Magic card gods

Chapter 507 Archer King!

I originally planned to get along with you as a professional real-time strategy game player, but what I got in exchange is that I don't talk about martial arts; stop pretending, I am a summoner, and I have a showdown!


Originally, Wei Yuan planned to stay in this fantasy world for a longer period of time, and vigorously develop this fantasy world that began to wear heavy makeup and do not obey women's morals. After all, the runaway fantasy world and the newly discovered new fantasy world are both great opportunities to harvest.

But the news he collected in recent days and the feedback given by Saruman gave him a bad feeling.

This fantasy world that was spoiled by elves and dwarves seems to have gone from a pure and shy little white rabbit to a mature big sister with heavy make-up, to a vicious woman who murdered her husband!

According to the feedback collected by Wei Yuan, the situation of the whole world is changing drastically. Every day, many small forces rise and fall, and the speed and intensity are abnormally fast!

It's almost as if in just one month, there will be eighteen anti-king and seventy-two smogs!

The heroes and heroes who suddenly appeared are everywhere, and legends that have not been heard for decades have begun to appear in some small towns!

It seems that it has transitioned from the semi-feudal and semi-slavery magical society of thousands of years to the era of great unification.

And Saruman's news feedback shows that the "magic power content" of the whole world is improving by leaps and bounds!

The strength of those half-orcs and other alien races began to increase slightly. Although it is not obvious from an individual point of view, judging from the combat effectiveness of hundreds of thousands of legions, the progress is very fast!

There are also more and more monsters in the wild. It is said that the function of the monster lair in the wild is already known to people, and the forces in various places are also vigorously collecting them, but the more they are collected, the more they are collected!

Now the probability of encountering monsters and monsters in the wild is increasing, so that ordinary people cannot go three kilometers outside the city at all!

Even, according to Ansaruman's survey data in Rohan, the physical fitness of human beings has been slowly improving recently, and the proportion of newborns with magical talents is also rising!

What is he going to do? Is the spirit revived?

Could it be that the magical elements that went overseas are coming back again?

The century-old dog feels more and more inappropriate!

The deep power of this world is no joke!

Now that the middle-earth continent is in such a state of chaos, it would be nonsense if the local gods were really brought back!

This is not like the world of Ghost Rider, where Wei Yuan is not afraid of facing Mephisto.

And this world already has a very high foundation of power, and now it is on the verge of going berserk, posing a safety hazard!

So he planned to grab a ticket and leave!

The first is Sauron, who must be killed if he can. The second is to take Saruman back to the original world.

Although an individual at the peak of Tier 4 wants to leave the fantasy world, he needs a huge amount of material cards.

It would cost tens of millions in Tianyuan coins!

To be honest, the price-performance ratio is not high at all, it is better to get one or two pieces of epic equipment.

But Saruman made a sincere offer, and Wei Yuan agreed, so naturally he couldn't go back on his word.

The land of Essinger, the tens of thousands of dark creatures, most of Saruman's collections, some local specialties and treasures, and some exclusive technologies, such as Saruman's Lord of the Rings manufacturing technology, magic creature modulation technology etc.

And to kill Sauron, Saruman also needs to come out to block the limelight, so as not to cause problems.

This bid is not low!

As for dedicating the world, that’s nonsense, the world is not Saruman’s, you can just dedicate it if you say so? !

For all the above reasons, Wei Yuan decided to make a fortune quickly, and then withdraw first.

I have compared Wei Yuan's experience in the fantasy world before, every time he was hunting for the bottom and escaping the top, but he is actually a moderate.

Definitely don't eat fish tails!

The fish has a lot of meat and is very comfortable to eat. Although the fish tail also has meat, it also has thorns, and it may even bite hollow.

People who eat the fish body and also eat the fish tail are too greedy, and they will overturn sooner or later!


Zhu Huamei blocked the pass of Mordor, because the nine ring spirits directly attacked the soldiers regardless of their identities and martial arts, so the chicken legs, Erhe, Page and other summons that had been hiding in the dark rushed up .

