Magic card gods

Chapter 185

The Bureau of Countermeasures was able to make great achievements in less than a year, allowing investigators at all levels to fight against ghouls. First of all, it was because of the awakening effect of the dead body virus on survivors.

Those survivors adapted to this environmental change in a short period of time and awakened one after another.

But Wei Yuan felt that this was more like the last flashback of the world, a desperate fight.

It's like when the immune system is facing the invasion of foreign viruses, it goes all out to try to prevent the disease of the body... However, the strength is very weak. If it can resist by itself, it won't be on the verge of out-of-control violence.

In addition, I have to mention that the Scientific Research Office of the Countermeasure Bureau led by Dong Shengyue also contributed a lot. A lot of technologies and research are almost like restoration rather than development, and a large number of them have been poured out in a short period of time and put into actual combat smoothly, which is too fast for people to believe.

Quinker weapon, Rc cell detection device, Rc cell preparation containing liquid, semi-ghoul investigator experiment...

With the strong support of logistical supplies and personnel support, although the Countermeasure Bureau suffered a little loss in the battle with the Ark, it still regained a lot of territory.

As for Ark, because most of the members are mentally abnormal, and there are few talents who know how to develop, it seems a bit chaotic.

If you want to talk about fighting, the Ark has some advantages in terms of combat power. Many of those ghouls are desperate or crazy, but if you let them develop a power, it will be a bit embarrassing. Not many of them have been corporate executives.

However, the apostles who have the right to speak inside the Ark can also issue some reasonable orders from time to time, and even lead a team to ambush the investigator with the help of God, or thwart the opponent's surprise attack.

The countermeasure bureau suspects that there is an insider, so stop the attack first.

In fact, there is indeed an inner ghost. The top four of the apostles often hold small meetings, and then tell the other apostles the results of the meeting to organize actions.

These four apostles can be said to be the founding elders of the Ark, and many later apostles and ghouls were developed from them.

The remaining apostles vaguely guessed that the four apostles should have their own sources of information.

And the mysterious disappearance of the eight arms of the apostles turned the original eight apostles into seven, which made it a bit out of balance.

Originally, the first four veteran apostles had their own small circles, which they kept closed. So the later apostles were divided into two or three different small groups.

With the death of the apostles, there are only three apostles left behind, instinctively feel that they are in a weak position, and feel very insecure.

"Gluttony" Saeki Toshio, who once fought with Hayakawa Yoichi, and the huge and silent "Tyrannosaurus" Chris, who looked like a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy, but the "Tomahawk" Yu Kobayashi, who did not distinguish between the enemy and the enemy when fighting, That is the last three apostles.

"Hey! Did you ask clearly? Did your insider tell you, did the guy with eight arms get killed? Who did it?"

Seeing the four veteran apostles coming out of the hut, Saeki Toshio, the glutton who has the best relationship with Eight Arms, asked quickly.

The four people looked at each other and shook their heads. One of them, a middle-aged man with a strong physique and resolute facial features, said, "I don't know. There is no whereabouts of Eight Arms in the countermeasure bureau. They still don't know about Eight Arms." Information about the missing arm."

This man's name is Ishida Shangang, codenamed "Jiandun", and he is the one in charge of speaking among the four.

"What? How is it possible? It wasn't the hands of those damned hounds, who else could kill Eight Arms?" Gluttony had already determined that Eight Arms was dead.

The middle school boy on one side - Tomahawk Kobayashi said with a smirk on his face: "Who knows? Maybe our traitor was also kept in the dark? Or he has actually rebelled? By the way, can we know that What is the person's name?"

Ishida Shangang shook his head firmly: "We can't tell you who he is yet, it's not yet time. However, we can guarantee that he will not betray us."

"Cut!" Tomahawk Kobayashi cast a dissatisfied glance at him.

Sooner or later, I will see and see whether it is your hard shield or my battle axe!

