Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1796: I want an axe

"Say it well, this old thing is going to grab my apprentice, how can you speak well!" The pretty ancestor glared with a beard.

Qi Yun's ancestors were unconvinced: "Xiao Song's qualifications are so high, if he doesn't learn the formation method with me, staying with you is a waste of time!"

"Wasting time? You mean I won't teach my disciples!"

"Have you ever had an apprentice?"

Qi Yun's ancestor laughed coldly.

"Isn't I rather lack it?" Said the pretty old ancestor, arrogantly: "Besides, my disciples also created an alchemy mastery. This qualification does not teach me the alchemy skills with me, can I learn anything from you Roush's formation, that's a waste of time! "


Qi Yun's ancestor retorted loudly: "What is good about alchemy, boring, tedious, time-consuming and god-consuming, how can there be ever-changing and interesting ways of formation!"

"I said two brothers, since Xiao Song has talents in alchemy and formation, it is better to let him worship you as a teacher at the same time. Is this noisy?"

Unsmiling and taciturn ancestral ancestors spoke, both of them really stopped arguing and showed thoughtfulness.

After a long while.

The ancestral ancestor looked at Song Yan and asked, "Amate, are you willing to follow your master to learn the method of formation?"

"The student is willing!"

Song Tao said that although there are many books on formation methods in the temple, he has always been self-taught along the way. If he can be instructed by a good teacher, his accomplishments in formation methods will definitely improve a lot.

"Haha! That's great!" After hearing the words, Qi Yun's ancestor couldn't help laughing: "Good boy, give a gimmick to the teacher!"

Song Kun was also unambiguous, kneeling and gave the ancestor Qi Yun nine bangs.

"By the third child, haven't you given me a gift for the disciples?"

Qi Yun's ancestors raised Song Yan, and they walked towards the ancestors of Jue Mo.

"Yeah, the third child, you can't be as stingy as some people!" Said the ancestor of the sky, although he promised Song Ye to worship the ancestor of Qi Yun, but his apprentice was divided in half, and his heart was natural. Some are uncomfortable, so if you have the opportunity to run Qi Yun's ancestors naturally, you will not let go. Of course, you may not have the intention to seek benefits for Song Yong.

"Nice young man, your gift can't be bad!" Qi Yun nodded deeply, seemingly didn't hear the run of the pretty old ancestor.

The demon ancestor smiled bitterly and looked at Song Yi: "You should know that Uncle is good at refining. So, what kind of weapon do you want, Uncle can help you make one yourself!"

Hearing that Song Yan could not help but brighten his eyes.

He has two exercises from the Pangu lineage, one is "Chaos of the Chaos" and the other is "Opening Axe", because he has not found a suitable axe, he has never cultivated this "Opening Axe" ".

Before I entered the treasure house of the pretty ancestors to select the ancestors, and I couldn't see a weapon like an axe, so I was a bit sorry.

Now, the ancestral ancestor is going to make a weapon for him, and he naturally chooses an axe.

So he said, "Uncle, I want an axe!"

The ancestral ancestor stunned slightly: "You want an axe?"

"Yes!" Song Yan nodded heavily.

The demon ancestor looked strangely: "A while ago, I obtained a piece of chaotic black iron. This piece of chaotic black iron is completely integrated. If it is used to make other weapons, it is unavoidable to cut it. Therefore, I want to It made an axe. It seems that you have a relationship with the chaotic black iron. Then, when I go back, I will make the chaotic black iron into an axe! "

"Thank you Uncle!"

Song Xuan quickly thanked him, and then presented a jade bamboo slip: "Uncle, this is the kind of mind of your nephew, please accept it!"

The demon ancestor waved a hand, Yu Jian fell on his hand, and found out, but found that this jade Jan actually recorded a variety of refining methods, many of them subtle, almost made him unbearable The live-action case is a must.

Seeing the expression on the face of the ancestral demon ancestor, the ancestors of Qi Yun and the tyrannical ancestor both thought of the scripture books and the classics of the scriptures given to them by the Song Dynasty. Could he give the youngest one that the refiner's books were not?

"OK! OK!"

After a long while, the ancestor of the demon demon took back his knowledge and looked at Song Yi: "The refining knowledge you gave me is very helpful to me, teacher and nephew, thank you!"

"Tuer, wouldn't you give it to your uncle also from the ruins of the Nether?"

Qi Yun ancestor asked.

"Yes, Master!"

Song Zheng nodded.

Hearing that the three ancestors were a little dignified.

After a long while, the old ancestor of Qi Yun said, "Athlete, don't mention the ruins in front of outsiders!"

"Yes, the disciples know!"

Song Zheng nodded solemnly.

The pretty ancestor said: "Okay, starting tomorrow, you will learn alchemy with your teacher, and one year later, you will go to study with your brother again!"

"Yes, followers!"

Song Song said.

"Sister-nephew, if you do n’t send me this jade slip, the uncle can help you to refine the axe in just one month, but with this jade slip, the uncle has to enlighten and refine it for you So, after March, how about you come to me for an axe? "The ancestor of the demon said again.

"It's okay, uncle, I'm not in a hurry!"

Song Yan smiled.

"That's OK, let's say so!"

As soon as the words came down, the ancestor of the absolute demon left directly, and the ancestor of Qi Yun hurried to say hello to Song Ye, and then left, mostly to go back to study the seventy-two matrix methods given by Song Ye.

"You go back and prepare for it. Three days later, you will officially learn alchemy from your teacher!"

Song Ye said goodbye to the ancestor and returned to his residence.

The daughters have been placed in a large courtyard in Castle Peak.

Because he will study with his two ancestors for the next two years, he intends to spend the three days with his wife. As for Nangong Mingji, Ji Qingqing and Liu Pingping, Song Ji arranged for them to take the breakthrough Those Xuanxian are practicing.

With their power, as long as they don't provoke the powerful forces of Qionghua Xianyu, nothing should happen.

Three days passed in a flash.

Song Xuan bid farewell to his dry wife and came to the residence of the pretty ancestor.

After seeing the pretty ancestors.

The other person directly threw him a jade Jane and said: "There are 1.9 billion kinds of elixir recorded in it. It took hundreds of thousands of years for the teacher to sort it out and give you ten days to master the jade. Is the content in Jane all right? "

"no problem!"

Song Zheng nodded. Although Ning Danshu contained a lot of medicinal material knowledge and alchemy prescriptions, it was definitely not as good as the content of the jade bamboo slips given to him by the ancestors of Mantian.

Therefore, in the next ten days, he was seriously memorizing the content in Yujian.

The memory of the immortals was originally thousands of times higher than that of ordinary people. In addition, the soul of Song Yan experienced another transformation under the baptism of chaotic aura, so at a glance, he could remember hundreds of immortals.

Therefore, in less than ten days, he printed all the contents of Yujian in his mind.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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