Magic card gods

Chapter 371 Welcome to Jurassic Park

"Duang~" A dead tree the size of a bucket fell on the ground and was crushed by a monster!

Then the monster rushed straight at the crowd!

It was a dinosaur with a huge bone plate and big horns on its head, like a mutant Triceratops!

The majestic crown extending from the head to the shoulders is more than one meter long, extremely fierce. With a flick of the head, the thick dry tree trunk was broken!

Its skin is so deeply folded that it looks like it's made of concrete!

Wei Yuan's mobile phone displays:

Tin Skin Dragon, Tier 2 Peak Elite Unit, Herbivorous Dinosaur.

Skills: Armored Skin, Brutal Charge.

It is 5.5 meters long, 1.9 meters high and weighs 4.8 tons.

Evaluation: It is in adolescence, reclusive, sensitive personality. Adults can grow up to 10 meters...

Good guy, 5.5 meters long is just a child!

Its defensive power has exceeded 30 points, and individual firearms are completely unable to penetrate the armored skin like multi-layer hardened rhinoceros hide!

This thing lives in groups originally, and has a more docile temperament, but those who live alone are more sensitive. Once it is considered to have invaded the territory, it will launch a counterattack brazenly!

When it was asleep, it was startled by Iron Head Arthur's gunshot just now. It seems that it is very angry when it wakes up!

The iron dragon rushed out, knocked one person into the air first, and then flew another one with a flick of its head... The young iron dragon went on a rampage among the crowd!

In the panic, everyone dodged like headless flies, and some fell to the ground, and their hooves like small basins could be trampled into meat paste!

The little fat director was lucky, he rolled on the ground, he didn't get stepped on.

Several crew members held the Thompson machine guns in their hands, but it was a pity that the bullets could only be deeply embedded in the thick armored skin. Although a few drops of blood flowed, it could only bring pain to the Tin Skin Dragon, making it even more painful. madness!

Seeing that one died and two were seriously injured, Wei Yuanxin said that it was almost done, and there were more scenes to come.

Picking up the pistol and rushing forward, taking advantage of the timing of the iron dragon hitting the tree, he aimed at the fist-sized eyeball, "Bang bang bang~" Just a few shots!

No matter how high the defense is, it can't be as high as the eyeballs.

The bullet penetrated into the brain through the eye socket, directly knocking down the iron dragon with amazing defense.

After the iron dragon fell to the ground, its tail was still swinging back and forth reflexively, breaking many dead trees!

The crowd was still in shock, and it took a long time to gather together out of breath.

Among members of the rescue team, one was trampled to death, one had a broken arm, and one was thrown into a tree, with two broken ribs. The others were slightly injured.

The one who was trampled to death was the iron-headed Arthur. It seemed that he had no chance to brag.

"Good shot! Good marksmanship!" Hess, the black second officer, patted Wei Yuan on the shoulder and praised.

He was the first to react and shoot just now, but the iron skin dragon was simply an armored vehicle, so it couldn't be killed at all. Thanks to Wei Yuan.

The hairy first officer, Dali, spat at the words. In his opinion, this nigger and the yellow-skinned monkey should be eliminated.

Everyone surrounded the fallen iron dragon:

"What is this?"


"Aren't they extinct?"

"I've said it a long time ago, those scientists can't believe it! They said there was some kind of virus and asked me to wear a mask! Didn't I die if I didn't wear it? Cough cough cough..."


After everyone discussed it, they sent someone to take the two wounded back. The rest of the people continue to look for Ann!

Hao Mengmeng was at the end of the line, looking back at the iron dragon every step of the way.

Wei Yuan asked, "What's the matter? You really appreciate this thing?"

Hao Mengmeng nodded again and again: "Its tail is so flexible and looks delicious!"

Wei Yuan: "...I'll let you eat as much as you want in the future, let it go now!"

Speaking of which, the iron skin dragon actually exploded a card for Wei Yuan.

【Super strong iron sheet (blue)】

[Superior Grade Material Card/Leather]

[Will of the Iron Dragon: Using this armor made of leather can reduce physical damage by 15 points. 】

[Super strong iron skin: Use this armor made of leather to add an additional 10 points of defense and 3 points of magic resistance. 】

[Note: This material requires advanced leatherworking/magic manufacturing/refining... to be processed effectively. 】

【"Young people don't talk about martial arts, they hit people in the eyes. Rat tail juice!"】

Ten minutes later, the three people who wanted to return to the beach had died in the woods.

A few three-eyed crows and wolf spirits were feasting on the corpse.


There wasn't much to do in the second half of the night. After the sky brightened, everyone was able to relax.

After the twists and turns in the middle of the night, the existing people are exhausted. They took out emergency dry food and water and ate.

At this moment, the short and fat old man of the geologist came to the tall and thin biologist with a few stones, and was talking about something.

Wei Yuan leaned over and listened to a few words.

Geologist: "I'm afraid something is wrong..."

Biologist: "I don't think it's right!"

"You speak first!"

"Okay then, let me say it first. Look at this thing that looks like a big bat!" The biologist took out the body of the howling bat mouse.

"This is not a bat, this is a mutant mouse! And some of their physical characteristics are not very reasonable... Combined with the big dinosaur that looks like a Triceratops before, I have a bad guess."

