Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1623: Crazy evolution

Soon, the flying zerg approached a large array.

When Song Yan played a trick, the big array changed into a state where it could be entered by physical objects, and the gas could not flow in, mainly because the monster repair could not withstand the various toxins in the Zerg territory.

If he hadn't used a large array to squeeze out the toxins in this space, he wouldn't dare to release these monsters.

"Buzz! Buzz!"

With the sound of deafening wings, a large number of flying zerg entered the array through the wall.

After accommodating tens of millions of Zerg, Song Xun played a trick again, and the formation wall suddenly changed again, so that the following flying Zerg all hit it.


Before Song Yan commanded it, more than two million Yaoxiu rushed up and blasted a flying Zerg. Suddenly, there was a pungent stench and **** smell in this space.


But these monsters are not disgusting,

The burst of blood was sucked into the body, and a very relaxed expression appeared.

But with ten breaths, the tens of millions of Zergs that were put in were killed.

"Come again!"

Song Zheng once again opened up the battlefield and put in 20 million Zerg.

The demon repairs swarmed up, while enjoying the thrill of killing, and inhaling the exploded blood into the body.

Song Xi received the Xiu Xiu in the temple. The worst ones have Jin Dan Xiu, which is comparable to the Yuan Dan martial arts. These Zerg are very weak. Most of them are in the gas layer. Only a few are comparable to the innate and comparable. Basic ones are rare.

Therefore, after two rounds of killings, more than two million demon repairs did not die except for a few minor injuries.

"carry on!"

Song Yan again mobilized the tactics, introduced 30 million Zerg, and continued to let the monsters kill.

Finally, after the introduction of 50 million Zerg for the sixth time, casualties began to occur, and at the same time, some demon repairers absorbed enough blood and began to enter the breakthrough.

Under Song Yan's order, those demon monsters who could break through came to the center of the formation, and were collectively put into the temple and placed on a planet, and he adjusted the time to a thousand times, so that they could use The fastest speed breakthrough.

For the seventh time, Song Zheng introduced only 30 million Zerg.

After this reciprocation, more and more demon repairs have reached the edge of breakthrough. At the same time, in a thousand times, those demon repairs that first entered the temple have been successfully broken. They were released again by Song Yan and rejoined. fighting.

Time passed slowly.

One day later, most of the two million monster repair army made breakthroughs, and the worst had Jin Dan's later repairs.

Although thousands of demon repairs have also been sacrificed, the overall strength of the demon repair army has improved a lot.

On the other side of the Zerg, the number of deaths was even greater. The flying Zerg died at least 30 billion. After joining the battle, the land Zerg died more than 20 billion.

But for the overall Zerg, it is only one tenth.


In the formation space, the killing sound is sky-high.

This time, Song Ye directly put in 80 million flying zerg and 50 million land zerg.

This made more than two million Yaoxiu feel the pressure.

Seeing the situation, Song Yan held his hands together, and suddenly, there was a twist in the formation space. At this moment, at least 20 million Zerg exploded out of thin air, and then turned into blood and absorbed by the demons!

Next, Song Zheng let the formations carry out several attacks, destroying all 130 million Zerg races, making the entire formation space into a sea of ​​blood, but the monsters who were in it seemed to have arrived. Heaven, madly and greedily absorbed these flesh.

Suddenly, many Jin Dan's late monster repairs reached the edge of breakthrough.

Song Ye quickly put them into the temple.

Another day passed, when the last batch of more than 2,000 demon repairs were put into the temple, all the demon repairs staying in the matrix space reached the infant stage.

The demon repair army's combat power increased at least ten times.


Song Zhe directly put the 300 million Zerg into the formation space this time. The long-awaited demon monks rushed wildly and enjoyed this beautiful feast.

Unconsciously, ten days passed.

With more than 2.7 million demon repairs, the worst reached the level of the late Yuan Ying, and its strength soared unprecedentedly.

At the same time, there are tens of thousands of deities and demons breaking through to fit.

As for the injuries and deaths of the demon repairers, there were only 2,000 people, which was almost negligible.

Besides Zerg.

The total of 500 billion yuan has been sharply reduced to 100 billion yuan. In other words, in the next ten days, 500 billion yuan of Zerg have been killed.

Therefore, even the Zerg seniors who did not take the Zerg Army seriously felt terrified, and finally ordered the withdrawal, withdrawing the only 100 billion Zerg Army to the Zerg Nest.


The figure flashed, and hundreds of demigods appeared outside the formation.

"Human race, if you retreat now, we can not care about you!" Said the leading demigod, with a rather jerky tone.

Song Yan didn't speak, looking at the hundreds of demigods outside the array, but his eyes flooded.


The next moment, Song Yan moved away with a flash of his body, staring at them scornfully, saying in an extremely arrogant tone: "Your filthy worms are also worthy of my father's condition? Now, my father will give you a Chances are, if you can defeat me, I will leave, otherwise, my son will kill all your dirty bugs! "


"Abominable Terran!"

These demigods all roared angrily, but unfortunately, Song Ye didn't understand.

"Human, do you speak seriously?"

The demigod leader who spoke before spoke again, and his tone was a lot smoother.

"Of course!" Song Yan smiled with contempt, and slowly swept over them: "Now, you can send a person to fight this son!"

Before the zerg leader has spoken, a demigod can't wait to rush out, shouting in a jerky tone: "Human, I Tuok come to fight you!"

This demigod is only one metre high and is wrapped in a black worm shell, but it has sixteen arms, each of which exudes a dark luster, in the form of a blade.

"Come on, little bugs, I hope you can catch ten tricks of my son!"

Song Xun walked in the air, and the green sword in his hand flew out. Suddenly, a few hundred feet of horrible sword air spurted out from the green sword, chopped to the worm named Tuoke.


Tuoke snorted, waving sixteen blade arms to meet the sword.

"Boom boom!"

The sound of impact kept ringing. In the end, Tuoke successfully smashed Song Qi's sword qi, and the two entangled in midair.

After five hundred strokes, Song Ye cut off the worm's head with a slight advantage.

And sword pointed at the remaining Zerg: "Now, who are you to kill?"

"Damn man, I want revenge for Tucker!"

Another Zerg fights with Song Ye. After a thousand moves, Song Ye cut off the second demigod at the cost of an arm injury.

Seeing this, without waiting for Song Yan to speak, another demigod rushed out: "Human, I want to avenge two companions!"

When shouting, the other party directly launched an attack, apparently thinking that Song Kun was at the end of a strong crossbow, but Song Kun was so happy that he scolded a group of headless idiots.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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