Magic card gods

Chapter 182 Repeat, this is not a drill!

Ai Xi was kept mysterious by Hao Mengmeng, but it made her laugh when she said this sentence.

"What are you talking about? You're so stupid. Brother Wei, where did you get your tail? Do you think everyone has a tail like you?" As he spoke, he grabbed Hao Mengmeng's little tail through his pajama pants.

Hao Mengmeng smiled and dodged quickly, her tail was her Achilles' heel, she couldn't move even if she touched it.

The two played around for a while, Hao Mengmeng suddenly remembered something, and said with a serious face: "What I said is true, Brother Wei really has a tail! This is not a joke!"

Ai Xi knew Hao Mengmeng too well, and when she saw her suddenly showing such a serious expression, she felt like laughing.

"Then tell me, where did the tail come from? What does it look like?"

Hao Mengmeng began to recall just now: "I went to see Big Brother Wei just now, Sister Xizi was there to take care of Big Brother Wei, I was going to go in, but they seemed to be talking about something important... I looked through the door, Sister Xizi I was wiping Brother Wei's body when I saw Brother Wei's tail..."

Ashe was confused by her, and asked: "What kind of tail is it?"

"Alas~" Hao Mengmeng sighed melancholy, with her ears drooping on the sides of her head, looking very depressed.

"I didn't know it before, and I showed off my little tail to Brother Wei. Thinking about it now, Brother Wei must be very sad..."

Ashe was even more puzzled, "What are you talking about? What kind of tail? What's going on, please tell me in detail."

Hao Mengmeng looked left and right, approached Ai Xi's ear mysteriously, and said softly: "Tell me, you must not tell others...At that time, Sister Xiezi was helping Brother Wei to scrub, and I saw Brother Wei's The tail is straight and straight, and it grows in front!"

Ashe suddenly fell into confusion: Why is the tail straight? What grows in front? Brother Wei has a tail in front? Could it be...Could it be that Mengmeng peeked at Wei Yuan and Saeko...

Ashe's face turned red all of a sudden, her head was almost steaming, and she made the sound of a train whistle!


But Hao Mengmeng was still muttering: "No wonder when I asked him what he was carrying, he said he would tell me later...he must have low self-esteem! He didn't dare to tell me, for fear that I would discriminate against him. I What a fool, I should have comforted her. Ashe, do you want me to go..."

"Shut up!~" Ai Xi covered Hao Mengmeng's mouth.

Hao Mengmeng didn't do it anymore, she kept struggling and shouted: "Ai Xi, you can't discriminate against Big Brother Wei, let me finish..."

Aixi's ears were so red, she felt like she was going to burn, and she tried to hold down Hao Mengmeng who was still chattering.

"You shameless stupid rabbit, how dare you say it?! I'll fight you! Shut up! I want to die with you..."

The two were entangled and rolled over and over on the tatami. After a while, Aixi subdued the strong and chestless Hao Mengmeng by pulling her ears up and her tail down.

But how to explain the straight tail in front to this stupid rabbit? How to explain the matter between Wei Yuan and Saeko...

Ashe felt like she was going to be broken! She bears a burden that an eighteen-year-old girl should not have to bear...

Because Aixi himself is also half-knowledgeable, and he was embarrassed to discuss the issue of human reproduction with the silly rabbit, so he couldn't explain it clearly in the end.

However, the two sisters still shook hands and made peace, and the two lying on the bed still couldn't sleep, so they couldn't help chatting.

While chatting, we talked about the tail problem that Hao Mengmeng "accidentally" discovered before.

Although Ashe is more mature and stable than her actual age because she has lived in the last days for twelve years, she is still just a young girl who has just grown up!

She knows some fur, mostly on paper. After all, the ruins of Huanglong City do not even have the Internet, and there is very little knowledge on paper.

Hao Mengmeng didn't understand even more!

After discussing for a while, the two girls who couldn't hold back their curiosity finally tiptoed out of the room under Hao Mengmeng's instigation...

As soon as she came to the corridor, Aixi regretted it. Why did she get so hot-headed and was encouraged by Hao Mengmeng! What's so good about this kind of thing? what a shame...

