Magic card gods

Chapter 211 The ghost demon

With a wave of his sleeves, he won't take away a single girl.

Wei Yuan got on Katie and drove away.

Saeko Busujima and Ashe didn't have much emotion, because they can't be ignored, but when it comes to a critical moment, they can be summoned by consuming energy levels. So in fact, it was Hao Mengmeng who was really worried about being delayed and didn't take it with him.

Mengmeng is Tier 2 and Tier 1, and her strength can at least be ranked above the middle level among Tier 2 card disciples.

After all, the two soul cards she bound are quite powerful. Now this Zanpakuto has not yet been unlocked, and when it does, the second-order Katuli will be able to walk sideways.

But the wilderness is different from the fantasy world after all, and Wei Yuan is familiar with the fantasy world. As long as you are careful, you can ensure that the risk is controllable. But the wilderness can't! If "Bang Dang" jumped out of a Tier 4 monster, all the summoned creatures on Wei Yuan's side would have to go up to buy him time to escape, I'm really not sure.

But Saeko Busujima and Ai Xi are both Wei Yuan's contractors. If they die in battle unfortunately, as long as Wei Yuan is still around, they can be resurrected at a small price. But Mengmeng is a carder, if she dies, it's game over!

Wei Yuan absolutely refused to take this risk.

And after Hao Mengmeng ran away with Wei Yuan on her back, Katie, who was heartless, rarely showed a sad expression.

Although Wei Yuan kept Saeko Busujima and Ai Xi behind, she knew that Brother Wei was really worried about herself.

Although she looked at the melon, her instincts were actually very accurate.

Although during this period of time, she was eating, eating, sleeping, and taking classes carelessly as usual, but she was always worried about one thing.

What if I can't keep up with Brother Wei's growth rate?

She must never go back to her original life!

She will never leave!

Then, you have to increase your strength!

Hao Mengmeng lightly stroked the Zanpakuto on her waist, and made up her mind to work as hard as she had done in Tokyo Zombie Transformation World, or even harder!

At this time, the soul card in her mind began to glow slightly, and the Zanpakuto at her waist was also trembling slightly.


Wei Yuan drove Katie and walked on the road around the city. There were few high-rise buildings here. On the outside of the road around the city, there were factories, farms, power plants and other places formed by land cards.

Ordinary people are not allowed to approach those places, and even ordinary people are not qualified to drive on this ring road.

When Wei Yuan drove on the road, he had to ask Kaidi to restrain himself, and don't let the hellfire on the wheels burn the road, and he would have to pay for it.

In the city of Katu, everything is centered on Katu. The fundamental reason why some people's livelihood is scruples is to better allow ordinary people to serve the carders. This point must be recognized.

It's not that no one wants to advocate the rights and interests of ordinary people, marches and so on... Large-scale arrests, ruthless punishment for a few times, and no more.

The act of touching the bottom line is merciless!

On the edge of the city is a high wall, which is like a small Great Wall, completely enclosing the entire city circle. It is impossible for ordinary people to get out of the fence for a lifetime. Unless being a scavenger...

Wei Yuan drove for an hour and a half and came to the gate.

I don't know what to go through this gate, it's so tall! At least 30 meters high and 20 meters wide, there are two large door panels composed of arcane alloys engraved with countless magic patterns and spells. Wei Yuan felt that as long as he could pick a piece from the door, he could use it to refine a perfect weapon!

I am afraid that the existence below the fifth level of this door cannot be hurt.

The procedures for going out of the city here are complicated, and there is a small team lined up. There are thirty or fifty people sitting in the car in twos and threes, or some low-level monsters and monsters smoking and laughing.

These people are wearing all kinds of armor, especially the stupid, black and thick technological plug-in armor.

Although technological weapons are not effective against wilderness monsters, the effect of armor is no problem.

Moreover, technological things are generally cheap. Compared with magic equipment that is more effective but expensive, this kind of technological armor is extremely cost-effective.

All kinds of packages, instruments and weapons are still hanging on those monsters, large and small.

These people are all scavengers, and they all look quite vicissitudes of life, most of them are in their thirties. Compared with the well-behaved leek residents that Wei Yuan saw in the city, these people have the air of a bum.

