Magic card gods

Chapter 276 - King Yu

The Mausoleum of Dayu in Kuaiji Mountain is not actually the mausoleum of Yu Dayu, but it is only recorded in ancient books that Yu Dayu came here. Later, it became the Mausoleum of Dayu according to rumors.

Since it is not Dayu's mausoleum, it is naturally impossible to have coffins and corpses, but there are indeed things left by Dayu in this mountain.

This is a tripod! The tripod has always been a status symbol in China, but the tripod left by King Yu is different!

"Hanshu" records that after Dayu succeeded in water control, all people enjoyed their work and the world returned to their hearts, and Dayu's prestige was unprecedentedly high.

Emperor Shun's son, Shang Jun, failed, so Emperor Shun decided to abdicate the throne to Dayu.

After the death of Emperor Shun, Dayu kept his filial piety for three years, and then, with the support of the princes, held a grand enthronement ceremony, established the capital Yangcheng, and named the country Xia.

In order to demonstrate the absolute authority of the imperial power, Dayu did an unprecedented event: "Yu collected the gold from Jiu Mu and cast Jiu Ding". He melted all kinds of metals from the princes of the world and cast nine huge bronze tripods. , displayed outside the Yangcheng Palace, as a metaphor that all Kyushu surrendered to Dayu.

Since then, Jiuding has become a symbol of the supreme imperial power, and words such as "Aspire to the Central Plains" and "Dingding Rivers and Mountains" come from this.

"Historical Records Fengchan Book" records: "Yu collected the gold from Jiu Mu and cast Jiu Ding. They all tasted God and ghosts. When they were saints, they prospered, and the Ding moved to Xia and Shang. Zhou De declined, Song Zhishe died, and Ding fell. Void and not see."

During the Zhou Dynasty, the Ding was lost. It is said that Qin Shihuang also collected the Jiuding, leaving behind the story of fishing for the Ding in Surabaya.

Today's world is a mythical world, and King Yu's casting of Jiuding is naturally not simply boasting of his achievements.

This Jiuding is a magic weapon made by King Yu to suppress the energy of Kyushu and to strengthen the human race.

In the Mausoleum of Yu in Kuaiji Mountain is the Yangzhou Ding of Jiuding Bell.

This tripod has a bronze color, and although it has lasted for a thousand years, it is as clean as new. It looks like it just came out of the oven!

The Yangzhou tripod has three legs and two ears, and a large number of relief sculptures of demons, monsters, fish, dragons, snakes and ghosts, and wild monsters are engraved on the tripod. These are all the demons and ghosts that Dayu subdued when he was controlling the floods.

The black water mountain torrent caused by Yemao Mountain triggered this King Yu tripod and was sucked away. Otherwise, the counties below the mountain might be in disaster. It was precisely because of the triggering of the King Yu Ding that the mountainside cracked and Wei Yuan discovered it!

Wei Yuan caressed the big bronze tripod that was about to be taller than himself, and said excitedly and suppressed his voice: "Epic-level props, at least epic-level props! Looking at it now, it has the ability to seal, suppress, and store." Hua can let Wei Yuan know the purpose of many things.

Wei Yuan felt that if he had the opportunity to take this tripod with him to the eastern world where the upper limit of power was higher in the future, he would have a chance to upgrade it to a mythical level!

Fortunately, although I still can't control the King Yu Ding, I can barely consume mana to make it smaller, otherwise I really can't get it.

The crystal bowl can't be taken in.

"Take it away! The wind is blowing~"

Because Wei Yuan already knew that there was a great opportunity in the belly of the mountain, he naturally sent Zhao Wendong home in advance.

Then Zhao Wendong also experienced disillusionment, and he no longer said the word "cultivation of immortality", and now he ran home at full speed. I hope he can live a steady life in the future.

Although no outsiders were present, Wei Yuan was still worried that the news that he had obtained King Yu Ding would be spread.

You know, in this world, magic weapons of this level are almost at their peak.

Especially in the current situation, the gods and Buddhas in the sky have all run away, and there are almost few high-level treasures in the world.

If some monsters and evil cultivators find out about this news, Wei Yuan will not be able to calm down.

Wei Yuan didn't even go back to Shaoxing Mansion, he just went down the mountain and headed west.

After rushing all night, he almost left Shaoxing Mansion the next day and came to Jinhua Mansion.

In front is Zhuji County.

It's just that Zhuji County doesn't seem very stable. Wei Yuan passed by several villages, and almost every village has white flags hanging at the entrance!

