Magic card gods

Chapter 87: There Are Monsters in the Hall of Glory

Although Bipbab didn't know what the strongest professional krypton gold fighter was, he had vaguely noticed the gap between himself and the krypton gold boss.

Of course, Wei Yuan is not actually a krypton gold warrior, he is just a wall warrior~

Because of the addition of the powerful piggy Peggy, the battle began to go smoothly. It rushed directly into the pile of monsters, slamming left and right, the attack of the skeleton was nothing to it, but it was the bone dregs left on the ground by wandering around.

In about ten minutes, more than half of the monsters had been killed, and a layer of broken bones was scattered on the ground. It is no longer a problem to have some scattered skeleton monsters left. Sparse looks weak! Sea of ​​skeletons, sea of ​​skeletons, if the number of these things is small, it will not be a climate at all.

Hao Mengmeng and Sister Tiehammer had already killed the skeleton warrior with the double knives, and the remaining one with the huge sword could not hold on alone, surrounded by ghost-headed swords and long-handled hammers, in danger of sudden death at any time edge.

On the contrary, the skeleton warrior who fought with Wei Yuan was quite tenacious. Even though Wei Yuan knocked his big ax away, he still fought endlessly with his bone claws.

It has two defensive characteristics of special strength and steel bone, and a passive defense skill called shock absorption, which is called hard!

Wei Yuan's golden stick made a whining sound, but it sounded like a bell. It took more than a dozen jingling sticks before it broke a few ribs. Even the orthopedic natural enemies like Wolf Spirit and Erha are a little bit reluctant! Erha bit one of its leg bones, and was dragged on the ground, dragging it around, and sparks came out of the bite!

In the end, Wei Yuan saw that the rest of the monsters were almost cleared up, so he didn't want to waste time, so he shouted: "Friends, you don't need to talk about morals with evil heretics, let's stand shoulder to shoulder!"

Hao Mengmeng naturally did whatever Big Brother Wei said, and the ghost-headed sword in his hand "Kwacha" slashed on the skull of the Skeleton Warrior, cutting a tiny crack, and a bunch of sparks popped out!

The ghost head sword can be regarded as a heavy weapon in the sword, but it is still a bit difficult. Sister Tiehammer got excited, "Mengmeng back off, let me do it!" As she said that, she threw down her shield, and rushed up with the hammer in both hands!

The flower vines in the Zen realm took the opportunity to wrap around the skeleton warrior's legs. Wei Yuan and Sister Tiehammer held a stick and the other raised the hammer, and smashed the skeleton warrior who could hardly fight back and could only be beaten passively for a minute. It fell apart.

This is also thanks to the fact that Wei Yuan's ghost gold rod has the property of warding off evil spirits, and it can cause a little magic damage every time. If only relying on physical attacks, Wei Yuan would rather find a steamroller and crush this iron skeleton into scum!

"Friends, I have a use for these bone fragments. If you don't have any needs, I will buy them. All of them!"

As I said before, generally no one likes to fight undead monsters, poor! Among the undead monsters, skeletons are the poorest.

These nearly 200 skeletons of various levels and colors finally exploded a lot of material and sundry cards: [Bone Slag (White)], [Skeleton Fragments (Green)], [Broken Skull (Green)], [Dense Bone Knife (Green)]...

There are only two hundred monsters, and there is an equipment card [Shield of Dead Bones (green)] and two prop cards [Bone Flute (green)] and [Glowing Bone Shard (green)].

The bone shield is not bad, sister Hammer bought it as a spare shield.

The luminous bone fragments can cover one's breath within a certain range, so that the undead cannot find themselves. Bought by Bipbabu, this guy likes this kind of weird and unknown things.

The bone flute was bought by Zhou Yang, saying that he would not shout for cheers in the future, which seemed very low. He will learn to play the flute in the future, and he will play the flute while others are fighting, so cool!

Think about that scene: the man is fighting bloody battles, and this guy hides behind with his big buck teeth, playing a flute made of human leg bones and pretending to be a happy man... he must be beaten to death!

In the end, all the bone dregs and bone fragments were bought by Wei Yuan.

What did you say before? Adults choose to have it all!

Since Wei Yuan has obtained the summoning skills of druids/shamans, how could he not have ideas about the summoning skills of necromancers/underworld alchemists?

As long as he kills the corpse king Huoba and fills up some contribution points, it is not difficult to buy the resurrected skeleton skill from the committee.

Of course, just like the heart of the wild, Wei Yuan will definitely not be satisfied with the original summoning skeleton, he has other ideas.

Now is the time to prepare for a rainy day...

It was already afternoon when we crossed the racetrack, and after a break, we fought fiercely for more than an hour, and now it is four or five o'clock in the afternoon.

Although the sun was still high, everyone finally decided to go to explore the buildings in the inner court tomorrow.

There are more monsters over there than here, and it is another fierce battle. Now everyone is a little tired, and many props and skills have fallen into cooldown, and the energy level consumption is not small. It's really too much to go to fight again now.

That night wolf spirit and Huateng vigil, everyone was more at ease. After all, neither of these things need to sleep.

Among the six, apart from Hao Mengmeng who didn't have space equipment, everyone else had it.

Hao Mengmeng: It turns out that my happiness is so simple, as long as I have food. Now, I don't even feel good about eating meat...

Zhou Yang and Yuan Fenghua took out the expensive sleeping bags they bought in Tianyuan City, and slept soundly by the campfire with constant temperature and humidity to soothe their spirits.

Bibbab is a spellcaster, and has higher requirements for sleep. He pitched a small tent for one person and lit weird incense before going to bed.

