Magic card gods

Chapter 406: Old Driver

"Everyone knows that recently, Wei Yuan, the pilot of the Pippi Shrimp, obtained a special purification plant with the help of the Yiwei people on Skull Island. After identification by most countries, this plant can indeed purify and absorb, and it will turn the monster into a blue belt. It can transform incoming pollution into various harmless elements, and even improve the soil and restore the natural environment. This will be our top priority in defeating monsters..."

"I'm Megatron, the up master of the Pi station. Today I'm here to give you an inventory of the equipment system of the Pippi Shrimp! As we all know, the Pippi Shrimp has a shield called the Sorrow of the Bone. Someone asked about it during Wei Yuan's live broadcast. This name is said to be due to the many special ossified elements in the material. And the secret weapon of the Pippi Shrimp is naturally the spear Suirenshi, which is said to be able to pierce the spear at five times the speed of sound..."

"The mecha experts will give you a summary... In the battle of Hawaii, we also saw the long, thick, black and hard short-handled mace, which is said to be called the root of the mountain. The netizens on the Japanese side were very excited. It is said that in the future, during the Harvest Festival, I will worship this thing. Many Dongying girls blushed when they were interviewed on the street, it is really embarrassing!"

"The mecha analyst, the mechanical cat, will analyze it for you. The Pippi Shrimp has shown a Liuhezhu that can form a special energy position. We don't know much about this technology, but the vicious saber failed to break through several attacks. Looks awesome. My guess is..."

"Hi everyone, I am Taoist Liu Chuandao. Everyone knows that many weapons on the Pippi Shrimp are named after Chinese myths and legends. Today I will tell you about it. For example, the golden rope that can tie up monsters is said to be It is made of the tongue of a skeleton monitor lizard called Skull Island as the main material. There is also Sword Pointing Thunder Jue, some people say that the inspiration for this trick is the old thunder method passed down in our country..."

The popularity of Pippi Shrimp ranks first among all mechs, leaving the second far behind. As the driver, Wei Yuan naturally became the most beautiful cub~

Just relying on Wei Yuan and Pippi Shrimp can support a large number of official accounts.


Now all countries are starting to create momentum for new purification plants. After all, the earth is in urgent need of this kind of plant!

It's just that some countries can't accept that they were saved by a yellow man from the Celestial Dynasty. They were able to maintain the country without division, relying on the pride of being the number one in the world. If they were knocked down from the altar, the states would fall apart in minutes and face off again.

Either they say it's a magical plant from Atlantis or they say thank God.

Many western countries are emphasizing the importance and beauty of purifying plants, but deliberately downplaying the existence of Wei Yuan.

But the Celestial Dynasty has learned to be smart now, and now it also knows that propaganda outlets should not let those gangsters wait to die or even traitors, and vigorously promote Wei Yuan and Pippi Shrimp.

It even made a short film, showing how Wei Yuan and Pippi Shrimp found the purifying plant through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, and how they brought it back, and how the national scientific research team adapted it to the local area. The climate and soil finally formed the current purification plant, and the story of benefiting all mankind is told again!

Wei Yuan was moved for himself after seeing it!

For this reason, the Celestial Dynasty gave the purification plant a name called Immortal Vine!

The appearance of Xianteng undoubtedly changed the battle mode between the mecha and Kaiju Beast.

In the past, the weapons of the mechs were all as small as possible, because those powerful weapons would cause a large amount of monster blue to evaporate, pollute the environment and the atmosphere on a large scale, and indirectly lead to the way of alien pioneers.

Can't beat the Kaiju Beast, and the Kaiju Beast destroyed a large area of ​​civilization, one after another the city was turned into ruins, and the human population was reduced on a large scale.

After killing the Kaiju Beast, the monster blue was mixed into the natural cycle, and the multi-level pollution of the sea, land and air changed the earth's environment, making the earth more unsuitable for human habitation and suitable for the survival of alien pioneers.

Left and right are in a dilemma!

Now with Immortal Vine, most of the monster blue problem has been solved.

As long as it is not unlucky to be showered by the monster Lan on the spot, it will not affect people much.

As for pollution, come some afterthought fairy vines to convert monster blue into various trace rare elements! Happy!

In this way, the mecha can let go of the fight, and let it go!

All kinds of hot weapons are arranged! Take out all kinds of messy melee devices! Hit me hard!



Because of the explosion of black technology brought by Katu, mechs from all over the world have begun to be modified, retired, and newly built. The mechs are updated very quickly, and various black technologies emerge in endlessly.

The world's mechs are undergoing major changes, and Pippi Shrimp is no exception.

Although the original weapons are still there, it is still necessary to increase the long-range artillery fire.

If you are poor, you will be interspersed with tactics, and if you are rich, you will blow me up. If you don't have big firepower, you still have no idea.

In addition, the Pippi Shrimp has also replaced the energy system.

Although the plasma generator is quite good, compared with those nuclear mechas, it is still lacking in long-term continuous output. If it is continuously used for ten hours, the Pippi Shrimp may not be able to withstand it.

Now that China's controllable nuclear fusion technology is mature, just install one!

Anyway, mechs don't need miniaturization technology.

In Shaw Industry's mecha base, the official scientific research team and Shaw's engineers designed it for Pippi Shrimp, and Wei Yuan carried out the final major transformation work.

The refinement of all things has surpassed too much in technology, such as welding, no matter how good a welder is, he can't make two pieces of titanium alloy fuse into one, but Wei Yuan can.

No matter what nano-scale technology or micro-technical operation, Wei Yuan can reach out.

Tianchao also knew Wei Yuan's general identity, after all, there are too many cards now. Even if the identity can be kept secret, the authorities will get a lot of information.

But since they are all fighting monsters, we can only cooperate for the time being.

After the renovation, the Pippi Shrimp was updated. It became Pipi Shrimp No. 2!

At this time, the Pippi Shrimp has changed from the original Pippi Shrimp to a big lobster, mighty and majestic, with a lot of mounted weapons on its body, it looks fierce!

Only the fiery red painting style remains...

At this moment, one of Wei Yuan's missions was completed.

[Mecha is a man's romance (red)]

The Pippi Shrimp was too slender before, and many materials were similar to ultra-light carbon fiber, with a weight of only a little over 2,000 tons. The purpose is to emphasize agility.

Now that the power has become stronger, the weight and armor of the mecha have also increased as appropriate. The weight of the current mecha is 3600 tons. Completed the mission requirements.

After completing the task, Wei Yuan also rose to level 4.

[Reward: 5 energy level fluctuations, 4 energy level upper limit, randomly draw a perfect level card, perfect level title "Old Driver". 】

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