Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1095: Old friend visit

Yuyang County Town, Miao House.


A delicate tea cup fell to the ground and shattered.

Six people including Miao Changfeng, who stood at the bottom of the head, were all embarrassed, because the ancestor was angry, and it was better not to touch his mold.

What exactly made the Miao family ancestors so angry?

This matter has to start from yesterday.

Yesterday, Ji Tianjun from the Ji Family visited the ancestor in person and brought the words of A Qing.

After listening to the implied threat, the ancestor was uncomfortable even though he did not have an attack on the spot.

At the same time, Ji Tianjun also satirized the old ancestors, which made him more uncomfortable.

But today, the name of A Qing spreads quickly with the help of the people. The news of Miao Cangkong's killing originally spread only in a small area, but now it is widely known by passers-by.

Then weird things appeared, saying that the ancestor of the Miao family was a tortoise, and the owner of the Miao family was killed, but the turtle couldn't shrink, it was a master of the fart.

Originally, Miao Changfeng and others were not attentive to such arguments, and they would dissipate after a while.

However, the old ancestors wandered around the city with whim, and as a result, in a tea house, I heard others talk about him as a timid person and did not dare to avenge Miao Cangkong.

And while degrading him, he continued to elevate the woman named A Qing, calling him the first master of Yuyang County, and the ancestors of the Miao family were not their opponents.

Those who were talking were all juniors of the level of gas refining. The ancestors were naturally not good at meeting them, so they could only return to the Miao family with a sullen stomach.

Then Miao Changfeng and others were summoned over and launched a temper to them.

No, a set of tea set has been dropped so that there is only one teapot left.

Looking at the solitary teapot on the coffee table, the anger of the ancestors of the Miao family was almost vented, staring at Miao Changfeng: "How is the arrangement?"

Miao Changfeng hurriedly said: "Old ancestors, the juniors bought a [Killing Sky Sword Array] through secret channels, and now it has been placed in the mansion, as long as that A Qing dares to come to the door and send someone to introduce it into the array, you can Kill him, at the same time, the junior also bought a set of "sleepy dragon land evil array", if he happened to escape from the "killing sky sword array", the six of us can join hands to trap it, and then the old ancestor you personally Kill! "

Hearing that the ancestor of the Miao family could not help but frown slightly.

Miao Changfeng carefully said: "There are still a lot of omissions in the arrangement of the younger generation, and I also hope that the ancestors will give directions."

"You have a good layout, you go down first!" The ancestor of the Miao family waved his hand and drove Miao Changfeng away.

The ancestor of the Miao family is called Miao Tianxiang, and he has lived for more than 3,000 years. The Miao family was also founded by him. Compared with the Ji family, the Miao family still has a lot of heritage. Compared with the Yuhua, Jianzong, and Kirin sects, Even worse.

The reason why the Miao family can share the resources of the county town with the Ji family is mainly because of his masters. If he is set aside, the Miao family is not only inferior to the Ji family, it is far worse than the three major gates. .

But now, the mysterious woman named A Qing actually killed the lord of the Yuhua Sect Fengmen and the lord Ye Tianxiong and three elders.

Everyone is the top force in Yuyang County. How can he not know that the Yuhua Sect has three treasures? The four elephants of Tiansha array are deployed to cut out the initial stage. Long Yinzhong has special sonic attack and defense functions. Tianxinhuan is even more confusing for others.

With these three treasures in existence, Ye Tianxiong still died in the opponent's hands. From this, it is speculated that the strength of the opponent has reached the mid-term period, or even the late period.

And he was just in the beginning.

If the opponent is only in the middle period, with the arrangement of Miao Changfeng, he can barely fight with the opponent. If the opponent is in the late period, he has no chance at all.

Because, the later the cultivation, the slower the ascension.

And he did not succeed in the mid-term exercises, even if he repeatedly tried to create follow-up exercises, he did not succeed.

It is said that the longer you live, the more afraid you will die.

Therefore, the ancestors of the Miao family are uneasy at this moment.

"What should I do?"

The ancestor of the Miao family secretly anxiously.

Now there are two ways before him. One is to die with that A Qing, it may be that he killed the other, or that the other killed him; the second is to abandon the Miao family and run away.

But the entire Miao family is his descendants, and making the Miao family the top five forces in Yuyang County also cost him too much effort. When he was unable to improve, he put his energy on the development of the family.

Therefore, it is also a very difficult choice to give up.

Thinking of this, he hated the unfilial son and grandson Miao Cangkong. If he got the "Huangquan Secret Sutra", he would dedicate it directly to him. By virtue of this method, I am afraid that he has already broken through to the middle stage and even the late stage may.

At that time, relying on his superb cultivation to completely defeat the Jijia Yuhua Sect and the Unicorn Sect to dominate Yuyang County, the guy was short-sighted and hid the "Huang Quan Secret" for his own self-cultivation. .

Now that I'm fine, not only have I lost my life, but even the exercises have fallen into others.

"Old ancestor!"

At this moment, Miao Changfeng, who had just left, arrived again.

"what's up?"

Miao's ancestor's voice was a bit bad.

"Old ancestor, there is someone outside who claims to be your old friend!"

"Old friend?"

The ancestor of the Miao family was stunned. He has been curled up in Yuyang County for 800 years and never went out. The friends of that year haven't communicated with each other for a long time. He was surprised.

"Does he have a name?"

"Back to the old ancestors, the senior said he was called Feng Tianzhang."

"What? It's him!"

Hearing this name, the ancestor of the Miao family suddenly stood up, his face full of shock, and whispered, "Did he not have died there at that Jedi? Why was he alive?"

Although he was puzzled and doubtful, the ancestor of the Miao family quickly walked outside the mansion and saw a middle-aged man in black standing there.

Although it has been nearly a thousand years apart, the ancestor of the Miao family still recognizes that the person in front of him is the Feng Tianzhang of that year.

What made him even more surprised was that he couldn't see through the other's cultivation.

There are two possibilities for seeing the other person ’s cultivation, one is that the hidden treasure is hidden in the other person, and the other is that the other person is more than two small realms higher than you.

In other words, if Feng Tianzheng didn't have the hidden treasures, it would be at least in the later period.

"Brother Miao, you haven't seen it in a thousand years, but you are old!"

The next moment, the middle-aged man in black stepped forward and worshiped the ancestor of the Miao family with excitement.

I heard that the ancestor of the Miao family also showed excitement, and quickly lifted it up: "It really is you who is Tian Tian, ​​it really surprises me!"

[Author off topic]: One more

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