Magic card gods

Chapter 494 I am the Exorcist!

Originally, tonight, Johnny Blaster had already made an appointment with his ex-girlfriend to renew their relationship!

For this reason, he took a shower and sprayed some men's perfume on purpose. Excitedly hummed a ditty!

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Mephisto came to the door.

Mephisto ignored Johnny in the past ten years because there was no place to use him.

Now it's time, go and help me beat my son!

But Johnny Blast was very angry about this. When the contract was first signed, it was because his father had advanced lung cancer. As a result, the contract stated that his father's cancer would be cured, but his father died in a performance accident the next day.

Isn't this a rogue contract?

Johnny felt that he was deceived by Mephisto, and he wanted to drink the blood of this old capital demon.

It's a pity that once the contract is signed, he is Mephisto's man. Fifty years after death, the soul must be controlled!

Said to be directly controlled by the old devil to step on the motorcycle and rush to the destination.

The motorcycle was on fire as it ran, with sparks and lightning all the way, it really exploded! As soon as I walked past the vehicle shop on the side of the road, it exploded and burned!

The speed measuring traffic policeman saw a flame fly away before he even raised his hand!

And the Black Heart Demon recruited a few local elemental demon brothers, and felt that it was useless for him to do it himself. After all, he is also the prince of hell, so it would be too embarrassing to run errands by himself.

The group came to an abandoned train station, where the contract was hidden at the beginning.

But at this time, the thing had been transferred by the old knight, and then it was in Wei Yuan's hands, so naturally it didn't exist.

Just as they were about to leave, Johnny came running. It is directly spontaneous combustion + a living person, turning into a burning skeleton!

That white skull means he no longer has to worry about hair loss! (Congratulations!)

The black heart demon knew that this was his father's thug, so he asked his new younger brother to try his hand.

It's a pity that that thing can become Mephisto's human thug, it's really not built. The physical attack was basically ineffective, and it was crushed by the big truck against the wall, and it recovered in the next instant.

Being hung on an iron chain—he didn't need to breathe, instead, he burned the iron chain with a wave of his hand, then held it in his hand and rolled it, and immediately enchanted it into a hellfire iron chain.

Then he bound the earth demon among the four elemental demons with a flick, and directly roasted all the demons in hellfire!

Although the earth demon is extremely hard, it is basically immune to physical damage.

But this move is magical fire damage, and it was burned into a terracotta figurine in just a few seconds! Then throw it to the ground to end the battle!


It was a skirmish that ended with Johnny and Mephisto taking the first round. I have to say that ginger is still old and spicy.

The simple-minded, straightforward black-hearted demon can't beat his sophisticated capitalist demon father.

On the way of racing all the way, Johnny the Flaming Skull found a little bastard robbing a fat girl.

Driven by instinct, he stopped the car and walked over. Both the robbed and the robbed were frightened mad.

Fat girl hurriedly carried her bag and fled, lamenting in her heart that another chance to be robbed slipped away.

And the little bum took the courage to stab Johnny with a dagger, but the dagger melted!

Johnny turned his head and used the eyes of judgment, "Look into my eyes, sinner!"

The little bastard committed many crimes, even killed people, and he was a cannon fodder, so his soul was burnt out and he died!

Just when Johnny was about to get in the car, suddenly the roar of the engine came from a distance, and the sound approached rapidly.

It was Wei Yuan who was watching the crows all over the city, found the location of the Ghost Rider, and rushed over.

At this time, the Three-Eyed Crow was already quite magical, able to monitor an extremely wide area.

In addition, the fire all the way in the middle of the night is too conspicuous, so I found it immediately.

"Young man, where are you going in the middle of the night? The sky is dry and things are dry, so watch out for candles!" Wei Yuan opened the car door and got out.

That Johnny is worthy of being a driver, even if he is unconscious now, he still instinctively appreciates Katie's gorgeous and cool look.

However, his locomotive is not bad, and the hell locomotive is super cool under the blessing of hellfire!

With a hammer in hand, everything looks like a nail. At this time, Johnny just looked at everyone as a sinner.

Especially this glib man!

"Accept the judgment!" He directly launched the eye of judgment on Wei Yuan.

If the person commits a major sin, he will suffer greatly and even die as a result.

If it's just a small mistake, it's a small punishment.

As a result, Wei Yuan didn't respond at all.

