Magic card gods

Chapter 187

Chapter Name: How Can You Get B Without Entering the Tiger's Den?

"Ah! My feet are worn! My feet are worn~~~"

It's a pity that the fusion body didn't make such a cry, otherwise Wei Yuan's appearance would have been perfect.

The fusion body was formed by countless dead bodies "sticking" together, and there was no problem of injury.

Wei Yuan pierced through the giant foot of the corpse, but it just tore up a few dead bodies. The dead bodies on the fusion body were able to "flow" slowly, and quickly filled the big hole that Wei Yuan poked. The dead body nearby even reached out to grab Wei Yuan!

For a moment, more than a dozen hands stretched out from around Wei Yuan.

Those dead bodies stared at their unfocused eyes, opened their mouths wide, and stretched out their hands vigorously... The scene was very horrifying at one point!

Wei Yuan casually pulled out the blood shovel, which he hadn't used for a long time, and cut off five or six arms with one sweep! With a shovel in one hand and a stick in the other, he slashed and smashed indiscriminately, causing blood to splatter from his severed hand!

He is 2.5 meters tall and has one in each hand, just right in the grip of a titan!

Wei Yuan slammed it. Although many arms were broken and many dead bodies were injured, it was only a drizzle for such a huge fusion body. Apart from splashing his own blood, he didn't gain much.

Soon he gave up this useless effort, and when another giant foot of the corpse stepped over, he jumped several times, stepping on countless dead bodies and jumping up along the giant foot of the corpse. He slashed and slashed at will while jumping, and every time he took a shot, a large number of severed limbs splashed.

The people on the high wall of the shelter in the distance watched him jump up three to five meters, and every time he borrowed his strength, he would spill a bloody wind, and they were so excited! Those cannon fodder soldiers applauded hoarsely!

If it is said that Saeko Busushima makes everyone bow down with her cold and overlooking temperament, then Wei Yuan makes everyone look up to her with absolute violence!

Those cannon fodder soldiers, those Yakuzas, and those young and middle-aged men who longed for power all believed in Wei Yuan incomparably. Their fanatical vision can receive enhancements and fight behind him.

This is Wei Yuan's huge prestige brought by smashing the heads of countless dead bodies, single-handedly hacking to death more than double digits of special infected people, and killing a survivor's shelter in the apocalypse. Bloody and heavy!

At this time, the giant Wei Yuan, who was over 2.5 meters tall, was not only a single-handed challenge, but also had the upper hand when facing the huge monster with a height of 20 meters. Constantly letting it bleed and sway its broken limbs, this simply makes all the people watching the battle excited!

If Wei Yuan established a religion now, he would immediately gain a group of fanatics. If Wei Yuan established an organization now, he would be able to conquer a group of loyal backbones immediately.

Tall and hot, even if an accident happened late at night, Yuriko Takashiro, who was wearing strict clothes, pushed up her glasses to calm her beating heart.

"This man is indeed an existence worth entrusting..."

Her glasses reflected light, and she secretly made up her mind: Since my daughter is unreliable, let me do it myself first~

In this world, you have to hug your thickest thigh tightly.

A strong woman who once fought in Wall Street has her own unique understanding of investment.

The previous investment in Soichiro Takashiro was a failed investment. That is a man not worth entrusting.

Now a new opportunity appeared in front of her eyes, which was once in a century, Yuriko Takashiro decided to stud!

"Saya is still too young to know what the real potential stocks are. In order to survive in this hell, as a mother, it's time to choose the future for her!"


Wei Yuan didn't know it yet, but now he has been regarded as an excellent value investment target. He is slashing happily!

Those dead bodies were "glued" together indiscriminately to form a fusion body, while Wei Yuan carried out wanton destruction and hacking! Let blood splatter, let physical exertion, let violence vent!

In less than a dozen seconds, he stepped over the long legs of the corpse and came to the torso of the fusion body.

At this time, the fusion body actually sensed something was wrong and began to deform!

It may be that the six-legged spider form is not conducive to attacking small targets like Wei Yuan who are jumping up and down, so its torso began to "absorb" dead bodies with several legs and began to grow larger.

Just as Wei Yuan jumped upwards, the fusion body had turned into a four-armed dinosaur! The body part is quite a bit like Godzilla, and there are tall sword fins on the back!

"Huh~" The howling wind rang out, and a giant palm two or three meters tall came over. Wei Yuan galloped to dodge, and the big hand patted himself. There was a sound of meat, and immediately there were more than a dozen dead bodies "exploded"!

This is much better than Wei Yuan's efficiency!

"Killing these dead bodies is not very useful, we must find the core!"

In the work "Iron Fortress", some secrets of the fusion body have been revealed. If you want to kill the fusion body, you must kill Kabane as the core.

According to the information detected by the mobile phone, the core is Wisteria Koichi!

I didn't expect that the characters in this original book were really not built, and they were more or less lucky. Even death is restless!

Wei Yuan dodged the slaps of the four big hands all the way, and ran towards the fusion body's chest in a thrilling manner!

Along the way, there were not only big hands attacking, but also countless small hands harassing! As long as those fusion body "skin" dead bodies are facing outward, they all stretch out their hands to pull Wei Yuan!

But Wei Yuan's current strength cannot be held back by dead bodies, Wei Yuan can directly tear off their fingers!

Even if he didn't care about it, the hands of those dead bodies couldn't hurt Wei Yuan, his defense power was too high. It's like wearing a suit of steel armor. Now if you use a knife to chop, the knife will collapse and fly away!

He waved the stick and shovel in his hand all the way, directly killing them!

