Magic card gods

Chapter 452 Damn the Demon!

As soon as Wei Yuan put a few silver dollars on the table, the shopkeeper waited very attentively, and the smile on his face never stopped, and the little guy warming the wine curled his lips.

Just at this moment, another guest walked in from outside the door, wearing a worn and stained gown, looking like a down-and-out literati.

As soon as he came in, he put five big coins on the counter, and said to the boy: "Warm a bowl of wine, and a plate of fennel beans."

Wei Yuan didn't care about this down-and-out customer at first, but at this moment he was taken aback, then turned his head to look, and heard the man ask the boy if he would write the word "fennel" for fennel beans, saying that he would be the shopkeeper and keep accounts in the future Use it!

Then the boy rolled his eyes and taunted him a few words.

The chopsticks in Wei Yuan's hand stopped, until the down-and-out customer drank the wine with fennel beans and left, then he went to the counter and asked the guy with a short cut: "Young man, may I ask if your surname is Lu?"

The boy rolled his eyes and said, "Yes, yes, my surname is Lu, my name is Lu Da, nicknamed Master Lu, and I can run 100,000 points!"

After finishing speaking, he rolled his eyes, turned around and left!

Eh! Eh! Something is wrong! Not Lu Shuren? No, it's Zhou Xun!

Eh! What is it?

Wei Yuan himself was a little confused!

who I am? where am I? What am I going to do?

Wei Yuan felt like he forgot something? But can't remember!

It's that kind of feeling that the more I think about it, the more I can't remember it, the more uncomfortable I feel!

Something seemed wrong to him!

He didn't sleep much that night, and his mental state was very poor.

The innkeeper could see it all, and asked him if he was not satisfied with anything. He could only smile and say that he recognized the bed.

The next morning, Wei Yuan had breakfast and planned to go for a walk. He always felt that something was missing, but he couldn't remember it. It might be better to go around.

As soon as he left the door, he was almost hit by a dirty female beggar.

Seeing her ripped clothes, messy gray hair, dull eyes and stiff and numb expression, she seemed to have problems with her mental state.

He was still muttering something like "I'm so stupid, really! I only know..." and so on.

The innkeeper behind Wei Yuan hurriedly apologized to Wei Yuan: "Hey, I'm really sorry, Mrs. Xianglin didn't do it on purpose, she's out of her mind. Your lord has a lot of knowledge, don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Wei Yuan waved his hand, "It's okay. But, what's the matter with her? Doesn't she have any family?"

The shopkeeper smiled bitterly: "Family? Eh! Sister Xianglin's life is miserable! The first husband encountered a demon in the wild and couldn't come back. He was tricked by his brother-in-law and mother-in-law and sold it to Xianglin. It's hard to live a few days A few days later, Xianglin encountered an evil spirit in the wild again, and although he did not die, he soon became seriously ill."

"As a result, after Xianglin's death, she and Xianglin's youngest son were taken away by the evil spirit without paying attention! Later, people said that Mrs. Xianglin was cursed by the evil spirit, and everyone talked about her behind her back. She went crazy after a while. gone."

The shopkeeper took the leftovers from the little boy and handed them to Mrs. Xianglin, "Eat quickly, and leave after eating. Although I feel sorry for you, but you are blocked here, and customers dare not come. You Come back tonight, I'll leave you some leftovers..."

Looking at the old back of Mrs. Xianglin staggering away on crutches, the shopkeeper sighed, "Sister Xianglin's whole life has been ruined by evil spirits!"

Wei Yuan sighed for the pitiful experience of Mrs. Xianglin, and asked again and again: "Shopkeeper, what exactly is the demon you are talking about?"

The shopkeeper's expression panicked, "Evil, of course it is an evil! The root of all evil things in this world, the terrible evil that harms the world. As for what it looks like? Look at what you said, if I have seen it before, how can I stand here and talk to you?" Huh?!" He smirked.

Wei Yuan nodded, and began to think about the demons.

Although he felt that he had forgotten something, he couldn't remember it for a while.

Just walking around like this, because I do have a lot of silver dollars in my hand, so I feel comfortable.

It's just that this world is indeed prosperous and stable, but it's not without bad things. In just a few streets, he met several poor people.

There is Jean Valjean who was arrested for stealing bread because he wanted to support the seven children left by his sister.

The experience in prison left him missing a leg, blind in one eye, gray-haired and skinny. His sister's seven children have long been displaced, dying and scattered.

It is said that his sister dreamed about a demon and died of a disease.

He himself was bewitched by a demon in his dream and did something wrong...

There was also that Ah Q who swaggered through the market in shackles and was sent to Caishikou to be beheaded.

He said that he had dreamed about an evil spirit's instructions to overthrow Mr. Zhao and the police station, and to sleep with the maid, and he was sentenced to beheaded.

I heard that before he died, there were marks of demons painted on the ground!

There is also Xiangzi, a rickshaw driver. The car he had saved for several years was destroyed by an accident, and his wife died of dystocia. The neighbor Xiao Fuzi who had a crush on each other committed suicide because of various reasons. Pushing the corpse on the cart, he wailed and wailed and walked out of the city. Probably won't be coming back.

He also inadvertently came into contact with something that the demon touched.

There is also the mother and daughter who both became prostitutes, who were pure in nature but were forced to degenerate several times, and finally died tragically.

There are also three apprentice brothers from the paper-making shop who are sworn brothers. As a result, because the second child surnamed Liu came into contact with the records of evil spirits, the three of them lived a miserable life...

There are also people who have come into contact with books that record information about demons, completely crazy, and committed suicide after writing a diary of cannibalism...

There are many, many more!

Wei Yuan walked and walked on the street, looked and looked, saw countless prosperous scenes, and also saw the tragic experiences of individual people in those prosperous scenes.

The reason why those people are so pitiful, and the reason why there are so many tragedies in the world, is because of the existence of demons!

Wei Yuan stays in the inn every day, the sun rises and the sun sets, he walks along different streets every day, comes and goes, and sees different stories.

Each of these stories is tragic in its own way, but there is one thing in common, that is, demons!

The world would be a better place without demons!

Time flies, I don't know how long it has passed, so long that Wei Yuan has forgotten his origin, his purpose, and his name!

Endless anger accumulated in his heart, and he finally couldn't bear it anymore, ran to the street and shouted loudly: "If there were no demons in this world, there wouldn't be so many tragedies. We must defeat the demons! Destroy the demons!"

Wei Yuan had unknowingly stood on a high platform, waving his fists and shouting loudly!

Surrounded by countless men, women and children, they stared quietly at Wei Yuan, and shouted together with him, "Down with the demon!"

For a while, the shouts shook the sky!

At this time, a tall and thin old man under the stage suddenly raised his crutches and said, "You are a demon!"

Wei Yuan was taken aback suddenly: "I, am I a demon? I'm not! I'm..." He suddenly stopped!

Who am I?

At this time, another strong pig-killer shouted: "You are a demon!"

A scholar wearing glasses also said: "You are a demon!"

One after another stood up and pointed at Wei Yuan, saying, "You are a demon!"

Countless voices merged into one sentence: "You are a demon! You should die!"

Wei Yuan stared blankly at countless people surrounding him, pointing at him, and muttering: "I'm a demon, I deserve to die!"

He slowly raised his palm and patted his forehead...

The innkeeper smiled: "It's not easy, I finally got fooled!"

I live in the countryside, so I try to update as much as possible.

If it cannot be updated tomorrow, it will be updated the day after tomorrow.

Have to go back to recover!

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