Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1232: Self-cultivation of an entertaining furnace

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The same is **** shovel, but Millie can best understand Erica's idea. It took a total of half an hour from her acceptance of the Grand Succubus to the time she sealed this messy memory fragment deep in her soul.

During this period, Millie was inevitably affected by the spiritual escape of the other party and fell into a crank.

The great secretary is the oldest deity of the supreme deity of the demon world. When Carlos debuted in his youth, he followed his feelings deeply. But during her long career, a group of groups with advanced postures emerged, which brought her great pressure. As a charming succubus royal family, she also felt powerless and tired.

The competition in this line is too fierce. The gods are also eating youthful food.

And naive and ignorant, devoted himself to studying his "Thirteen Thousand and Thousand Volumes" of Camille. After browsing, absorbing, and merging the memory fragments of the other party, and finally clarifying their origins and instructions, the thinking circuit is inevitably affected, creating a strong sense of crisis and falling into deep fear and worry!


Before accepting the heritage, the little succubus thought this way:

She, Ke Mi Li, talents are very different, she was trained as a top devil from a young age, with 13,000 copies in her mind, powerful functions and excellent performance. After appreciating the Lord, he will follow intimate interactions to continuously unlock new knowledge, and finally challenge the world of domination!

However, after accepting Erica's memory, she learned:

She, but Millie, is just a half-blood succubi, which is still slightly inferior to the ‘pure blood god-making furnace’ cultivated by the Queen of Abyss succubus. In particular, the 103,000 small books written in her soul belong to old materials. Even though there are many secret techniques, there is no top-level fundamental method.

This type of her blood lineage is ancient, but it is not pure and impure, with insufficient roots and feet, just like the tasteless taste of chicken ribs. It is usually designed and cultivated in accordance with the standards of entertainment products. Not to mention that she is superb in all aspects of her face value, figure and personality, but it is essentially a one-time luxury product that assists users to break through.

Because of the lack of roots and the lack of excellent fundamental laws, the growth limit is locked up, which is roughly an ordinary legend. Once it cannot keep up with user needs, it will be abandoned.

But Millie's model is actually not much, more than insufficient. Upwards, there is a more advanced ‘growth divine furnace’; down, there are a large number of cost-effective ‘economical legendary furnaces’.

She was nurtured into a luxury product, which was bought by the big brothers to set off her identity, the second generation of rich people to show off, the enthusiasts to buy the collection, or to give gifts to give a gift to show the B grid. (But Millie was given to Li Mo by the Poanga team.)

The main purpose of the small succubus is to use the two major gimmicks of 'Lolita development' and 'Unlocking the soul talent skill tree' to strengthen the entertainment type and playability, stimulate the user's interest, enhance the viscosity of the furnace, and extend the quilt. Elimination time.

After all, most of the buyers of this furnace are local tyrants, second generations, and princes of the main world. The kind of big brother who does not lack money has not yet broken through the excessive products before the "legend".

For the bigwigs, the B grid is the most important. The ordinary economy is too stiff, the gods are too high-end, and the hybrid succubus has limited achievements, but the bloodline has a B grid (no real value). It is better to develop into a style of entertainment performance, to praise the company and stick to big customers.

The real limited-edition top-level goods are also magic items created by the Succubus. The burned information is the best. The built-in magic product and dual cultivation method can grow with the owner and have a long service life. You do n’t have to worry about being eliminated. .

However, Millie's status in the Devil's furnace is quite awkward, and the real service life is not long. Only Li Mo, who has never seen the world and does not understand the unspoken rules of the Ding furnace, is the first to obtain such high-end luxury goods. Extremely excited and cherished neuropathy. Only then will one of the best entertainment entertainers be cultivated as a quasi-wife. He broke the shackles of ‘entertainment’ and evolved into a ‘growth **** officer’.

(Countless Milly entertainment models at the same time, crying and hugging thighs ...)

(When Li Mo opened the box for the first time, Blanche was also illiterate in the furnace world. Both of them didn't understand the rules in the circle and raised the little succubus.)

What's more, the current furnace world (yes, like the food industry, also has its own small circle), is not the only one of the abyss succubus. Ruth behind the spider, Devil in Hell, Furnace in the Celestial Realm, and the elven **** system are all evenly matched. In addition, all kinds of emerging monster goddess companies, sectarian inheritance brought by the inheritors, the joy of the temple, and even the strong capital of the cybernetic machinery environment that have just set foot in this industry have strong competitiveness!

The princes of the Dingluo world are divided, and the heroes are fighting each other. All the outer spaces have proud pride, and the big races also have famous multi-faceted national brands. Every year, large companies in all layers of the crystal wall universe will hold a "multi-plane new product launch conference", excellent magic products continue to emerge, and the industry is fierce and fierce!