"Ma De! If you don't enter the tiger's lair, how can you get a tiger cub? Wealth and wealth are in danger~" Wei Yuan jumped up with a maniacal smile on his face, and bumped into the fusion body's chest! He's going to play a big one!

"Die to me!"

Pounced on the chest of the dead body, Wei Yuan frantically waved the weapon in his hand at the countless dead bodies, the blood and stumps kept splashing, drilling holes in the torso of the fusion body like a drill bit, those dead bodies were not very tightly combined, Wei Yuan unexpectedly "Digging" into the body of the fusion body!

Everyone on the high wall was speechless in astonishment, their eyes widened.

Those cannon fodder fighters were stunned and trembling, terrified by Wei Yuan's actions!

Suddenly a lander reacted, and slammed the high wall wrapped in steel plates with the Quinker spear in his hand, and shouted loudly: "On board! On board!" He shouted hoarsely while knocking!

Hundreds of cannon fodder soldiers were awakened by him, and they also knocked on their weapons and shouted loudly.

For a while, the night in the main city of bed was woken up by shouts of "onboard".


In the current bed market, the number of dead bodies is already very small. Only those houses and remote streets, there are still some remnants, unlike before, everywhere, piece by piece. When there was a big movement, dozens of dead bodies rushed over.

Survivors in the main city of Bed have basically gathered in the refuge, and those who have special skills or awakened, after being strengthened, will be sent to nearby counties to build refuges and develop sub-mines.

Among them, those who are favored by Wei Yuan will carry soul stone fragments to harvest more soul essence for Wei Yuan...

However, there are still a few ghouls hidden in Bed Lord City, they are the few surviving ones that Wei Yuan traced at the beginning.

These ghouls originally didn't want to join the Ark, and wanted to find a remote place to survive quietly. As a result, the quality of the members was uneven. Some ghouls were too flamboyant and offended Wei Yuan, and they were wiped out.

And the remaining few ghouls headed by former Tian Yukimura hid in the bed city in a dark way under the lights.

He knew that the Survivor's Refuge was very powerful, so powerful that it almost controlled the number of dead bodies in the main city of Bed. For the past half month, thousands of dead bodies were lured away every day and wiped out by unknown means. Even those special infected who are also very difficult for ghouls can't make waves.

However, Maeda Yukimura felt that the most dangerous place was the safest place. He can take advantage of the strength of the refuge to prevent Ark from chasing and killing these "traitor ghouls".

Facts have proved that Fang Zhou did send a ghoul scalpel to investigate and attack the front. As a result, she thought she was clever and wanted to sneak into the shelter, but was killed by Hao Mengmeng.

Maeda Yukimura and the others hid carefully, rarely coming out during the day, and would catch a few dead bodies to eat when they were hungry. Now I don't even need to overcome the psychological burden of cannibalism. Because a dead body is no longer a human being.

However, this night, he was on a tall building, seeing the twenty-meter-high fusion body scrambling around the brightly lit refuge, and heard the "onboard" shout that surged like a tsunami.

He hesitated: even if it can last for a while, how long can it last? Where is the future of these poor people? Perhaps, you should try to take refuge in one side, so as not to be wiped out in the end.

The survivors in that refuge have all become stronger. Some people have a very high concentration of Rc cells in their bodies, but they only improve their physical fitness without turning into ghouls. Maybe I should take the risk to get in touch.


After Wei Yuan got into the fusion body, the pressure began to increase.

There are dead bodies in all directions, all dead bodies with hands and feet! Clothes are torn by them!

Wei Yuan swung his weapon very quickly, like a tireless drill bit, struggling to strangle and push forward! The dirty blood sprayed on his body like water, and then flowed along the huge gap between the dead bodies.

Wei Yuan smashed an arm to the root with a stick, and swung a bloody shovel to split off a head and a thigh.

The more he rushed inward, the greater the pressure, and his forward speed has slowed down, from the speed of trotting at the beginning to the speed of ordinary walking.

And the passage opened behind, dead bodies began to flow over, and it will be sealed in a short time!

"This won't work! The efficiency is too low! Even if I can keep chopping and have unlimited physical strength, the guy in my hand won't be able to take advantage of it! Neither of these things are suitable for drilling holes! I need a big drill!"

Wei Yuan also knew that he might be impulsive. There may not necessarily be tiger cubs in this tiger's lair, maybe there is a tiger cub!

However, he wasn't worried that he would be trapped and killed, after all, he was only a Tier 3 leader. It is the aggregation of thousands of dead bodies that makes it have such a high evaluation, but these dead bodies are all at the level of ordinary dead bodies, and cannot stand Wei Yuan's toss. As long as you are not exhausted, it is impossible to be killed by these dead bodies. If he wanted to leave, Wei Yuan could go out anytime.

It's just that, just leaving like this, isn't it a bit out of place?

He heard the shout outside just now. Just turning around like this and being stripped naked and running out is really detrimental to morale.

Fortunately, although there is no drill, Wei Yuan has something else!

"Fuck you! Try this!"

Wei Yuan put away the ghost gold stick, tore off an arm casually, then took out a large glass jar from the inscription bag, and threw it viciously at the wall of dead bodies not far in front of him.

There is a large amount of acid in that jar, which is a mixture of the stomach pouch product of the special experimental body Daoist and the acid solution of the special infected person. The acid is powerful and extremely corrosive!


A large number of dead bodies turned into a small ball of scorched black matter within a few seconds, and the acid continued to corrode downwards at a very fast speed!

This is much faster than Wei Yuan's slashing, and it is unstoppable!

That jar of concentrated acid corroded at least dozens of dead bodies before being gradually diluted and consumed.

But Wei Yuan took out several large jars from the inscription bag.

"Don't worry! I still have a lot..."

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