Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1751: Immortal King Dan

It ’s something Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing could n’t even imagine before practicing with the best immortal essence.

Because a fine immortal Dan needs three thousand immortals.

After investigation.

Song Kun sent them two bottles of 2,000 pieces of Superb Essence Yuan, and ten bottles of 1,000 pieces of Essence of Essence.

After a little calm, Fang Tianyue laughed: "Jinger, with these thousand best immortals, it should not be difficult for you to break through to the immortals!"

"Yeah! I'm ashamed that Brother Song gave us so many things!" Jiang Jing said, but he was very grateful to Song Ye.

Fang Tianyue continued: "When the boy hasn't become immortal, I think he is extraordinary. It seems that he didn't read it wrong!"

With that said, her eyes were full of appreciation and comfort.

Suddenly, she remembered something and said, "Come on, take out the exercises he gave us!"

The technique of Song Yan's gift to Fang Tianyue is "Nirvana Fairy" and Jiang Jing's "Phoenix Real Magic" are all top-level magic tricks. If they practice successfully, they will be able to achieve ancestral fairy.

"God, where did he get the top fairy trick? And ... actually gave it to us like this?"

"This ... Master, can we have such a fairy trick?"

Jiang Jing was also shocked and emotionally complicated to the extreme. Although the Phoenix Tianjiao was also transmitted by the immortal code, but the cultivation could reach the immortal to the extreme. If you want to continue to improve, you must purchase more powerful exercises.

However, in order to suppress the ascension of the immortals, the local fairy not only raised the price of Huaxianchi, but also exercised strict control over the exercises.

No force is allowed to sell Jinxian-level exercises to the Ascendant.

"Yes, can we have such a fairy trick?"

It is the so-called cherishment of the guilt. If they come out with the top fairy tricks, it may be a blessing or a curse, not to mention, the price of this top fairy tricks is extremely horrible.

That night, Song Ye hosted a banquet in the mansion to host Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing's evening apprentices.

However, Fang Tianyue's three apprentices were a little bit uneasy.

After the dinner, Song Ye called them to the study alone.

"Xiao Song, the skills you gave us are so precious, we can't afford it!" Fang Tianyue said the first.

Jiang Jing followed him, "Yes, brother, this kind of top-level immortal method ..."

Song Zheng waved his hand: "I understand your concerns, but you can rest assured that when you are with me, no one dares to fight your idea!"

Speaking of which, Song Yong deliberately leaked a hint of Jinxian.

Feeling this breath, Fang Tianyue's three faces showed an extremely shocked look.

"You ... are you?"


Song Zheng nodded: "My Xiuwei has reached the middle of Jinxian, and his strength is comparable to that of ordinary Xuanxian. Now, you should believe that I can protect you!"

Fang Tianyue did n’t know what to say when she heard Song Ye ’s words. She was really dead than popularity. She did n’t know how many years before Song Ye set foot on the road to spiritual practice. The world is dangling.

Fortunately, Song Ye is their phoenix, and she is also a junior to her, which is not bad for her elder.

Song Yan replied: "Uncle, sister and sister, you can practice with peace of mind, you need elixir and immortal or something, don't be polite with me, right, you seem to be missing a fairyware in your hand, although There are many fairy wares used by Jinxian, but if they are recognized, I am afraid they will affect you. I will find one for you when I have a chance! "

"Xiao Song, you don't need to worry about fairy wares. You have given us enough help!" Fang Tianyue said.

"Yes, brother!" Jiang Jing nodded in conviction.

"By the way, I have forgotten one thing, you haven't gathered the fairy body yet. Tomorrow, I will arrange to send you to the Huaxianchi of Luluo City to gather the fairy body!"

I heard that all three of them were a joy. With the immortal body condensed, the practice speed will be much faster and their strength will be stronger.

"Xiao Song, don't you seem to be condensed?"

Fang Tianyue looked at Song Yan with some doubts, and did not understand that he was already in the middle of Jinxian. Why didn't he gather the fairy body?

Song Yan smiled: "I practiced a special technique, and condensing the immortal body did not affect me much!"

The star **** he cultivates does not know how many times stronger than the immortal body, so there is no need to concentrate the immortal body again.

"That's it! I'm worried for nothing!"

"I have arranged for someone to look for Master them. If I find them, I will take them here directly!"

"That's great!" Fang Tianyue rejoiced.

After a deep chat, Fang Tianyue's apprentices and apprehensions disappeared, and they returned with peace of mind.

According to Fang Tianyue, the same group of elders who have risen to the immortal realm with his Master, as well as Chen Beichen and Blood Yangzi, would have risen with her two apprentices.

You know, when Song Kun left the world, he had hunted a lot of ice spirits. After they were made into cold spirits, they benefited a lot.

As for the other elders of the Phoenix Veins, because they knew the state of the fairy realm, they were unwilling to come to the fairy realm, and stayed in the mortal world to guard the Phoenix Tianjiao.

A few months passed by.

Yue Yue, who had gone to look for Jun Jiutian, had already returned. Song Yu regretted that Yue Yue had traveled to hundreds of nearby cities and villages and towns, but none of them had been found.

This disappointed Song Kun.

"Master, I'm sorry, slaver let you down, you punish me!" Yueyue guilty.

"Well, I didn't blame you! It's you, you've been running down these months, and you're tired!"

During the conversation, Song Ye took Yueyue into his arms. Even though Yueyue's strength was comparable to that of the late Jinxian, he was still exhausted looking for people in a few months.

"the host!"

Yueyue subconsciously held Song Yan's neck and closed her eyes, as if coquettishly said, "Kiss me!"

Song Yan didn't say anything, he lowered his head and caught Yueyue's small mouth, and tasted it carefully.

After an hour, Fang rested, Yueyue slept in Song Yang's arms. It seems that she was really tired these months, and in these months, Song Yang was not idle, he went to There are more than ten surrounding cities, either through exchanges or through purchases, and they have gathered enough to make 200 cents of elixir.

He estimated that after serving these two hundred immortal kings, his strength would reach the late Jinxian period, but he would not be as embarrassed as he was when he encountered loneliness again.

It would be great if it could inspire the inheritance techniques in Pangu lineage.

It is worth mentioning that, before January, Jiang Jing broke through to the early days of the immortals, and Fang Tianyue, who had no shortage of cultivation resources, also reached the late stage of the immortals.

Evening sunset is almost, but it also reached the peak of the mid-term immortal. It won't take long to reach the late stage of the immortal.

[Author's off-topic]: Second, some people asked Song Xun why he did not condense the immortal body. That is because he cultivated a **** body stronger than the immortal body.

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