Magic card gods

Chapter 194 Zen Realm Flower Vine, use strangulation!

Wei Yuan explored the special experiment Yaqi Snake Tree hidden deep underground in the Botanical Garden of the Age of Gods. Knowing a lot of information and intelligence about this thing, the price is the heroic sacrifice of seven or eight hell cavemen...

The killing method of this Yaqi snake tree is very cruel. It was directly twisted and crooked by the vines, and it was strangled into a twisted strand!

However, after Wei Yuan advanced to level 2, he could summon four hell cavemen at a time, and the cooldown time was shortened again.

Anyway, these Tier 1 minions now have no other functions. They are nothing more than pathfinding, human mine clearance, physical bait, and feedback attributes. Now it is considered a worthy death, so happy!

This Yaqi snake tree is a vine plant mixed with snake DNA fragments and T virus.

This thing can leave the soil and move on the ground for a short time, and it can also drill holes directly in the ground.

It was the first to escape from the underground Umbrella laboratory. Even the red-tailed dragon couldn't grasp its whereabouts.

After the Yaqi snake tree came to the Botanical Garden of the Age of Gods, even if it settled down, it began to spread and grow, trying to integrate with the huge plant kingdom.

Different from those special experimental subjects before, this No. 3 experimental subject Yaki Snake Tree is stronger, and the system recognizes it as the leader monster in the third level!

And according to the information that Wei Yuan found, the Yaqi snake tree is even more huge, hiding underground like a big net of vines covering the Botanical Garden of the Age of Gods, no one knows how big it is.

And the leader monster in the third level is not just for fun. It is a combination of snakes and plants, an evolutionary combination of animals and plants under the catalysis of T virus, and it is a kind of vine tree monster.

It is in this botanical garden of the age of gods, and it is assimilating with countless plants here!

In just two or three months, the tens of millions of plants in the entire botanical garden will be infected and catalyzed by it, turning into monsters that are half animals and half plants. It has the powerful ability to change the ecology of some regions! By then, it is likely to enter the fourth level! It is estimated that this fantasy world will end in its hands.

This is the power of boss monsters, most of them have some kind of ability to become the "leader" of one party.

Wei Yuan has been probing non-stop for several hours. From normal animals and plants to dead bodies and special infected people, he kept observing the attack and response of the Yaqi Snake Tree.

The more he tried, the stronger the smile on Wei Yuan's face became!

He said excitedly: "The opportunity for the flower vines in the Zen realm has come!"

Because [Heart of the Wild (Red)] was used as an inlay card at the beginning, and it was inlaid into [Amulet of Control (Red)], so the potential of the Heart of the Wild has dropped, and it can no longer be strengthened by normal means, nor can it be strengthened from the guard. Abyss has made great progress in upgrading. It can only be strengthened by upgrading the main card.

This makes it difficult for the various summons of the Heart of the Wild to upgrade with Wei Yuan, and the types of summons cannot be increased. After all, Wei Yuan did not really work as a wild shaman at the beginning. under the guise of

For example, Zhou Siqi believed it. As a result, Wei Yuan still had a large number of undead summons, and his own combat power was also over the top due to the feedback effect of the soul card. As a result, Senior Sister Zhou, who was almost fully prepared and had several backhands, also ended in bitterness.

As for the Heart of the Wild and the Great Graveyard, which became mosaic cards, if it weren’t for the two-way feedback of Wei Yuan’s second soul card [Everyone is me (soul)], even if he advanced to level 2, he would not have any effect on these summons. promote. However, the summoned objects that pass the contract of [Dominance Talisman (Red)] will be strengthened as Wei Yuan upgrades.

This is the difference between a mosaic card and a main card.

However, this does not mean that these summoned objects really have no way to rise. In fact, these existing summoned objects have a way to become stronger, which has nothing to do with the card, but with themselves.

The attributes of this Yaqi snake tree are unexpectedly matched with the Zen garden. If the Zen garden can completely defeat and devour the Yaqi snake tree, it will definitely be greatly enhanced!

The problem is, this Yaqi snake tree is not given for nothing, and its strength may not be ten times stronger than that of Zen flower vines!

If the two really fight with their abilities, then it's time to deliver food!

Maybe this Yaqi snake tree has evolved abilities such as "mouth cannon", "exploding nuts", "parasitic seeds", and "magic pollen" because it devoured the Zen flower vines!