You don't need to win, just entangle and hold on.

Wei Yuan's tactic is to add fuel to the tactic, keep increasing the size, and keep drawing the defensive forces around Sauron.

On the other side, a team has rushed to Gondor under the leadership of Mengmeng.

At this time, White City, the capital of Gondor, was only guarded by the light circle less than ten meters away from the city wall.

The dead holy white tree in Baicheng was already crumbling, and began to slowly turn into powder, and it would definitely not last until the third day.

Just like this, from time to time, low-level undead were driven into the white circle to test and consume the power of the holy white tree.

Naturally, Mengmeng doesn't know how to lead soldiers, and in fact, it is not she who leads them, but Saruman.

The banner of Saruman is flying here, and Saruman has not been exposed at this time, so he is still the famous white-robed wizard.

The white-robed wizard led the reinforcements to rescue the White City, and the people of Gondor immediately showed courage!

With the cooperation of Empress Jinse, Saruman prepared for several hours, and finally came a large-scale thunder cloud storm magic.

The large-scale gusts of wind and furious thunder directly tore apart the darkness covering the sky, exposing the undead to the light of the sky.

At least tens of thousands of low-level undead were killed in this wave, and the rest were weakened by the sun.

Existences with extremely weak light like vampires had to hide in coffins or caves at this time.

The pressure on the holy white tree's aperture defense suddenly eased a lot.

But Mengmeng's combat power is only less than 5,000, so it is impossible to directly attack the army of undead. Instead, some undead came out to attack them.

Mengmeng led the vanguard to retreat quickly, and the undead chased after him. The two sides ran into a misty valley... Not long after, Mengmeng led people out, saying that the army of more than 10,000 undead had been killed by her own army. These 3,000 people were wiped out!

The skeleton general led by the undead army here suddenly became popular!

It's impossible for my undead army to be so rubbish?

Hit again!

This time more than 20,000 were allocated, and there were quite a few high-level arms. There are more than two hundred level 4 corpse giants and corrupt mammoths alone!

The corpse giant held a huge spear made of countless white bones in his hand, and was five meters tall. One move can wipe out all enemies within seven or eight meters!

The corrupted mammoth was four meters tall and seven meters long, and there were 17 and 8 skeleton shooters and corpse witches on it. It could be called a mobile firepower point and an undead battering hammer!

However, after chasing and fleeing, this team lost contact again!

Although the miscellaneous team has also changed from three thousand to more than one thousand points, but this battle loss ratio is really too exaggerated? !

General Skeleton felt something was wrong, so he quickly contacted his master Sauron.

Sauron never expected that he lost nearly 50% of his troops in less than two days because of the battle outside his house!

Sauron: Scum, it's all scum!

If he still has a body, he must slap the table!

The other party must be tricky, but he can't care about it now.

It is already unrealistic to forcibly take down the White City of Gondor.

Instead of being broken in three ways and the opponent's home speed, why not go home and guard the crystal? !

Besides, it's not LOL or DOTA now, it's Army Chess of the Three Kingdoms now, and I and Gondor died together, so the Rohan Kingdom can't laugh their noses out? Never!

Sauron can live for tens of thousands of years, and even his old boss Morgoth is gone. If he can make a comeback, he is naturally an old dog!

At this time, you don't have to think about whether you want to demolish the house or return to the city with the B button.

Immediately ordered General Skeleton to lead the army back and annihilate the army blocking the door of the house. Try to fight for hegemony again!

He probably never dreamed that Rohan, who has been playing a supporting role on the edge of the map without any figures appearing for tens of thousands of years, would one day block the door of his house!

The last time I was blocked was when the multi-racial coalition forces!

At that time, human beings were basically unified, and the army of elves was also quite large. It's almost a hundred thousand!

