Magic Love Ring

Chapter 890: 朕 glad to help

Five days later, the imperial clan imperial city.

In the evening, the setting sun shines and the Cabernet Sauvignon.

In the center of the imperial city, an altar stood up, revealing a solemn and solemn atmosphere.

Around the altar, the elite soldiers of the strong cattle demons layer by layer, idlers, etc., will be expelled as soon as they are within ten feet of the altar.

time flies.

An hour later, the powerful Bull Demon Emperor went straight to the altar under the support of a group of masters of the Bull Demon Clan, accompanied by a dry princess princess of the Bull Demon Clan, except for the nine princes who died, all the remaining princesses turn up.

After approaching the altar, the rest stopped, and the powerful bull demon emperor continued to walk towards the altar.

The altar is divided into three layers, each layer is full of desolate runes, mysterious and long.

Eventually, the Great Bull Demon Emperor boarded the highest altar, and the runes on this layer were slightly different. On the whole, it looked like a grimace, spooky and weird. Among the runes, there were a hundred head-sized altars. Groove.

I saw a powerful bull demon emperor waved a hand, a hundred crystal heads flew into the groove, and steadily inlaid together.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful Bull Demon Emperor cut his finger again, spilled a hundred drops of blood, and fell into the crystal skull. Suddenly, a huge breath rose from the altar.

Under the influence of this momentum, except for the mighty bull demon emperor standing on the altar, all others fell to the ground.

On the other side, an altar is still standing in a huge valley far away from the imperial city. It is strange that a mighty bull demon emperor is still standing on the altar, and there are several people around the altar, namely the wing demon emperor. Sword Demon King, Three-eyed Demon King, and Demon King.

As the Great Bull Demon Emperor spilled blood on the crystal skull, a huge momentum rose on the altar.

"Old sword, do you say that the human warrior will come?" The three-eyed demon emperor asked in a deep voice, and he felt something wrong in his heart.

"Should come!" Dao Demon Road.

Imperial City.

The momentum from the altar was getting stronger and stronger, and eventually connected with the whole world. At this time, not only the life around the altar inspired this breath, but even the souls in the entire imperial city were because of this breath. Shivering.

A few kilometers away, there was a huge building. Song Yan stood in front of the window, staring closely at the altar in the middle of the imperial city, his eyes faintly thoughtful, and behind him stood the Eastern Tianhe and Duanmu Chong, in addition, there are two majestic strong men.

"Your Majesty, when do you start?" Duanmu Chong asked.

"Wait first."

With a dazzling figure, Song Kun disappeared and reappeared. He had reached the top of a valley and looked at the mighty bull devil emperor on the central altar in the valley. His brows frowned even more.

After a short while, his mind flashed, and a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Oh, Dear Bull Demon Emperor, your calculations are really deep, true or false, false or true, almost you were deceived!" "

Under the perspective of magical powers, all the grass and trees in the valley are invisible. Naturally, the two deities cannot escape his investigation.

If you change to someone else, you will definitely think that the altar in the imperial city is fake, and the real altar should be in this valley. After all, the four demon emperors and two demon gods are here, but this mighty bull demon emperor is on the contrary Doing it the same way, no, it should be said to be a two-pronged approach, because the two altars are true, no matter which one is successful, he can be promoted to the devil.

As for why there are two powerful bull devil emperors, this is very easy to explain, it's just two.

Shaking his body, Song Yong appeared again on the building inside the imperial city.

"Get started, destroy the altar, and kill the powerful Bull Demon Emperor!"


Duanmu Chong flashed out and came directly to the sky above the altar, then waved and photographed.

A huge palm shadow descended from the sky, and instantly wiped out the entire altar and even the mighty bull demon emperor on the altar.

As soon as the Dali Niuhuang emperor died here, there was a sudden mistake and regret on the face of Dali Niuhuang on the altar in the valley far away.

He did not expect that the Terrans could not find the valley.

But it ’s okay not to find it. The emperor can now become a **** with peace of mind, but he has some regrets. He did not count the warrior of the human race and the demon gods of the other two races.

But at this moment, the figures flickered, and five figures suddenly appeared over the valley.

"嗖! 嗖! 嗖! 嗖! 嗖!"

Five figures descended from the sky and landed around the altar. Song Kun raised his hand and punched, and the whole altar exploded, and the powerful demon emperor flew up and landed beside the other four demon emperors. When he saw the five men's After his face, his eyes narrowed suddenly, and his heart was even more inexplicable.

"Dali Niu Mohuang, how is it that you have a high plan or is it better?" Song Yan looked at Dani Niuhuang with a smile and asked.

"How did you see it through?" The Herculean Emperor deposed.

Song Kun said: "In the beginning, I was almost deceived by you, but by the way, I also got a crystal skull, so I discovered that there are also millions of souls in the crystal skull on the altar in the imperial city. I came here and took a look again, and found that there are millions of souls in the crystal skull here, and more so, I also have a clone! "

With that said, the emperor stepped out of Song Jun's body and stood beside him.

Hearing this, Dali Niuhuang's face became extremely gloomy.

Song Kun continued: "You seem to have deliberately exposed you to the Soul Sacrifice in the Imperial City. In fact, your true intention is to attract you here and ignore the altar in the Imperial City. Then, you can hide the sky and let Your deities or avatars in the imperial city are sacrificed into gods. If you do n’t find it here and just destroy you over the imperial city, you can still become a **** with the soul sacrifices here, and you only need to succeed one, even if it ’s true victory!"

"You're right, I didn't expect the emperor's calculations to be seen through by you!" Said the powerful Niu Niu emperor, who was extremely decadent.

The other four demon emperors finally understood what was going on, and they looked at the Dali Niu Emperor angrily for a moment. They thought that they knew all the plans, but they were deceived by them.

"If the emperor did not guess wrong, you still have a layer of calculation. Do you want to use your hand to get rid of one or two other deities of the other four races?" Song Yan said again.

"You bullshit!"

Dani Niuhuang suddenly changed color.

The faces of the other four demons became very ugly.

"But I want to tell you, I'm happy to help you!"

However, before Song Ye finished talking, there were two figures flying away from the sky, and it was the winged demon and the three-eyed demon that wanted to walk away.

"Leave me!"

Song Yan's eyes were slightly stunned, and he raised his hand to shoot a palm. The huge golden palm shadow appeared in the sky and fell suddenly, and directly shot the two demon gods who were about to escape back into the valley.

[Author off topic]: Three more, today's update is complete

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