Magic card gods

Chapter 179 Woman, You Are Playing With Fire!

As expected, Zhou Siqi kicked her legs and left a blood-red card pack for Wei Yuan and the others. It's just that Wei Yuan has no way to check it now.

At just a moment ago, he suddenly lost consciousness of his whole body, and then fell to the ground with a thud.

He can see everything in front of him and hear everything in his ears, but he can't feel his body, as if his consciousness is trapped in his brain.

Everyone rushed forward to help Wei Yuan who fell to the ground, only to find that his whole body was as hard as a stone.

"Brother Wei, how are you? Brother Wei, are you alright?" Hao Mengmeng shook Wei Yuan, and Wei Yuan was stiff all over, reeling in Hao Mengmeng's hands like a stone pillar.

"Mengmeng, calm down." Saeko Busujima hurriedly dissuaded Hao Mengmeng, she was worried that Wei Yuan might be petrified, and if he fell, some parts would be broken.

Ashe also hurried over from a distance, her fingertips were still bloodstained, she had drawn her bow more than a hundred times in the previous battle, and her fingers were already broken.

No matter what everyone called Wei Yuan, Wei Yuan didn't respond at all, like a corpse with its eyes open. He didn't even move his eyeballs.

Ai Xi was still more alert, she didn't panic because of her anxiety, but immediately sensed Wei Yuan's state through a telepathic connection.

[Domination Charm (Red)] The contracted summoned object can have a certain spiritual connection with Wei Yuan, but it is not as closely connected as the summoned object of [Wild Heart (Red)], and cannot directly communicate through the soul.

However, Ai Xi at least sensed that Wei Yuan's spirit is fine now.

Ai Xi was relieved, and then had an idea, and said to a three-eyed crow who was standing aside to watch the excitement: "Brother Wei, can you hear us? Can you see us?"

The Three-Eyed Crow shook his head and held back for a long time, saying: "That...then what...the great and handsome master failed to take over my consciousness! It seems that there are some obstructions, and it seems that he is not very obedient. However, according to his reaction, I should have heard you speak!"

The Three-Eyed Crow's IQ is already very high, it knows that Ai Xi wants to contact Wei Yuan through it, but this connection is one-way, only Wei Yuan takes over its consciousness, there is no reason for it to go the other way.

Just now it felt that Wei Yuan wanted to take over its consciousness, but he did not succeed after "working hard". It was as if Wei Yuan's consciousness had been imprisoned.

At this time Wei Yuan fell, and Saeko Busujima took over the task of temporary command. She looked at the traces of the surrounding battle and said, "Well, at least it's not all bad news. We can't stay here, take Wei Yuan first. Go back to the shelter. It's not safe here anymore..."

After such a battle, the sewer is about to collapse, not to mention that the movement of the battle is likely to attract the attention of other forces. At this juncture, Wei Yuan must not be put in danger.

The group hurriedly followed the retreat route drawn up in advance, and slipped through the sewer.

Hao Mengmeng hugged the wilted, hairless chicken leg.

The chicken leg suffered a "killing technique", and if it wasn't for its own demon power to resist part of it, it might have died. Even if he barely survived, he lost all his hair, not even a beard, and the tips of the three tails were all bald!

The chicken leg should be a passive talent that uses hair to resist damage. Before beating the ground corpse in the ruins of Huanglong City, it was not serious after being injured, but lost a piece of hair.

Without the cover of the hair, the Michelin-like meat of the chicken leg is undoubtedly revealed, and it is a bit worse than the hairless cat.

Had I known it now, it would have died just now!

It's no big deal to die once, it's a good cat again in a few days!

Erha was carried by Ashe, it is completely stupid now. If you look into its eyes, you can see that there is no focus in those silly eyes.

Now it only knows how to eat, drink, and squirm, and from time to time, it still wants to take apart something, or its tongue hangs to the side of its mouth, and its neck is tilted like a dementia!

Just now I wanted to taste a piece of Xiang in the sewer, the melon rind was caught by Aixi and there were two small mouths!

If it hadn't been for the fact that Zhou Siqi's dying curse was interrupted by it's unintentional pissing just now, Ai Xi, who was in a state of anxiety, would have whipped it with the sole of her shoe!

