Magic card gods

Chapter 504 The Color of Rohan~ (Two in One)

The human beings on this continent were originally a whole, but later they were scattered for various reasons.

Among them, the country of Rohan was actually established by Gondor who divided the territory for the people of Rohan.

Gondor is the most orthodox human kingdom, and their royal blood can even be traced back to the first generation of humans.

Otherwise, why can the current Emperor Aragorn live to be more than eighty years old and still be very young? Can marry the elf princess? Can you directly bow down the family of the Regent of Gondor, who had already secured the throne for a thousand years before?

Because of his bloodline, the prime minister and regent of Gondor was in a state of "supervising the country". It's not a justifiable enthronement.

Aragorn raised his ancestor's broken sword and shouted: Are princes and generals like me?

Immediately there was a burst of applause from the underground: You have the guts! You have kind!

Then he's on top!

People in the West pay attention to this!

As for Essinger, his original position was also very embarrassing.

At the beginning, the Rohan Kingdom was separated, but it was located at the upper end of the Misty Mountains and guarded the fortress Isinger in the northwest corner of the Rohan Kingdom, but it was still in the hands of the King of Gondor.

It's an enclave!

But this is a legal enclave, thousands of miles away from the mountains, and there is no way to manage it in practice.

Later Saruman came out and took the highland fort from the King of Gondor.

The King of Gondor thought to himself: I can't leave it to Rohan?

Just give it! For the sake of disgusting Rohan.

It may be that the King of Gondor at that time didn't even think that this disgusting is a huge disgusting!


Just when Aragorn, the Emperor of the People, began to attack Rivendell, Rohan was in chaos.

For a long time, there have been countless bards, storytellers, traveling merchants, and many witnesses, preaching the corruption of the Rohan ruling class everywhere in Rohan.

On the wedding night, the daughter-in-law was snatched away by the lord, and she was strangled to death when she came back.

The only cattle in the family who cultivated land were taken away by the tax officer, and the old father came out to prevent him from being beaten to death.

The lord of the lord and the lord next door got into a fight, conscripted the strong laborers of a village to fight for several days, and more than half of them died. In the end, the two lords shook hands, made peace, drank together, and even married their sons and daughters.

Why build a house for the noble lord, get up at midnight every day, and finally don't give money, and say it's his own blessing.

All kinds of things are happening around me.

Through these word of mouth, an invisible flame burns in people's hearts.

So when Aragorn swung his army northward, a large-scale riot suddenly appeared in Rohan!

Rohan reacted very quickly to this, after all, it has experienced many such things.

But this time is different. This time the riot was not caused by one place or one incident, nor was it a group of rangers venting their rage.

Rather, it is vaguely organized and disciplined, and even has a program and demands!

Moreover, these mobs were obviously supported by someone behind them, and they actually fought vigorously with the official suppression forces.

When the enemy advances, we retreat. When the enemy retreats, we advance. When the enemy is stationed, we disturb the enemy and we fight!

Relying on the popular base and geographical advantages, there are all kinds of dissatisfaction!

As a result, one flame was not extinguished, and within a few days, sparks filled the sky!

Most of Rohan began to be in turmoil, and riots broke out everywhere!

Those people held high the bloody banner, chanted slogans, denounced the tyranny and cruelty of the noble lords, and called on everyone to unite, resist tyranny, and fight for the right to survive!

At this time, Rohan's elite knights were dispatched, but it didn't help!

After extinguishing one side, the other side rises, like a torrential flood, which can be blocked with hands!

At this time, Essinger sent a lot of people and began to gather, encourage, and support those rioting people everywhere...

At this time Aragorn did not know these things.

Because of the terrain and distance, Gondor is separated by mountains to the north, while Rivendell is on the edge of the Misty Mountains further north.

It's far away!

For convenience, he chose to go around the coast by boat, which avoided going over mountains and ridges, and was faster.

There is no radio now, so the communication is slow.

It was already a week after the news of Rohan's chaos reached Gondor.

At this time, Aragorn had already gone halfway.

Katu is more experienced in doing things in the fantasy world.

Thornes of Rivendell knew as soon as Aragorn made a move.

He was a little anxious, if he couldn't get the control and ownership of the Lord of the Rings quickly. The backlash from the fantasy world will soon follow.

