Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1609: Tianjiao vs Vientiane Army

If no one acted on his side, he could see that the flirtatious girl standing behind Princess Vientiane frowned secretly, and even more dissatisfied and displeased in her eyes.

"Brother Chu, don't be willful!"

Seeing this scene, Tian Yang was also surprised, and once again persuaded.

"This fruit is good."

Song Yan did not respond again this time, talking to himself while eating spiritual fruit.

The opposite Wang Teng was overjoyed when he saw this, and sneered secretly, Chu Fan, let's work hard, offend Princess Vientiane and see how you end?

The expressions of Elder Shan and Elder Ming were extremely gloomy, and they spoke to Song Yan with a harsh tone: "Chu Fan, what do you do, hurry up and toast!"

At first they thought that this Chu Fan is a person who knows the big picture, but he did not expect to be as worrying as Wang Teng.

Facing the scolding of the two elders, Song Yong still ignored them, tossed away the core in his hand, and picked up another spirit fruit to eat with interest.

When the senior management of other forces and Tianjiao saw this scene, they all secretly rejoiced.

Although you Chufan is the Tianjiao King of Tianyang Realm, compared with Princess Vientiane, it is far too far in any respect. Such willfulness will only bring disaster to yourself.

Seeing that Song Yong still didn't get up to toast, Elder Shan finally couldn't help but said, "Chu Fan, don't eat, and toast the princess!"

If the other party continued to spread the word, Song Ye could not have heard it, but now that Elder Shan has spoken directly, he is not good at rejecting it, so he laughed: "Haha, this fruit is so delicious, forget the business, come, Princess, I respect you, I do whatever you want! "

Song Yan stood up and raised the glass to Princess Vientiane. He drank the wine from the glass and waited for Princess Vientiane to sit back and take care of himself.

When the two elders of the Wang family saw this, their faces were dark and scary.

"You are wanton!"

The charming girl stared at Song Ye coldly, her eyes were very bad: "Come, throw this princess disrespectful!"

When this word came out, everyone was discolored, and the two elders were even more panic. They quickly stood up and pleaded guilty: "Princess Atonement, Chu Fan didn't mean to offend you!"

Tianyang also said again: "Brother Chu, apologize!"

"And slow!"

Princess Vientiane stopped the two Vientiane army who moved by the wind and smiled, "Anyway, I'm not angry, you head back!"


The two Vientiane army also stared at Yan Songyan coldly, then retreated.

"Thank you Princess Kane!"

Elder Shan hurriedly said, but there was a cold sweat overflowing behind him, and in his heart he was so annoyed that Song Xuan was dead. He decided to teach him a good meal when the banquet was over.

However, Song Yan looked rather calm, without showing any panic.

For a moment, the princess of Vientiane looked a little more interested in his eyes. As for Qinger, she looked at Song Yan, but her eyes were very bad.

This end of the storm, which makes everyone a little regrettable.

"Princess, kid Tianyang, also dare toast you!"

"Small girl, Sima is smoke-free, and here toast the princess!"

Toasting continued, Tianjiao stood up, toasting in a respectful manner.

The toast was over, and the voice of the silk bamboo sounded again. Then, eight beautiful women in white dresses came to the hall and danced. Each woman had an extraordinary appearance and an unusually graceful posture. I used to dance and couldn't help being attracted.

After dancing for a quarter of an hour, the dance was over, once again attracting everyone's applause.

"Princess, slaves have a proposal!"

At this moment, the pretty girl Qinger stood up.

Princess Vientiane gave her a strange look: "Speak."

"Slave heard that the Tianjiao people in Tianyang Realm are all highly trained and have excellent martial arts skills. It is better to let them compare with our Vientiane army, and to help everyone!"

Hearing the first half of the sentence, Tianjiao felt quite proud, but his face became extremely ugly when he heard the second half of the sentence.

The eight Vientiane troops standing there are all demigod-level strong men. There is no possibility of winning at all. What can be done without shame.


Princess Vientiane whispered softly.

"The princess slaves didn't make a fool, they were just curious about the strength of Tianyang Yu Tianjiao." The girl still refused to give up, and deliberately glanced at Song Yan when she spoke.

"This girl, the Vientiane Army is an elite among the elite, and our Tianjiao Tianyang domain is absolutely not an opponent!" Said a demigod elder.

"Yeah! There is no comparability at all, and the girl must make them ugly!"

The elders of the other family quickly agreed.

"It's better to let them perform their own martial arts, so the adults of the Vientiane Army do not have to participate!" Another elder suggested.


The cute girl hummed, and then she disdainfully swept across Tianjiao, saying disdainfully: "Even the courage to do everything with the Vientiane army, they are all counselors. Such a group of counselors is also worthy of being called Tianjiao is simply an insult to Tianjiao! "

"Qinger, you are too presumptuous!"

The princess of Vientiane sighed softly, and her face was a little more angry.

"Princess, Qing'er got it wrong, because Qing'er looked at them too high!" As soon as the voice fell, the other party retreated behind Princess Vientiane again.

Tianjiao's face in each way is quite bad. Although Jiao Qiao girl admits wrongly, she still disdains and taunts in their tone.

"Princess, fight with the Vientiane Army!"

Xie Jinghong suddenly walked from his seat to the main hall and said firmly.

Xie Jinghong ranked seventh on the Qianlong list. He is extremely clever in swordsmanship, and has a beautiful male and female appearance.

Princess Vientiane said: "Xie Gongzi, don't care about Qinger, she's just young and ignorant, not malicious!"

"Also please complete the princess!"

Xie Jinghong stooped.

The helplessness flashed on Princess Vientiane's face: "Ah, okay, then, Xie Gongzi please, I will order someone to call a famous sergeant!"

"Thank you Princess for your success!"

Xie Jinghong was grateful and finally straightened his body.

Soon, a Vientiane army from the beginning of the French phase arrived.

This Vientiane army has a normal appearance, with dark skin, but it emits an iron blood.

"Cheng Meng remembers that you are just fighting with Xie Gongzi. Remember, he is not your enemy!" Princess Vientiane said.

"The princess rest assured, I will be careful not to kill him!" Cheng Meng nodded, Shen Sheng said.

Suddenly, Xie Jinghong's face became red for a while, and then he hurried toward Cheng: "This brother will inevitably have death and injury in the test. Please don't keep your hands, otherwise you will be the biggest disrespect for the opponent!"

Cheng Meng glanced at Xie Jinghong with a surprise, and said with a smile: "It looks like you have fine skin and tender meat, but you do n’t expect your character to be so rigid and very good. I like you. Do n’t worry, I wo n’t kill you of!"


Accompanying with the sound of a clear sword, a cyan sword suddenly emerged and turned into a cyan afterglow that struck Cheng Meng's chest like lightning.

[Author off topic]: Two more, thanks [Classic Perpetual] [Wuwen] Two big rewards

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