Li Mo confirmed that this 'reincarnation trial' was conducted in a 'black box world'.

It has been contracted and developed by the masters of the world, carefully built and isolated from the inside and outside. The outside world does not have access to the information inside, nor does it reach the outside. He could even imagine that all contestants appeared in a 'samsara' posture. Having lost all of his abilities in Hittarheim, under the same world system, he started as an ordinary human being and conducted an absolutely fair trial.

It's a pity that this black-box world is shielded so tightly that he can't even sense the true spirit. I wonder what kind of world it is? What kind of test? But he has absolute confidence in his projection! Without him, under the same conditions, having the rich experience of reincarnation and mastering the huge knowledge base is the most terrible!

However, he did not know that ‘Li Bai’, who succeeded in arranging the team card bug to win the game, has long been completely wiped out of memory by the gangster, lost his knowledge reserve, and there is no slight advantage.

There are two types of contestants in this trial:

Reincarnation through official channels, from birth to growing up, with a complete life, already familiar with the 'regular players' of the trial world; and some big brothers cheated quietly, using the special signs of the road signs to jump in the form of' amnesia + seizing the form The coming 'illegal player'.

If you have to say the gap? Then the cut-offs are absolutely whiteboard, while the reincarnated are divided into three, six, nine, etc., and enjoy different benefits according to the level of the ‘previous life’. The players sent by the great forces naturally lead the starting line; while Li Bai, who is halfway to the top, is confused and confused ...

In the reincarnation space, after the trapped Li Mo determined that the three of Tong En were in good health, they summoned Xiao Momo from the apartment, and released the three-style god, and the five people joined together in spirit. Use Avalon to create an ultra-playable ‘Game Fantasy Township’, group monsters to enjoy the fun of the game.

At the same time, a trial of the world, the time passed by, it was already a week later.

In the Baling County, by the Dongting Lake, the amnesia has a leisurely white face, the plate next to it is filled with preserved fruits, and a fishing rod is held in both hands to fish by the lake. Behind him, a half-big girl dressed in Tsing Yi, doing nothing to support her cheeks, dazed against the wind-wrinkled lake.

Over the past few days, "Amnesia White" seems to be leisurely, but it is not easy. Suddenly reborn in a strange and dangerous ancient martial world, which made him nervous and vigilant.

On the one hand, he has serious problems with his memory, hurt his soul, lack of energy + migraine; on the other hand, this body was destroyed by people, and his situation is worrying; he was rescued by another killing force in the rivers and lakes, and he was trying to cope with it. .

His situation seemed to be comfortable, but in fact he was step by step.

In the days of self-cultivation, "Li Bai" tried to sort out the messy and broken fragments of memory, and at the same time explored the news of the world to his grandchildren who had saved him.

Although his memory was cleared, when he heard 'Wei, Jin, South and North' all the way from 'Xia Shang Zhou' all the way, he still awakened a lot of basic common sense, and stumbled back to remember the 'Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties', which continued until the time he lived, and finally Confirm that you really crossed!

And when he listens to the flower season girl ‘Jiang Qing’ about the stories of martial arts daily, and supplements the common sense of rivers and lakes. One familiar name after another constantly stimulated his nerves.

The evil king Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan after the Yin, Wu Zun Bi Xuan, the heaven and earth Minghuan Shangguan Jinhong, Rulai Shoudao letter ... The emergence of each name brings out pieces of large or small pieces of memory, and finally forms a piece of incomplete Puzzle.

The world I live in seems to be a novel called "Shuanglong Biography". In that book, Ssangyong and Zhenlong are enemies, and the vassal is the official history. It seems that they voted against Sui Dynasty and Li Tang? In the end it was dismal ...

Combined with the current marvelous martial arts, we can be sure that this is not a world in history. It is a magical high martial world that can break the void and form an army.

According to Jiang Qing'er, the demons and monsters in the Middle Kingdom are in trouble, and it is a disaster to the world. Often hidden in the famous mountains and rivers, most of them are beasts in the mountains and sea scriptures. The gods and demon warriors above the grand master can contend with them, even kill them, make alchemy into medicine, and cast magic soldiers.

"" Great Sui Ssangyong "..." Great Sui Ssangyong "... What exactly are those Ssangyong? Damn, why are there no impressions? Li Tang Zhenlong ... Hey, isn't it Li Shimin in memory? This fellow is actually the emperor's destiny ?! "

Amnesia leaned back in his chair and muttered to himself, tolerating headaches, trying to recall more correct fragments of memory, and trying to understand the context of this dangerous world.

In this chaotic world where human life is like a mustard and the Grand Master is tragically dying, he has no power to restrain his chickens. He must protect himself as much as possible, instead of plunging into a mortal vortex, and there is no leftover residue. So this scattered memory is very important!

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