Magic Love Ring

Chapter 882: Rune Rune and Blood Rune

In the past, Song Ye only knew the approximate location of Mount Wangfeng, but now, he has obtained some memories of the Wushen Valkyrie, which can be said to be a familiar road.

A moment later, I came to sit and forget the peak.

Today, Huangshan Liushuangs and his wife are under house arrest in a small courtyard, guarded inside and outside the courtyard.

Outside the courtyard are two servants of Wu Sheng level.

In the courtyard, it is that brother Zhu.

At this moment, he was brewing a pot of tea, sitting at the stone table in the courtyard with a book, with a rather relaxed look.

"Who are you?"

The emergence of Song Huan and Tongtian Valkyrie aroused the vigilance of two Valkyrie servants. They lived all year round on Zhanwang Peak, and as servants, they were rare to see him, so they did not know Tongtian Valkyrie and Song at all.砚 This Dawu Emperor.

"Get away!"

It is the so-called hate house and black, and after being jointly calculated by the Zanwu Valkyrie and the Misty Valkyrie, Tsutenmuchi did not have a slight favor for the person sitting on the peak of the peak. With a flick of the hand, the two Valkyrie servants were blown away and dropped into the numbers Meters away, passed out.

"Who dares to pretend to be sitting at Wangfeng?"

With a cold drink, Brother Zhu appeared, but when he saw the appearance of Tongtian Wushen, his appearance changed suddenly, and he quickly bent over to salute: "I wish I had seen Master Tiantong, I do n’t know what happened to the master?"

"I still need to report to you about the deity, stay away!" In the face of Zhu Qian, the tone of Martial God is still bad.

Hearing the words, Zhu Qian could not help but hesitated in his heart, and quickly stepped aside, dared not to say more, and at the same time, he quietly looked at Song Yan.

Opening the courtyard door, Song Yan strode in.

However, the parents were not in the hospital, but practiced behind closed doors in the room.

"Tuk Tuk!"

Song Kun knocked on the door: "Dad, it's me, please open the door."

"It's the baby."

There was an excited voice from Liu Wushuang in the room, and immediately after the door opened, Song Yan was embraced into a warm embrace: "Baby, it's you, I want to die."

The following Tiantian Wushen saw this scene, and was surprised at first, and then there was an interesting smile on the corner of his mouth. It was unexpected that the mighty Emperor Wuwu had ...

"Kee, madam, and outsiders are present, and he is still the emperor of a country, you have to change his name." Huang Shan followed closely, just seeing the smile at the corner of Tongtian Wushen, could not help but remind him by words.

Liu Wushuang was not an unreasonable person, he was reminded by his husband, and realized that his son was an emperor of a country, and the baby's title could never be called again. Once passed out, it would damage the majesty.

So she let go of Song Yan, and asked with concern: "Son, why are you here?"

Suddenly, she noticed the Celestial Martial God not far away, and suddenly she looked at her, but immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Son, this girl is also your ...?"

Before waiting for Liu Wushuang to finish speaking, Song Yan hurriedly introduced: "Mother, this is the Heavenly Martial God."


Liu Wushuang exclaimed at the same time as Huang Shan.

Next, Song Xun took a few words to tell the story of the whole story, even if Huangshan respected the teacher again, and learned that the chanting behavior of Zanwu Valkyrie was no longer standing in his heart. there.

"Dad, mother, baby check your body for you!" Song Yan said.

"it is good!"

The couple nodded.

At the same time, Song Zheng reached out and caught the parents' wrists, and entered a force of luck to investigate.

Their bodies sit and forget about Valkyrie.

Next, Song Xuan pushed the perspective magical power to the extreme, and searched their knowledge of the sea. Sure enough, they saw a blood-stained symbol in their soul. This blood-stained symbol exuded an evil breath, and it was particularly powerful. Once opened, the sea of ​​knowledge of Huangshan Liu Wushuang couple can be destroyed in an instant.

"Senior Brother, can you find a way to remove the blood sign from their souls for my father and mother?"

After Song Ye explained the situation, he frowned and asked Tongtian Wushen.

Tongtian Wu Shinto: "According to your description, the soul of your parents should be the blood soul rune. This sign is extremely evil. After being implanted into the soul, it will continuously draw the power of the soul of the planted and gradually communicate with The soul of the implanted person merges into one, and will eventually devour the soul of the implanted person, so that the implanted person becomes two soulless bodies! As for the elimination method, except for the seeded person, once others touch the blood sign , It will be known to those who run the rune, and the opponent only needs one thought to explode the blood rune ...! "

As for the consequences of the explosion of the blood amulet, the Heavenly God of War did not elaborate, but everyone here understands what the consequences are.

For a moment, Song Yan's brow frowned even deeper.

"Life and death have a life, son, you don't need to care about the lives of your father and your mother, you can do whatever you want!" Huang Shan said suddenly, with a free and easy tone in his tone.

Liu Wushuang nodded: "Yeah son, that sitting and forgetting Valkyrie is so bad. Even if the mother is dead, you can't give in to him, otherwise, the old guy will surely have to go in and continue to take us to beat you and make you unwilling Do it! "

Hearing the words of the two, Song Kun was quite moved. The couple was willing to die for him.

Suddenly, he smiled: "Who said there was no way, I have a way, but there are certain risks, not only dad and mother would like to try?"

"Although the son comes, it doesn't matter if he fails!" Liu Wushuang said indifferently.

"Yes! You can do whatever you want!" Huangshan Road.

"Okay, father, mother, please relax!"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Yong clicked **** at the same time, landed between the two brows, and at the same time punched a magical power into them.

The rune transformed by the magical power went straight to the two to know the sea, and aimed at the blood rune.

Since the blood talisman will merge the power of devouring the soul, it means that it also belongs to the power of the soul, and the magic power is aimed at the power of the soul. As long as it is enslaved and controlled by Song Yong, Huangshan and Liu Wushuang will not be in danger .

Feeling the invasion of Shenshentong, the two blood amulets suddenly rose in blood, Huangshan and Liu Wushuang screamed together and passed out.

Seeing this, Song Yan looked at the others, split his mind into two, and manipulated the Rune Rune to the Blood Rune.


Suddenly, the Rune Rune swallowed up two Blood Runes, but after all, the Blood Rune was planted by the Forgotten Valkyrie, which contained a trace of his own soul power, even though there was only one trace, the power was great.

Therefore, even if engulfed by a rune, it is still struggling.


Song Yan snorted and broke into two magical powers.

In the end, under the repression of the two runes, the blood amulets were finally unable to struggle.

"come out!"

Mind-shifting, the magic rune flew from the sea of ​​knowledge of Huangshan and Liu Wushuang.


They spit out blood, and their faces became extremely pale.

This blood amulet absorbed the power of many of their souls. Therefore, after leaving the body, their souls suffered some damage, but it does n’t matter. As long as Song Yong teaches them the meditation method, after a while, they can be damaged. The power of your soul is brought back to cultivation.

The sorrowful Valkyrie, who was waiting in the Shengjing Formation for a long time, suddenly changed his face, because he sensed that the blood charms planted in the souls of Huangshan and Liu Wushuang had lost their sense.

[Author off topic]: One more

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