But Hao Mengmeng pulled tightly, she didn't dare to struggle for fear of making a noise, this place is not far from Wei Yuan's room!

She will not admit the trace of curiosity and longing in her heart...

At this time Wei Yuan was not asleep yet. After all, today's lower body is a bit intuitive, and it feels uncomfortable after scrubbing.

As a result, Saeko Busujima hugged her up, "You're very energetic! It seems that it's time for the concubine to perform her duties again..."

Before they could get to them, the two night-walking girls heard strange voices.

Hao Mengmeng turned her head and mouthed to Aixi proudly: How is it? I didn't lie to you!

Ashe felt that the siren above her head was about to sound again!

It happened that the paper sliding door was not completely closed, leaving a gap, so the two girls moved their heads up and down.

They saw Sister Saeko sitting on top of Brother Wei...

Hao Mengmeng was very puzzled. Brother Wei couldn't move his lower body, but what kind of scrubbing posture is this? Huh? What are Brother Wei doing with his hands?

Although Ashe's face was flushed, she couldn't take her eyes off her. She is now combining theory with practice, and a lot of knowledge is suddenly enlightened.

Anyway, no one knows that you are peeking, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about, right?

It has to be said that Saeko Busujima is definitely a natural born swordsman, even at such a time she has a keen sense, suddenly raised her head and looked at the two girls outside the crack of the door!

Ashe was taken aback, and managed to hold back her exclamation. Hao Mengmeng also poked her, and whispered: "Sister Xiezi saw us, should we go in and say hello!"

Ash: Hit! Hit you rogue rabbit!

Saeko Busujima was also shocked, but recovered quickly. She thought about it, smiled at the two little sisters outside the door, and then continued to work seriously.

Wei Yuan felt a little strange at first, and asked, "Xie Zi, why are you suddenly excited? Are you thinking about it these days?"

Saeko Busushima hesitated for a moment, glanced outside the door, and replied: "Yes, I really miss it too!"

After finishing speaking, he held Wei Yuan's neck so that he would not suddenly turn around and find the two little girls hiding outside.

That night, Saeko Busujima gave a lesson to two little girls who were not familiar with the world, and showed them a new world through the crack of the door.

And Wei Yuan is just a teaching tool~

At breakfast the next day, Saeko Busujima set up a large table full of food as usual, with all the colors and aromas.

Wei Yuan can eat by himself, and no longer needs to be fed. He looked at Hao Mengmeng and Ai Xi, and asked strangely: "You two didn't sleep well last night? Why are you listless?"

Ashe was about to bury her face in the rice bowl, and nodded silently. The same goes for Hao Mengmeng.

Wei Yuan felt a little strange, and said, "You can't go to bed too late, you are still young, lack of sleep will affect your development!"

"Well, I'll eat well, you guys eat slowly." Ashe put down the bowl with a blushing face, and ran away in a hurry.

Hao Mengmeng followed closely behind: "Me, me too." Putting down her beloved job, she ran away in no time!

Wei Yuan was a little worried, "What's wrong with the two of them? This Mengmeng just ate four bowls of rice and finished it? Could it be illness?!"

Saeko Busujima brought food to Wei Yuan with a smile, and said, "It's okay, maybe it's something between girls, it's inconvenient to talk to you. After dinner, I'll go chat with them..."

"Oh, that's it. That's right, I'm already a big girl. Then I have to trouble you, Saeko!"

After the meal, Wei Yuan tried to control his legs, and it had improved. Presumably, I will be able to stand up tomorrow, and I will be able to recover the day after tomorrow.

At that time, it's time to break into the Tokyo official and occupy the magpie's nest!

Zhou Siqi's curse delayed her for more than ten days, so she must be caught!

And after Saeko Busujima cleaned up, she went to talk to Hao Mengmeng and Ai Xi...

When I received Saeko from Dudao, I thanked the book friends for being filled with righteous indignation. How do you feel about the harem...

Now give you one more chance to reorganize the language.

vote! If I don't vote, I'm going to go crazy!

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