Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1816: Little yellow chicken with completing the task

Song Yang had considered giving away two masters of God-level exercises before, but he was a bit worried whether the two masters would like to seek more from him after he gave them.

But after the pretty ancestor gave him all his immortal stones, he knew that the other party regarded him as a real disciple.

Although he said that Xianshi was useless to stay with him, how could it be, Xianshi is the hard currency of Xianjie, which can be used for both cultivation and various resources, not to mention more than nine trillion trillion.

This is his accumulation of hundreds of thousands of years. Ask him, the other party did not regard him as a real disciple, how could he give so many immortal stones to him, even some fathers and sons could not do so.

Therefore, he immediately took out God-level exercises and gave them to the ancestors of the sky.

Later, the ancestor of Qi Yun called him over and gave him all the immortal stones.

He didn't think this was the news that the ancestors of the gods had leaked the god-level exercises, and the ancestor of Qi Yun sent him Xianshi, after all, he just passed on the voice to him after leaving the other side from the ancestors of the gods.

Although the relationship between their teachers and brothers is quite close, even if the ancestors of the sky would inform the ancestors of Qi Yun about the god-level exercises, it would not be possible to tell him immediately,

Mostly, one of his six elder brothers and sisters informed Qi Yun's ancestors that he lacked immortal stones. The most likely reason for this is to hear people's charms or Gu Zhenxue.

It can also be seen how much Qi Yun's ancestors loved him.

I wanted to ask the two masters for trillions of immortal stones, but I didn't expect to get so many at once.

Therefore, Song Zheng returned to the courtyard where he lived, gathered with the girls first, and then entered the temple.

Invite eggs, then take out five trillion cents of stone and crush them for absorption.

With the threat of being burned out, Dandan couldn't resist, resisted the nausea in her heart, and absorbed the immortal spirit that 50,000 immortals turned into.

A few months later.

Five trillion immortal stones were sucked by it.

Song Kun asked: "How, did you meet the birth requirements?"

"Everything is almost there, and I will be able to be born if I absorb up to 10 million more immortals!"

"That's good!"

Song Yan also recruited 10 million cents of stone to break up, allowing the eggs to be quickly absorbed. As for the eggs, they will not be discovered by the Kings of Tianyin and Mengnan, and he is not worried.

Because they can only leave a mark on the eggshell when the mark is left, once the egg is born, as long as he does not take the eggshell out of the temple, the other party will not have any sense. In the end, Eggs finished feeding 10 million cents.

Song Yan asked with anticipation: "Is that okay?"

"Master, I have met the requirements for birth! Come out now!"

There was a little more excitement in the originally weak egg tone. Then, with a click, the egg shell shattered, and then a fist-sized little yellow chicken jumped out of it.

Looking at the little yellow chicken in front of him, Song Kun couldn't help but stunned: "Are you sure to be the top ten species in the **** world? Not a little yellow chicken?"

"Master, we are a family of white gods. They are white and beautiful, but you have absorbed so much garbage and aura. Although I barely reached the point of birth, I can't compare with my family in terms of blood or appearance!"

With that said, the egg tone was full of resentment.

"Then what kind of strength do you have now?" Song Yan asked again.

"It should be heavier than Zuxian!" Said Dandan.

"What? Caizuxian is heavy! Nima, you have eaten so many immortal stones, actually you are very heavy!" Song Yan's urge to kill the little yellow chicken in front of him.

Eggs aggrieved and said: "The master can't blame me. If the **** king instills energy for us, we will have the strength of the upper heaven **** as soon as we are born, and then we will have the strength of the **** king as an adult, but you give me It ’s all **** aura, and it ’s good to have Zuxian's heavy cultivation, but the master, I will know the magical power of our white **** kite! ”

"What magic?" Song Yan asked, his eyes lit up.

Eggs said: "Master, I was just born, so I can only perform one kind of magical power, this magical power is called streamer flying wing, you can fly one hundred thousand miles with one flap!"

"No more?"

Song Yan asked.

"Nothing!" Dandan replied.

"Fuck, what else can your magical power do besides escaping?" Song Kun was speechless to the extreme.

"Isn't Escape Magic good?"

Inexplicably asked.

"Damn, it's a big loss, so it takes so much immortal stone to make such a good!"

Song Yan smiled bitterly.

Then Song Yong left the temple with her eggs.

"Wow, beautiful little yellow chicken, brother, where did you get it from?"

Song Xue shouted in astonishment as soon as he saw the eggs behind Song Yan.

Although the appearance of the egg is very similar to the little yellow chicken, it is many times more beautiful than the little yellow chicken. No wonder Song Xue will be attracted by it.

"I'm Bai Shenjie, not a little yellow chicken!"

Song Xue was very dissatisfied with it as a little yellow chicken.

"Since then you are a little yellow chicken, and you are not allowed to mention the white **** kite again, otherwise, I will bake you!" Song Yan said fiercely, this is also to prevent in case anyone knows that he has a white **** kite , And then spread to the divine realm.

"Brother, you are too cruel, you want to bake this cute little yellow chicken!"

Hearing Song Yan's words, Song Xue said with dissatisfaction.

Immediately holding the egg in the palm of his hand, he said happily, "It's so pretty, are you hungry, little yellow chicken? May I feed you senmi?"

"Don't eat that kind of garbage!"

Everyone refused directly.

"Don't eat it, bake you without it!"

Song Yan directly threatened to spread the word.

Next, Song Xue didn't know where to get a puff of immortal rice, and put it in his palm to let it be eaten.

Everyone feels wronged in his heart, but he is afraid that the horrible master will roast him, and can only hold back the nausea in his heart and eat the rice.

"Yeah, you've eaten up so quickly. It seems you're really hungry, so feed you a little bit!"

Song Xuedao.

There was an impulse to cry, and it was obviously eating the centipede quickly with the idea that the pain is worse than the short pain, isn't it hungry at all?

I think my top ten species actually want to eat such garbage, if they are known by the people of the gods, I do n’t know how to laugh at me.

Stayed in Xueyan City for more than ten days.

Song Zheng returned to Luluo City to sit.

As for his wives who continue to stay in Xueyan City, they can not only ensure safety, but also allow Yun Bo to direct them to practice.

Back in Lvcheng City, Song Yan went to see her sister Wenren Qianmei and returned her fairy stones to her.

Then asked: "Sister, did you tell the master that I lacked immortal stones?"

"You're not stupid!"

Wenren Qianmei did not deny.

"Thank you, sister, you have helped me a lot!"

Song Zheng thanked.

For the immortals, the least valuable thing is time. In a blink of an eye, three years later.

Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Song Xuan jumped with joy, because this task reward was an artifact.

[Author off topic]: One more, thanks [mosquito plus more] [kill 1111111] two great rewards

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