Magic card gods

Chapter 398 Godzilla

"Shocked! Those mysterious figures that appeared before are actually remnants of ancient technology!"

"The mysterious people who fought monsters before have been found! They actually..."

"Number 8 is crazy! You'd never think of it."

"Monsters are full of treasures! You must know~"

"Monster health food you don't know! You must eat it in your lifetime."

"The Secret to Getting Rich for a New Era! The Last Chance for Financial Freedom."

"Small town youths make their own mechs at home!"

"The lost civilization of Atlantis is just one of the ancient civilizations! See if there is one in your hometown."

"If you don't turn around, you are not from Earth..."

"Today is Huateng's birthday!"

All of a sudden, various trolls from UCs began posting online to manipulate public opinion.

And just when the carders were organizing and devoting themselves to spreading rumors and rationalizing all kinds of monster-fighting phenomena in order to avoid the imaginary world's rampage, Wei Yuan had already arrived in Dongpu.

In 1999, two mysterious giant eggs discovered in the Philippines, one hatched and swam to Japan by itself, using a nuclear power plant as an incubation base. In the other one, the female Muto was fainted in Nevada, and then sacrificed by Lao Yinbi Wei Yuan for Emperor Beifeng, without even being able to take a second look at the world.

Five years have passed since the discovery of the two eggs, and the Xiongmuto, who will hold the entire nuclear power plant, is about to hatch.

Originally, the male and female Mutos should have hatched at the same time, but Wei Yuan's alchemy formation directly catalyzed the hatching of the female Mutos, and then handed in the task directly in the air.

So far, the Emperor Organization has not figured out what happened in Nevada. Where did the hatched monster go?

Xiongmuto is relatively poor, no one wants it.

But Wei Yuan, in line with the idea of ​​sending the Buddha to the West, should pay attention to Xiong Mutuo, the beginning and the end.

Originally, the emperor organization had prepared in this nuclear power plant. After all, the egg wrapped in the nuclear power plant is alive.

And after Emuto hatched mysteriously and then disappeared, he paid more attention to it and built defensive facilities heavily.

It's just a pity that the Emperor Organization doesn't seem to have done anything.

The main measure of this defense facility is the high voltage grid. As a result, Xiongmuto knew electromagnetic pulses, and he was paralyzed all at once, and then ran away!

This time Wei Yuan did not intend to warn the Emperor Organization, let them continue to be incompetent. We want to respect the rights of others to be incapable.

The egg of Naxiongmuto became more and more restless, like an egg about to hatch.

The emperor's organization is facing a big enemy, but the Dongpu officials are used to it, and they have already laid down their salt fish.

If no one else comes to help, they will admit it!

While waiting for Xiong Mutuo to hatch, Wei Yuan was naturally given a grand reception by Gui Yanye, the president of Hezi Heavy Industries Co., Ltd.

Given such a rare opportunity, Gui Yanye naturally put all his energy into "entertaining" Wei Yuan.

Saeko Busujima and Ashe, too, were very sensible and did not follow, and even stopped the stupid rabbit who was going to eat Japanese food in Dongying.

In the past few days, Gui Yanye is like a newlywed wife, doing housework, preparing meals for Wei Yuan, putting out bath water, laying bedding, etc. Only in my spare time will I pay attention to the safety of the people of Japan.

Big-breasted school doctor Ju Chuan Shizuka also lives together, like a cooperative roommate, sharing certain "obligations" of Gui Yanye.

Now Hezi Heavy Industry has cooperated with Zhu Huamei's Zhu Group to develop monster biological health care products.

Shizuka Ju Chuan is the chief scientist.

Although she is still in a daze in life, she is already a world-class master in the field of biochemical research, and she has mastered the high-end biotechnology of two worlds. He is the leading biological and biochemical expert in Japan!

Especially now, many Katus have flooded into this fantasy world, bringing with them some strange biochemical technologies. It can be seen from the various monster modulation techniques on the market. It's a mess, and technology has exploded!

Up to now, some people have started to try to make pet monsters!

Seeing that decades later, the appearance of Pokemon will be born!


At night, when everything was supposed to be completely silent, the nuclear power plant was full of hustle and bustle.

In the main control room, all kinds of alarms kept ringing and the warning lights began to flash frequently. A large number of staff came and went, busy inside and outside, busy working.

