Magic Race Crossing

Chapter 1088: Majesty Xu Zuppi torture the steam giant

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Sazuko and Ghostfish suddenly appeared and hit Fei Duan and others by surprise.

The flying segment that has frequently encountered high-intensity battles recently has rapidly improved its strength. With the first-hand Yang Dun-Steam Giant model, it has a tendency to catch up with other veterans, rank among the forefront, and become the trend of the pillars of the organization.

In this operation, Payne dragged the most intractable Victor, they captured the tail beast in two ways, and continued to shunt the masters of the shrimp organization. There were two newcomers beside him. This gorgeous lineup dealt with a flying team. The woman (Come Millie), who took the seriously injured three tails, was more than enough.

But the ghost knows how many monsters the shrimp organization hides? They have overestimated this organization indefinitely, and now two S-levels have appeared! They are all fairies who master the mode of fairies, dare to be a little more ruthless? Change tai a little more? !

Calculate your S-class shrimp, more than any of the five villages! Are you going against the sky? Give me a way to live? Do you still think about the Six Dao Immortals? Too much, bang bang.

What makes Fei Duan even more tragic is that the female ninja who attacked her is unknown, but she is proficient in the fairy mode, and has strengthened the writing wheel to the point of kaleidoscope, resulting in the unique super card of the ferret.

your sister! This is Suzuno! Only Uchiha Itachi can use Super Ninjutsu, which is enough to compete with his giant form. Are you actually superimposing fairy mode? Would you give me a hot spring fairy? !

If Zuo Zizi can hear Fei Duan's heart, she must answer: there is more to come!

The next second, the purple Suzaku giant who successfully pushed the giant of the black armor back, spurred the power of the Pippi fairy, and carried out a second runaway: "The difficulty of the fairy beast-the costume-the Suzopapi mode!"

Suzunano is already the ultimate kaleidoscope, known as the ‘power of God’, which is admired as a ninjutsu that ‘has seen it with his own eyes, and he will inevitably die’, which shows his terrifying destructive power. However, the steam giant in the flying section is not bad. Successfully touched the threshold of the "Fairy", and the complete explosion is also the pinnacle of the S-class.

Zuo Zuozi alone can only win the advantage by suppressing opponents, only by taking advantage of Zuo Zuohu. So she poured Fakira, the nuclear explosion of the Pipi Fairy, into Suzuno, and added fuel to the fire. The "Pippi Fairy Colony" covering her body also temporarily serves as the role of "Nine Tails", incarnate into a very spectacular shrimp king armor, covering the body of Suzuno!

So now there is the "Majestic-Suzo Pipi" at this moment!

A purple female giant, wearing a Japanese traditional shrimp skin armor, the head armor is a deadly nuclear explosion shrimp head, and the forehead accessories are a pair of long and flabby shrimp whiskers, like the **** of war Lu Bu inserted above For pheasant feathers, it seems that Xiaoqiang's tentacles are looking for food, which brings Suzuno a powerful sense of perception, and can also serve as a signal receiver and connect to the psychic network for services.

This is the ultimate mystery that Sasuke and Naruto combined together in the comics before they can be used. It completely breaks through the SS level threshold and is comparable to the super power of a real fairy.

It's a pity that Sasaki's 'Pippi Fairy' can't supply Chakra in unlimited quantities like the tail beast. It is just a converter + battery. Like Li Mo's Pippi Fairy King, he can only persist for a short time after the storm. For a while, but it was enough for her to kill Feida.

I saw Weizhi Pippi with five fingers and a grip, a "Weizhuang Pipi Shrimp Sword" composed of "Tianzhao Fire + Nuclear Explosion Magic Energy" was instantly formed, and then was grasped by Xu Zuo, and the knife was cut and pulled out. Set of swords in the clouds.

The steam giant with its bones armed showed no signs of weakness. The steam spewed into the body as a power. He held up a pair of iron fists and greeted them aggressively, constantly playing various moves, protecting himself with the bone arm guards, and using the steam power fist to fight the flame sword.

The Tianzhao nuclear explosive sword was heavily chopped on the steam bone bone armor, making a piercing frictional explosion sound. The force of the nuclear explosion exploded fiercely, causing the indestructible bone to crack, and blood spewed out. However, Fei Duan was unaware, crazy pain turned into pleasure, and gave a nervous jitter of M shaking, and continued to rush to death.

