Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1848: Sea of ​​tactics

At the same time, with the death of the fierce phoenix, the immortal spirit of the whole fairyland suddenly became rich.

The eighteenth ancestors of the ancestors were too strong. They practiced in this realm to steal too much immortal spirit. Now, after their death, the energy in their bodies has returned to heaven and earth and turned into immortal spirit.

Fan Xi, Wukong Taoren, Sansheng Elderly Man, and Tian Jian Sword Ancestor were relieved to see that Tiandao had disappeared, but it was followed by anger. Lie Huang was actually killed by the woman Murong Hongdou.

"Homiya knows you want to kill me! But Humiya gives you a chance, who will come!"

Murong Red Beans arrived in the air, holding the Cabernet Excalibur and pointing at the eighteen paths of the four ancestors.

"I don't know whether to live or die, you just broke through, you really thought that with a magic sword you would be qualified to be my opponent!"

The ancestral sword ancestor stepped forward, his expression was cold, and when he saw his hand, a black giant sword appeared in his hand. This is also a magic sword, which was sacrificed by him for thousands of years. And he was in communication with him.

"Are you qualified to be your opponent, you will have to try before you know!"

Murong Red Bean is not afraid, the long sword in his hand is slowly raised, a trace of sword awns overflowing from the sword, uncertain.


With a light drink, the sword ancestor of the sky swallowed the black sword.

The sword didn't look powerful, but it touched a breath of heaven.


Murong Hongdou waved her sword against each other, and with a loud noise, her body was shaken back hundreds of meters.

"Come again!"

The ancestral sword ancestor stepped forward and chased after him. The black excalibur in his hand exuded an unparalleled breath, turning it into a sword that flew to Murong Red Beans.

He is known as the sword ancestor, and his kendo has been promoted to the top. In terms of swordsmanship, no one in the entire Langxian immortal world can match it. In addition, he holds a magic sword with his soul in his hands. He backed up again and again, and the corners of his mouth were more bloody.

"How? You are good enough to be our opponent?"

The ancestral sword ancestor yelled loudly, but the sword was more fierce.


After a few tricks, Murong Hongdou had a long and narrow wound on her left arm. Although she tried to urge Xianyuanli, she found that the wound could not heal.

"Don't bother, your wound won't heal at all under my sword!"

The ancestral sword ancestor sneered, and another round of fierce attacks erupted.

"Puff puff!"

Murong Hongdou added several new wounds. Since she knew that the wounds could not be healed, she no longer managed those wounds, and the reincarnation hall behind her reappeared. For a moment, her breath soared and she recovered some advantages.


Murong's red bean **** was cold, and the Cabernet Sword in his hand turned into a red stegosaurus, roaring again and again.

"Huh, dying!"

The ancestral sword ancestor looked disdainful, but his eyes were more dignified.

As time goes by, Murong's red beans are getting more and more wounds, but her warfare is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, hundreds of strokes passed, and the sword ancestor of the sky was impatient.

He summoned his ancestral avenue, his ancestral avenue is a lifelike giant black tiger, standing tall in the air, exuding an invincible king breath.


The giant tiger roared, and the speed of swallowing the sword ancestors increased several times.

"Puff puff!"

Suddenly, he caused several new wounds on Murong's red beans. At one moment, Murong's red beans were covered with blood, and it was miserable.

But at this moment, a flash of decisive light flashed in her eyes. Then, the Cabernet Sword Light in his hand skyrocketed, and her whole body turned into a ray of blood and rushed to the sword-sword ancestor.

"court death!"

When he saw this, he swallowed the sword ancestor, sneering, and the black excalibur in his hand bloomed with invincible glory, chopped out tens of thousands of swords in succession, and blocked the whole world.


Murong Hongdou quickly shuttled through tens of thousands of swords, adding hundreds of wounds to her body, making her whole person a true blood.

Soon, Murong Red Beans passed through the blockade of Tuntian Jianzu against him, and then a sword pierced like lightning.


Swallowing the sword sword ancestor Lengheng, straight to Murong Hongdou's head, if the other party does not stop, he will be killed directly.

But Murong's red beans did not receive a sword.


The ancestral sword ancestor screamed, and the entire left arm was not to be smashed by Jian Rong's sword light, but his divine sword also chopped off her head. He still did not relieve her hatred, and the sword broke out Murong Hongdou's body was smashed into pieces.

Seeing this scene, all the ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty in the sky showed their despair.

Her Majesty is dead, and now even the Queen is dead.

The Great Qin Dynasty is over!

Looking at the empty left arm, a gleam of coldness flashed in the eyes of Swallow Sky Sword Ancestral Sword, and a new arm grew out, but the new arm was not as good as the original one. No For tens of thousands of years of cultivation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to return to the original level. "Damn woman!"

Swallowing Tian Jianzu cursed.

But at this moment, he sensed an extremely dangerous breath, but before he could dodge, there was a palm printed on his vest, a powerful force poured into his body, directly into his internal organs. Liuzhang smashed into a smash, but they used Xianyuan force to simulate a new set of internal organs, and at the same time, wielded his sword to cut back.

Cut it out!

The next moment, a palm appeared from the top of his head out of nowhere, and the sound of snoring exploded directly from the skull of the devouring sword ancestor.

"How can it be?"

Watching the ancestral sword ancestor was killed, the other three ancestors of the eighteen were only able to react.

"Long live the Queen!"

"Long live the Queen!"

Looking at Murong Red Beans reappearing in the sky, the Qin Xianguo's ministers had a feeling of tears in their eyes, except that Tianji Shenshu looked like I had known for a long time.

"Why didn't you die?"

Fanyu stared at Murong Hongdou.

"Not only did she die, I did not die, was it a surprise or a surprise?"

A sad voice sounded, and Song Xuan appeared beside Murong Hongdou from nothing.

Fanxi exclaimed: "No way, you are so immortal. How could you resist the real fire of Lie Huang!"

An angry expression appeared on Song Yan's face: "It turned out that the **** mother-in-law attacked me! Well, fortunately, she was wiped out by heaven, otherwise, she must let her taste the taste of death!"

"Well, you are not dead! But we can kill you again!"

The three-year-old old man shouted facelessly, "Everyone go together and destroy everyone present, not one!"

"I don't know where you guys come from!"

At this moment, Song Xuan directly drew a thousand runes that summoned the god-man. Suddenly, a thousand beams of light fell down, and then thousands of god-mans flew from the beams of light.

"Thousand Gods?"

Seeing so many gods and descents, old people with three lives, the faces of Wukongdao people are all in a dull state. As for the more than a hundred old antiques, the faces of each one flashed with fear.

"Kill them all!"

Song Yong pointed at the old antiques.

Then, the thousands of gigantic gods moved, and they waved their artifacts to kill them.

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed, thanks to [Under the Cloud] [Classic Perpetual] [None, Mischief], [Fruit, Brother] [More than a year] [Sunshine deposit] [Weiwei dad] Reward

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