Magic card gods

Chapter 174: Katu Showdown

To be honest, Wei Yuan really didn't count on this Cerberus playing a big split.

Who would have thought it would be possible to play like this!

This week, my sister played too wildly! The waves are beyond imagination!

Originally it was a two-headed Cerberus of Tier 3 and Senior Sister Zhou of Tier 3. As long as Wei Yuan had two Tier 3 fighters who could roughly withstand it, the low-level summons in the back row would be able to play their due role.

But now the opponent has become three Tier 3s! The situation is different!

If the number of high-end combat power is insufficient, then the extra Tier 3 can easily wipe out Wei Yuan's trivial summons!

This is where Zhou Siqi's confidence lies!

In this case, it is simply a hellhound riding on the face. How can you lose besides enjoying it? And Zhou Siqi has other preparations.

And don't think that Zhou Siqi has always looked down on Demon Beast Tamer, so he thinks this profession is a garbage profession.

In fact, this class card is perfect! In terms of level, it is not inferior to Wei Yuan's [Domination Charm (Red)] and [Wild Heart (Red)].

You know, this is the profession created by the sixth-level Katu, Emperor Beifeng.

Emperor Beifeng took the druid route at the beginning. Later, when he became enlightened and let himself go, he realized the realm of no self and no beast, broke the shackles of the druid profession, and created his own unique way of card apprentice, known as the wrath. Hey Beasts, Father of All Monsters!

That is the man who created several high-level bloodline cards, dozens of middle-level bloodline cards, and hundreds of low-level bloodline cards. The entire native world knows this majesty!

Therefore, the abilities and bonuses of this professional card are also quite powerful. For example, Zhou Siqi researched the method of turning the two-headed hellhound into a two-headed hellhound.

Get double the happiness from now on!

There are also abilities and methods such as bloodline modulation and advanced monsters.

Although it is despised by the world, strength is true strength.

However, although Zhou Siqi was prepared, she still underestimated her opponent. He thought that he would be able to crush revenge after he bound the Demon Beast Tamer, tamed the two-headed hellhound, and reached level 3.

But in terms of comparison, how can Wei Yuan, who has lived for more than ten years, be compared to this immoral woman?

The Supreme Corpse King and King Kong Caesar under him were not released!

On this side, Wei Yuan opened up his formation, and on the other side, Zhou Siqi split the Cerberus.

Then she also took out a lot of spell scroll cards!

This kind of spell scroll card needs to be made by intermediate and advanced Mages route card players, and then converted into cards. It allows other card players who are not on the mage route to consume energy levels to use spells.

It is a one-time item card/skill card, commonly known as a spell card.

In order to prevent Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng from escaping, the first spell card Zhou Siqi used was the Dimensional Anchor.

The function of this spell is to lock and fix the surrounding space. Space skills such as space teleportation cannot be smoothly launched.

Even if it is an escape card, that kind of high-level application will be slowed down because of this spell.

It is a must-have spell card for many Katu Fantasy World adventures.

"You can't escape!" Zhou Siqi said viciously.

"Okay!" Wei Yuan panicked, as if someone had blocked his way out. But my heart is full of smiles!

Now you don't have to worry about the other party escaping by any means!

"Go to hell! Transform!" Zhou Siqi waved his hand fiercely, and a ring suddenly glowed brightly.

Without rays, without light, without anything, Wei Yuan instantly turned into a wild wolf!

This is Malicious Transfiguration, an ability that comes with Zhou Siqi's magic ring. Strong is strong in Shunfa suddenly!

Wei Yuan turned into a wolf, all this happened so suddenly!

At this time, the two hellhounds also received Zhou Siqi's instructions, and came running drooling!

And that Zhou Siqi suddenly raised his staff again, and a green magic light flew out from the metal staff. Just when the green light was about to hit Wei Yuan's transformation into a wild wolf, the ground suddenly lifted, and the Zen flower vines entangled into a big one. The regiment drilled out of the ground and blocked the spell with its own body.

This is an undead magic that ravages the internal organs that will cause extreme pain to people.

Those who are in the middle will feel that their internal organs are pulled out, thrown on the ground, and trampled back and forth with their feet, which is extremely painful!

After being hit by this magic, he will lose all resistance ability due to the severe pain in an instant, and will fall to the ground, twitching and crying non-stop.

This is Zhou Siqi's magic specially prepared for Wei Yuan and Hao Mengmeng. She wants them to suffer a lot before death, even after death the soul cannot escape the torment!

Fortunately, this magic was blocked by the flower vines in the Zen realm, otherwise Wei Yuan would suffer a lot this time.

And the flower vines in the Zen state don't have any internal organs, and they don't know pain at all, so there is no serious problem at all.

Even if its vitality has suffered some loss, it is not a problem at all for it.

Among Wei Yuan's summons, the one with the most tenacious vitality and the largest vitality is the Zen Flower Vine! This level of undead magic, please do another hundred rounds!

Just when Zhou Siqi saw that he missed a hit and wanted to attack again, two arrows suddenly shot from the distance in the darkness.

One is an arrow wrapped in ice, and the other is a bone arrow burning with dark green will-o'-the-wisps! The two arrows were blocked by Zhou Siqi's multi-layer magic shield, and neither the spreading frost nor the ghost fire had any effect. However, these two arrows still startled Zhou Siqi and interrupted Zhou Siqi's spellcasting.

That's Ashe and the skeletal wisp-shooter in hiding!

At this time, monsters such as the swordsman of the underworld, the scary scarecrow, and the blood-sucking jumping corpse also rushed up.