As the saying goes, supernatural powers are invincible to the number of days, and anything can happen at that time!

But at this time, before the backlash of the world came to get him, Sauron was already going to get Gondor!

Here I have to talk about the terrain of the western part of Middle-earth where the story takes place.

Let’s not talk about the north side, that’s where the stories of Gushan and the Battle of the Five Armies took place. Down there is a large forest, a very large cross star forest. And the Southern Cross Forest is only a part of the Cross Forest, one-tenth the size.

The western part of the continent is simply divided in two by a north-south mountain range.

There are many hills and plains to the west, and the Shire, the home of the Hobbits, is here.

The Cross Star Forest is on the other side of the mountain range.

The mountains in the middle of this map are called Misty Mountains.

The Fellowship of the Ring team first set off from Shire, and Frodo was stabbed by the Witch King's Devil's Nest Sword on the way, and was taken to Rivendell to recuperate. It was also there that everyone met to decide what to do with the Lord of the Rings, and finally decided to destroy it.

And Rivendell is on the western edge of the Misty Mountains.

After that, the Fellowship of the Ring experienced an avalanche, and the snow mountain was the peak of the Misty Mountains. The avalanche was caused by Saruman's secret spell.

They were helpless and could only choose to pass through the Moria mine pit under the mountains. From the west of the mountains to the east.

As a result, in the mine, Gandalf and the Balrog came to an extreme one-for-one exchange! Saruman's wish was granted.

As a result, Ouhuang hung up and opened, and the resurrection was upgraded!

Beyond the mountains is the Golden Valley, another elf territory. Galadriel, the queen of elves here, is considered to be the most wise existence and holds Nanya, the ring of water.

Then go straight down to the Southern Cross Forest and Rohan, and below Rohan is another section of the Misty Mountains. The Misty Mountains broke a gap here, and the lower half here is already a mountain range running east-west.

Gondor is further south from the lower half of the horizontal Misty Mountains.

And to the east of Gondor, across the Doom Mountains is Mordor.

The Doom Mountain Range is an arc-shaped mountain range, with a gap in the northwest corner, which is barely the border of the Three Kingdoms of Rohan, Gondor, and Mordor!


Now Aragorn took a group of freshly baked magical troops, took a boat to the west and then turned north, along the coastline to a place on the west coast of the mainland, and then landed, which is not far from Shire.

But not long after he landed, Sauron made a move!

After all, the undead natural disaster soldiers need an important resource, that is, enough corpses, or living people!

Now the original goblins, orcs, and trolls have all been destroyed by Sauron. If they want to continue the violence, they need more corpses.

At this time, Sauron also wanted to try whether the undead soldiers he had worked so hard to use were useful!

As a result, a large number of undead woke up and began to gather at the entrance of Mordor. The soldiers pointed directly at the Kingdom of Gondor who had just mobilized a group of elites!

After all, it was the prince of Gondor who cut off Sauron's finger with a short sword, made him lose the Lord of the Rings, and was killed by a trace of blood. It was the prince of Gondor, the ancestor of the current emperor Aragorn!

That's not revenge, revenge, revenge, revenge!


At this time, Rohan was already in chaos.

Theoden, King of Rohan, was tampered with by Saruman. In some reincarnations, Saruman used his mind magic to influence Theoden's sanity. He even planned to kill the prince of Rohan in the battle.

And that little man, Grima*, who once killed Saruman by backstabbing or cutting his throat in a certain reincarnation, said that he was Saruman's favorite minister placed beside King Rohan!

In fact, Saruman is quite talented, with ideas, ambitions, and execution.

If it weren't for the appearance of Gandalf, it would be a certainty for him to take down Rohan. But just like he said, fate doomed him to fail!

But now it's different! He wants to win with another identity!

Essinger has sent troops! Mixed arms!

Humans account for about two-thirds, and the remaining one-third are more acceptable aliens, such as harpies, dark elves and so on.

After all, the three views follow the five senses. If you look good, you will naturally be more acceptable.

Wei Yuan's slogan is: For peace and freedom, extend a helping hand to innocent people in neighboring countries!

At this time, the cute Rabbit City has completely occupied the Southern Cross Forest, and if you go north to east, you will meet Ross Lorian (Golden Valley).