However, Wei Yuan still decided to give it a chance to compete fairly?

"Papapapa!" Wei Yuan clapped his hands, "Everyone is ready! Attack in a while, severely injure the vines hiding in the ground, and then let the flower vines in the Zen realm take action. Now let me talk about the plan..."

On Wei Yuan's side, we should fight more and less, first severely wound the Yaqi Snake Tree, and then release all kinds of temporarily strengthened Zen flower vines, and then let them "compete fairly".

This is fair, after all, there are many people on my side.

Of course, if you still can't beat the flower vines in the Zen realm, then peace is the most important thing—pull the side frame. After all, it is necessary to work together to kill this vine tree monster!

Everyone else is easy to manage, just follow the plan. But Gui Yanye is a bit difficult to deal with, she may not be able to understand the words very well now.

Now she basically follows Wei Yuan all day long, doesn't make a sound or do anything, doesn't know what she's thinking, or is just in a daze.

To eat, Wei Yuan and the others have to say "eat quickly" and put the bowl in their hands, and then learn from Wei Yuan and the others to eat, or just sit down.

Even when Wei Yuan went to the toilet, she waited at the door, basically never leaving.

Even during Wei Yuan's "evening self-study" at night, she never left her to "snag class".

It's just that Wei Yuan still has a bottom line... After all, it's against the law to be a fool!

Therefore, Wei Yuan took Gui Yanye's hand and said, "Yanye, just follow me, you don't have to do anything well, okay?" He coaxed like a child.


As the saying goes, the right does not expire and become invalid. Now Wei Yuan is no longer a simple individual, he is the uncrowned king of Tokyo!

Then you can't just go up and do it like before, that's not like being a capitalist.

Wei Yuan took out the walkie-talkie: "Start attacking!"

"Understood!" The other side replied.

Then the helicopter at high altitude pressed the button and launched two missiles!

This is not over yet, after a few seconds, there will be two more, and after a few seconds, there will be two more...

A total of ten ground-penetrating missiles were launched within a few breaths, and then the helicopter raised the altitude and returned as planned.

Ten ground-penetrating missiles hovered in the air for a while, and then plunged into different places in the Botanical Garden of the Age of Gods according to the set coordinates.

Wei Yuan has passed the Ed map on his mobile phone, and roughly knows the underground range of the Yaqi Snake Tree. This is targeted.

Ten ground-penetrating missiles drilled directly into the depths of the ground one after another, and then the ground suddenly raised a large piece, the soil flew instantly, and explosions sounded one after another!

These ten ground-penetrating missiles almost completely turned over half the size of a football field!

The soil more than ten meters deep flew directly to the ground, and the explosion was powerful.

Where did the Yaqi Snake Tree experience such a blow? Ten missiles were as accurate as a scalpel, causing more than half of its body to break in the bombing!

Those vines that were too thick were broken because they suffered more damage, but those thin vines that were located in a remote place were more preserved.

When the gunpowder smoke dissipated, the entire reversed ground was covered with broken and smashed vines. Even if those vines were broken, they still struggled and coiled like a snake whose body had been severed, trying to finally attack their enemies.

The land was sprinkled with light green liquid that flowed from the broken vines of the Yaki snake tree.

The Yaqi Snake Tree, which was originally ten meters below the ground of Wei Yuan, was cut off directly, and most of the remaining body was turned over to the ground.

This kind of attack is almost a dimensionality reduction blow to Yaqi Snake Tree. Can't resist, can't resist.

Facts have proved that even thermal weapons can do great things with enough firepower!

"It feels almost the same!" Wei Yuan said.

With a wave of his hand, another helicopter flew over and began to splash acid in the air!

And in the dark of the building, the skeleton mage has already started casting spells to weaken the Yaqi Snake Tree.

Wei Yuan didn't want it to die directly, he wanted it to be fragile!

After that, there was fire again, and there was a large area of ​​ice arrow rain from Ashe. Even if the Yaqi Snake Tree is known for its strong vitality and recovery ability, it can't stand this kind of dry beating mode. Really getting weaker and weaker.

On the other side, Wei Yuan summoned the flower vines in the Zen realm, and threw out a large bucket of nutrients...

"Give me a drink!"

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