Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1572: Dragon head city

Chapter 1572th Dragon City

Song Yan originally planned to go to the Tianyang area alone, but Ning Qiangwei, Wei Le, Wei Suo, Gao Hongying, and even Wu Yuntong asked to follow him. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

Their cultivation has been promoted too quickly, but lacks actual combat, but it is a very good place to hone their strength on the battlefield.

Especially Wei Le, from the beginning of Shenhai to the Jushui period, did not spend even one year, even if taking Xishui Dan and Hanling Dan, still appears to be unstable, and must use fighting to polish himself.

Wu Yuntong was only in the early period of Yuandan when he was with Song Yong. Although the cold spirit he took was not as good as Wei Le, he also reached the poly symbol period.

After the three Ning Qiangwei became followers of Song Yan, their strength has also been greatly improved, and they also need to be tempered.

Unable to withstand the petitions of the crowd, Song Yan had to promise.

I don't know where Zhuge Jiancheng, Yan Ru, Ji Mingyue, and others learned about going to Tianyang Realm, ran together and asked to follow along.

Immediately afterwards, the members of the Pest Team also came in one after another, and also asked him to follow him to goblin in Tianyang.

In desperation, Song Yan had to agree, worried that more people would find the door, so he asked Xia Qian to notify the family of the pest team, and he used the big move to disappear them in Longya City.

More than a month after the war, the goblins have taken fifteen cities in Tianyang Realm, and now they are deadlocked on both sides of the Demon Dragon River.

Goblins are different from the Zerg. They don't eat people, but they like to torture the human race and use the captured human race as slaves.

In addition, although the goblins are short in size, their strength is not small. They are basically heavy weapons. If you see a goblin with a height of only one meter on the battlefield, you will fight a 78-meter-long mace. Do n’t blame it, because it ’s so common in the goblin. But the biggest disadvantage of the goblin is that it is delicious and lazy. Before the war starts, they like to sneak into the territories to steal food.

Goblins have large Zerg territory, and Xuanyang area is one third larger than Tianyang area.

The nearest city to the Demon Dragon River is called Longshou City, which is also the place where the human army is stationed. At present, there are about 3 million regular troops in Longshou City. More warriors come to the war, reaching more than 5 million.

As for the goblins, there are millions of troops.

There is a great move, even if they are far apart, it takes only one quarter of an hour to bring everyone to the vicinity of Longshou City.

"In front is the Dragon Head City of Tianyang Domain!"

Song Zheng pointed at the black city road ahead.

"No, is this here?" Someone exclaimed.

"It's incredible, it's at least tens of millions of miles away from Longya City to Longshou City. It took only half a quarter of an hour!"

"Captain, you are a personal teleporter!"

There are also teleportation arrays in this world. For example, in the most prosperous Qingmang area of ​​Xiandao, almost every city is connected with teleportation arrays. Unlike in Xuanyang domain, the number of teleportation arrays is simply insignificant.

"Let's go into the city!"

Song Yong waved his hand and took everyone to stride towards Longshou City.

Entry into the city went smoothly without any difficulties.

Walking on the streets of the city, there are warriors carrying weapons everywhere. Longshou City is a large city. Before the war, there were tens of millions of people living in this city.

After the war, most ordinary people had fled, and the vacant houses were received by the military, and then distributed to the soldiers who came to participate in the war.

If you want to obtain a house, you only need to register at the front of the military to obtain the right to live in the house according to different strengths.

However, the soldiers are responsible for the food, so the business of some restaurants in the city is quite hot.

When entering the city, the guarded soldiers pointed at the Song Jun, so they easily found the military registry.

It is said that warriors in Shenhai can get the right to live in an ordinary house, warriors in Yuandan warrior can get a bigger house, and warriors in Fuyu can get a house with a courtyard.

As for the warrior of the gods, he will become a guest of the military directly. Any vacant house can be selected, and even the military will provide it.

The military registry is located in a large estate.

After entering the gate, it is a huge Yanwu Square, and there are more than a dozen registration points in the square.

At each registration point, dozens of martial artists are lining up to register.

Except for Wei Suo and Gao Hongying, who are only Yuandan martial arts players, everyone has the practice of juxu, so they are all eligible for a separate courtyard.

Although the overall strength of the warriors in the Tianyang domain is much stronger, the Xunyang warriors still have a great presence here.

Suddenly there were more than one hundred gatherers, and the person in charge of the military registration office was shocked to deal with it personally. After soliciting the request of Song Kun and others, a large mansion was directly assigned to them to live.

This mansion was originally the property of a family in Longshou City. When the goblins came, the family fled with their family. Therefore, the military accepted their mansion politely.

The mansion was very large, because the family escaped too hastily, and the precious furniture in the mansion was not taken away.

Don't say that there are more than one hundred people, and counting five or six hundred people will not appear crowded.

Song Kun was the leader, and naturally chose the largest and most luxurious main courtyard to live in. Wei Le and Ning Qiangwei also followed him to live here.

At present, humans and goblins are at an impasse.

This is mainly due to the delicious laziness of the goblins. They have captured more than ten cities with many foods and resources. According to their urine, I am afraid that after eating these foods, they will continue to attack the human race.

Therefore, these days, Longshou City is more peaceful.

After a simple settlement, Song Ye sent everyone out to check the news and buy food and daily necessities.

That night, returning from the restaurant, Song Ye called the crowd together for a meeting, and then asked the members who went out to inquire about the news to report it.

In general, the current Longshou City is more chaotic.

The source of the turmoil was mainly those who came to help the war.

During the war, they naturally couldn't make trouble, but in the last few days a truce, various contradictions came out, and the warriors like to use their fists to solve problems.

Therefore, in the city, soldiers who fight alone or in groups are often seen.

In this regard, the military has a headache, but it can't control it. Only by issuing orders, the warriors can fight, but they cannot kill people, otherwise they will be severely punished.

In addition to that.

There are also many people in the city who touch the fish in troubled waters, and there is no shortage of such rotten people everywhere. Therefore, the pits and crooks play in different places in the city every day.

This annoyed the military. Anyone who caught this kind of people was directly assaulted to death camp. Once they started fighting, they could be used as a vanguard. Even so, they could not be deterred. There were more and more such people.

Yesterday, the personal master of the young master of a major gate was stolen, and that young master reduced to a joke.

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