Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1818: You Zuxian?

I fled one hour after another, and I was afraid that it was tens of millions of miles away from the wilderness just now.

Song Zheng once again took the Cabernet Excalibur out of the temple.

As soon as the Excalibur appeared, it bloomed, condensing beams of light into the sky and forming a vision.

"The vision has appeared again!"

Nearly a hundred ancestors came to the wild wasteland to be excited, and then hurried to the direction Song Song was.

After thirty breaths, Song Yong threw the Cabernet Excalibur into the temple and continued to flee.

Just a dozen breaths before he left, a nearby ancestor came here.

After some investigation, nothing was found.

Then more and more ancestors came.

After not finding them, they were a little annoyed. This was the third time, and they made three consecutive air blows, which made them feel like they were being played.

Song Yan did not plan to return to Xueyan City, because that might cause trouble to Master.

Therefore, he has been running away in the wilderness.

Every tens of millions of miles escaped, he took out the Cabernet Excalibur with dozens of breaths. Although the time was short and other ancestors should not be able to arrive so soon, he still felt a heart-beating feeling.

One day passed in a blink of an eye, but the Cabernet Excalibur had not appeared in the fairyland for more than half a quarter of an hour.

But it takes at least one hour for the vision time, I am afraid that they will continue to sacrifice those ancestors.

In fact, those ancestors who came to the wild areas were even more annoyed than him. In just one day, the vision appeared dozens of times, and each time they appeared, they were separated by tens of millions of miles.

When they arrived they found nothing.

This makes them all feel like they are being played by holding their noses and walking.

Even the grumpy ancestor vowed that if that guy was found, he would have to skin and strip him, and then use his body to light the sky lantern.

One day down.

Song Yan is also tired enough. This kind of tiredness is mainly from the spirit.

He believes that most of those ancestors today will be dragged by his nose, and until tomorrow, I am afraid they will spread out after they react.

Therefore, instead of running away at night, he entered a city, found a restaurant to eat and drink, and then directly opened a room to sleep.

Song Ye did not sleep well that night.

Because at least a few powerful immortals were swept through the night, he was sure that these immortals belonged to the ancestors.

"Paralyzed, it looks like you have to be careful tomorrow!"

In the early morning of the next day, Song Ye stepped out of the inn, quickly left the city, and then came to a certain wilderness to start the layout.

He first laid an unbreakable array of ancestral immortals, which cost 100 million immortal stones, and then laid heavy restraints in the array, and then he took out the Cabernet Sword.


The crimson glow bloomed and condensed into a beam of sky soaring through the clouds and forming a vision.

Sure enough, he did not expect that neither the formation nor the ban could stop the vision from appearing.


"The vision is there!"

"Okay! Good! Finally appeared! Haha!"

"Did you show up? Don't let your ancestors know who you are? Otherwise you have to cramp your skin!"

One by one, the ancestors hurried to the place where the vision was.

After a hundred breaths, Song Ye felt almost.

Quickly took the Cabernet sword into the temple, and then used the shuttle function of the temple to shuttle to the golden lotus land.

And before he left for less than ten breaths.

There was a great master of the ancestral gods.

After his immortal understanding, he discovered the formation method under Song Yan's cloth.

"Break me!"

With a light sip, he turned a fingerprint on his hands.


The fingerprints fell, and this formation that could withstand the triple ancestors of the ancestors burst directly, but the restraint left by Song Yan was intact.

"There are still restrictions, can this stump the deity!"

The ancestral ancestor sneered, shot again, and struck again and again, and the ban imposed by Song Yan collapsed.

When he saw that there was nothing in the restraint, the face of that ancestor Jiuzhong became extremely ugly.

Just then, a streamer flashed and landed nearby, turning into a white robe ancestor.

"It turned out to be Changkong Brother. I wonder if Changkong Brother can gain something?" Baixian Zuxian asked with a smile.

"Under formation and restraint, nothing!"

The ancestral ancestor, known as Brother Changkong, said in an angry voice.

Immediately after, more and more ancestors appeared.

No one doubts that the ancestral **** of the sky has hidden the artifact, and his strength is not enough to suppress the vision.

But after studying the broken formation and the ban.

According to Zuxian's judgment, this person's means of arraying and forbidding were quite clever.

Both the formation and the prohibition provided a lot of clues to the ancestors present.

An hour after coming to the Golden Lotus Land.

Song Xun only found a place to set up the formation and prohibition. He guessed that the ancestral gods in the wild wasteland had been attracted to him.

After the formation of the array and the ban, Song Zheng took out the Cabernet Excalibur, and then the vision appeared.

For a while, the hundreds of ancestral ancestors in the wild wasteland were all caught in the wrong place. Why did they go to the golden lotus land again?

The ancestors of Jinlian Blessed Land rushed here.

This time Song Yong didn't leave immediately, and after two hundred breaths, he put the Cabernet Sword into the temple, because he had sensed that the ancestor was approaching.


He entered the temple directly, letting the temple shuttle directly to the Purple Dragon Fairy.

Same as last time.

The array and restraints he laid were quickly broken by the ancestral masters who came, and looking at the empty place, they all felt like they were being played.

The ancestral immortals came to Jinlian Blessed Land quickly.

After coming to the Purple Dragon Fairy.

Song Yan lurked.

He must give an illusion to those ancestors.

If he immediately came to the Purple Dragon Realm and let the artifact vision show up, it would be too fast, even if the Zuxian is fifteenth, not so fast.

After half an hour.

The ancestral gods in the wild areas all rushed to the Golden Lotus Land, and learned that there was nothing under the matrix and the ban.

Zuxian yelled irreverently.

They can already be sure that the guy with the artifact is playing with them.

Half a day later.

Song Xun deployed arrays and restraints in a hidden place in the Purple Dragon Realm, then took out the Cabernet Sword to create a vision.

When an ancestor arrived, he immediately entered the temple and left.

When the ancestors who rushed to the Golden Lotus Blessing Land saw the vision manifest in the Purple Dragon Fairy, they almost became mad.

Unfortunately, they couldn't resist the temptation of the artifact, and quickly went to the Purple Dragon Fairy.

Of course, when they arrived at the Purple Dragon Fairy, naturally nothing was found.

However, the team joining the tracking artifact has expanded a lot, with more than 500 ancestors. The highest one has the tenth ancestor, and the lowest has the ancestor threefold.

And at the moment.


After hearing the reports of Qianmei, the ancestor of Qi Yun's face became extremely dignified. He didn't expect that the appalling artifact was born by his apprentice.

Suddenly, he seemed to think: "Will you come back alone this time?"

"Yes, Master!"

Wenren Qianmei nodded: "Students, do they know that your master has obtained an artifact?"


Wenren Qianmei nodded, and then his face changed slightly, faintly guessing what Master wanted to ask them if they would return.

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [do not leave] [more than a year] Two big rewards

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