Magic card gods

Chapter 289 Call the Master

It has been almost three months since Wei Yuan got the "Picture of a Chinese Girl Washing and Washing" in Pinghu County. If Elder Chen Bo hadn't mentioned the Lanruo Temple today, he would have forgotten it.

After all, I was anxious to consecrate the Buddha statue, thinking about finding a way to return to the original world.

Although it is quite good here, it is also comfortable to have a beautiful wife and concubines who are obedient and obedient.

But the first lesson for freshmen at Katu Academy is to warn future Katu students: sooner or later, the fantasy world will be reset. Everything there will be an illusion.

The world is already like this now, the spirit energy has receded and the gods and Buddhas have left, maybe it is time to reset.

If you really stay here, the whole world will be reset in a few decades.

At that time, my best result is to forget a lot of memories and become a native NPC!

This is absolutely impossible!

Wei Yuan thought about his own painting, not knowing what it was useful for. You know, for the sake of this painting, I even gave a gay young master a trick to cut off his children and grandchildren!

If this is useless, that young master's jj is too wronged!


"Lanruo Temple is good! Lanruo Temple is good! Heishan Old Demon is good! Heishan Old Demon...wait a minute!" Wei Yuan was taken aback for a moment.

"Elder Chen Bo, I don't know what kind of Taoism that old Black Mountain demon is?"

Elder Yan Bo rubbed him with the corner of his eye, "The level of the demon king. Although it is difficult for you, we believe you can overcome it."

"What? Demon king level? Is this me going to die?"

What is the level of the demon king? That's Tier 4!

Elder Yan Bo: "What else? If it's just a big monster, why not just send someone there? You're still needed!"

"I dont go!"

Wei Yuan doesn't want to play across two levels!

Now that I have a tough waist, that means I can only have a chance to escape when facing Tier 4, and I am more resistant to beating. It's not that you want to take the initiative to seek death and make a meat target for that old Montenegro demon!

Elder Yan Bo laughed when he heard the words, put his hands together and recited the Buddha's name: "Amitabha~ You won't go if you say you can't go? If you shout 'I'm not going' now, your mad master will slap you flat in the next moment , Do you believe it or not? By the way, stay away and shout, don't splash my blood!"

Wei Yuan had a demented look on his face, he forgot that he still has a cheap master! That's a cheap master who specializes in cheating apprentices.

Elder Yan Bo said earnestly: "Your master's evil way has entered the realm extremely quickly. Look at you, how long has it been? You have made such great progress! But there is a price, this extremely difficult threshold, It’s a process you have to go through. Otherwise, why did so many of his former apprentices die? You are the one who lasted the longest and walked the furthest.”

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go! Come on~ I like you!" Elder Yan Bo patted Wei Yuan on the shoulder, turned and left.

Wei Yuan even saw him shrug his shoulders after turning around, surely he wasn't sobbing because of his sadness?

Are you kidding?

You bald donkey must be joking, right? ! It was you who pretended to look like that before!

Now it's all right, I really became a brave monk, and I'm going to create a miracle!

However, Elder Chen Bo's words also revealed a message, that is, his cheap master is probably nearby.

Otherwise, even if his cultivation is as high as the sky, and he can hear that he can't say it from thousands of miles away, he won't be able to slap himself to death with a palm from the sky! Tathagata Palm?

That is to say, it seems that I am single-handedly fighting the old demon of Montenegro, but in fact, the cheap master hidden in the dark will give me some help.

Wei Yuan felt much relieved.

Speaking of which, after killing the ghosts and those mobs, his level has risen to level 2 and level 10.

And the experience along the way has also made him experience the three poisons of ignorance, anger, greed, and the four sufferings of life, old age, sickness and death. It can be said that I have achieved a small amount of Dharma.

Now this is the final test!

If it is completed, the Buddha statue will be consecrated, and he will be able to complete my preliminary practice of Buddhism and advance to the third level!

During this period of time, Wei Yuan was also thinking about the key to leaving this fantasy world, and he got some enlightenment through the unseal of the large cemetery. That is to find the power and system suitable for this fantasy world.

The large cemetery is in harmony with the bardo world and the underworld, and after Wei Yuan got the orb for the center of the lonely garden, it was unsealed.

Can the duration of the fantasy world be unsealed through similar means?

It's not for something solid like Guyuan, but something like Buddhism and Taoism.

Wei Yuan felt that as long as he completes my Dharma, he will definitely gain something.

