Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1782: Counterattack

"Good plan!"

In the restaurant, Song Ye listened to the comments from the surrounding diners, and a sneer gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

If he now kills the local immortal, then they will take off and take off the Shengxian people, and it will become straightforward, and they can also hold the feces bowl on his head, making him and the Feixian League the public enemy of the flying ascension .

Even so, the reputation of Fei Xianmeng is stink now.


Thinking of those immortals who searched for people who wanted to capture Fei Xianmeng to take advantage of the pheasant to turn into a phoenix, Song Yan felt that what he did was not worth it, and he was fighting for change in their situation. When the forces were slaves, they did not hesitate to sell him.

Even at some point, he had the urge to understand the Sanfei Fairy League.

But then he figured it out. After all, the people who wanted to be slaves were few.

You can't just deny all Ascension Fairies because of a few mouse feces.

"But do you think it will make me helpless? That's true!"

Song Yan sneered, after drinking the whole glass of wine, he dropped a few pieces of immortal stone and left the restaurant.

These days, he has been observing the patrol route of the patrol team. Yes, he is planning to ambush Xuanxian.

On his side, in addition to himself, Yueyue and Shishi are a great help, especially with her new awakening supernatural power, Yueyue can definitely hold a late Xuanxian in a short time.

In this way, he has time to kill nine other people.

After half an hour.

On a hill in the wilderness, Song Yong stood with his hands on his shoulders, while Shishi and Yueyue stood obediently behind him.

Time passed slowly, a small fairy boat carrying ten Xuanxian flying towards this side.


A Xuanxian standing on the deck easily found the existence of the three men.

At the moment, Song Kun had been modified to suppress himself in the late Jinxian period. As for Shi Shi and Yue Yue, both were blood races, and under the convergent atmosphere, others could not even judge their true strength.

"One golden fairy, two unknown creatures, but they are quite attractive!"

Another Xuanxian came to the deck and commented on the three of them.

"It's not easy to get up to the Jinxian period in the Ascension Fairy. Maybe these three are ... bad, they escaped!"

But in the middle of a Xuanxian conversation, the three of Song Yan speeding away towards the distance.


An Xuanxian flashed drama in his eyes, manipulating the fairy boat and chased away in the direction of the three Song Yan who fled.

In fact, these Xuanxian people were more vigilant at first, after all, the three great families of Zilong Realm damaged thirty-three Xuanxian, but during this time, the Feixian League never collided with them, so, They gradually relaxed their vigilance, except that they felt that the Feixian League was more difficult, and their strength was not strong.


The three of them were intercepted.

Then the two Xuanxian flew down from the fairy boat, and said with amused expression: "Who are you, why do you run when you see us?"

"Master, we are just ordinary immortals. Only because of the prestige of many adults, we want to evade, so as not to collide with you adults!" Song Yan deliberately pretended to be afraid, shrinking.

"Gu Min, Gu Jiuwang, don't talk nonsense with them, we are still patrolling, and quickly take them down!" The patrol leader Feng Jian said coldly.

The Changfeng family is one of the super family in Qionghuadong Heaven, and this Changfeng sword is the ninth son of the patriarch of the Changfeng family. He is very talented, only eight thousand years old, and has reached the late Xuanxian period.

"Yes, Captain!"

Gu Min and Gu Jiuwang looked at each other, and shot directly at the three.

Between the several moves, all three of Song Yan were captured and taken to the immortal ship.

"Captain, these two women can't help interrogating me!"

A black-faced Xuanxian came out, and after glancing over Shishi and Yueyue, there was some inexplicable color in her eyes.

"I said you are too greedy, lonely sunspot!"

Another Xuanxian was dissatisfied.

Apparently, he also moved his mind to Shi Shi and Yue Yue.

"Giggle, then leave this male immortal to the slave's family for questioning!" Said a woman in a palace costume smilingly, looking at Song Yan with a strong greed.

"Ma Sanniang, don't put him to death!"

A middle-aged Xuanxian joked.

"Rest assured, the slave family will leave him with a small life!" During talking, the woman in the palace costume licked his fat lips, grabbed Song Zheng and walked out of the cabin, looking very anxious.

The black-faced Xuanxian, known as the Lonely Sunspot, grabbed the poems and left for the cabin, while the other Xuanxian grabbed Yueyue and hurried away.

Changfeng Jian frowned slightly when he saw this, but in the end, he didn't say anything, anyway, these days, they didn't do such a thing, as long as they deal with the head and tail afterwards, no one knows.

"Xiaolangjun! The slave family is here!"

As soon as she entered the room in the cabin, Ma Sanniang couldn't wait to take off her clothes, revealing a fat body, and then she reached out to pull Song Yan's clothes.

At that moment, there was a flash of light in Song Yan's eyes, and Ma Sanniang was instantly sluggish.

On the deck.

Without any warning, Gu Min and Gu Jiuwang suddenly shot at the two Xuanxian around them.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Because there was no alert, and the two were shot with all their strength, the two Xuanxian were directly hit their heads.

"not good!"

Changfeng Jian whispered in his heart, and suddenly drew his sword to kill the two. At this moment, Ma Sanniang broke out from the cabin and joined the siege of Changfeng Sword.

At the same time, screams came from the two mysterious rooms that took away Yueyue and Shishi.

Ten Xuanxian died four instantly.

There are also three demonstrators.

Seeing this scene, the remaining two Xuanxian didn't respond for a moment.

Just then, the figure flickered.

Yueyue joined the siege of Changfeng Sword, while Song Kun and Shi Shi attacked the remaining two Xuanxian.


The screams rang, and Song Zheng used only one move to kill the Xuanxian early, and then besieged the other with Shishi directly.

Under the attack of the two, the Xuanxian was also killed instantly.

Then, the two directly joined the siege of Changfeng Sword.

In the face of the siege of the six enemies, Yueyue and Song Xuan both possessed the strength of the late enemies. Therefore, the Changfeng Sword was killed without three moves.

The battle started fast and ended quickly.

After cleaning the battlefield, the three Song Ye left, while the Ma Sannian Gu Min and Gu Jiuwang continued to control the fairy boat to fly to a certain city.

As soon as they entered the city, they launched a wild assassination against the forces of the local fairy in the city.

The city owner who built the highest city was only in the middle of Jinxian, so no one could stop the three.

Therefore, in just half an hour, the forces of the native fairy in the city and the main city of the city were slaughtered by three people.

Then the three took the fairy boat directly to another city.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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