There was the domain of Galadriel, another domain of the Elves, called the Valley of Gold.

Nanya, the ring of water in Galadriel's hand, protects the entire territory, which cannot even be reached by mortals.

Under Wei Yuan's instruction, Ba Tucheng joined Isinger to strengthen its momentum.

And Zhu Huamei (English name Julie), who established a power in the northeast of Rohan, also led people to join the "resistance to the tyranny of the nobles" at this time. The reason was that a nobleman in Rohan planned to marry her by force and was killed by her. seized the territory.

After several rounds of operation, she is now the leader of the rebels!

Because Wei Yuan used Americo's set of moves on the backward Rohan, he directly confused them.

The armies of Essinger and Zhu Huamei approached the capital of Rohan in just one week, showing the tendency of encircling them!

As for Helm's Deep, there was no need to attack by force at all, and the insiders and rebels opened the gate overnight.

Rohan is a nation on horseback. Although they are no longer nomadic, they still focus on animal husbandry, with a large area of ​​grassland in their territory.

But their cavalry could hardly move an inch in the vast ocean of people's struggle!

Their people are against them, more deadly than Sauron's magic army!

In two weeks, the originally prosperous and stable country had become like this, and it seemed to be on the verge of collapse. King Theoden of Rohan almost collapsed!

At this time, Isinger's representative, Wei Yuan, and the leader of the rebel army, Miss Zhu Huamei, met outside the capital of Rohan!

After "fierce" debates and back-and-forth, the two parties finally reached an agreement to overthrow this corrupt kingdom and establish a fair, just, harmonious and united country!

Even Ms. Zhu Huamei made a "huge sacrifice" for this, announcing her marriage with Essinger's Wei Yuan!

God! What a sacrifice!

Miss Zhu Huamei should be the queen? ! This is all for us!

The people of Rohan can't wait to confess to the statue of Zhu Thrush!

But Xio Dun, king of Narohan, was caught in a dilemma. Under Saruman's spiritual magic, he began to be weak, hesitant, withdrawn, and even had the idea of ​​surrender.

But how can the inheritance of the ancestors be handed over to others? This last persistence still maintains the bottom line.

In the end, one incident completely broke him!

His son and nephew were beaten to death by rioting people on the street, and their bones were devoured by the furious people.

In grief and desperation, Theoden took off his crown and surrendered in order to prevent the people in the city from suffering a war! Then he chose to exile himself, and staggeringly led a horse to the wilderness.


If Gandalf had been there, he would not have let Theoden surrender, and would have discovered what Saruman had done.

Pity he's not here, he's recuperating with the Hobbit in the Shire.

If Aragorn was here, he would definitely have sent troops to support him, and he would not let his allies fall into such a situation.

But he is now marching to the Shire to join Gandalf.

As a result, they were both absent, the dwarves were thousands of miles away, and the elves stayed out of it, paying no attention to human affairs.

The Kingdom of Rohan has changed hands!

A new kingdom has been established, called the United Kingdom of the Intelligent Races of Middle-earth!

They preach that any intelligent race with good intentions can be treated fairly and gain a place in this country.

Surprisingly, Wei Yuan of Essinger did not become the king, but let Zhu Huamei manage the country as the queen!

Almost as soon as the news came out, all Rohan people cheered.

This is not only because of Zhu Huamei's great prestige, but also because of her leadership and charisma brought to the extreme!

All citizens have been blessed and influenced!

Start building, start rampage!

Under Zhu Huamei's ultimate leadership technique, mixed soldiers of various races did not harm morale at all!

A newly established country, a newly emerged war machine, has started!

At this time, Aragorn had just joined Gandalf, and he was now in a dilemma.

Go back, the ally Rohan is gone, and the journey is far away, so it's useless to mobilize everyone.

Don't go back, why don't you go and see when the ally Rohan is gone? It's a bit of a breach of the covenant.

But at this time, Rivendell's elf Catu Thornes gave him an idea, and Rivendell sent troops on his own initiative!

Only one game is left now!


At this time, the mighty army of the undead set off from the mountain pass of the Doomsday Mountains and marched towards the country of Gondor.

Along the way, the sun was covered by dark clouds, and no one was left alive once the army passed by. The grass, trees, fish and insects, and even the birds in the sky had to die.

