Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1246: Promotion! Kabbalah-The Devil's Refining of the Devil Tree (Part 1)

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In the past ten days, with the unremitting efforts of the three thousand family and the younger sister, she finally completed the project of "Fantasy Cloud" covering the 403.8 level. Temporary 'Pollution Doppelganger', also skilled in controlling the 'Industrial Pollution Law', can regulate and change the polluted environment.

Li Mozun held the "Chernobyl Demon Domain" and put several "nuclear power plants" around the polluted waste capital, interweaving with the "Industrial Pollution Law", adding new radiation characteristics to the "Apocalypse Furnace", allowing the demon factor to fit pollution The environment lays the foundation for the future evolution of the biosphere.

Subsequently, he intensively carried tens of millions of monster sacrifices from the 233 level, as well as a series of bio-modulated special body. As the neighbor of the 403 series, the big mushroom king also kindly donated 1 billion tons of nutrient fertile soil (highly toxic sludge) as a gift.

In addition, for the purpose of her husband's career, Blanche contacted several abyss investors to use "trans-crystal wall real estate" as collateral, and photographed several "plane fragments" full of Warcraft and population. Pass the address to him and be able to carry out plane fusion at any time.

(The abyssal forces continue to conquer, and the winner often drives a large number of low-level creatures to a fixed place, cuts the lower plane fragments, makes a void concentration camp, and conducts a large population transaction. When the transaction is completed, the opponent's fragment coordinates are informed and the owner is changed.)


Everything is ready, Li Mo officially launched the promotion ceremony of the 'Devil Tree'. This is also the highest standard promotion he has hosted in his lifetime.

‘Kabbalah ’s Tree of Life’ contains a blueprint model of ‘Great Universe, Human Small Universe, Reaching the Realm of God’. It requires him to collect ten primitives, divide 22 paths, erect three pillars, and build four worlds to complete the final promotion.

In this process, he will shape the avatar, condense the road base, transform the magic domain structure, and condense the avenue to become the master of 403.8 ... and the final achievement of the angry avatar is closely related to the input of raw materials and the choice of route.

The ten original qualities chosen by Li Mo are:

1, Taiyin Demon Road. The core foundation of Li Mo, the development direction of the deity Yang Shen, is also the basis for the grafting of the five major incarnations of the Tao fetus. Although the Devil Tree is an independent incarnation and uses the Devil Factor as the base, it is still essentially serving the ‘Taiyin Heart Magic Rule’.

2. Moon Moon Plate. The Dao of the Devil Tree contains a "virtual deity" inside, which can be used as a "virtual Yangshen" to register a household registration in the Abyssal Heaven.

3. The anger is real. Part of the true spirit of this deity is integrated into the wave of anger and acts as the true spirit of anger.

4. The Devil Tree. The body of the incarnation has absorbed the operation mode of the "Chakra God Tree" and gave birth to this "Yin God".

5. Demon factor. The core rule transferred to the doppelganger, the prototype of the Bloodline Avenue-Daoji after the promotion.

6, Beast God Crystal. It supplements the rule of "Devil Tree Bloodline Avenue", which contains beast **** general and beast chemical modulation technology.

7. Fruits of artificial animals. It is also a supplement to the law of "Demon Tree Daoji", the private law.

8. The wreckage of Jingbi Linggen. The gift from King Mushroom is similar to ‘Virtual Godhead’. You can get abyssal recognition, get the crystal wall spirit root position, strengthen the virtual Yangshen.

9. Industrial pollution laws. The 403.8 layer, the local cohesive panplanet will, the small heaven at this level.

10. Faith-divine-system.


As for the "three pillars", Li Mosi pondered himself and erected: three pillars of "inside, main, and surface", representing the core, the main body, and the surface.

The main pillar of the main body is the "Devil Factor Bloodline Avenue System" with the Devil Tree as the core.

Through the 'Beast Modification, Animal Fruit Strengthening, Demon Factor Transformation', the 'Devil Factor' is integrated into the deep blood of life, from the two major areas of 'flesh flesh Yin God, magic energy true spirit', control countless puppet vassals, in The 403.8 layer, in the bottomless abyss, in Hittarheim, continues to spread and expand infinitely, constantly strengthening its own 'blood vein' and becoming the 'source of the ancestors'.

As the "pillar" of the soul, it is the secret "brain of the lunar demon-rage wave".

The true spirit of anger is the soul of the "incarnation of the demon tree". It controls the power of the "wave of anger" and can be used in conjunction with the demon factor to further increase the strength of the devil's "chaotic destruction" and gain the abyss. You can also start from the ‘God Soul Realm’ and install a backdoor program for the puppet vassal. The ‘Jingqi God’ is perfectly controlled in three aspects!