Some of the thick-skinned and thick-skinned people went straight to the two hellhounds, trying to delay. The remaining summoner, which looked like a puff of smoke like the Underworld Swordsman, was very agile and rushed towards Zhou Siqi in the distance. Faye, being approached is half the battle.

However, Zhou Siqi, as a third-rank false master, could a few ghost soldiers be able to threaten her?

Suddenly, the ring of fire exploded suddenly, and a strong wind of magnitude five or six swept across the entire sewer!

The few underworld long swordsmen were directly killed by the ring of fire, only the one-armed long swordsman fell behind because he was a little slower, and had a chance to hide in the ground, and was not directly turned into green smoke. Even the scary scarecrow in the distance was blown up and down!

It's just that the sacrifice of the four underworld swordsmen was not in vain. Taking advantage of this time, Wei Yuan's Erha, Chicken Legs, Little Peggy and other summons also rushed out from behind.

Erha ran to Wei Yuan and saw a gray wild wolf retreating timidly. He was very doggy, so he couldn't help asking excitedly: "Wow, woof~" (Brother, you're new here? Come with me! I It's okay to cover you!)

At this time, because Wei Yuan's own attributes were high, and the most important thing was that he already had some magic resistance, so the duration of the malicious transformation technique was much shorter, just in time to restore his real body.

Wei Yuan straightened his back and stood up from the ground, went up and kicked Erha away: "I'll attack you!"

The erha was kicked away with a groan, it couldn't figure out why there are so many malicious people in this world!

Erha: The master turned into a wolf just to fish and enforce the law, kick me? I don't agree!

"Bang!" Erha bumped into the Cerberus that was tearing apart the remains of a scary scarecrow.

That hellhound had an extremely terrifying scarecrow head in its mouth, and their terrifying facial abilities couldn't work against third-level hellhounds at all.

Those undead summons, in front of the hellhound, were as fragile as dog biscuits, and fell down with a chirp.

Even the bone squad, which is relatively powerful in combat, also encountered a nemesis!

The Skeleton Shield Sword Warrior at Tier 2, the Great Skeleton Swordsman at Tier 2, the Four-armed Skeleton General at Tier 2, and the three blood-sucking jumping corpses couldn't stop that Cerberus.

In almost a confrontation, a jumping corpse was killed, and an arm of the skeleton swordsman was also bitten to pieces!

The Cerberus that was hit by Erha's head hammer was under the siege of the dead wood tree man on the second level, the grave stone demon on the second level, and the ghost and ghost fire on the second level. Just killed five or six scary scarecrows holding scythes!

At this time, Erha was kicked flying, and his head hammer hit the Cerberus, and he was still a little dizzy.

While the Cerberus looked at it condescendingly, it also looked up at the Cerberus.

At this time, the head of the scarecrow in the mouth of the Cerberus had fallen to the ground, and the stinky saliva like the waterfall of the Cerberus dripped down, rising into a faint poisonous mist on the ground.

Erha: "Wow woof woof~" (Thank you, brother! What's behind you?)

Cerberus could understand dog language, and instinctively turned around.

Then Erha ran away with a "crack" sound!

Erha: "Oh~~~" (Help! Who will help me!)

The Cerberus realized that he had been fooled in an instant, and he had smelled the smell of this stinky dog ​​before! Kill it!

For a moment, the hellhound was so angry that it didn't care about anything else, it went straight to the sewer where Erha disappeared and chased after it!

Wei Yuan didn't even realize what was going on, and Zhou Siqi didn't have time to stop. The two dogs just disappeared!

Wei Yuan: Erha fights Cerberus alone? Well done! Your sacrifice, we will never forget!

A hellhound was "led away" in this way, and the pressure on Wei Yuan's side was relieved by a third!

The dead wood treant and the grave stone demon began to approach Zhou Siqi with bruises and bruises!

It's just that Zhou Siqi has many means, with five fingers, a few high-explosive fireballs fly out in an instant!

The Dead Tree Treeman was already slow to move, so he couldn't dodge under this rapid fireball. So with a wail, it turned into a huge torch in an instant, and died!

The graveyard stone demon was more clever, and instantly turned into soil and burrowed underground. Although he was severely injured by a series of explosions, he survived!

Even if it is a summoned object on the second level, it will not be able to walk a round in front of the third-level Katu!

And this kind of strength crushing is more obvious when the class is higher.

Now Tier 2 vs Tier 3, Wei Yuan still has a solution. But if it's Tier 3 versus Tier 4, then you can only find a way to escape.

Wei Yuan's undead summons were all brave enough to attack the hell dog and Zhou Siqi.

In the distance, there are Ashe's Frost Arrow, Splitting Arrow, Aimed Shot, the threat of the Ghost Fire Archer's Ghost Fire Bone Erosion Arrow, and the Skeleton Mage below the third level, who have been harassing Zhou Siqi with simple undead spells.

As the saying goes, only magic can deal with magic!

Although the skeleton mage couldn't hurt Zhou Siqi, he had been weakening her protective spells and interfering with her spellcasting. From time to time, I will try to weaken the hellhound, and let the summons do some damage to the hellhound as much as possible. Even if you slash a knife, shoot an arrow, or hit it once or twice, it's fine, but it can't bear it if there are too many!

Wei Yuan's tactic is to add fuel to the tactic. He knows that Zhou Siqi must be prepared, and he must have a lot of cards in his hand. He wanted to offset Zhou Siqi's cards by constantly consuming the summons.

This is the essence of the summoning route Katu, sending dead streams is grinding.

Don’t you see Erha’s execution is pretty good? It's not dead yet! I can really run...

Vote for Erha! It is about to be bitten to death! woo woo woo~~~

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