"The creatures on this island are probably constantly evolving and mutating! Only in this way can they have so many conflicts, as if they mutate too fast and many things have not been changed. The style is not uniform~"

The chunky old man took a puff of cigarette: "So, our views coincide..."

"These few stones are all types of rocks left in the earth's crust in different periods. But I have already picked up several pieces on this island. Combined with what you said...what caused the rapid evolution and development of creatures on this island? Variation? It's the environment!"

"I suspect that this place was not originally an island, but a large piece of land. However, due to various reasons, it is collapsing and shattering, sinking into the ground and the seabed. This has caused drastic changes in the environment, causing the creatures on the island to appear The rapid evolution and mutation you mentioned."

The thin and tall man was so excited that he clapped his hands: "That's right! When you said that, I remembered it. Now the biological world generally recognizes a kind of island dwarfism. It means that living on the island for a long time will lead to dwarfism of biological species. Transformation. Because the smaller the body size, the less consumption. And small reminders are conducive to the speed of reproduction..."

"However, on this island, neither the savages nor the monsters have this tendency. Instead, there are some giant creatures! In other words, hundreds of thousands of years ago, this place might not have been an island! It was a continent?! "

The two seemed to have discovered a new continent, and even suspected that this was the legendary lost Atlantis!

Wei Yuan laughed. According to the information in the original book, the two guessed right.

Skull Island may have been a continent before, but it was gradually collapsing and sinking, and the creatures on the island began to evolve rapidly in order to survive.

And this Skull Island will completely sink to the bottom of the sea in 15 years and disappear.

Therefore, Wei Yuan chose another possible change!

He wants to turn this place into "King Kong Skull Island"!

When he was on the boat, Wei Yuan casually asked the captain about his current location.

The captain's answer was: Somewhere in the South Pacific!

This is Wei Yuan's confidence in changing Skull Island!

Because the Skull Island in the original "King Kong" is near Malaysia and Sumatra.

Only Skull Island in "King Kong Skull Island" is in the South Pacific!

In other words, it is possible because of Wei Yuan's change that the two fantasy worlds could merge!

And the card that the Iron Dragon exploded before showed that this island is very valuable!

At most, being the leader of the savages on the island for 70 years, with Stupid Rabbit, Saeko and Ashe, it is considered a long vacation!

Of course, there is a high probability that it is impossible to really have a 70-year adventure duration.

Because Wei Yuan has seen similar information before, saying that some middle and high-level card disciples can participate in the time course of the fantasy world in some way. It plays an important role at key points and time nodes, plays an important role, and then affects the direction of the fantasy world.

They all appear at a certain time period, and then there is a trance "Thirty years later~", and then the next time node, until the normal plot begins.

There is a high probability that Wei Yuan has experienced the treatment of a boss in advance.


Everyone began to sneer at the views of the two scholars. They believed that human beings are now the masters of the earth, and it is impossible to have the species variation and special terrain they said.

The greatest on earth is human beings, and the greatest of human beings are Americans.

It is impossible for the Americans to fix anything with one shot. If they can't fix it, they can fire more shots!

After that, they moved on the moist and dense lowland plains, with broad-leaved ferns and shrubs everywhere.

There are many huge insects and small lizards, and some strange birds that cannot be named.

For tall, lanky biologists, this is paradise!

The black second officer on one side slapped to death a long-mouthed mosquito that was as long as a thumb, "I don't think this is any kind of paradise!"

Along the way, for three hours, they encountered many strange creatures.

For example, a big bison more than four meters long!

The big buffalo is full of muscles, its four hooves are twice as big as a sea bowl, its body is black and its calves are white, as if it is wearing football socks. Two huge horns, very ferocious!

Biologists say this thing is likely to be a mutated breed of bison.

And this particular big bison only exists in Asia, and it's not that big.

Perhaps not long ago, this continent, which has sunk most of it, was once connected with Asia.

And the most common one in this underground plain is actually a kind of herbivorous dinosaur called Hoe Crown Dragon.

The head of this thing seems to have an antenna with a fleshy membrane, which can stand up.

This is a herbivorous dinosaur. Although it is about 6-8 meters in size, it is not threatening. The scales of this thing change color and are gorgeous in the sun.

Their hollow skulls allow them to resonate like trumpets. The eyes protrude outward on both sides of the head and can turn 360 degrees.

The field of view is close to 360°!

The Hyuga Clan of the Dinosaur World!

And they are good at swimming, and they will dive into the water whenever there is trouble.

There is also a huge "earth hill" of nearly two meters on a piece of wasteland, which is the ant pile of termite nests.

That long-haired first mate, Dali, urinated on the termite pile, and whistled at Mengmeng while urinating, not shying away from it at all.

Then Wei Yuan controlled the termite riot, a termite bit the chief mate's calf, and the formic acid sprayed by a termite splashed into his left eye.

Those are giant termites that are as long as a thumb, they are called wild termites.

The wild termite colony is regarded as a unit, and the largest colony has more than five million ant colonies, which is the leader unit under the third rank!

As soon as the termite soldier ants went down, the first officer's cow was bleeding, and one eye was burned, and he fell to the ground and screamed on the spot.

If it wasn't for his teammates to rescue him in time, he might have been eaten alive by termites!

Even if he was rescued, there was nothing he could do about his eyes.

And that bull, what a big wound, it's easy to get infected in the jungle...

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