Ishida Shangang continued: "We have lost a lot of manpower in this battle. Compared with the consumption of the countermeasure bureau, we are no match. However, now we have received news that the scientific research room of the countermeasure bureau has developed a method that can regulate Rc cells in the body. Concentrated liquid, we must get a batch of this thing. On the one hand, try to inspire more people to become ghouls, on the other hand, it may also increase our strength..."

And a few hours later, the five senior officials of the countermeasure bureau also learned from secret channels that the eight arms of the Ark Apostle had mysteriously disappeared!

Why did the Ark Apostle disappear mysteriously? That is a powerful enemy at the SSS level, how could it be possible to say no?

After some investigation by the Countermeasures Bureau, they found some weak clues: a broken miniature bionic insect reconnaissance plane, a "special infected corpse" that they had never seen before...

On the corpses, some items engraved with Umbrella's emblem can be found, such as biochemical implants, metal strengthening equipment, and so on.

The name Umbrella quickly returned to the eyes of Tokyo officials and Ark Ghoul.

A few days before Umbrella's dead body incident broke out in Tokyo, there was news that "a biochemical virus was leaked and a city was destroyed". It can be said that if there was no dead body incident, Tokyo officials would have searched the entire Tokyo area for Umbrella's related laboratories.

After all, Dongying also had a criminal record in the early years, and has always been fascinated by these dirty and inhuman biochemical methods.

This time it was suddenly discovered that the Umbrella Company might be hiding in the dark, and both parties were naturally very vigilant.

Does this behemoth that once had a huge influence in countries all over the world also have a layout in Tokyo?

What is the relationship between the dead body that suddenly appeared and the Raccoon City where American Dad was destroyed by the nuclear bomb?

Is Umbrella behind it?

If it weren't for the fact that Tokyo has been physically blocked by countless dead bodies, and the network of internal and external communication has been cut off, they would have sold miserably to international organizations long ago.

Some people began to secretly search for the location of Umbrella. In the current situation, there are too few places on the surface that have not been overrun by dead bodies and special infected people. Almost everyone thought of the underground at the same time.

Most of the things that can't be seen are hidden underground.

So, without any help from Wei Yuan, some people began to search for Umbrella's trace.

And those clues and biochemical corpses left behind were naturally done by Wei Yuan.

And just today during the day, the refuge also experienced a shock.

Twenty biochemical ghosts, two Hulks, and two Shadow Barbies blatantly attacked the shelter.

It can be seen that the red-tailed dragon attaches great importance to the refuge, and it has released twice as many troops as when attacking the worrying country.

Because after worrying about the country and one heart defeated the attack of the red tail dragon, it was broken by the fusion body of Wisteria Koichi that night. The red-tailed dragon has nowhere to vent his narrow-minded grievances, so he simply attacked his ultimate goal directly!

Without destroying the refuge, he didn't even have the heart to deal with the small circle of the provisional government in the inner city!

It's just a pity that Wei Yuan knew about the situation of Youguo Yixinhui long ago. He not only learned the story from Yuriko Gaocheng and others, but also the Three-Eyed Crow saw the whole attack process.

Wei Yuan is sure that this is Umbrella's biochemical weapon, can he take precautions earlier?

Not only the biochemical weapon of the red-tailed dragon, but also the fusion body of Koichi Wisteria, Wei Yuan had already prepared.

Millennium old dog king, be prepared for any danger~

Therefore, this attack in broad daylight lasted only ten minutes before it was over!

The biochemical ghosts were picked up by those cannon fodder fighters and awakened ones who had undergone many enhancements, two Hulks were beaten by Fujimi's four King Kongs, two Shadow Barbies could be invisible and lightly jump for a short time, and one stepped on a trap , there was only a pair of beautiful legs standing in place on the spot, and the other wanted to intrude into the shelter to destroy it, but was discovered by Hao Mengmeng, who directly chopped it into seventeen or eight dollars with a big knife!

However, the daytime battle was just a test, to test the fighting power of the shelter and the biological weapons, and it was also a paralyzing bait.

The real trump card of the red-tailed dragon is the two newly developed biochemical weapons! He wants to stand in the blind spot of people's hearts and attack the shelter again at night...

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