What else do you want? I can only do it!

Fortunately, the Montenegrin old demon is just a ghost in the underworld after all, and this kind of fourth-order is relatively watery.

As the saying goes, it is difficult for Yin spirits to become holy. In the eastern cultivation system, the upper limit of pure Yin spirits is relatively low, and the strength of the same realm is relatively poor, so the old black mountain demon can only be regarded as a pseudo-level 4.

In the original book, both Yan Chixia and the old monk Baiyun have messed with him.

Yan Chixia in the first part is at most a leader on the third level, and Zen Master Baiyun in the third part is not much better than him.

If it was really a 4th-order Katu, the two of them would definitely die if they teamed up. Even the Tier 4 dick fight where Wei Yuan and Zhu Huamei were hunted down could blow them both away.

After getting rid of ghosts and eight immortals, Wei Yuan not only rose to level 10, but also got eight skull rosary beads and eight pieces of cassock cloth of different materials. Among them, the piece of the ghost fairy jade flower is actually a translucent white gauze!

After the cassock is finished, there is a piece of exposed flesh, isn't it a little shameful? Is it so interesting?

Wei Yuan had to integrate the resources at hand and use all his strength. Although the Black Mountain old demon is a fourth-rank parallel importer, Wei Yuan can't take it lightly.

His biggest confidence is to call for off-court support, and if he can't beat him, he will call him master.

Isn't it normal for the young ones to come to the old ones?


In other words, a hundred years ago, when the Great Zhou Dynasty was just beginning to decline.

There has already been an incident at Lanruo Temple in Guobei County, Jinhua Prefecture.

At that time, Yan Chixia, who was in charge of arresting the heads of the Southern Seven Provinces, was highly skilled in martial arts and had been taught the art of sword immortality by another person. She retired because she couldn't get used to the corruption and darkness of the officialdom. She lived in seclusion in that ruined temple.

In his opinion, even ghosts are stronger than humans.

But when the down-and-out scholar Ning Caichen arrived, things changed... I won't talk about the middle process, the story of A Chinese Ghost Story is very classic.

In the end, it was Yan Chixia who beat the tree demon grandmother to death, and forced her way into the bardo world to rescue Xiaoqian from the hands of the old Montenegro demon.

The poem on "A Chinese Girl Washing and Washing" in Wei Yuan's hand was written by Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen together in Lanruo Temple.

In the second part of A Chinese Ghost Story, Ning Caichen was caught as a white goose and thrown into a prison to take the blame. After escaping, he was mistaken for another person, and a series of things happened.

And the last big boss of the second part is the national teacher Cihang Pudu, who is a thousand-year-old centipede essence.

He was amazing. At that time, the Immortal Dao had just been closed, and the gods and Buddhas were still discussing how to flee far away, and they hadn't started to leave on a large scale.

As a result, this Cihang Pudu dared to use the name of the Great Zhou Dynasty's national teacher to plunder the dragon energy of the dynasty, pretend to be the Buddha, and eat all the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty into empty shells!

In the end, I was unhappy with the retribution. I happened to meet the Tiangou Shiyue, who pushed the mana to the lowest level, and was counterattacked by the dragon's energy and showed her original shape. As a result, Yan Chixia, who had become a sword fairy due to her skill boost, joined forces with Gao Tuzhi of the Kunlun School Qiu Yiye killed him from the inside.

The official decline of the Great Zhou Dynasty was because the giant centipede consumed all the dragon energy of the dynasty.

In fact, according to the law of dynasty replacement, the Great Zhou Dynasty should have collapsed decades ago and be replaced by a new dynasty.

As a result, the retreat of the spirit qi had a huge impact, and he just let out a sigh of relief, forming this chaotic state where the old dragon was dead and the grass could not come out.

In other words, people are busy competing with the natural environment, and demons and ghosts for survival opportunities. They are not capable of large-scale rebellion, and every time an uprising is put out by the local big business gangs.

If we go on like this for decades, will we not be able to form a federal state in the end?

Speaking of now...

That tree demon grandma is a big locust tree that has grown into a spirit, her body is hidden under the nine grounds, she is very doggy.

At the beginning, what Yan Chixia killed was only his clone. After a hundred years, the tree demon cultivated again and took shape, and the backer behind it, the old black mountain demon, also influenced the world through it... In the end, he was chosen by the mad monk as his apprentice to cross the catastrophe. The sacrifice of the law!

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