Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1093: B grid exploded, the strongest show in history (below)

Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the magic race!

In the case of the kidnapping of Iro, Nifibito, who had a sense of presence, was recognized by Kakashi just after showing his face. During the live broadcast, he said: "She is an empty area meow fairy!"

Guowang Tuanzang didn't know Biduo. He was scared by the terrorist forces of the shrimp organization at the moment, and his mood was very complicated and unwilling. Now seeing that the unknown cat ear girl is so strong, she suddenly raises an unknown fire: "What a fairy? An unknown person, please the crowd!"

And Gang, who blocked the information about the Meow Star, began to answer online: "This Meow Star once destroyed the Xiao organization den, rescued Iero, and resurrected his life."

"What, is she my life-saving benefactor?" I Luo, who had become a quasi-wind shadow, asked the barrage.

"Yes, she is your benefactor, the partner of the Taiyin Fairy, the master of the ruins of the empty area, and the Meow Fairy who monopolizes 40% of the ninja world underground arms trading market." Chiyo's grandmother said with emotion: Is the era of the ninja over? From now on, will the immortal talent be the protagonist of this world? Damn, the sand hidden background is too thin, and the elders can't touch the threshold of the fairy mode so far.

Lei Ying saw this scene, his five fingers strained, and subconsciously squeezed the thick work desk, but did not respond:

Ninja world actually hides so many powerful people, but I still feel complacent in the past, thinking that thunder escape armor can be invincible in the world, really underestimated the ninja hero. Not to mention the wooden leaf eight-door Dunjia, the fog hidden armored fairy technique, all are the ninjutsu of inferior thunder escape mode. These immortals are even more outrageous and desperate! It seems that it is necessary to master the five lightnings as soon as possible, the ultimate Lei Dun fairy model-the fifth paragraph.

However, Millie and Pete succeeded in the top position after completing their first show in a psychic webcast. Li Mo also fought with his own avatar, also suppressed the attack power to the minimum, and sublimated the special effects and the sense of oppression, and then through the amplification of the network, brought the audience to the horror experience of day and night.

This immersive VR special effect, far beyond the ordinary 3D experience, makes the audience fascinated. Unprecedented fairy fights, Absolute B surpassed the basic love between the pillars and spots, and infinitely deviated toward the level of six Dao.

Even many fans who were fanned by the two gangsters even believed that even if the six resurrections were resurrected, the boss of Victor should be pressed on the floor to move the coffin board and slam the fan.

What is even more shameless is that the two of them are one person, they are connected with each other, and fighting is like fighting each other. Knowing each other's roots, Li Mo hasn't shot yet, Taiyin Mo knows which trick he wants to use? Then I learned the strength of the deity's punching and made the most perfect response. And Li Mo also clearly understood the idea of ​​doppelganger, and on this basis, deduced the next countermeasures and selected the most handsome posture. Afterwards, the avatars continue to perform deductions, and choose the program whose special effects can best highlight their immortal temperament.

In this way, the two people move faster and faster, a set of ninja body showdown, the electro-optical flints are overwhelming, and the surrounding terrain has been changed by violent violence for countless rounds. The speed of the two is too exaggerated, and has already surpassed the human reaction ability. Not to mention that the body can't keep up with the rhythm, just simply watching, the brain can't react too much, just feel fast! It's too fast!

Li Mo and the two avatars only fought for more than 100 rounds in a blink of an eye. The lunar month of the lunar month played a gorgeous battle script of thousands of rounds. The two played for a while and became bored. They looked at each other tacitly and were fierce with each other. Right move.

Li Mo's radiating hand knife chopped the Taiyin ink chest, while flexing his claws to capture the unconscious six tails. The Taiyin Mo style of Taiyin sword gas directly penetrated Victor's heart, and also grabbed towards the six tails.

The two were severely wounded and vomiting blood at the same time. The audience watching them held their breaths and were so nervous that the adrenaline burst.

At this time, the boss of Victor bleeds in the chest, and the flame demon madly burns vitality: "Give me death!"

The immortal Taiyin showed no signs of weakness, and mobilized the psychic network to gather the infinite Yin Yun magic energy: "I will not let you succeed!"

Then, the two used the six-tailed column force in their hands as the battlefield to conduct a fierce confrontation, and poured energy into the body of the column force. They were not only fighting for the ownership of the tail beast, but also attacking each other. Once they failed, they would be miserable. unbelievable.

In the end, he only heard a crack like a silk, blood splattered, and the six-tailed man had no time to scream, and was torn into two pieces by the two big brothers!

A good scene to tear the devil freehand!

The Taiyin fairy was insidiously calculated by the boss of Victor, his eyes glared at each other, still a little unbelievable, and then he spurted blood from the sky and grabbed half of the body to withdraw quickly.

The boss of Victor burned flames in his hands, pressed **** his chest, burned the wound to stop bleeding, and the other hand carried a corpse that was bleeding constantly, and coughed up blood while laughing boldly: "Taiyin fairy, psychic network is powerful, But the lack of combat power is your biggest weakness! You can't beat me after all! "

"The ghouls are sealed!" The immortal Taiyin face was unwilling, and in front of the audience of the entire ninja world, the summons summoned the **** of death and sealed half of the six tails in the half body.

After the half-six seals of death, he still wanted to shoot Taiyin ink and charge the soul as interest, but he was beaten on the spot by the soul-biting Taiyin demon. On the spot, only Pia chirped, and his backhand was pumped on his face! Instantly being beaten into a state of coercion, staring at Taiyin Mo with wide eyes.

The psychic network has now become a part of the law of heaven and earth. Taiyin ink is the master of the law and part of the ninja world, a veritable fairy. Death gave him a black hand, which was to provoke the ninja world and to provoke Kratian. Even if he had six fairy backgrounds, he would still be beaten hard.

Sure enough, after the seal of the six tails of death, he immediately counseled and returned to the pure land of bliss, once again proving that although the Taiyin fairy was injured, it is still the top power. Even three generations and four generations of Naruto had to use the seal technique at the expense of sacrifice, but he was sloppy.

And the boss of Victor also shot a huge radiation magic hand, as if containing a different dimension space, swallowed the other half of the body of the seal, and then laughed out loud: "How can you save him with all your strength? It is not dead! What about half-tailed beasts? I have two and a half hands! "

At this time, the Meow Immortal no longer fights with the small succubus, the phase meow body moves freely in the force field of the line of mind, which is more convenient, flexible and low-cost than the flying Thor. She appeared directly beside Taiyin Mo, stretched her hand on his shoulder, and disappeared instantly.

The small succubus released the Yanlong and swept the audience, and no trace of the enemy was found, but he said helplessly: "Escaped."

Suddenly, the boss of Victor seemed to find something. With a snort, the webcast was cut off.

Acting here is enough. The boss of Victor is invincible with the Taiyin fairy. The former shows invincible strength, the domineering personality charm quickly wins the circle, and the latter also destroys the evil plan of the other shrimp organization to capture Liuwei. Despite being imperfect and even injured, it is also a power to turn the tide and hit Victor, and the quality of self-denial is even admired by the ninjas.

In the psychic network, the people who saw Zheng Shuang were suddenly broken, and they shouted: "What's wrong?", "What happened?", "Why is it disconnected?"

The masters such as Tsunade, Ai, and Onomu think that this scene is related to the Taiyin fairy!

Immortals could have concealed Victor's feelings before, and announced the crime of shrimp organization invading the water country, but at this time, they were injured by the other party, and their strength fell and then exposed, so the live broadcast was interrupted.

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