Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1491: the truth

The masked girl's face changed greatly, her figure fluttered and waved, her posture was graceful, and pink flowers bloomed in front of her, but they couldn't stop the **** fingers and were crushed one by one.

However, the cast of **** fingers also slowed a lot.

When Zhu Zhaohui saw the cold eyes, his palms were turned up and down, and the original palm was instantly reduced to the size of a fan, and fell towards the masked girl.


恍 If the thunder thunders, the masked girl will be blown into the spirit for a while, and there will be a buzzing in her ears, and even her vision will be blurred.

Suddenly, a crisis of death pervaded the whole body, but her body couldn't move half a point under this pressure.

But at this moment, a warm force wrapped her, and a flicker disappeared in place.


Zhu Zhaohui fell with one palm, and the ground was directly bombarded with a huge pit.

The masked girl who had been moved to mid-air saw this scene, her body trembled, and if that palm fell on her, I'm afraid she would become a powder.

For a moment, she looked a little grateful to Song Yan who was next to her.

"How to do?"

The next moment, the masked girl asked Song Ye.

"I underestimated his combat power, but anyway!"

Song Yan calmly said that the strength of Zhu Zhaohui's outbreak has surpassed the mid-infant period.

However, he saw that the other party had only a brief outburst, and when the time passed, the strength would definitely fade away.

I saw that he flipped his hands and played one by one.

Xiu was sealed. Originally, he only needed one thought to urge the formation, but now he can only control the formation with his hands.


The next moment, Song Yi spit out a word gently. Suddenly, a chain of voids with thick arms appeared, and banged to Zhu Zhaohui.

The other side was not afraid, and his fists waved, containing the light of God, one by one, killing each other, and chaining the voids to Fly.

However, after hitting more than a dozen void chains, his face also turned red, apparently consuming a lot.


Just then, Song Yan spit out a word again.

Suddenly, a large invisible net shrouded Zhu Zhaohui. At the same time, more than a dozen void chains reappeared, pumping at each other.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Zhu Zhaohui only blocked four void chains and was vomiting blood and flying down by the fifth and sixth void chains.

At the same time, there were three empty chains drawn up.

"Show me!"

Suddenly, Zhu Zhaohui gave a burst of drink, and with a swipe of his hands, he tore the void into a gap, and then stepped in.

"No, he's running away!" The masked girl exclaimed!

"Oh, tearing the void in my formation space, I have to admire his courage!"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly, and then saw a person falling out of the void, covered with blood, ragged clothes, and covered with large and small wounds.


Zhu Zhaohui even vomited two bloods and his face became pale. He stared at Song Yan: "Who the **** are you? Chu Fan cannot have such a powerful formation method!"

On hearing that, the masked girl stared at Song Yan in doubt.

"Stupid can never understand genius!"

However, Song Yan shrugged his lips and stared at each other, saying, "Who are you, why did you kill me, and was my father killed by you?"

"It seems you don't know anything!" Zhu Zhaohui sneered on his face.

"Crap, if I know I will ask you again!" Song Yan said angrily.

"Okay, let me tell you ...!"

At this moment, Zhu Zhaohui shot violently, and once again struck out Cangtianba.

"Be careful!" The masked girl exclaimed.


The big hand fell suddenly, and Song Song was captured in an instant, but the captured Song Song turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared. At the same time, dozens of feet of green wind blade suddenly appeared.

Blazing towards Zhu Zhaohui.

The power of each of these wind blades can be compared to the full blow of Yuan Dan in the later period. If it was changed to normal, Zhu Zhaohui would naturally not be taken into account, but now he is not only exhausted, but also seriously injured.

Just avoiding more than ten wind blades, they were chopped in succession by the remaining blades.

For a moment, his face became paler and his breath weakened.

Song Yan appeared one hundred meters away and looked at him playfully: "How? I like the gift I prepared for you?"


Zhu Zhaohui was stimulated and he could not help coughing up blood, but his gaze was still fierce.

"Tell me the truth, I'll spare you!" Song Yan said again.

"Hahaha!" Zhu Zhaohui laughed and laughed: "I never thought that the first generation of amulets would be planted in the hands of a little bunny like you, and you would kill whatever you want!"

"I don't know anything!"

Song Yan looked cold, and waved his hand, two giant wind blades appeared.


Blood splattered and Zhu Zhaohui's two arms were cut off directly.

"Cut again!"

As soon as Song Yan thought, the two giant wind blades cut off each other's legs.

"You go out first!"

As soon as Song Ye waved his hand, he sent the masked girl out of the battlefield, and then flew to Zhu Zhaohui's body, and in one fell swoop the ten magical powers into the opposite party.

He differs from the other two realms. If the other is intact, it will be difficult to enslave him even if his body is bursting.

But now, his opponent's hands and feet are severed, and his willpower is greatly weakened. Therefore, after ten breaths, the other party is enslaved.

"Tell me everything you know!" Song Yan asked in a deep voice.

Zhu Zhaohui spoke slowly, telling a story about the past.

After half an hour of speaking, Zhu Zhaohui made the whole thing clear, and thought that the injury was too serious, and passed out.


Song Xuan did not leave the other party's intention, he directly cut off his head, and then solved the two Yuan Danwu soldiers in hand, and then withdrew the formation.

"Hey, are you all right?"

Seeing Song Ye's appearance, the masked girl asked with some concern.

"What can I do, it's late and you can go back!" Song Yan laughed.


Humming and staring at Song Kun, the masked girl turned and left.

When the other party left, Song Yan sat on the bed, pondering the revenge for Chu Tianxing.

According to Zhu Zhaohui's description, after Chu Tianxing ran away from home that year, he desperately rescued Zhu Hongxian, who was accidentally conceived by the gangster, from the hands of a gangster.

However, because Zhu Hongyi had been poisoned by the prostitute, the two had a relationship, and at that time Chu Fan secretly conceived Chu Fan.

And this Zhu Hongyi is Chu Fan's biological mother, and at the same time is the eldest daughter of the Zhu family.

Although Zhu Hongzhen was lost to Chu Tianxing, she did not intend to marry him. After all, the status of the two parties was very different.

However, Chu Tianxing has deep roots in the other party. After learning that Zhu Hongxi has no affection for him, she is willing to stay with her as an ordinary guard.

Later, Zhu Hongzhang found that she was pregnant, and her mentality changed to a certain extent. She and Chu Tianxing hid in a small mountain village and gave birth to Chu Fan. It didn't take long for them to be found by the Zhu family.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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