Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1596: True Dragon Blood Pool

In a blink of an eye.

Three days have passed since Song Yan's wedding.

During these three days, Song Yan spent most of his time with Wang Ying. No matter what plots the Wang family had against him, Wang Ying was not a participant, and he also gave him his innocent body. On this basis, Song Yan There will be no prejudice against her.

Therefore, after three days, the relationship between the husband and wife has also changed from strangeness to intimacy and harmony. The biggest catalyst is naturally


, As for what to do, the old drivers know it anyway, so I won’t describe it in detail.


Seeing Song Yan who was about to leave to practice in the ancestral land, Wang Ying showed a rare expression of reluctance.

"Waiting for my return!"

Song Yan smiled at her and walked out of the courtyard.

The ancestral land of the Wang family is not in True Dragon City.

Song Yan didn't know exactly where it was. Instead, it was directly transmitted through a teleportation array in True Dragon City, and the ancestral land was covered with large arrays that cut off the world.

In an ancient temple in the ancestral land, Song Yan met Wang Teng and Wang Yao who had come to the ancestral land with him to practice.

Wang Teng is the first person in the younger generation of the Wang family. Because he ranks third on the Qianlong list, he has a great reputation in the entire Tianyang domain. On the contrary, Wang Yao, the second person in the younger generation of the Wang family, is quite low-key.

His cultivation has also reached the early stage of Dharma Stage, but he has not entered the Qianlong list.

But his strength is not weaker than the top existence of the Qianlong List. The reason why he is not ranked among the Qianlong List should be that the Wang family is hiding himself.

"Hello Brother Chu, this is Wang Yao!"

As soon as they met, Wang Yao greeted him with a smile on his face and took the initiative to greet Song Yan, more enthusiastic.

"Hello Brother Wang."

Song Yan also responded with a smile, but Wang Teng, after seeing Song Yan, turned his head to one side, completely unwilling to pay attention to him.

Song Yan was unwilling to let him go, and laughed and joked:

"I said Xiaoqilin, we have been a master and servant for more than ten days! You just don't want to see me?"

Hearing this, Wang Teng's face became stiff, and he looked over coldly:

"Chu Fan, don't go too far!"

When Wang Yao saw this scene, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, which was very funny.

"Don't be nervous, just say hello to you!"

Song Yan walked up to Wang Teng, patted him on the shoulder, and turned to leave without waiting for the other party to be angry.

"Chu Fan!"

Staring at Song Yan's back, Wang Teng clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, roaring secretly in his heart. One day, he will pay back ten times the insult the other party has brought him.

It didn't take long.

A demigod elder who had appeared at Song Yan's wedding banquet came to the ancient temple.

"The three of you come with the old man!"

The demigod elder glanced lightly at the three of them, said something lightly, and walked to the side hall.

Soon, a group of people passed through this ancient temple and came to a mountain peak. At the bottom of the mountain peak, there was a black gate, which was covered with dense runes, which gave people a depressive atmosphere.

I saw that the demigod elder took out nine tokens with different patterns carved on them and put them into the recesses on the gate. Suddenly, the runes on the gate lighted up and gradually became deficient.

"Hurry up, go through the light gate!"

The demigod elder urged, and then turned into an afterimage and rushed into the light gate, and the three of Song Yan followed behind and rushed into the light gate.

The space behind the light gate is a five- to six-meter passage, which should be in the center of the mountain.

The passage is only more than a hundred meters away. After passing through the passage, it is an open space. A scent of blood exuding a sweet smell is blown away. Most people feel disgusted when they smell the blood, but the three of Song Yan are smelling the blood. , All feel unusually comfortable.

Subconsciously, the eyes of Song Yan's trio fell on the smokey blood pool in this space.

The blood pool is not too big, only more than fifty meters in diameter, but it is filled with thick blood, and the **** smell with a sweet fragrance comes from the blood pool.

The voice of the demigod elder followed:

"This is a true dragon blood pool, which is made up of true dragon blood and many precious treasures and magical medicines. Therefore, this true dragon blood pool contains the supreme magical effect. As for the magical effect, you will naturally know when you go down. The old man would like to remind you that the longer you stay in it, the greater the benefits you will get. Take off your clothes and go on! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

The three of them didn't have any hesitation, they took off one after another with only one pants left, and then walked towards the true dragon blood pool.


As soon as Song Yan stepped a foot into the true dragon blood pool, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath. It was so **** painful. To describe it as a pain in the bone marrow.

at this time.


But Wang Teng jumped directly into the true dragon blood pool.


A terrible scream came from his mouth, and his entire face was distorted. The higher the martial artist, the stronger the endurance, but Wang Teng's face was distorted in pain, which shows how painful it is. Song Yan was sure that if ordinary people entered this true dragon blood pool, they would die directly.

But Song Yan still admired Wang Teng. Although the pain was extreme, this guy actually suppressed the instinctive urge to jump out of the true dragon blood pool many times.

At the same time, Wang Yao stepped into the true dragon blood pool with one foot, and followed with a painful voice.

The pain is painful, but Song Yan felt the benefits from the true dragon blood pool. The thick blood contained magical power, which directly penetrated into his body through his skin, quickly strengthening his body.

As a result, his whole body was immersed in the true dragon blood pool, and then he felt the pain that Wang Teng had just endured.

Dragon blood has the function of transforming the human body, and it contains extremely rich vitality. This makes Song Yan's pain nerves have been enlarged countless times, and natural pain has also been enlarged countless times.

Therefore, at this moment, his cheeks were also distorted, but instead of rushing into the bleeding pool, he controlled his body to sink, because the transforming power in the depths of the blood pool would be more intense, of course, The pain became more intense.

Seeing Wang Teng who was directly immersed in the blood pond and still exposed his head to the blood pond, Wang Yao also submerged most of his body into the blood pond, and the pain that followed almost made him faint.

And as time passed, not only did the pain not decay due to adaptation, but it became more and more intense.

Seeing this scene, the demigod elder on the shore nodded secretly, none of the three let him down.

It sank five or six meters.

Song Yan stopped sinking because he felt that his endurance had reached the extreme. If he continued to sink, he would most likely pass out in pain.

The intense pain brought huge benefits, and in just a while, he felt his body strength increased by at least one percent.

At the same time, some of the energy entered his sea of ​​consciousness, nourishing his eyes.

"What a good thing!"

Song Yan gritted his teeth and praised, and then quietly transported the Star Divine Body.

[Author's digression]: Two more

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