Thinking about being used to life and death, it must be different from the very obedient leek who was controlled. There may be a little jealousy and resentment in my heart.

Seeing Wei Yuan coming in such a nice car, everyone around looked over.

Wei Yuan ignored those unfriendly eyes, but drove directly to the front, and handed over his various documents. The staff there were a little arrogant to the scavengers, but after checking and checking, the extremely inefficient staff immediately stood up and respected He took it, and after several comparisons and input of information, he handed it back to Wei Yuan with both hands.

A carder sitting next to the sentry also nodded to Wei Yuan.

Seeing Wei Yuan jumping to the front of the queue and finishing the job in minutes, the luxury car ran out of the city with a blaze of smoke, and none of the scavengers expressed dissatisfaction. Everyone thinks it's normal.

If Wei Yuan was at the end of the line, the people in front would not be able to handle it. The staff would never let this happen.

However, although those scavengers were innocent on the surface, they still had a bit of malice in their hearts, wishing that Wei Yuan would just stay in the wilderness and never come back.

After all, if someone has me or not, if someone has privileges like me, everyone will be upset.


Outside the city, there is a large plain with slightly undulating terrain.

Wei Yuan looked into the distance, and saw that it was autumn, the weeds were withered and yellow, and there was not a single tree in sight. Within two kilometers of the city wall, not even a shrub remained.

There was still a road at the beginning, but the straight and flat hardened road disappeared within three kilometers.

Katie can only slow down the speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and can only drive on the dirt road at a speed of 40 to 50 kilometers per hour.

If it is too fast, a bump can go to the sky. Katie didn't care, and even found it enjoyable, mainly because Wei Yuan's little heart couldn't bear it.

After the road disappeared, sparse trees and undulating hills gradually appeared around, and gradually there were some animals.

Usually when they hear the roar of a car engine, they run away in fright. But there are also those who are unruly and fierce, hiding under the bushes and trees and peeping secretly.

Wei Yuan put his mobile phone on the mobile phone holder he made, and saw red dots of all sizes on both sides of the road.

The weak ones probably don't even count as Level 1, they are ordinary wild dogs, badgers and the like, but there will be some big red spots from time to time. They are all around Tier 2 monsters.

Wei Yuan didn't dare to be careless, anyway, he didn't have to drive by himself, let Katie play by himself, and he stared at the phone the whole time.

Sure enough, within ten minutes of driving, some monsters couldn't stand it anymore!

Just as the car on Katie's side passed by, a gust of wind blew from the side and rear side of the slope, and a weird monster like a big horse monkey sprang out!

This monster looks like a big horse monkey, more than two meters tall, with bluish-purple hair on its face, with a bloody mouth that can bite off half a large watermelon in one bite, and big eyes like copper bells are full of fierce eyes!

Wei Yuan flicked his phone and looked at the information. The soul-stealing ghost mandrill below level 2!

It is said that this thing is extremely cunning and cruel, and is good at imitating human voices, luring people into ambush. It also sneaks up on sleeping people at night.

It is said that it has the ability to absorb souls, and if it meets a sleeping person, it will suck their souls. Even if he was not killed by him at the time, he would still be stupid from now on because of the damage to his soul.

The beast was originally lying in ambush on a three-meter-high soil slope by the side of the road, and wanted to jump on the car while the car was coming. It may not know what this car is, but the intent of the attack is very obvious.

It's just that Katie stepped on the accelerator temporarily and left it behind.

However, the big horse monkey refused to let it go, and chased after it with all its limbs and pouted tail. Don't tell me, the speed is quite fast!

Driving on this broken road was extremely bumpy and almost overturned. Katie could only slow down after several times of speed up. So he couldn't get rid of the big horse monkey, and was even gradually chased up!

Seeing this, the big horse monkey opened its bloody mouth wide and smiled very ugly.

Wei Yuan caressed the steering wheel, Katie understood what he meant, and when the big horse monkey approached the car, a violent flame of hell burst out from Katie's exhaust pipe!

The hellfire was sprayed straight on the face of the big horse monkey, and the skin was torn apart, and the whole face was about to melt!

At the same time, two scary scarecrows were summoned, one swung a scythe across the big horse monkey, and the other pouted and sucked...

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