Even if Ashe has sapphire-like eyes, pale golden hair, and a mixed-race face, it cannot be denied that the blood of the northeastern shrew flows in her body!

Wei Yuan was held in the arms of Saeko Bu Dao, like a hard human stick, without the slightest elasticity in his whole body, his joints could not move at all, so he could only hold it with great effort.

The group of people finally left the sewer, found the hidden vehicle, waited for several hours, and rushed to the bed master city shelter under the cover of night.


Everything in the shelter remained the same, but because Wei Yuan took away all the undead summons, the efficiency of harvesting dead bodies in various mines has been greatly reduced in the past few days.

At present, the people in the refuge have begun to spread to more than a dozen surrounding counties and cities. Those cannon fodder fighters who have been strengthened several times have set up branch mines in various places to eliminate dead bodies, hunt and kill special infected persons, gather survivors and send them back to the refuge for selection and collection of supplies. ...Basically, it has occupied the southern part of the city.

Because Ark the Ghoul is fighting with the Tokyo officials, the two parties have no time to care about each other, and they haven't found out about it yet.

As for Umbrella, who is more savvy, it is because the person in charge, the red-tailed dragon, is obsessed with experiments and hasn't been out of the laboratory for half a month, so he doesn't know about it yet.

This time it was a safe bet.

One day after the sewer battle ended, Wei Yuan was finally able to communicate with everyone through the Three-Eyed Crow.

After three days, his body was no longer stiff, at least he could be given food and water. (mouth to mouth hello~)

Now is the fifth day, Wei Yuan's head and neck can already move, and the fingers of both hands can already try to move.

Because he can only lie on the tatami, so bored, he can only let Saeko Busujima put a piece of metal or something under his hand, and use all things to refine and change to relieve boredom.

During this period of time, Wei Yuan didn't show up. It was Saeko Busujima who was in charge of more than 2,000 people in the shelter and a dozen sub-mines.

I have to say that Saeko Busujima is really good. Personnel and work are arranged in an orderly manner, and rewards and punishments are measured, leaving people speechless.

Moreover, she herself has an awe-inspiring aura, standing there like a sharp sword, and anyone who sees her will feel awe in her heart.

The survivors, whether they were ordinary laborers or hardened cannon fodder fighters, obeyed his advice. This is the natural charisma of personality, and it is also the ability and temperament cultivated by different education directions.

Wei Yuan even felt that even what he did was not as good as Xie Zi. I rely on majesty and violence to control the people below, and the people below are afraid. But when it came to Saeko Busujima, everyone became awed. This is a natural superior!

At this moment, the superior person was wringing out a towel to wash Wei Yuan's body.

It's the hottest time of summer, and the entire shelter doesn't have such a luxury as air-conditioning. Although Wei Yuan's room has an electric fan, it doesn't help.

Saeko Busushima was worried that Wei Yuan would be hot, so she came back to wipe him off almost every twenty or thirty minutes.

Carefully picking up Wei Yuan's head, Saeko Busujima changed him to a dry pillow, then gently wiped his face, neck and body with a wet towel...

Wei Yuan: Zhou Siqi, I'm fucking your eighteenth generation ancestor!

Wei Yuan's current appearance is undoubtedly the curse cast by Zhou Siqi before his death.

A half-demon casts a curse with his own life, with great power. This is just Zhou Siqi's unfinished curse. If she is allowed to complete it, even if she won't die, Wei Yuan will have to shed several layers of skin. Even this fantasy world will be wasted, people have to go back to Tianyuan City to find a way like a stone until the duration of the adventure is over.

Luckily, Erha sent her on the road after throwing a piss on the child. As time goes by, Wei Yuan will recover soon.

Now her body is buried in the necropolis, waiting to be born into the undead. The soul is absorbed and shattered by the soul stone, turning into the most basic soul source. She is worth dozens of people alone!

"Thank you, Saeko. If it weren't for you, Mengmeng and Ai Xi would have to be stumped." Wei Yuan said.

Saeko Bushima gently wiped Wei Yuan's body, without raising her head, she said, "Isn't this what a concubine should do? Mengmeng and the others are still young, so I would be fine with this kind of thing."

"Woman, you are playing with fire! Just wait!"

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