Magic Love Ring

Chapter 854: Seven battlefields

The new commander of the Blood River battlefield is called Xiao Xuanwei. He was a deputy director of a division under the military aircraft battalion. He is a low-key person. When he arrived at the Blood River battlefield, he wanted to arrange all his close friends to important positions.

What is called a radish and a pit, he wants to place his relatives in important positions, but ignores the existence of a vice general.

As a result, they were opposed and resisted by the Vice Admiral.

Although Li Feng and Meng Li, the deputies with the most contributions, have both been transferred, the ten people who continue to serve as deputy generals all carry greater credit.

As soon as Xiao Xuanwei had no prestige and no credit, he wanted to grab food from the bowl of ten vice generals, and it turned out that he was ashamed.

Not to mention that the new officer has not burned three fires. Even ordinary soldiers in the blood river battlefield know that this new commander cannot hold the field at all. He has the name of commander but has no commandership. The lieutenant gave overhead.

In desperation, Xiao Xuanwei had to ask the military aircraft battalion for help, hoping to transfer the ten arrogant lieutenants.

However, at this time, fighting broke out between Dongyu and the military aircraft battalion. Therefore, the post he wrote was directly submerged, and there was no news at all.

The ten lieutenants did not know from any channels that he had written a memorial to the military battalion and wanted to transfer them all away. Therefore, it became more and more arrogant, more and more changed, and it was even better for him. respect.

The two figures swayed, and Song Ying and Lei Jiuming appeared in Blood River City.

"Old Lei, let's go to the restaurant first and inquire about the situation in Blood River City." Song Yan suggested.

As a result, the two boarded a restaurant in Blood River City and sat down in a humble corner of the restaurant.

Drinking small wine and listening to the gossip of other diners, the time passed unconsciously.

And Song Ye and the two also had a general understanding of the current Blood River City in this hour.

"These ten guys are so lawless that they completely overruled the commander-in-chief!" Lei Jiuming said with some words.

"Are you very proud?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"What am I proud of?"

Song Yan joked: "The group of guys are obedient and obedient in your hands, but when they change people, they are more arrogant than one, so if you compare them, will you better show your means? Are you Lei Shuai? ? "

Lei Jiu-ming glared at Song Yan with an angry look: "Am I the kind of shallow person? But to be honest, I really didn't expect that this group of guys would become so arrogant and arrogant. Anyway, Xiao Xuanwei is also the commander-in-chief. Save your face! "

Song Ye sneered: "Okay, don't cry here, cats and mice, fake mercy, or do things right, right, who do you think is the commander in chief of this blood river battlefield?"

"It's better to be Meng Li! Otherwise, it will be difficult for other people to suppress this group of guys!" Lei Jiuming thought.

Song Zhengshen nodded in approval: "Well, let Meng Li be the one!"

If Xiao Xuanwei is a tough man, he still needs some means to include the **** battlefield in His Majesty, but the other party is just a wit and a soft egg. Of course, Song Yan will not be polite with him. He will go back wherever he is, anyway, now the military aircraft camp Can only crouch in the holy city, no one will take them seriously.

Less than a quarter of an hour, all the ten vice generals of Blood River City came to this restaurant.

Seeing Song Yan and Lei Jiuming sitting there, they both welcomed them excitedly.

After a brief greeting, Lei Jiuming proposed to kick Xiao Xuanwei and change Meng Li to be the commander of the Blood River battlefield.

In this regard, the vice generals all raised their hands in favor.

After the matter was settled, Song Ye went to the Holy City to bring Meng Li to the Blood River battlefield, kicked Xiao Xuanwei and became the new commander.

After dealing with the Blood River battlefield, Song Yan and Lei Jiuming went straight to the Black Cliff Battlefield.

Li Feng has been in command of the Black Cliff Battlefield for several months. Although he has no background in the Black Cliff Battlefield, he still controls the power of the Blood River Battlefield with his clever wrist.

This made Song Yan and Lei Jiuming look at him differently.

Song Feng and Lei Jiuming's arrival made Li Feng very happy and set down the banquet to accompany him personally.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes.

Everyone tacitly put down the wine glass and chopsticks. However, before Song Yan opened his mouth, Li Feng offered to take the initiative to lead the Black Cliff Battlefield to Song Yan.

Don't look at the guy giggling on the surface and show off, but in fact he is an understanding person.

Even the military battalion was defeated by Song Ye, and Song Ye ’s behavior was deeply admired by him, so when he heard that the army defeated in the Eastern Regions, he had a second heart and planned to join Song Ye .

Of the seven battlefields, three have been resolved.

The remaining four, we must think carefully about how to save them.

The other four battlefields are the Tianyuan battlefield, the Blackwater battlefield, the Hongsha battlefield, and the Xihai battlefield.

Among them, Tianyuan battlefield stationed 1.2 million troops, and the commander was Bu Feng. This man was Bu Yi's younger brother. He has been the commander-in-chief of the Tianyuan battlefield for 30 years. The battlefield is operating without interruption, so if you want to conquer the Tianyuan battlefield, you must start with Bu Feng.

If he changed to other forces, Song Yan could directly implement the decapitation plan, but for Bu Feng, he could not do so, because he had repeatedly defeated the invasion of the demons in the 30 years he had served as the commander of the Tianyuan battlefield, so He has great achievements with the human race.

Song Ye can not care about reputation, but he can't do anything to the human race.

Besides, Hei Shui battlefield, with 600,000 troops stationed in it, is headed by Han Yu. This man is quite young, only 38 years old, and is a late master.

But this man's military talent is quite high, he can sit on the commander of the Blackwater battlefield, all rely on military merit accumulation.

The Red Sand battlefield was stationed with 800,000 troops, and the commander was Sima Wolf. This man was originally a soldier in the army. Later, due to the fierce killing of the enemy, he rose all the way and eventually became the commander in command. Examples of martial arts top.

It stands to reason that as commander-in-chief, you should plan and occupy the army and command the whole situation.

However, this man did not follow the common sense. He would rush to the front whenever there was a battle. Therefore, the soldiers under his hands were fierce in each battle, like a hungry wolf.

Finally, let's talk about the Xihai battlefield. This battlefield has 1.1 million garrisons. The commander is Daytime. The Xihai battlefield is mainly against sea monsters.

Since he served as the commander-in-chief of the Xihai Battlefield, Siren has rarely been able to enter the inland through the battlefield. Daytime Ya is not good at attacking, but has a strong defensive ability. He once led three thousand defenders and fully blocked the 100,000 sea The demon attacked continuously for one month.

For the next period of time, Song Zheng and Lei Jiuming visited the commanders of the four battlefields one by one. As a result, Bu Feng's attitude was very cold, Han Yu was quite enthusiastic, and seemed to have the intention of surrender. Sima Wolf was disdainful. Gu directly sent someone to expel both Song Kun.

In the end, Tianya Ya, his attitude is quite clear. He said that no matter who will take charge of the human race, he will keep the West Sea battlefield for the human race and will not enter the human race territory.

[Author's off-topic]: Three changes, one change tonight, but it should be after twelve.

I ate and drank half a bottle of beer tonight, but my head was dizzy and I couldn't write normally, so the update was late.

Hey, I think the mosquito's alcohol consumption was also quite good. Now, it has deteriorated to this point.

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