Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1085: The storm is rising

Seeing Ling Mei who was scratching his head for mercy like a poor worm, Song Yan shook his head secretly.

"Head, can you give Lingmei a chance." Xueya suddenly stood up, pleading for Lingmei.

Xue Sheng followed the courtship and said, "Yeah, the head, I think Lingmei was just confused, but fortunately, it didn't hurt Lingxiao. Since she already knows her mistakes, she might as well light her hair."

Next, two elders stepped out and interceded for Lingmei.

"Uncle Yun mushroom, look ...?"

Xuelan looked at Yun Mush and asked, after all, the seed disciples of the three generations of Lingmei disciples, if it is a pity to abolish Xiu as an expulsionist, she will not be able to bear it.

Suddenly, Yungu said to Song Yi: "Ling Xiao, you are a victim, do you think you should let Ling Mei go?"

Song Yi said: "Since Lingmei has already known her mistake, give her a chance!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard what Song Ye was saying, especially Ling Mei, who looked at Song Ye wrongly. He did not expect that he almost killed him. He was willing to let me go.

In fact, where did she know that it wasn't Song Ye who didn't care about her, but rather disdain with her. If he tried another Yuanying master to try it, Song Ye would never let him go.

"Lingmei, I haven't thanked Lingxiao yet!" Xueya reminded.

"Thank you Master Lingxiao, thank you!" Lingmei hurriedly said.

Yun Mushroom's voice sounded again: "Although Ling Xiao forgave you and did not need to abolish Xiu as an expulsionist, but there should still be less punishment. Ling Mei, do you have an opinion?"

"Disciple has no opinion!"


East of Yuyang County, Jijia Mansion.

"What! Huang Quan Se Jing!"

Hearing the news detected in recent days, Ji Tianjun's look suddenly changed. In addition to Ji Tianqiong, the other five people also showed shocked, unexpected, surprise, greed and other expressions.

The five are the youngest Ji Tianhua of the Ji family; the youngest Ji Tianyou, the five sister Ji Tianxue, the old six Ji Tianming and the young seven Ji Tiancheng.

After a short while, the oldest Ji Tianhua said with excitement: "I never thought that this Huangquan Secret Script fell into Miao Cang's empty hands. Brother, this time, no matter what, we all need to get that Huangquan Secret Scripture. After the county must be the world of our Ji family! "

"It's not easy to be afraid!"

Ji Tianjun shook his head. At this moment he had calmed down from the news of Huang Quan's Secret Sutra: "Miao Cang died of the sole recipient of Huang Quan's Secret Sutra, and now he is dead. Either fell into the hands of the mysterious woman in Jade Gate!

If they stay in the Miao family, they will most likely fall into the hands of the old ancestors of the Miao family. If they fall into the hands of the mysterious woman, it will be much easier! "

"It should be impossible for that mysterious woman!"

Ji Tianqiong interjected: "Miao Cangkong has been dead for a few days, but the group of elders of the Miao family returned to the Miao family that day. Therefore, the ancestors of the Miao family should already know that Miao Cangkong is pregnant with Huang Quan's secret scriptures. If Huang Quan's Secret Scriptures fell on the hands of the mysterious woman, it would be impossible for the ancestors of the Miao family to curl up in the Miao family for several days! "

Ji Tianjun nodded secretly: "This possibility is very high, but we can't rule out that Huang Quan's Secret Sutra is on the mysterious woman, right, brother, that mysterious woman is now ...?"

Ji Tianqiangdao: "The mysterious woman has been staying at the Jade Gate!"

"Well, now, we will split the two roads and closely monitor the Miao family all the way. I will be responsible for this route. The third and five sisters will assist me. The second way will start with the mysterious woman. This route is responsible for the older brother. Fourth, sixth, youngest seven, you help your elder brother! "

"Yes!" Everyone answered.

In Yuyang County, there are two major families and three major gates. The two major families refer to the Miao and Ji families, and the three major gates are Yuhua, Kirin, and Jianzong.

The Yuhua Sect is located in the Yuhua Mountains in the southeast of the county. The whole mountain stretches thousands of miles and lies on the ground, like a dragon.

The Zongmen of Yuhua Sect is located on Tianmen Peak, the largest peak of Yuhua Mountain.

There are nine smaller peaks around Tianmen Peak, which surrounds Tianmen Peak.

The Yuhua sect has nine gates, and today's lord is served by the gatekeeper of Leimen.

The damper is located in the northeast of the main peak, and the damper is the strongest door system under the thunder gate. Especially in the past ten years, the younger generation of the damper completely surpassed the thunder gate series, and the other seven gate systems are far worse. .

Today, the doorkeeper of Fengmen is called Tu Beiwang. He is still up to the peak of the late Yuan infant, but his age is just over five hundred years old, and there is still a great opportunity to break through to the tricky period in his lifetime.

"Master, Shanmen asked to see this jade pendant, and said you must meet him when you see this jade pendant!"

With a wave of his hand, the jade pendant fell into Tu Beiwang's hand, and he looked carefully. He can be sure that this jade pendant was made by himself 50 years ago, so he said to the boy under the door: "Go, take that person Bring in! "


After half a quarter of an hour, an elderly man who was more ordinary in appearance appeared in front of Tu Beiwang, bowing and saluting: "The villain has seen the doorkeeper on the 90th!"

Since taking over the door of Fengmen, he has determined to become the lord of Yuhua Sect.

So, fifty years ago, he created the four secret agents of Heaven and Earth and Xuanhuang. The four secret agents included all kinds of people, such as traffickers, puppets, and immortals. Among them, the yellow banner was all ordinary people.

He gave them a blood confinement that could be passed on from generation to generation, so these agents would not betray him even if they died.

It is precisely because of the existence of the four secret agents, that in his fifty years, Fengmen collected a large number of talented disciples, and made a good accumulation more than ten years ago, surpassing the other eight.

"What's your report?"

Tu Bei looked at the old man and asked.

"Back to the master, the villain has a daughter, and now she serves as the elder of the Yunmen Gate. This is a secret letter written by her personally. There are so many promises that the villain must hand it in to the master!"

While talking, the old man took a letter from his arms.

Tu Beiwang took the secret letter and opened it carelessly, but when he saw the contents of the secret letter, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Haha, it really helps me!"

After a short while, Tu Beiwang suddenly stared at the old man with a sharp eyes: "Have you ever seen this secret letter!"

"Door, dare not!"

"Very good, the message you sent this time is useful, let's say, what reward do you want!"

Hearing that the old man's face could not help flashing in the face of hesitation, in the end, he still gritted his teeth and said, "Master, can you lift the blood confinement in her body for the little girl?"


Tu Bei's eyes were cold, making the old man tremble, but his eyes were extremely firm: "Master, the villain originally worked for you, I just hope you can spare the little girl."

"Okay, for your loyalty, if this seat can get that thing this time, this seat will release the blood confinement in your daughter's body!"

"Thank you! Thank you!"

The old man was overjoyed and slammed his head slightly towards Tu Bei.

[Author off topic]: One more

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