Sister Hammer is more hard-core, and actually took out a 1.5-meter-tall magic construct and put it beside her to guard. The construct has a big drill in its left hand and a big circular saw in its right hand. It is ferocious and ruthless!

Even the bed under her is made of cast iron, and it has a mechanical structure, which can be used as a huge shield to protect the whole body. This is too steel!

Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng put on a fur mattress, and they squeezed together, covered with another fur mattress. In the Blood Mine before, Wei Yuan said that he only had such a set of quilts, saying that "the closer we are, we can take care of each other", which made Hao Mengmeng "the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes do not care about trivial matters" and "I am not that kind of person".

Hao Mengmeng has a unique sleeping technique, hugging her knees into a ball, her furry ears hanging forward to cover her eyes. Just come here without looking or listening, even the earplugs and eye masks are brought.

all night...

Wei Yuan was the first to wake up, it was still daylight.

He found that Hao Mengmeng was holding his waist tightly from behind, and it took him a while to break free.

He couldn't help but fell into deep thought: In this world, boys should learn to protect themselves! If you are not careful, you will be taken advantage of~

Looking at the time, it was only after 4 o'clock, and the room was still gray, only the eyes of Sister Hammer's magical construct glowed with a faint magical blue light.

This thing is expensive, and its combat power is amazing. It is estimated that it is at least the combat power of an elite monster on the second level, and it is tireless, fearless, diverse in means, and amazing in lethality, just fighting machines.

In the few years when Wei Yuan only awakened the first soul card, he thought about developing in the direction of puppet maker, puppeteer, and construct engineer.

It's just that this thing consumes a lot in battle. Once it participates in the battle, the material card will be gone like running water, or it will consume magic crystals. Moreover, there must be damage in the battle, and maintenance costs money. In short, only the rich can afford it.

So Sister Hammer is only used to stand by and watch the night...

Before the others woke up, Wei Yuan set up a pot of oil and stewed a large pot of mushroom broth, and also prepared bread, vegetable salad and barbecue.

Everyone got up and enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast and were in a good mood.

Yuan Fenghua's face has recovered, and he is constantly looking in the mirror, thankful that his handsome appearance has been preserved.

Zhou Yang has already taken out his own exclusive equipment "small flag for tour guide" and "small loudspeaker", preparing to show his worth in battle.

Bipbab prepared his many cumbersome and weird spell-casting materials and props.

Hao Mengmeng and Sister Tiehammer are learning how to maintain weapons, and they are oiling the ghost sword...

After eating, the six people led the beasts towards the complex of Chinese and Western buildings in the inner court. In about twenty minutes, they came to the west side of the complex.

Even though this building has been dilapidated, it can still see the luxurious charm of the past, which is very insightful. It's nice to lament the rich...

Wei Yuan picked up a piece of broken tile under his feet. This tile was of Chinese style, with the characteristic dripping water from the eaves. The emerald green color is still visible even after removing the dust, and there are also animal faces and the words "virtuous heart" on it.

Because there are a lot of monsters in the connected western-style buildings and courtyards in the inner court, Wei Yuan deliberately used the phone map to find a place where the monsters are weak, and then pried open the window to get in.

Go in here, boy! Wealth is overwhelming!

Even though it is dilapidated and decayed now, you can still see the thick mahogany decoration on the wall, the tables, chairs and benches are all made of precious solid wood, the floor is covered with thick blankets, and the sofa seats are all leather! Above the head are exquisite ceilings and decorations, as well as gorgeous crystal chandeliers and palace lanterns!

People can't help but have a feeling: I am used to eating street stalls, and suddenly walked into the lobby of a five-star hotel. It's nice to be rich...

But before the six of them could express their emotions, a monster passed by outside the corridor. The red-skinned dwarf, with sharp horns on his head, and crude leather armor and weapons on his body, is a fallen devil!

Wei Yuan had already told the other partners that most of the monsters in the inner court were fallen demons.

These little monsters who were originally weak and unable to occupy a place in the city center actually gained a foothold here, and they grew stronger and became extremely numerous.

The fallen demon who walked past in the corridor was wandering around and heard something, but felt something was wrong after walking through the half-closed door, and turned back to push the door to peek.

This is really a pleasant surprise, there are a lot of moving meat in the room!

"Wow, wow, what a card... ah~"

The fallen demon screamed immediately when he saw Wei Yuan and the others. But it only yelled halfway, Wei Yuan flew out with a brick and knocked it down in the middle of the door, interrupting the second half of the yelling.

But even so, there were other fallen demons nearby who heard it and came here curiously.

"Do it! Quickly, don't disturb other monsters!"

As soon as Wei Yuan finished speaking, the chicken leg appeared on the shoulder of the closest fallen devil like a ghost. It stretched out a sharp claw and inserted it into the back of the fallen devil's neck, killing the little monster neatly.

The flower vines in the Zen realm also came out from under the carpet, and tied up a fallen devil who was already frightened. The vines with thick arms went directly into the mouth of the fallen devil, stuffing it tightly without making a sound ...

Bipbab cast a spell to control a fallen devil that was farther away, and the fallen devil stood there dumbfounded, his eyes full of confusion.

Zhou Yang, Yuan Fenghua and others hurriedly dragged several corpses into the house, and then closed the door.

Wei Yuan carefully searched the surrounding environment through his mobile phone, and he found that there were thirty or forty fallen demons within a few hundred meters, and it seemed that they had divisions of labor and classes, a bit like the cavemen in the blood mine.

This is the weather! A colony of monsters is formed.

Unexpectedly, the former imperial palace, the most luxurious inner court, where the emperor's son and his queen lived, is now actually occupied by a group of little red-skinned monsters! The world is unpredictable...

This Sandman, not that Sandman.

If you want to know which Sandman it is, please vote for it~

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