Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1059: Let the two eggs fly for a while

I heard Song Yan still insisted on staying at the Jade Girl Gate, and Lingyan was very relieved, but her face was gloomy: "Second egg, listen to me, Jade Girl Gate is a martial art that is only suitable for women's practice. Here, There is no practice method suitable for you to practice, so staying here will only delay your practice, while the Taiyi religion is the first religion of the Tang Dynasty. It has great strength. You went there to use your psychic skills. Their physique will definitely be valued by them, and they may not have the opportunity to unite Jin Dan to achieve Yuanying! "

"I don't care. If I don't go to Taiyijiao, I will stay at the Jade Girl Gate!" Song Zhengqiang said.

"You bear child! I don't understand why, believe it or not, I smoke you!" Ling Yan was annoyed and wanted to fight.

"I won't go to kill you!" Song Yan said again.


Lingyan was so angry that he had to slap the little **** to shoot.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, during this time, you will be waiting for Lord Akabane! I will go first!"

Looking at Lingyan, who was screaming in his breath, Song Yan secretly regretted that the Lingyan was really good for him, but unfortunately, the system gave him a task, so he had to join the Jade Girl Gate.

Lingyan ran all the way to the head courtyard.

"Master, disciples ask for advice." Ling Yan shouted outside the yard.

"Come in." Xuelan's soft voice came out.

"Yan'er, did you come to Master this night, is there something wrong?" In the room, Xuelan sat on a futon made of Meiyu and asked with a smile.

Lingyan's face flashed with hesitation. Would you like to tell the master that the **** boy has a psychic constitution, if she tells the master, she will definitely leave that **** at the gate of the jade girl, after all, a psychic constitution can give Martial arts bring too many benefits, such a baby, if it is just because of ancestral training, it is not sincere, it is silly!

"Why, what happened to make you so tangled?"

Xuelan continued to ask, her tone was getting softer, because she knew that her apprentice, who was heartless and heartless, could make her so tangled, and she must have encountered some big things.

After hesitating for a long time, Ling Yan still didn't tell what Song Yan had a psychic constitution, because once the matter was revealed, the **** boy couldn't leave again. If he waited more than two months, he was still unwilling to change his mind. Tell him about his psychic constitution.

As for the Jade Girl Gate, there is no suitable method for him to practice.

With attention in my heart, Lingyan was no longer tangled, and said, "Master, I'm okay, yes, you tell me that my business has been done, I'm here to return to life!"

"It's fine since it's okay." Xuelan nodded, but didn't believe Lingyan.

The tenth day passed in the blink of an eye. During these ten days, the red feather crane came to the cafeteria every day to eat the food cooked by Song Ye. At the same time, Song Ye also understood that the top and bottom of Yuyumen valued the red feather crane so much that he temporarily extinguished the black Yan Hu and Green Eyed Toad also made plans.

If at that time, Jade Girl Gate is still reluctant to let him join Jade Girl Gate, he will abduct their spirit beasts, but they will not agree.

Because of the Akabane crane, the canteen is now more lively. Almost all the second and third generation disciples will come here to dine, even the head Xuelan has visited a few times.

Today, after dinner, Akabane crane did not leave as usual, but screamed at Song Yu.

The voice was loud and straight through the roof, and then Akabane Crane squatted down in front of Song Kun.


Elder Xue Sheng was dining here today. Seeing this scene, she could not help but open her mouth wide, her eyes filled with incredible colors: "Is the adult Red Feather Crane going to choose Erdan as its new owner?"

Because Akabane crane squatting is to invite people to go on its back.

But Song Yan pretended not to understand, stood in place, staring blankly at the Red Feather Crane.


Akabane could not help making two urging tweets.

"Second egg, Lord Akabane invites you to go back on it, you go up!" Xue Sheng who responded called quickly.

"This ... this!" Song Yan pretended to be hesitant.

"Come up, this is the invitation of Lord Akabane, no one will blame you!" Xue Sheng said softly.

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded strongly, then turned over and climbed up to the back of Akabane Crane.

Suddenly, a fiery red streamer rushed out of the cafeteria and suddenly skyward.

"Help ... Help!"

A stern voice came from the sky. When he heard this voice, Xue Sheng could not help but show a knowing smile, and whispered: "What a good luck kid, he can really get the favor of Lord Akabane."

On the afternoon of the same day, the news that Lord Akabane carried the second egg and flew around the Jade Peak, spreading throughout the Jade Gate, many disciples of the Jade Gate showed envy and jealousy.

At the same time, many disciples even bluntly talk about what the two eggs are, and why they can get the favor of adults.

And that night, Xuelan Xiangu once again convened seven elders.

"Everyone must know about the sisters and sisters, Lord Akabane and Erdan. I wonder what do you think?" Xuelan Xiangu said flatly.

"It's better to leave the second egg at our Yunvmen Gate. Adult Akabane Crane can take the initiative to hump at him, indicating that Adult Akabane Crane has agreed with him!" Said Elder Xuesheng.

As soon as Xuesheng's voice fell, Xueya's decisive voice sounded: "No! The Jade Girl's Gate cannot let any adult man stay, this is the ancestor's instruction that cannot be violated!"

Xuesheng countered: "Although Zu Xun can not be violated, appropriate modifications are also possible. Moreover, Erdan is not an outsider. He grew up in our Jade Girl Peak from an early age.

Not to mention that the adult Akabane loves the dishes made by Erdan, even our disciples also like them very much, so leaving Erdan is absolutely beneficial and harmless! "

"Zu Xun can not be violated!" Xueya said coldly.

Xue Sheng argued: "When the ancestors set this rule, they may not be able to predict today, so the ancestral training cannot be fixed!"

"Sister Xuesheng, don't you want to betray the teacher!" Xueya said coldly.

Upon hearing that, Xue Sheng couldn't help getting angry: "Sister Xueya, I can't bear the big hat of betraying the door of the division, you can take it back!"

"Huh!" Xueya Lengheng: "In a word, I don't allow Erdan to stay at the Jade Girl's Gate!"

"What if I have to let him stay?" Xue Sheng opposed.

"Then I'll kill him!" Xueya felt a chill in her eyes.

"you dare!"

"See if I dare!"


Xuelan patted the table: "This matter is temporarily put down, let's discuss the matter of going to Wanling Island!"

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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