In this turbulent trend, even though Millie lit up her 13,000 old books, and broke the barriers to entertainment under Li Mo's training, her strength is naturally comparable to or even beyond the "spiritual character". But as far as her job is concerned, she can only be regarded as an "industry elite", not at the top of the pyramid.

Even if she can push Chen Xinxin out of her own way, there are still many more excellent peers on the basis of the same, Chen Chenxin also competes with her and even surpasses her.


In their business, the competition is really fierce.

In Kermily's mind, her master is even better than Carlos. In the future, a shoveling officer with a more perfect factory configuration will suddenly appear and replace her in the house. What's the point of living alive?

(If the chipmunk hears Kermily ’s heart, she will laugh aloud: pull it down, and Da Momo picks you up, it ’s already a bad luck. It ’s the size of Carlos that is higher than yours. Guy's special offer. Those dangerous goods that threaten the status of the old lady, I will let them enter the house? Rest assured, you are definitely our best!)

Camille, who was touched by the memory of Elika ’s senior, remembers deeply that if you want to suppress other competitors, you must constantly strengthen your professional **** shovel skills, so that the owner ca n’t live without him!

And seniors who are many times more outstanding than themselves, speak with facts by example, and have personally proved the excellent auxiliary effects of ‘dark cuisine’ on ‘Ding furnace’. Among her inheritance, there is a cooking method of "medicine". If it is combined with techniques such as "lighting and resonance", it can completely capture the owner's heart.

The inheritance that Erica handed to her is that after the abyssal demon comes into contact with ‘cooking’, he continues to sum up the unique genre of creation, the meat sculptor!

(This is the unique name of the abyss. When the abyss demon first encountered the magic reform culture, there were misunderstandings about the naming rules of the oriental system. Since there are alchemists, refining masters, refining pharmacists, alchemists, then playing with the art of meat Occupation, shouldn't it be the "meat master"? Then decide happily!)

After thoroughly integrating the ‘food cell’, ordinary people will get a new core career template. Unless Dao tires are good enough, they will be covered by ‘gourmet cells’ and reset their root qualifications. But Millie need not worry, the ‘food cell’ will be perfectly integrated into the ‘Abyssal Radiation System’ and become an aid.

For himself, with the growth of culinary skills and the continuous consumption of various powerful creatures, the gastronomic cells in the body will awaken and continue to grow, and continue to strengthen the body strength from the "Wu Xiu system", strengthen the Yin Shen, and prove it, Sanctify the flesh. Gourmet cells have an unparalleled advantage for the demons who take the path of martial arts.

Secondly, the **** officers who are the food cells, as the cells continue to awaken, can resonate with the ingredients and awaken the hidden value of the ingredients. They harvest food as if they were collecting fairy grass.

With the increase in cooking skills, there will be a similar "alchemy", "refining medicine" general "refining meat" ability: every recipe, like a pill; every cooking, the display of flames and fire, like alchemy; every success "Cooking" is like a "magic medicine", after use, it will achieve breakthroughs and growth. The most important thing is that it is perfectly absorbed and there is no erysipelas.

He was not a genius at the same time as Carlos, he was not the top, but he simply relied on eating the dark food of his own succubus, constantly accumulating qualifications, breaking the limits again and again, and finally surpassing many competitors.

In addition to helping the master to practice, Erica ’s cuisine also has a strong ability to "make medicine", causing a crit of the soul, and then paired with powerful "Ding furnace professional skills" ... Although the sister is not in the Crystal Palace, the palace has been circulating The legend of sister!

To Li Mo, it is regrettable that the auxiliary effect of the practice of each recipe can only take effect once. If you want to break through and strengthen, the total quality of the ingredients must exceed your own strength level. And the cooking effect must reach the ‘glow’ level.

Of course, there is no such thing as a "breakthrough" in the field of "dispensing medicine", and it can take effect many times. However, the continuous change of multiple recipes can play a better effect.

Coco Milly has harvested more than 400 legendary recipes and 108 different medicine tricks


In the following days, Li Mo negotiated with the logistics department of the legion many times, and finally finalized the supply plan of the "Big Shrimp Tribe". But Millie was left in the paradise by him. On the one hand, she acted as an adjutant and negotiated with the legion to sharpen her. On the other hand, follow Erica to practice, learn the unique skills of the 'radiation meat concentrator' line, and prepare to learn the masterpiece before returning home to serve the master.

At this time, Li Mo also returned to his 597th floor and began to prepare his own "Legend Road".

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