Magic card gods

Chapter 416 I, King Kong, are the King of Monsters

In the past few months, Wei Yuan has become an old friend in the relationship with the boss! More than a dozen barrels of nuclear waste will be delivered! For example, Wei Yuan poured the hundreds of tons of nuclear waste water that Dongying had no place to put into the elder brother to prevent it from being discharged into the sea.

Gao Leng, a big monster like Mr. Brother, was also moved by Wei Yuan. After all, no one has treated it so well for thousands of years!

Greetings and greetings, and all kinds of gifts, that's considered caring.

And at this time, when the elder brother was the weakest and could no longer climb the kang, it was this "best friend" who came to greet him cordially.

Brother was so moved, but he was so weak that he could only blink his eyes and let out a panting sound of kidney deficiency.

Wei Yuan stroked the scales of his elder brother, and comforted him: "I understand, I understand, now surrounded by powerful enemies, there is that three-headed dragon destroying everywhere, and there are two hateful humans playing tricks. They are too powerful, and I have tried my best It took a lot of setbacks and serious injuries to come to you. The battle outside is not over yet."

"Huh~~~" Brother always thinks of Ghidorah and gets angry, but he raises his head up forcefully, and then falls down again.

Robus' curse is really vicious, ecstasy and bone rot like tarsal maggots, plus the numerous scars left by Ghidorah before, it is too serious, brother has reached the limit.

"Brother, there is only one way to deal with the current situation. Together, we can defeat the powerful enemy and protect the earth! Brother, come on! Give me a helping hand!"


On the surface of the sea, Robus and Tao Yuanli groaned secretly, the two little-known carders before were already very difficult to deal with. He was actually evenly matched with the two of them, the old Katu.

They never expected that they would have reinforcements, and the reinforcements were not unknown people, but the heirs of the Zhu family in Tianyuan City.

As for the children of this kind of Katu family, once they enter the 4th level, from a low-level Katu to a middle-level Katu, the enhancement they get is beyond the imagination of Yeluzi Katu and even ordinary Katu.

The background of those big families is too deep, just like the handsome elf classmate of Wei Yuan before, after becoming a card disciple, the first fantasy world has grown by leaps and bounds, surpassing the growth of three or four other fantasy worlds.

Moreover, the family is very rich and has a lot of precious card reserves, which can form considerable combat power in a short period of time, and the long-term potential is also quite terrifying.

Now the heir of the Zhu family in Tianyuan City appeared stepping on a Tier 4 summoning object, which was equivalent to two Tier 4 enemies coming.

How to fight this?

It was already difficult enough before, the two newly promoted Tier 4 card players were so difficult, even if it was two veteran card players who wanted to win, it would not be a matter of time. In the end, there was another strong support, how can this be done?

It's just that this time it's really a rare opportunity. A protagonist with 4th-level strength in the New Fantasy World that hasn't been developed before is too rare!

It is not that there are no 4th-level protagonists in other fantasy worlds, but there are also many 5th-level aborigines in those fantasy worlds, and there are even 6th-level people.

The backlash from the fantasy world is simply not something the two of them can bear. Once they make a move, the aborigines will soon come to disrupt the situation. Unlike this invincible fantasy world, the protagonist is basically the ceiling of the fantasy world's strength.

If we can really kill this monster and win the luck of the protagonist, it is very likely that one of the two will advance to level 5!

It's just that looking at it now, it's a bit difficult!

The two sides were in a stalemate before, Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng delayed the time to make the plan of Robus and Tao Yuanli fail. After all, they have to fight quickly, or Katu will stop them.

But after Zhu Huamei brought Mothra to join the battle, this side became the dominant side.

Robbs and Tao Yuanli were tired of coping, not to mention being crushed and beaten.

If it weren't for the absence of the pilot Wei Yuan, the Pippi Shrimp could not be fully exerted by Britney's biological intelligence control center of Shaw Industries, and the situation of these two people would have been even worse.

But at this moment, the sea suddenly exploded, and a terrifying robot with a height of 100 meters appeared!

Wei Yuan's ever-changing cassock absorbed a piece of [Momotaro Transformation Armor (Red)], and obtained a special ability that can transform his summoned objects into armor and fuse with himself.

Now, Wei Yuan said "Heart out my heart and lungs, the Buddha said the way of fooling you", and he fooled the elder brother. I simply saved the number of times to use the Monster Beast Control Ball, and used the first spirit card [Dominant Will (Purple)] to contract the boss!

Speaking of it, I have to thank Robus and Tao Yuanli, otherwise Wei Yuan planned to capture it forcibly with the Demon Beast Control Ball!

Now Wei Yuan has not recovered his weak elder brother, although only some radiation materials are needed.

But King Kong still needs to show his face in the future, and now that he has recovered, there is always the possibility of stealing the show.

So, he turned his brother into his own armor.

The 100-meter Godzilla!

A robot face appears in the mouth of the scary dinosaur, like a robot wearing a helmet shaped like a dinosaur head.

Then there are hideous giant claw shoulder pads on both shoulders, like Godzilla's giant palm resting on the robot's shoulders, stretching out its claws.

On the chest is a breastplate with dark purple patterns of energy, and a large piece of machinery combined with obsidian-like scales on the surface, which is extremely cool!

The mecha is covered with defensive thorns similar to the thorns on Godzilla's back, and in its hand is a 100-meter spear with the tail of the boss as the tip of the gun!

The back and feet of the Godzilla ejected lavender atomic jets, bringing the huge 100-meter-high mech into the sky. Holding a tail spear, pointing at Robus and Tao Yuanli!

Robus' face changed drastically. He was no longer his opponent, but a more fierce one came!

"Made, get out!" As he spoke, Robs' whole body turned into a puff of black smoke, which dissipated instantly, leaving no trace of him.

And Tao Yuanli was also unambiguous, although he was not reconciled, he ran just as fast. With a sharp swing of the lightsaber in his hand, a black hole was opened in the space, and the whole person plunged into it, closed the hole, and ran away.

It is very difficult to keep this kind of veteran card player. Can survive to the fourth level, who has no life-saving means.

However, Wei Yuan's goal has been achieved at least, and it's not a loss at all.


At this time, Ghidorah had already arrived at a seamount volcano, and was spreading his wings. Three dragon heads were pulling their necks and roaring!

Because of its power, the entire volcano erupted violently, and bright red lava overflowed from the crater and rolled down.

But Ghidorah, who was squatting in the crater and burned his butt by the lava, didn't feel it at all. This kind of damage can't help it.

It can be seen that its strength is much stronger than those level 4 Kaiju beasts.

It has defeated Raton and Godzilla before, and now it will continue to defeat other titans and become the king of the earth!

The awakened titans all over the world felt Ghidorah's roar, and most of them chose to surrender. After all, Ghidorah beat them a lot before.

Whether they choose to surrender or plan to challenge, these titan beasts have traveled thousands of miles to meet Ghidorah.

It's just that someone quit. King Kong!

King Kong beat his chest with both hands: I, King Kong, am the real king of monsters!

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