Faced with such a large number of undead army with explosive combat power, no need for logistics, and no consideration for morale and physical strength, Gondor was almost defeated.

The border fort lasted only one day and fell in the middle of the night.

Then the army of undead marched all the way to the interior of Gondor, leaving no blade of grass anywhere they passed!

After all, it is a magical world, and Gondor is also the oldest orthodox kingdom of mankind. There are still many good things left.

For example, the holy sword Nasir that has been recast in Aragon's hands, such as the remains of the holy white tree in the capital Minas Tirith (also known as the White City, because the city wall is white, as if it has been scratched).

After all, this is a magical world. Although it looks a bit low-magic on the outside, it is actually a high-level world with creator gods. Even Middle-earth has giant dragons and Balrogs.

So in an emergency, the White City, the capital of Gondor, still blocked Sauron's undead army.

The wreckage of the holy white tree emitted a dazzling white light at a critical moment, and the undead and dark creatures were reduced to ashes in the blink of an eye.

But the range of this white light is shrinking every day, and I'm afraid it won't last long.

The holy white tree was created by a Vala imitating the silver tree, the double holy tree that glowed when the world first opened, and was later given to the high elves, and its seeds were given to humans.

If this was the prehistoric world, it would be the spiritual root of heaven and earth, the kind of three-thousand-year-old flat peach, who would become immortal immediately after eating it!

But after all, this is the afterglow, the last light of a dead tree.

At this time, Aragorn also received the news from the giant eagle that the capital Baicheng was besieged by Sauron's undead army, and the city would be destroyed soon!

This is a war in the front, and the hometown in the back has been stolen!

But Rivendell dared to come out to fight, so he naturally had something to rely on!

Among the card disciples in Tianyuan City, a considerable part of them mixed in the fantasy world of the Three Kingdoms theme. After all, there is an original fantasy world controlled by Tianyuan City.

Many people have determined their own card system in it.

Among them is a rare "military division route"!

This kind of card player's own combat power is very low, but it is the most beautiful cub in a large battlefield, and it belongs to a special type of card player.

Some large organizations will cultivate and specialize in the fantasy world of those battle scenes.

At this time, Rivendell's army was commanded by a military adviser, Katu. All kinds of military skills are coming one after another!

What fire attack, ambush, sudden spring, fire ox array, dark clouds, squalls, golden cicadas escaping their shells, ambush on all sides...

That is the master who uses ordinary skills as large-scale battlefield skills!

There are even strategies to divide, spread rumors, drive away wolves, two tigers compete for food, etc.! Use it to make the local army panic, and it will break down without attack!

That's really a distraction, and it's not easy to lead the team!

There are also some card players on the route of generals, and various tactics bonuses!

The soldiers under his command are full of vigor and vitality, he always makes spiral bursts, two-stage bursts, rockets, random shots, and throwing stones...

In this regard, Katu undoubtedly has an advantage and is well prepared!

Aragon, who was hit head-on, was dizzy and retreated for twenty miles!

At this time, he received news from his hometown that there was a strong enemy in front and a house was stolen behind, and it almost exploded on the spot!

what to do? what to do?

Is it too late to rush back now?

Mainly, what should I do if Rivendell bit his tail and refused to let him go?

Thinking that his country would perish in less than two months after becoming Emperor, Aragorn almost wondered if he was cursed?

At this time, new news came.

It turns out that the North is also at war!

Sauron had established the orc stronghold Dol Guldur in the north before, and the human tribe Rune barbarians were controlled by Sauron.

They are now attacking the Lonely Mountain!

They demanded Smaug's body from Dale and the Lone Mountain Dwarves, but they refused and went to war.

At this time, the dwarves in Lonely Mountain and the humans in Hegu Town have been defeated, and they can only defend the fortress of Lonely Mountain.

The body of Smaug has also been dug up, and is being transported to Mordor!

Obviously, Sauron is going to do something big!

At this time, the newly established United Kingdom took the initiative to contact Aragorn:

Do you want to help me, young man?

Lord Sauron is the enemy of all us living, and we should be united.

As long as you recognize the status of our country, we will send troops immediately!

We also help you make a deal with Rivendell!

How about it? think about it~

Aragorn had no choice but to agree...

It's too late, it's a waste of time to check information while writing!

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