Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1106: Vicious infringement! Goblin Rule Lingzi Technology.

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Muye Village presented a private mansion to a family on the day. Taiyin ink carefully examined a samurai sword and used Taiyin's thoughts to investigate and collect various data. At the same time, the "Sixth Day of the Heart Demon" of the psychic world is also running at full strength, simulating the principle structure of copying the soul-cutting sword, and deciphering and analyzing the secrets.

I saw his movements suddenly stopped, thoughtfully said: "This is the Goblin technology of Dali religion? The method of cutting the soul of gold and proving the way, Lingzi technology? Interesting."

The knife in Li Mo's hands was the private communication of the reincarnation hall by Jilang, using the technique of reincarnation sacrifices, a large amount of colonial props imported from the main world.

It is different from Li Mo, who can plan the colony of the crystal wall with one hand, and use his wife's power to directly open the cosmic crystal channel and bypass the low-cost smuggling of the reincarnation hall.

The chicken wings still stay on the level of pioneering road signs, and although the gold spirit of the main world is tall, it does not dare to squander at will. After the bargaining of the master nephew and the uncle, the gold wings of the spirit are finally dropped and the wings are dropped The 100-handed entity slashed the sword, and then stopped, and the right to invest in the first phase.

Unless the layout of Frozen Wing Lang improves, this second-generation Lijiao goblin will continue to add. Compared with investing in Li Mo and Blanche with a quarter of a family, the sharp-eyed red eye is almost far behind.

At the moment, Li Mo's knife is the gift of the three surnamed spy king Daozi, and it is also a fine work of a fine hand made by Jin Jing.

In the battle of destroying the country by the water, Xiao Xiao didn't get any good from the shrimp. This made Da Weizi see the strength of the shrimp for the first time. She was shocked and regretted.

As a swaying grass on the wall, he once again had the idea of ​​hopping to the pier. Of course, more importantly, he found that his sister seemed to follow Victor sullenly. As a super girl control, can not see the sound and smile of Zuo Zuozi, he spent the day in Xiaoxiao.

However, there is a big ferret who secretly sells shrimp information and black history. After firmly thinking of changing jobs, it is natural to prepare some nominations to offset the previous mistakes. So he kept selling the information of the second owner (Li Mo) to the new owner (Li Mo) in private. Recently, he quietly submitted a trophy to show off, that is, this handle.

Before Xiao, he was ambitious and thought that he could take advantage of the war in the Kingdom of the Waves to make a profit and win three tail beasts in one breath. He never thought that he would fail. Once this link is completed, only the last three tail beasts are left in the ninja world. It is a pity that the strategy of the Kingdom of Boss failed, and the black thieves never died. Muye and Yunyin are top gangsters, so they set their target on Yanyin Wuwei. He also planned a terrorist attack against Iwagoo, preparing to raise morale.

The big ferret mastered hypnotism hypnotism and was dispatched to the country of the earth as a pioneer to carry out the early invasion deployment. Soon, I got to this unique boutique ‘Chopping Soul Sword’, and did n’t turn it in. Instead, I dedicate myself to Li Mo with my organization.

After starting this ‘cutting sword’, Li Mo soon discovered that it contained rich imprints of goblin, and there were traces of goblin civilization everywhere. From the most basic unique runes to the derived rules, all are the exclusive rules of the goblin family, and it is extremely difficult to decipher them flawlessly.

The Goblin family has strict control over the exclusive rules, and the entire crystal wall system is famous. Ordinary gangsters, even borrowing the exclusive law of losing a goblin, will be contaminated with a pile of dog-skin plaster-like causal entanglements. The weak cultivators will be swallowed up by the wolves even with their bones.

Under normal circumstances, the face of Goblin Technology Li Mo will also be able to avoid it. But this method of vindication is the ‘soul law’ he needs most. Because the advanced direction of his Taiyin law is also the ‘soul realm’.

At that time, Li Mo relied on the malicious villain to capture the "heart-catching demon", and successfully mastered the "soul-heart magic", which is also not a good kind. Soon after stolen and absorbed the essence of ‘kill wave’, it became the foundation of today ’s Taiyin.

How can Li Mo, who has the same notorious reputation in the field of "Earth Genius Technology" in the same field, not be able to see Lixin? Not only is it very exciting? It's just about to move, can't stop! The best part is that the identity of the reincarnation doctrine is unique. The world of Naruto is not the crystal wall system of Hittheim. Strictly speaking, it is not restricted by the crystal wall heaven, which gives him a huge operating space.

To this end, he specially allocated three Taiyin inks to participate in the deciphering project of "Earth Elf Technology".

The reason why he could successfully copy the "Destroy the Devil's Heart and Kill the Intentions" at that time was largely because he was in a different-degree universe, and the process of infringement was not restricted by the supervision of Heaven. He successfully bypassed the process and jumped to the result. When he brought the mature "private law" back to the main world, he easily accepted the approval of Heavenly Dao and cooked raw rice.

Now he is back to his old career, using the Umbrella of Different Degrees, difficult to decipher the rules of the goblin, and intends to steal the Lingzi technology in the ‘Chopping Soul Sword’ to see if he can integrate into his own power system? Go further.

Goblin is a well-known vicious infringing race. Malicious copycat goblin patent is a very challenging task. If you can achieve the feat of legally infringing the goblin rule, it is also a very fulfilling thing.

During this time, Li Mo fully led the invasion of the abyss radiation law of the Kingdom of Shrimp. In the puppet heaven, the corresponding radiation law has been formed and continues to grow.

On the side of the Taiyin avatar, the three Taiyin inks mobilized half of the resources of the psychic network and tried their best to crack this slashing sword, and finally got the harvest and obtained the incomplete core of the slashing sword.

Because the Goblin patents inside the Soul Cutter are too complicated, and even to the point of strictness, the rules parsed by Li Mo are incomplete, fragmented, and almost invalid.

Despite the efforts to restore, in the end, only two incomplete laws that could not be used in the main world were obtained. This kind of thing is 100% judged as a goblin patent in the main world. He can use it in the world of Naruto at the moment, and he must abandon it after his return. Once a trace is left, it will be sensed by the Lijiao group of rights-protecting mad dogs.

However, this also opened him a door to ‘Lingzi Technology’. If he could fully absorb and digest it, and express it in his own way, he would make a lot of money.

Soul and body are two directions that practitioners must face, and they are also two endless treasure trove. Any one of them is full of endless possibilities and infinite directions. As long as you go on firmly, you will definitely be able to reach the avenue directly.

The way of the body is often restricted by the innate blood, while the way of the soul is known for its complexity and change.

Li Mo's exposure to the "nian ability, avatar, kaleidoscope" is all about the changeable aspect of the soul. Under the same rules of avatars and rules of mind ability, only the differences of souls can show strange results.

Those who have aptitude for luck are better able to use the mortal body to gain the strength of the sky involving the laws of time, space, cause and effect. There is no reason to say that this is the superiority of ‘gaming soul potential stimulation’.

The core rules of the Soul Sword are highly similar to the kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes, avatars, and ability to read. It is also an alternative ‘heart imagery’:

Taking the "soul-cutting sword" as the standard soul Dao tire, instilling its own spirit and belief, reprocessing, nurturing, and soul binding, finally inspires a unique ability to solve the problem and step into the Dao tire. Once **** is resolved, you can break through the sanctuary. This is one of the important means of Li Cultivating Crash Disciples.

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