The majestic Pippi Excalibur slashed continuously, and the bone armor of the flying segment continued to be damaged, and the damage and the damage eventually broke and spattered, and the huge nuclear explosion shock wave also swayed in the air again and again, turning into a visible ripple. The earth overturned the trees and snapped. Severe nuclear storms blew up, blowing a kilometer of land into the shape of rotten fish skin with scales scraped off. After countless days of fire falling on the ground, the violent burning could not be extinguished.

The two sides continued to fight in close combat and collided. 'Pretend to be Zuopipi' is extremely brutal, nuclear explosion armor ignores the steam sun escape damage, and Zuozi again launches pupil surgery to strengthen the Phijian sword with a layer of flame chain saw special effect with 'Jiagutu', incarnate An 18-meter-long nuclear explosive chain sword was chopped off uncontrollably against the blood-stained steam giant.

During the fierce battle, Sasko shook his body, avoiding the steam fist, and then kicked, kicking the giant at the end of the crossbow.

The huge black monster stood unsteady, shook his arms, lost his center of gravity, and fell helplessly, plunging deep into the earth. The edges around the edge were unbroken, forming ravines. The nearby stratum was violently shaken, like an earthquake of magnitude 8, which turned the soil over again.

Suzupi lifted his hands high and cut off with a sword, like a chainsaw cutting butter, and chopping off the steam giant's left arm.

The arm broke and a lot of steam was emitted. The black skylight flames, after contaminating the giant's limbs, burned more violently. Fei Duan screamed, struggling constantly, while Sasoko showed no mercy, stepped on his face, and stepped on his neck. Then the Great Sword of Flame splits vertically, dividing the steam giant into eight corpses, and the stumps of the body are burning a raging fire.

Fei Duan screamed and struggled hard, but he couldn't die. In the end, Zuo Zizi slashed his head, cut Fei's head, and cut the back of his neck. Zuo Dafei.

On the other side, Guideng Shuiyue teamed up with the oil girl to challenge the shark chili, one of the seven prawns of the king shrimp.

After Li Mo's transformation, the ghost shark with rich experience of 'snake muscle fusion' chose to abandon one of the seven ninja swords, successfully contracted with a Pippi fairy, and easily completed the 'Pippi shrimp fusion' to repair Pippi Fairy pattern.

After the fusion of Pipi shrimp, the strength is roughly 3 times that of the fusion shark muscle. Although he lost the water escape bonus and the ability of Chakra to absorb, he obtained the nuclear explosion fairy spell Chakra, the indestructible Pippi strong colonial armor, his physical quality was infinitely strengthened, and he also passively inculcated the Six-Type Profound Truth, the Third Sex domineering, so that the strength of the ghost shark is rising.

Faced with two pseudo-S-class rookies at the moment, how can one slap be described? Shuiyue casts a hydration alienation technique, and the oil girl wants to release a lot of insects, and they are scattered by the hammer of two nuclear explosive shrimps. Under the crush of absolute power, any resistance is futile.

Just as the ghost shark is about to slay the killer, there are countless detonation symbols in the sky, intertwined and dancing with each other, turning into a giant paper tornado, rotating towards him with the trend of electro-optic poisonous dragon drill.

The ghost shark immediately understood that this is another big figure of Xiao organization! So he stepped into the air, Yue step exploded into the air, withdrew and retreated, and kicked a nuclear explosion at the same time, stroking towards Shuiyue at the same time, striking the two newcomers at the same time.

Just as the ghost shark dodges quickly, Coco Milly has mentioned the fourth-generation water shadow that was seriously injured and comatose, and re-floats into the sky, shooting a radiation disaster dragon in the direction of Xiao Nan.

Radiation scourge dragon stretches its body in the air, roars towards the detonation rune paper tornado, collides in the air, triggers a violent explosion, countless detonation signs detonate in chains, controls the appearance of countless fires, large and small, and the pungent smoke covers everything .

And Xiaonan took the opportunity to take away the seriously wounded Shuiyue and the oil girl. When the chain explosion ended, the ghost shark extracted the magic carat and launched the water escape, artificially made a rain, extinguished all the flames, and found that the enemy had taken the opportunity to evacuate. Even the dead body of the flying section was taken away.

Coco Milly landed, dropped the loot on the ground, and said to the ghost shark: "You summoned the three tails of the Yin Dun phone worm seal and uploaded it to the psychic holy land. Zosako is in charge of guarding, and I will kill the six tails!"

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