"So that's it, it's a fourth-order soul attack. It's amazing, much stronger than the old knight." Wei Yuan nodded in praise.

This kind of soul damage similar to karma is really hard to resist.

It's a pity that Wei Yuan is now a whole level higher than him, and his soul strength is too weak.

Ability not to talk about strength is all hooliganism. There is always a limit to what must hit and kill.

"Young man, don't get excited. I just want to borrow something from you, and it will definitely not be in vain. What do you think?" Wei Yuan stretched out his hand.

In the end, Johnny was so shameless that he wanted to burn Wei Yuan with hellfire.

Wei Yuan didn't take back his outstretched hand, but went up and punched him!

In the next instant, Johnny flew more than ten meters away and hit the wall of the building. At least half of his bones were shattered, as if he had been crushed by a steamroller!

The outer wall of the building was smashed with cracks, and some were flushed red by hellfire, which can be called an indiscriminate disaster.

Behind Wei Yuan, Ai Xi covered her mouth and laughed. Someone in the car said that she convinced others with virtue, but finally did it.

Johnny recovered in an instant and wanted to resist, but the iron chain was wrapped around Wei Yuan's arm. Not only did the hellfire fail to burn him, Wei Yuan threw it in the air more than a dozen times like a hammer, and smashed it hard on the ground. Smashed the asphalt road!

Ghost Rider is not afraid of physical damage, but Wei Yuan's every blow makes him regenerate, which is also really violent.

Being "beaten to death" by Wei Yuan more than 20 times in a row, Johnny's resurrection cooldown has obviously increased, and he no longer recovers instantly.

After hitting it a few more times, the flame was already very small, and the resurrection began to slow down.

In fact, Ghost Rider is very powerful, and it is not difficult to overturn a car or something.

But now Wei Yuan is able to use two main battle tanks, one on the left and one on the right, on sticks and use them as dumbbells! The pure arm strength is close to a hundred tons!

Every punch is like being hit by a super-heavy and overloaded truck, and every punch is a fatal blow with a lot of damage!

The ground was even smashed out of a big hole!

It was the first time that he had died more than thirty times... Johnny, who had transformed into a Ghost Rider, couldn't hold on anymore.

"Young man, you won't last long!" Wei Yuan teased, looking at Johnny lying on the ground in the ruins, the flames almost extinguished.

He knelt down and stretched out his hands to hold the smooth skull, and said, "I'm doing this for your own good, to help you get rid of the slavery of the old devil of capital. You're welcome!"


That night, Mephisto was shocked twice in a row.

Because the two valuable contracts in his hands spontaneously ignited!

This means the contract is void!

This is impossible!

Even if the two Ghost Riders die, their souls will belong to Mephisto.

Could it be that the two of them were not only killed, but their souls were also annihilated, so the contract was destroyed.

It turned out that Mephisto, who felt that he was two generals at the same time, saw Johnny returning from outside the city leisurely on a motorcycle.

Johnny has now remembered what happened last night, seeing the destruction along the way, his heart skipped a beat!

How much do you have to pay? The credit card must be maxed out!

Originally, Wei Yuan suggested that he avoid the limelight, after all, neither the police nor Mephisto would just let him go.

But he let go of his ex-girlfriend yesterday, so if he doesn't explain it, he might be single!

Being single is much scarier than cops and demons!

Just when he swears by God and explained to his ex-girlfriend that he had encountered a magical event, Mephisto strode over regardless of his image. The civilization stick in his hand is no longer leaning on the ground, but it looks like he is carrying a rifle.

"What did you do?" he asked angrily.

How many years? It was always him who broke the contract, and it was the first time someone broke the contract!

Johnny recognized the old devil at the time, he stretched out his hand to protect his unknown ex-girlfriend, and said, "I don't know what happened...but that man asked me to tell you that now the San Van Gonzal contract is in his hands If you want it, go to him!"

"Who is he? Where is he?"

Mephisto is no longer that old-fashioned look, his menacing eyes are like burning briquettes.

Johnny: "He said he was Geralt the exorcist! He's waiting for you at the school gate..."


Wei Yuan killed a fifth-level weak demon god Mo Xie in the fantasy world of Huanglong City, and now he meets a Mephisto who can't exert his full strength in this world. Isn't this God's arrangement?

If God does not take it, you will be blamed instead!

By the way, there is also his son Black Heart Demon.

The whole family should be neat and tidy!

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