As a result, it turns out that orcs, centaurs, goblins and other stinky fish and rotten shrimps are blocking the door of my house. It can be seen that the more I live, the more trapped I am!

Without the cover of the magic dark sky in a large area, the movement of the undead army began to be quite inconvenient.

The non-combat casualties along the way are not small. Zombies often fall to the ground or skeletons fall apart along the way.

But fortunately, it is about to go out of the range of Gondor and approach the Doom Mountain Range. There is the range of Sauron's magic radiation, and soon he will be able to live and breathe again, seven times a night!

As a result, after one night, this undead army completely disappeared!

Sauron suddenly lost contact with all the high-level undead, and he was shocked!

It's like Mephisto, the Ghost Rider World, lost the two previous Ghost Riders, so frightened!

Sauron didn't have the Frozen Throne, Frostmourne, or Crown of Dominion, so he couldn't directly control a hundred thousand undead.

He mainly controls the high-level undead, and then controls the army with a level-by-level method. He can't compare to the filial son of Lordaeron.

As a result, thousands of high-ranking undead and undead with surnames all lost contact!

It's almost like being disconnected from the Internet all of a sudden!

Wei Yuan took a risk. He set up a large alchemy formation on the only way, and then descended to a part of the Netherworld under the cover of the alchemy formation.

The undead walked all the way without noticing that something was wrong at all, and even felt that the environment here seemed to be very good. Soon lost in the nether world!

Once Wei Yuan took over the Netherworld, the 50,000 undead troops changed their surnames. Afterwards, simple training will be enough, and they will not have to resist.

Even the more intense the resistance, the happier Wei Yuan was. It means that the level is high and there is potential~

The undead army suddenly "offline" here, and the Mordor Pass over there is already fighting fiercely!

The two sides invested no less than 30,000 troops to strangle each other on this mountain pass that is only three or four kilometers wide!

The nine ring spirits are very powerful, mainly because they are very flexible, and the ghost horse under their crotch can even run vertically on mountain walls and trees.

A few even went home and upgraded their equipment and mounts, and even came out riding a demonized wyvern!

But Wei Yuan didn't suffer at all, so Erha needless to say, although he didn't fight very well, he was able to resist beating! Run fast too! Towing two or three is no problem!

You don’t care if it’s okay, don’t care about it, it runs directly in the direction of Mordor, and runs to the big golden and bright red eyeballs in the distance! Want to taste the taste.

And the chicken legs were forcibly sent out, and they had to fight (forced to open). But this battle is easy for it.

As I said before, chicken legs are cats, and they have an instinct for manipulating corpses and dead souls. It's like a cat catching a mouse.

Now it is facing all kinds of undead, and it can even counter-control a small group of undead to defect.

Although it was quickly torn apart by the opponent, I will control the next batch!

Even the ring spirits dare not approach it easily, because although it will not be directly controlled, it will be affected by its movements, and even the ghost horse will kick its legs!

A ring spirit didn't know the details of the chicken leg before, and was suddenly tricked. The seven totem wolf spirits cooperated with the seven three-eyed crows and little Peggy, and directly dismembered it! Still waiting for resurrection at Sauron's place!


At this time Sauron's undead army did not return, but the follow-up troops of the Heroes United Army began to arrive in batches.

Seeing that Yamaguchi's advantage has shifted towards the Hero United Army, Wei Yuan invested in the elf sharpshooter and dryad troops. Sauron didn't have any new troops to join, so he could only be suppressed and gradually lost his battle line.

Wei Yuan felt that Sauron was either out of soldiers, or he didn't dare to send the remaining guards to the front line.

Then there is no need to procrastinate!

The whole army presses on! Flying dragon riding face!

"Saruman, where's your fucking enchanted general cannon? Pull it up for me!"

That's right, industrialization! Assembly line! How can there be no thermal weapons? What about without dynamite? !

In the original book, Saruman actually mastered the production of explosives, and even blasted the walls of Helm's Deep because of this, and was finally defeated by Gandalf, who fell in love and killed each other.