At the same time, the entire ‘Devil Factor Bloodline System’ derived from the Devil Tree is secretly connected to the ‘Taiyin Mind System’ due to the binding of ‘Angry Wave’, silently extracting the ‘negative emotion’ of puppets and vassals. Provide the inexhaustible raw materials for the deity Taiyin Demon Road.

(The five avatars all cleverly established their names, and extracted ‘negative emotions’ for the deity from different power systems.)

The outermost ‘pillar of appearance’ is the ‘system of industrial pollution laws’ and the ‘belief-divine-system’ among the ten original qualities.

To be based on ‘pollution waste capital’, the avatar must solve the problem of ‘conflict between environmental pollution and the devil ’s tree’. The easiest way is to master this rule.

However, he has selected Dawkey's "Demon Factor". The 'industrial pollution' that stifles life is destined to conflict with and deviate from the 'Blood Vessel Avenue'. In addition, A13 informed him that there are three ‘industrial pollution gods’ in the Old Star World. If he takes ‘industrial pollution’ as his foundation, he is destined to take the fourth place. No advantage, but also be hostile by the three previous teams.

Therefore, Li Mo decided to use the "belief system" as a breakthrough, master the "industrial pollution law" in disguise, and transform 403.8 the environment to adapt to the growth of the devil tree, and turn this "strong law" into his own use.


In the promotion process, Li Mo imitated EVA's tree of life to breed the apostle, and Krashen tree split the nine big-tailed beasts. He specially delivered a batch of carefully cultivated clones from the 233 level to serve as the apostle of the "devil tree incarnation".

When the Devil Tree completes its promotion, it will become the master of 403.8, the abyss of the abyss of heaven and earth. And the apostle of the Devil Tree will also become the ‘slave God’ in the “Devil Tree God System”. With the growth of the "Devil Tree", it has the potential to be promoted to the "New Devil" and become the minion eagle dog that the Devil Tree rages into the abyss.

To this end, Li Mozun Yuexue took over, took over the demon tree incarnation, and turned on the "custom apostolic mode":

Considering that the root of the ‘Demon Tree’ cannot move, it is probably the most special one compared to other ‘divine incarnations’. Li Mo was afraid that the demon tree would stand on his side and fade out of the bird leisurely; taking into account the side effects of the "Column of Faith-Faith System", he decided to develop a "removable vest"!

So Li Mo waved a big hand and brought out the ten original "beast **** crystals", extracted the beast god's modulation technology, and opened up twelve apostles to create twelve abyss-beast **** generals. body.

Afterwards, he called up the message of ‘Akafil’ and once again chopped out a ‘divineization-vacancy’ to command the twelve apostles, devoted exclusively to the cause and effect of the belief in the devil tree. In the unlikely event that the operation of the "Faith System" fails and crashes, it is better to have a vest that serves as a buffer instead of directly impacting the "Devil Tree System" and causing a major avalanche.

Among the twelve apostles, Li Mo pre-ordered the 'King of Emperor', which has now been transported to the polluted waste capital. In addition, he also used the 'blood vein factor' collected in the past to cultivate seven high-end clones and make up the 'eight apostles' to fill in the vacant cells. Unfortunately, there are still four vacancies waiting to be filled.

As for Li Mo's "Sacred Space" for himself, he cloned a body with his own "Demon Bloodline" and implanted in the "Akafil Set" to create a senior Lushe "True Demon King-Castim" At this moment, it is also filled in the "God of God" in the Devil Tree.

When Li Mo customizes the **** system of ‘1 God-12 Apostles’ and continuously fills in the corresponding ‘qualified person’. The hidden "Angry True Spirit" also quickly perfected the set "Three Pillars".

Lizhu ’s ‘Taiyin Heart Demon System’ is the best project of ‘Shuoyue Zhenling’, and there are 2,000 miss sisters who have built the ‘Taiyin Heart Demon Cloud Foundation’ in advance, which is not difficult overall.

The main column ‘Demon Factor System’ has been assisted by the Seed Girl. The demon tree model is perfect. Now the resources are fully in place, and it is also successfully arranged. The ‘Demon Tree Spirit Root’ is transplanted to the Doomsday Furnace and formally takes root!

As for the column "Industrial Pollution Law", the Devil Tree Avatar directly recycles the "Pollution Doppelganger", and condenses the "Industrial Pollution Law" into a "soul" into the body of the "God-Poison Demon King-Castim" and puts it activation.

The vest in Li Mo's incarnation, the demon king avatar wakes up at this moment.

Immediately, Li Mo abandoned the playful "devil tree incarnation", and once again jumped over to the "beast **** general-Castim" body, chose Xiao Qiqi's best "big wish" and easily connected " The branch of the abyss heaven.

At this moment, his shadow emperor was possessed, his acting was on line, and the announcement began.

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