They don't know what they can do, but they have to look busy to feel at ease now.

The staff of the nuclear power plant are on standby 24 hours these days, because abnormal indicators often appear these days.

And today, this anomaly has finally reached its peak!

In the monitor, the weirdly shaped cocoon hanging above the nuclear power plant began to emit dark red waves of light in regular waves. Every time the light comes on, you can see the shadow of the monster in the cocoon.

The fat director of the Emperor Organization's Dongying Branch wiped the sweat off his face with a handkerchief.

He had already asked for help from the Asian headquarters, and Wei Yuan was "sent" for assistance.

The fat supervisor of the Dongying Branch naturally knew the pilot of the Pippi Shrimp, who was in full swing in the sky, but he did not expect that he was also a member of the Emperor Organization.

But he was still a little guilty, after all, the monster in the cocoon didn't look simple. If it does cause massive damage, he is not to blame.

However, the world is not moved by his will, he is not the protagonist.

That cocoon is broken!

I saw the top of the cocoon crack suddenly, and then bald, and a huge, huddled iron-gray object squeezed out and fell to the ground.

That thing would be forty or fifty meters high even if it was huddled up. After landing, it began to stretch its joints and shake its body rapidly.

In just twenty seconds, the thing unfolded from a ball into a huge iron-gray monster.

Muto is a parasitic creature that looks like an insect.

It stands upright and is more than seventy meters tall. It has a triangular head, a machine-like mandible, narrow red eyes, two pairs of huge clawed forelimbs, and a bunch of relatively short appendages on its chest. Limbs, behind a pair of huge folded wings, like the thin wing structure of a grasshopper or a cricket...

It obviously has not weak intelligence, and has an understanding of the surrounding environment in the cocoon, so it is very vigilant about its surroundings from birth.

The fat minister was a little uncertain, and asked: "Wei, Wei Jun, do you think we should use defensive methods? I feel that this giant titan is not very friendly!"

Wei Yuan nodded: "Your sense is very keen..."

The fat minister was taken aback: "Ah?! Hurry up! Turn on the defense grid! Turn on the electromagnetic barrier!"

When he realized that Wei Yuan was agreeing with his own feelings, he immediately yelled.

However, when the power grid and the electromagnetic barrier were opened, Xiongmuto, who was already vigilant, immediately launched an attack.

Suddenly, a burst of azure blue light erupted from the countless tiny appendages on its chest. The light spread like a shock wave, and then the entire nuclear power plant tripped.

It's an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse), and the electronics of the entire nuclear power plant have been short-circuited!

The power grid and electromagnetic barrier generator, which had been prepared with huge sums of money, went out in an instant. The entire area where the nuclear power plant is located is pitch black!

Then Naxiongmuto stretched his thighs, jumped up and smashed the top of the base, and then flew away!

run away~

The entire nuclear power plant was shaken, many facilities were damaged, and the radiation leaked before has become a big problem now.

But the bigger problem is the runaway Xongmuto.

However, Wei Yuan just looked up and watched Xiongmutuo fly away, and didn't make a move.

He could even hear Xiongmuto's "call" by virtue of the druid's ability!

It's calling for a mate, calling for the female Muto!

The instinct of a creature is to reproduce, and it can't wait to ask the female Muto to lay eggs~

It's just that what it doesn't know is that it is alone now.

There is only one Muto in this world.

If it can't reproduce asexually, Muto may become extinct.

Of course, not necessarily. After all, Emperor Beifeng has great powers, maybe there will be a new variety of Muto in the future!

Wei Yuan looked at Xiongmutuo who disappeared into the dark sky while sending out a pulse signal to call for his partner, and muttered to himself: "Don't blame me. NTR, yours is Emperor Beifeng, if you want to blame, blame him! "

The reason why Wei Yuan let Xiongmuto go was to attract Godzilla!

One of the protagonists in the monster world! Boss!

Even Brother may have more scenes than King Kong!

At this time, Brother still doesn't know where he is sleeping on the bottom of the sea, and only the call of his old enemy, Muto, can wake him up!

If the main character doesn't appear on the stage, this fantasy world will definitely not be able to go on the right track.

Now is the time!

In the unknown abyss under the sea, a giant sleeping beast suddenly opened its huge eyes...

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