Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1452: Dong Yong

Judging from the direction of the six princess Laner's flight, it should be the end of Tianhe. At one moment, Song Yong thought of a legend that the Seven Fairies and Dong Yong were imprisoned in a desolate cold area at the end of Tianhe.

"So she went to see the Seven Fairies!"

They are also curious about the legendary Seven Fairies and Dong Yong Song Yan, and want to meet them.

The six princess Lan'er didn't fly very fast. After flying for more than three hours, she came to the end of Tianhe.

"Meet the Six Princesses!"

There is a pair of heaven guards outside the cold area.

"This is Queen Mother's token!"

Six princess Laner brightened his token, and a group of heavenly soldiers kneeled down on one knee.

"Let's all get up, I'll see Qimei!"

During the conversation, the six princess Lan'er stepped into the cold area and shrank her neck. She secretly said, "This place is too cold, so you have to rescue Qimei from here. Hum, all blame Dong Yong. If it wasn't him, How could Qimei suffer so much! "

After flying more than ten miles, a small yard made of ice and snow appeared in the sight of the six princess Laner.

"Little Seven, Qimei, I'm here to see you!"

The six princesses Laner happily opened the door of the courtyard and walked in. At this moment, the seven fairies in purple clothes were using a collected colorful textile brocade in front of a spinning wheel. A nerd looks.

"Six, you are here."

The Seven Princesses stood up quickly and greeted them happily, while Dong Yong stood up quite aside and saluted the sixth Princess: "Dong Yong has seen the Six Princesses."


The six princesses Laner nodded faintly toward Dong Yong, and took the seventh princess to the side and whispered.

For a moment, Dong Yong was a little embarrassed, and finally sat down again and continued to read, but he was absent-minded, and from time to time he peeked at the whispering second daughter, with a faint obsession.

Hidden in the dark, Song Ye was disappointed to see the legendary Dong Yong. This Dong Yong looks just like him, and his temperament is a bit wretched. If he read correctly, this guy is actually peeping at Six Princess Lan'er.

Eating in a bowl and thinking about the pot!

For a moment, Song Yong had a bit of contempt for Dong Yongsheng in his heart, but he didn't want to think about himself. His wife was as many as ten.

However, the Seven Fairies did not disappoint Song Kun, and all of them exudes an ethereal temperament, and her appearance is not lost to Six Princess Lan'er.

The sixth princess Laner said: "In three months, the heaven court will hold another Taotao conference. I have discussed with other sisters. We will ask your mother and let you dance with us. Then you can take the opportunity to My mother apologizes, and my mother will forgive you! "

"Will my mother forgive me?" The Seven Princess looked anxious, while turning her head to look at Dong Yong.

Seeing the seventh princess turning around, Dong Yong quickly withdrew the eyes of prying peeping at the sixth princess, pretending to read the book.

The six princess Laner was very self-confident: "Relax, time has passed so long. The anger in the mother's heart has long since disappeared. Besides, you have suffered for so many years here and got the due punishment. I believe as long as You sincerely apologize, your mother will definitely forgive you! "


Seven Princess nodded and agreed.

At first, in order to stay with Dong Yong, she violated the rules of the sky and stayed in the world privately.

Later, although they were taken back to heaven by the Queen Mother, they did not embarrass them. Instead, they locked them together and gave Dong Yong an elixir so that the two of them could stay forever.

So in her heart, she did not blame the Queen Mother at all, but was very grateful to her.

Nearly a millennium passed in a blink of an eye. She and Dong Yong have been together for millennia, and their feelings have also changed from the initial strong to extremely weak. Especially, Dong Yong is simply a nerd and has no idea of ​​a little bit of fun. Come, their lives are almost faint. She was sometimes awakened in the middle of the night, and she had no regrets.

What's more sad for her, Dong Yong seems to be a little bit to her six sister ...

Don't think she is blind. Every time Sister Six comes to see her, Dong Yong secretly peepes at Sister Six. Although she knows it, it is not easy for her to wear it, so she becomes even more dissatisfied with Dong Yong.

It seems that Sister Liu also found this out, so her attitude towards Dong Yong is getting colder and colder.

Princess Six spoke to Princess Seven for a while before leaving.

"Mother, what did Princess Six say to you?"

When the six princesses left, Dong Yong could not wait to ask.

The seven princesses looked at Dong Yong with a complex look, which made the other person panic.

After a long while, Princess Seven said slowly: "Sister Six asked me to dance to my mother and several other sisters at the Taotao Conference in March, and then I took the opportunity to apologize to my mother to admit my mistake."

"How can this be!" Dong Yong said subconsciously.

"Why not!" Seven Princess asked.

Dong Yong said in a hurry: "If the Queen Mother asked you to return to heaven, what should I do?"

I heard that the seven princesses had a little irritability and patience. "You can rest assured that if my mother is willing to forgive me, let me return to heaven. After a while, I will plead with my mother and let her allow you. Enter heaven! "

"No! I don't agree!" Dong Yong flatly refused.

"Why?" Seven Princess asked subconsciously.

"If you want to return, come back together, or we will stay here." Dong Yong said firmly, in fact, he had his own careful thinking, in case Princess Seven returned to heaven to forget him, would he Lonely stay here for a lifetime.

That's why he made a request to return together and stay together if not.

After so many things, the Seven Princesses is no longer a simple and ignorant little girl. I naturally guessed Dong Yong's mind, and I couldn't help being disappointed in my heart. I never thought he was such a selfish person.

But after all, we were married for thousands of years. Although the relationship faded, the Seven Princesses agreed.

Seeing this scene in secret, Song Kun shook his head again. This Dong Yong is so shameless. He is just a scumbag. For his own sake, he would rather drag his daughter-in-law to accompany her to suffer harder than to live a comfortable life.

Originally he planned to help this pair of bitter lives, but now it seems that Dong Yong is not worth his help at all.

As soon as his body fluttered, Song Kun disappeared, and once again caught up with the six princess Laner who returned to heaven.

"Well, this Dong Yong is really nothing, and come to peep at this girl again. I knew that it was time to break through him, otherwise Qimei would not have to suffer so much!"

It turned out that in order to help Dong Yong get out of the Ma family, the Seven Fairies secretly sent Fan, and we had to weave a hundred good cloths overnight, so six other sisters called Fan to help.

Unexpectedly, Dong Yong discovered a secret. It turned out that the sisters of Xiao Qi were not mortals but fairies in the sky, and he also liked Six Princess Lan'er.

So, he moved his mind, took a chance, and secretly wrote a love poem to the six princess Laner, but was severely scolded by Laner because she knew Xiaoqi liked Dong Yong, so she didn't Debunk Dong Yong.

After failing to catch Liu Xian's daughter, Dong Yong had to chase the seven fairies who were affectionate to him.

Later, with the help of the Seven Fairies, Dong Yong successfully got rid of the status of a slave of the Ma family, and several other fairies came to persuade Xiaoqi to return to the heavenly court to be overheard by him, so he performed another bitter plan to keep the Seven Princesses In the mortal world.

Because he knew that if he reached the Seven Princesses, he would have a chance to become a fairy.

[Author off topic]: The third update is complete, thank you [Sao Monkey] for the reward

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