Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1319: Yoga Sect rejoices that the Bodhisattva has returned, and the Ministry of the Environm

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Li Mo led the way and brought the dew ribbon to the zen room in the backyard of Dianyin Temple, where he met one of the two sages of Dianyin, "Nan Wuhezi Dayi Dianyinrui".

The Venerable has good eyebrows and good looks, with a majestic treasure, tresses and big ears. He wears a double-collar shoulder-to-shoulder closet and sits with knots. He stretches his fingers with his right hand and strokes his knees. His left hand is flat and upward. bright. Smiling nodded to Sister Ruth, the powerful contagious power of faith almost wiped out the drow demon girl.

Suffering from the impact of faith, Sister Ruth frowned slightly and broke free from the magical compassion smile, and found that things were not simple! Could the younger brother hurt me? Set up with Tongen to introduce yourself to this Jedi? But with the trust between her teammates, she immediately shook her head to veto.

Li Mo and Tong En did not intend to do anything at all, which further proved her point of view. In addition, the "big brother" who resembled the sacred buddha in the opposite side also gave her a strong sense of disobedience, and there was a vague answer in the heart!

Until Tong En ’s body-reporting Micah Tian Nu also pushed the door in, she suddenly realized that after seeing the secrets of the two body-reporting, she glared duoly and the inner tension suddenly disappeared: "This is your new belief. Doppelganger? "

"Accurately speaking, it is a higher divinity avatar, the future" believing in the true **** "." Li Mo explained.

"Female donor, this is a courtesy." The nuclear greeted him with a smile.

Hitomi and Micah greeted Ruth with a smile. Afterwards, Li Mo told the "Little Electronic Music Listing Plan" one by one. Sister Ruth listened carefully and nodded from time to time.

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"It sounds very good. It's really convenient that you provide the service of" divine rebirth "here!" After Ruth listened, she was amazed. Her trip to the abyss was completely Baizhan.

Xiaodianyin provides faith and technology. She only needs to cut a foundation to customize her favorite "divine nature", and then obtains the "environmental position" of the Dianyin Temple, and then cuts out the divine nature to return to her. Become the originator of the ancestors, and continue to harvest the divine power and enjoy the luck.

This is all lying down and earning money!

"Which denominations are there in Dianyin Temple?" Ruth asked curiously, ready to make a reference.

"I brought a **** and demon from the abyss to be the chief investor. He is the largest shareholder and backer of Xiaodian, and opened up the" Pure Land Sect ". In addition, I have the name" Da Ri Zong "in the name of Meng Jiabao Founded the 'Lotus Sect'. Besides, I wonder if you remember the guy named Da She Wan when he was in Ninja Realm? "

"That white scale snake?" Ruth recalled.

"Yes! His" Ninja Sect "also has a place." Li Mo nodded and then said:

"In my plan, Dianyin Temple opened at least eight veins, covering different fields, and then imitated the sanctuary, which was fully open to the abyss, attracting more investment and attracting more investors, and then swallowing up a large number of believers, from which we can obtain a steady flow of incense and cohesion. The 'Buddha-Shenge' is constantly breaking through. Although as the number of investors increases, our authority will continue to dilute. But you and I, as the founders of the eight-pulse electronic music, firmly occupy the position of the ancestor of this case, this point cannot be changed, can Enjoy great benefits from it ... "

After listening to Li Mo's description of the prospects, Sister Ruth was so excited that she immediately learned from what she learned from the concept of 'color is empty', and used 'empty happiness and double luck' to create a sage's time. Desire, escape from the Buddha's wise aim ... The method of "Great Joy Joy Zen"!

Later, Sister Ruth planned to use a week to practice the method at 233, personally teach the Avenue of Joy, recruit countless demonic believers, gather faith and hope, and create her own "joyful divinity", and then use Li Mo's technical support to sever one. 'Dagen Yujie Huanfu Futa Bodhisattva' made her own body and created the eight-pulse electric yoga 'Yo-zong', incarnate into the first ancestor-Vina Diga!

(How to be compassionate? What kind of compassion? How do you feel compassionate?

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After a night of intimate talks, Li Mo left Sister Ruth on the 233rd floor and slowly researched her plan to complete the ‘Dagen Fushe Bodhisattva’, and then returned to the 597th floor to continue the journey to seize power.

Before leaving, Li Mo also proposed the idea of ​​"Deep Abyss Female Tutoring Service". After listening to Sister Ruth's eyes, she shined with her and hit it with him!

Zall said that the competition in the material plane is too fierce. If you want to stand out, you must not only keep the quality and quantity, but also create a new way! In her clubhouse, there are a large number of furnaces that are overstocked and unsalable, and they are very worried, so they deliberately joined the Crimson Devil Palace and wanted to borrow the red descendants to open the astral furnace market. However, when I came to Star World, I discovered that the market here is more dangerous and exciting.

Listen to Li Mo's words at this moment and instantly open the door to a new world for her!

Combined with the female tutoring profession of ‘Holy Land Industry’, it is apparent that the ordinary furnace is plated with an extraordinary color, instantly refreshed and refined, and it can also open uniform play. There is a huge market space. At present, this industry is still in a blank. Indulge in learning and deepen the interest in learning, so that students can not addicted to learning and lose weight.

"Female tutor, it's endless fun!" Sister Ruth murmured.

Afterwards, she diverged her thinking. Will her soon-to-be-established 'Yoga Sect' be involved in the fitness industry? Cultivate a group of 'yoga female coaches'?

For the successful people of different levels in the main world, provide private customized fitness packages, pass me the "Yoga Zong Huan Zana", through the "air and happiness" to pursue a higher "emptiness", deepen the construction of spiritual civilization, let Is their life more meaningful? !

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When Li Mo returned to 597, Bido told him that in just one night, the heads of 13 small families knelt down on the periphery of the Holy Land, and the clan claned. In order to show their determination, they waited all night outside the door respectfully, begging Li Mo for acceptance and acceptance, thoroughly tearing their faces and parting ways with local forces.

They did this, of course, not being frightened by yesterday's World War I, but optimistic about the potential of Li Mo's display, thinking that he would not be so easy to leash.

These families are weak and follow the local trend, and they can only mix up the cold soup and continue to be the bottom family. Instead, he turned to Victor early and waited for the future to retake Dabao to take the dragon position, which is a successful bet, and he will become the official of the dragon, overtaking the corner and becoming rich and expensive!

Li Mo has no opinion about these speculative demons, and this is the case with the Abyss. And he also needs a huge wall of grass, waving 666 for himself to help him grow the ‘Factor Avenue’. This group of demons was lucky, and it was the horse bones bought by Qianjin.

"Their loyalty, I accepted it! Go to draw up a Stygian pact, call these group owners to see them, and sign me their real names! By the way, when will Castim arrive?" Li Mo turned his head to look Meow butler.

"An hour and a half."

"In what capacity?" Li Mo asked again.

"Ministry of Abyss Environment! Responsible for protection of abyss environment, prevention of pollution, waste policy, protection of natural environment, and environmental protection. Castim is your best friend. This time, I will be invited by the host to investigate the 597 Gobi Industrial pollution, and provide environmental treatment services. On the other hand, the Abyss Dragon Demon Corps that you bought at a large price has been built, and the other party will deliver the goods to your door. "Miao Butler explained.

"It turns out that! Notify the homeowners who are sincere and wait with me to greet the arrival of friends soon! Don't fall into the aura of my Chi Yan Mo Gong."

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