Some people saw themselves and hid in the house from a distance. On the road, I saw several times someone pushing a corpse wrapped in a straw mat in a small cart. The death is miserable, swelling and sores, and the stench is unbearable!

"It's an epidemic! Zhuji County is suffering from an epidemic!" A Suo said.

Epidemic is the general term for various infectious diseases.

With the lack of knowledge and poor hygiene conditions in ancient times, every outbreak of infectious disease can only be stiff.

Either the surviving people in the epidemic area survived by relying on immunity or luck, or the people in the epidemic area completely disappeared-most people died, and a small number of people fled.

And because there is no effective way to stop the epidemic, and because the epidemic is not known to be a route of transmission, the surrounding counties and villages will never allow outsiders to enter.

Wei Yuan managed to find an old man who was sitting blankly on his threshold, and asked him a few words.

Four of the five members of the old man's family died, and he was the only one left. His heart was ashamed, and he was waiting for the plague to take his life away...

It turned out that the epidemic first appeared five days ago, but today, five days later, almost all the surrounding towns and villages began to die.

It is said that an epidemic has also broken out in Zhuji County. Although the city gates are now locked, it is already too late.

Wei Yuan passed a silent village with a solemn expression. Even though he knew that the world was extremely difficult, he had never seen such a situation where the whole village died at home. Even the livestock and poultry raised in the village were not spared.

"What kind of plague is so powerful? It has spread so badly in such a short period of time, and the fatality rate is so high! Something doesn't feel right!" Wei Yuan was completely suppressed.

Even if the Dharma is as profound as a mad monk, can he save these people?

Just when Wei Yuan was thinking about what is Buddhism and what is the use of Buddhism, Ah Suo suddenly spoke.

"I saw a plague!"

In the world of mythology, all phenomena have another interpretation and connotation different from the scientific view. Even this plague.

Plague is a force, and a very strong one at that.

It was mentioned in the Romance of the Gods that there are seven other departments that can be compared with the Grand Master Wen Zhongwen, who is the righteous god of the Lei Department led by the Jiutian Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun. Collectively known as the eight righteous gods.

Specifically: the Ministry of Thunder, the Ministry of Fire, the Ministry of Plague, the Ministry of Fighting, the Ministry of Tai Sui, the Ministry of Pox, the Ministry of Water, and the Ministry of Finance.

This is almost the department with the strongest combat effectiveness in the Heavenly Court. It is much stronger than the 100,000 Heavenly Soldiers and Tianhe Sailors.

In Fengshen Yanyi, Lu Yue claims to be the number one person in the Jiejiao sect (I am the first in the Jiejiao sect, and there are many secrets in the mystery), with three heads and six arms, and many magic weapons.

The plague he spread was only spared by Yang Jian and Nezha, who were later sanctified physically. In the end, he was killed and listed on the list, and he was also named "Plague Emperor Haotian"!

All the gods of the Plague Department in the sky must have slipped away now, but only the righteous gods of the Thunder Department have the ability of thunder, lightning and weather. But there are not only gods who can carry plague, but also some low-level ghosts. This kind of ghost is called plague ghost!

According to "Sou Shen Ji", Zhuanxu, one of the five emperors, had three sons. After they die, they become plague ghosts.

As for Lu Yue's Quartet Plague Envoys, they each have 250,000 plague ghosts and are responsible for spreading the plague.

There are a few heavenly soldiers in the heavenly court who have not been able to follow the large army to seek a way out of the sky, let alone this kind of "temporary worker" epidemic ghost.

Without the management and restraint of the Heavenly Court, these plague ghosts will become the most harmful ghosts!

Today, in Zhuji County, there are five plague ghosts spreading plagues everywhere to harm people!


"Can you kill it?" Wei Yuan asked.

"You want to kill those five plague ghosts?" A Suo asked.


"I'm afraid there are other people standing behind those five plague ghosts! Otherwise, the five plague ghosts would not have appeared in Yangjian."

The underworld has a huge gravitational force on those ghosts. Among the 100,000 ghosts, there may only be one or two ghosts who are lucky enough to stay in the world. Not to mention it is extremely difficult to escape from the underworld to the underworld.

Wei Yuan looked at the dead body of a child thrown in a big ditch by the roadside, and his eyes were burning: "I don't care who is behind him, everyone must die!"

"Okay, I see. In this case, you take advantage of the darkness tonight..."

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