Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1515: Spike Amulet

In a remote area northwest of Xuanyang, there is a valley here. A well-known girl in green clothes is walking around there boringly. There is a lot of thoughts in her mouth. If you listen carefully, you will find that the girl is only saying a sentence: "Master sister Must succeed! "

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A young girl in Tsing Yi hurriedly carrying a package.

Seeing this, the girl in green couldn't help rushing forward: "Shuanger, did you buy something delicious?"

"See for yourself."

The girl in Tsing Yi stuffed the parcel directly into the arms of the girl in Green, but her gaze fell into the valley, her eyes looming with concern and worry, subconsciously:

"Yingying, the head teacher and sister have been in retreat for half a month. Why hasn't any news come? Do you think it will happen?"

Yingying took out a string of sugar gourds from the package and bit her mouth. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed into a line. When she heard the two children's inquiries, she froze, as if she was comforting herself: "Relax, the master is so powerful, Moreover, her cultivation has reached the peak of Jufu long ago. The only difference is Wang Pingong. It should not be too long before she can break through to Yangshen. "

"I hope so!" Shuanger nodded.

Just then, a strong wave came out of the valley. At that moment, countless small animals rushed out of the surrounding grass and woods, and fled to the surroundings in a rush.

It was just that they had escaped not far away, as if suppressed by an invisible force, lying on the ground trembling.

At the same time, a vast breath rises into the sky, the dark clouds on the sky are scattered directly, the sun pours down, sprinkles the entire valley, and then you see a red figure dozens of feet high in the air ... ...


Small town, small courtyard.

Song Yue stepped out of the temple, appeared in the room, opened the door, and said to Wei Le, who was waiting outside: "Be clean, we should leave here!"

After hearing the words, Wei Le froze, but then there was a flash of perseverance in his eyes.

A quarter of an hour later, when Song Ye saw Wei Le and Wu Yun's copper package hanging on his body, his heart moved, and he took out two storage spirit rings and gave them: "You can use it after you recognize the Lord with blood."

With the Great Removal Technique, even though the town is thousands of miles away from Fenghua Town, less than half a quarter of an hour, the three Song Yongs also appeared at the town entrance of Fenghua Town.

When seeing the eight dead heads hanging on the flagpole, Song Yan could not help but stare a little, and shot a faint slam, but did not expect Zhu Jiajia to do something to the Chu family in advance.

There are several Shenhai martial arts guards from the Zhu family under the flagpole.

"Go take your heads off and wait for their bodies to be buried together!" Song Xuan said lightly.

"Yes, master!"

Wu Yun strode away, grabbing the eight heads in front of the probe and grabbing the storage ring.

"Jack, hand over your head!"

The **** sea warrior guarding the head shouted angrily.


Song Yan spoke again.


Wu Yuntong added a long sword in his hand, which was cut out one after another. Several Shenhai warriors wishing for their family immediately separated.

Chu family.

A gatherer martial artist hurried to the homeowner's courtyard and said loudly, "Homeowner, Chu Fan's little beast appeared!"

After hearing the words, Zhu Zhenyue released a sense of consciousness, and immediately found Song Zhen in Zhenkou.

"Okay, this evil species is finally here!"

There was an excitement in the words. Before, he planned to quietly end up with this little evil animal, but he was a bit jealous of his daughter Zhu Hongyi's views. But now, this little animal has not only killed the two amulets of the Zhu family, Everyone knows the Zhu Family's Wangpin exercises.

Without killing him personally, he can hardly dispel his hatred.

At the same time, in the other two yards, the Chiyan people and the master of the Lei family also learned the news of Chu Fan's appearance.

"Elder Mu, do we want to capture Chu Fan immediately?"

A gathering of martial arts solicited the opinion of the elder Mu Yuankong.

"No need to!"

Mu Yuan said indifferently: "The old man has made a mark on him. Even if he escapes to the ends of the earth, the old man can find him."

In the other yard, some people also asked whether the Yang Shen family of Lei's family would directly take Song Ji.

It is said that the Lei family has the blood of the **** beast Lei Ze, and uses magical powers to control lightning.

This time, in order to capture Song Yan, the Lei family also dispatched two old **** gods, one named Lei Tianya and the other called Lei Fankong. Lei Mingshan also accompanied him.

"No, there are people who wish to take a shot, we don't have to take a shot at all!"

Lei Tianya waved his hand.

"Chu Fan is back!"

The news soon followed with the martial arts of Fenghua Zhen, and everyone knew it.

Hearing this news, Qin Yingxiong could not help but hesitated: "Don't he dare to come back? Isn't this a death?"

The owners of the Wang and Zhou families were also very surprised.

At the same time, they went to the residence of the Chu family.

Within half a quarter of an hour, thousands of warriors gathered around Chu.

Song Yun also took Wu Yuntong and Wei Le through the town to Chu's house. He was not blocked and attacked by Zhu Jiawu along the way, and it seemed that he did not worry that Song Yan would escape.

Stopping in front of Chu's house, Song Yuan's eyes fell on the empty place where the plaque was placed, and his eyes narrowed again.

"My nephew!"

Just then, a voice sounded.

Then I saw a person coming out of the crowd, it was the hero Qin.

"Master Qin!"

Song Kun was a little surprised, but at this time Qin hero dared to show up.

"Hey, you shouldn't show up. It's the so-called staying of Qingshan without worry!" Said Qin Yingxiong with a sigh in his face, and there was a worry in his eyes.

"Thank you for reminding me." Song Xuan said something lightly, and then walked towards the door of the Chu house that opened, and Wu Yuntong and Wei Le followed him.

Dozens of people are already standing there waiting for Song Kun on the performance martial arts ground in Chu, but they are headed by two gatherers.

Seeing Song Xun's appearance, the heads of the two poly-fu martial artists had cruel smiles on their faces.

One of them took a step forward and laughed sadly: "Little mouse, why don't you escape?"

Song Yan glanced at the other side gently, and said slowly, "Well, Zhu Zhenyue, I've already come, why should he be a turtle and not dare to see me?"


The rallying martial artist was so angry that he raised his hand and punched him, blasting towards Song Yu.

"Since he doesn't dare to come out, I'll charge some interest first!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yong suddenly pointed out a finger.

A red glow burst from his fingers and rammed into the opponent's punch.


The punches exploded, and the fiery red light shot out, penetrating easily through the eyebrows of the gatherer.

Ordinary amulet martial arts also say that Yuanying Xiuxian is equivalent.

Now Song Ye has the power to sacrifice himself even if he only uses one ordinary rune, so it is too easy to kill an ordinary amulet.


I can't believe this is true when I see my companion's body that fell from the sky, and the other name is Ju Fu.

Zhu Zhenyue who continued to stay at the homeowner's house also saw this scene through spiritual consciousness, and his expression was equally astonished. He killed the rune martial arts in seconds, how could this evil species be so powerful?

As for the other sun gods, I was shocked to see the strength revealed by Song Kun!

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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