Now with Wei Yuan joining, the enchanted cannon became inevitable!

Magic technology is the primary productive force!

For five whole days, this secret weapon had been left unused, and at this moment it was finally ready to be eaten!

Going up was covered by three waves of artillery fire, and the entire second half of Mordor Pass was covered with green smoke. With shell craters all over the place, the undead army suddenly turned upside down!

Immediately afterwards, a group of goblin wolf cavalry musketeers rushed out, and began to charge and fire in a special formation and route.

In the distance, there are magic auxiliary troops for large-scale blessing...

Almost instantly, the Hero Alliance had a huge advantage and began to push inward!

However, this is not the real tactical purpose!

The real tactical purpose is only Sauron from the beginning to the end!

Even Wei Yuan hoped to kill less undead, this is all his own in the end!

Although low-level and a little rough, mosquito legs are also meat!

At this time, Wei Yuan, Mengmeng and Saruman had already approached the Eye of Sauron in Mordor under the cover of the magic card [Spirit World Walk (Red)].

The reason why Sauron didn't dare to send out the guards around him in the end was because he was weak now.

So empty that he doesn't even have a physical body, he can only control his subordinates through spiritual magic and coercion.

You must know that when he had to end his battle with the Middle-Earth Alliance for the first time, Sauron was worth a thousand!

With a wave of hand, dozens of people fly tens of meters, and the weapons in their hands are like Wushuang mowing grass! Unlimited Unparalleled kind!

The Middle-Earth Allied Forces were no match at all, and in the end there was a big wave, or "the arrangement of fate". He reached out to grab the defeated Emperor Isildur, and Isildur grabbed his father's broken sword Nasir on the ground. A sword cut off Sauron's finger!

That finger was wearing the Supreme Lord of the Rings, and Sauron instantly turned to ashes and was overturned by a trace of blood!

The same goes for Sauron, you are alive and well, and you don't look like a lord who is dying to be in a hurry to convert a lich. Why are you making a phylactery so early?

As soon as the ring was dropped, it withered immediately!

Although he is not dead now, it is because the Lord of the Rings is still there. But the problem is that he is not alive!

Half-dead, unless the Lord of the Rings is taken back, the incomparable Mowing Lord Sauron is now just a wisp of remnant soul and a big eye made of magic power!

When he was in Dol Guldur in "The Hobbit", he was expelled to Mordor by Gandalf and the Holy White Council.

He is naturally still the Demon Lord to some small shrimps now, and even threatens and suppresses Tier 4 like Saruman.

But for a level 5 like Wei Yuan, he is just a younger brother!

No younger brother, younger brother in younger brother!


Walking in the spirit world is an ability that can be used in most worlds. The main body is not in the material world at all, so it cannot be seen, heard, or touched.

Even if this place is already the territory of Sauron's Demon's Eye, it has not been discovered by Sauron's Demon's Eye. The three of them approached the tower that held Sauron's magic eye smoothly.

While Saruman lamented that he had never heard of such a magical spell, he was also worried.

"Master Wei Yuan, although Sauron is nothing to you, as long as the Supreme Lord of the Rings is around, he will not die completely..."

Wei Yuan said: "I know what you are worried about, but it doesn't matter. I have my own way. It's just that if this trick is used, we have to leave this world quickly. I'm afraid there will be big trouble if we stay!"

Wei Yuan's method is to detain the soul!

For a god with a pseudo-fifth-level personality like Sauron, it is naturally not easy to detain the soul.

But with the blessing of high-level magic weapon, alchemy array and small world, it is not too difficult.

The problem is that if I intercept Sauron's soul and disconnect him from the Lord of the Rings, will it cause hostility from the local gods of Aman?

Gandalf's soul was resurrected and upgraded by Vera himself!

Therefore, this risky move is best handled by Saruman.

Just make soy sauce with Mengmeng!

Gone! I wish you all a happy new year!

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